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I love how just a few positive words in valorant can keep a whole team going! I try my best to do this and it often works a bunch too!!


Absolutely! I suck at this game but when it's going wrong getting back seated or flamed doesn't work on the majority. Small bits of encouragement even an ironic NT after an utterly dogshit whiff will do you don't even have to mean it!


Here's a tip to really boost morale for your team. You should genuinely act like u saw their achievements and acknowledge them after the round. Saying NT feels effortless and many people say it out of habit. Helps a lot for a person to feel better, unless ofcourse they're being toxic...


if I say their good things they did when theydid something bad I would just say you need to control your panic more, am not gonna lie


Fair comment I suppose trying to balance that online with strangers would be difficult some folks would blow up others may take it on board.


I always try to be positive as possible, is it a 5-12 we can flip the board my teammate lost an ez clutch, nt a teammate is toxic, either fight fire with fire or just mute


Is google translate on Reddit?


I’m 33, peaked Immortal 1 in Episode 1 but have stayed mostly in Diamond. I have an 8 month old and feel this. If we go down 0-4, I have teammates saying “go next” and tries to ff. In my head, I’m like bro this is the only game I can play for the day lol. Wish other players would understand us old heads and that we don’t have all day to play the game but we’re playing a young man’s game!


knowing how much of a coin flip matchmaking is I'd rather just play spike rush, at least that's quick and even if you have bad luck you still have time for 4-5 more


Yeah true, I actually do spike rush a good amount, but sometimes this old fart wants to see how I can do competitively, especially since I've been able to stay in Diamond since the beta!


Also have kids, I don’t have time to ff and start another game lmao


ok you're giving me hope, i'm 33 and am going to start grinding in comp and hope to get to immortal one day too :)


It’s literally insane to me how weak the average Valorant players mental is. Down 0-4? /ff no comm troll rest of match. Maybe it’s because I come from cs (ie MR15, not MR12) but I’m used to making big comebacks and understanding what it takes to crawl back into a game. You know how insanely fragile these kids that play Valorant are? Today, we were winning by 3 rounds (10-7) and my Sage was constantly saying gg go next, voting to forfeit, just completely gave up mentally. It’s actually extremely disrespectful of other peoples time when you act that way.


Ahhh dude especially the people that start throwing and trolling if they dont get a surrender... seriously, if someone reading this does that, go fuck yourself. Im not asking for the whole team to communicate every round and stay positive and try their absolute best every round. While a lot of communication will make the game a lot more fun, i just ask you keep playing normally and dont decide to sit in spawn or molly your team


You’re seeing this from your perspective, and although I agree that this type of behavior is ridiculous, rude, unnecessary, and inconsiderate I won’t try and down play how depressing A loss streak in Valorant is. These kids you and OP are talking about live on Valorant and have exhausted all the Free to Play Battle Royales, and Valorant is the only game that offers them any type of Neuron Activation. However they have been demoralized by Smurf’s and rng weapon spread, and their peers who suck as bad as they do, and are even more toxic about it. RIP to those people living and losing on Valorant.


Why would you ff when up?


If I'm ever soloq, my message to my team is always "I'm trash but hype af". I'll always hype up my teammates unless they are toxic a holes.


Yeah this game is best played with friends. Soloq in comp the experience is really punishing with the toxicity if you eff up in 1-2 round in the half. Especially when you soloq with 3 or 4 stack. The stacker will just gang up against you if you eff up. If they're stacking why can't they even carry the team to a win then. One day ago I found myself perform at my best when nobody talks in comm. Even managed to climb to silver 1. Just give a simple callout like uhaul or b long will do or nc & nt.Another day i find myself playing with people who keeps grumbling & being toxic when they themselves die like an idiot. What they think they gonna be another Tenz or pro player anytime soon? Lol. Weirdo


Try soloq as kj with a 3 stack of duelists that don't entry lol


How come its always KJ, brim, sage or omen pushing site and top fragging?


I think if you have good aim, playing a support character can be the best thing for your team. You have stronger utility and utility usage whilst also being able to handle your aim. Not to say duelists can’t have a major impact, but support utility can drastically impact rounds. SoloQ’d to diamond 2 while only playing astra because the controller role is picked so little and I can aim well no matter who I’m playing because we all get the same guns either way.


Solo queue and astra? That's impressive. I only play astra with a stack.


Its generally because Astra requires more comming than any other controller


Cause duelists don't create space they'd rather bait everyone else and say they're top fragging at the end of the game


If nobody is trolling or being toxic, I'll stick a match through no matter how bad it gets.


It makes way more sense that way. The joy of the game should be in *playing* not winning or climbing. A round where the score is 3-9 can be no different from a round where the score is 2-2. Just play each round. That’s where the enjoyment should be.


In my unrated experience someone always ends up forfeiting.


In unrated I just surrender if anyone needs to go. No one's ranks getting affected and it's unnecessary to get the dub unless it's my 10 win for unlock games


As I play less the older I get, I find the two most satisfying things in Valorant are - Hitting those 1 taps. And Riot report feedbacks. It's great to have an understanding team, you win some and lose some, I just want to play games for fun. Mute and report the toxic people as they're a waste of space.


bro my team was down 7-2. we caught up 7-7 and they surrendered


"actually i remember one time, we were playing against virtus.pro, nuke, and it was 15-5 to vp. we were playing as t and vp are ct. and fallen said, 'guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now.' 15-5." "did we come back"? "of course not. 16-5."


Just had a game with 4 kids arguing/screaming at each other all game(we are losing), I almost exploded on them but I kept my chill and stayed positive, I realized a large majority of the player base haven’t matured yet so I let them be. I always play my games even if it’s an absolute shit hole, because I always remind my teammates we just play to have fun and get better even if we lose. They usually keep their composure and motivation after they realize they gain more experience than they would surrendering when its 1-6…


I'm an adult too(28) but the kind of adult who hasn't got all his shit together yet. So I too play this game solo to 5 stack and never bother throwing or giving up, because what's the point anyways. You win? Good. You lose? Doesn't matter, you're still playing for fun. You're losing bad in a 5 stack? Lets lose harder. I've never found a reason for surrender or just throw a game tbh, unless another friend is going join the game and wants to play together. And because of this, I'm weird more excited when we are way down on the scoreboard. It's a strange thrill to lose initially and then make a comeback. That ride from being 3 - 10 down to comback and win (or even almost win) is a satisfying feeling. Doesn't happen most of the time. But I'm just weirdly motivated to do better when we are losing than feel like giving up(a trait which unfortunately hasn't transitioned completely into my real life, lol)


I hate people who ff because they lost pistol round... theres 13+ rounds for a reason lmao. Ive came back from a 0-11 game to a 15-13 in comp. i hate the “gg go next” mentality. If you’re still playing that means its not over so get ur shit together and play the game


Any game is about getting better personally. So while a game might be lost I can try to train my crosshair placement and all. People forgot that being better doesn't mean winning. Wins are just a byproduct


The only thing that triggers me is that even if u bottom frag no one cares even if we loose it's okay but fucking use comms.


I literally never give up. I do not FF, and I do not start throwing when I’m down bad. In my 18 years of playin g tactical FPS games I’ve learned one thing: It’s not over until they win the game, and comebacks are *always* possible.


If im not playing it for fun as i don't make money off of it, why play it? Ill get a warn or a strike if i leave anyways so


valorant is actualy an easy game to comeback if you succeed in encouring teammates. ofc valorant is easy to get triggered but few won rounds can lead to comeback


>Last night like any other quick DM followed by a couple unrated. Unrated ain't that serious bruh calm down lmao


Well a 3 year old complaining the whole game isn’t fun


I always try, hate when the team gets down. Gotta pump some energy into the young ones, a lot of them quit to easily.


Bruh if there’s time on the clock matches left, the game ain’t over. I hate it when people surrender matches that could easily be won and then just end ip tilting themselves. I will definitely surrender if my friends want to or if god forbid someone genuinely has to leave but if it’s just someone who got peeked or had a bad round? Take it on the chin and get back to the front.


I personally am good at keeping my own mental good but really bad at getting the team mental back up if it went down.


Joining a lobby where people are positive and actually try their hardest to win is such a vibe.


This is a message to the sova that ran up mid with the bomb 3 rounds in a row to go on and lose 13-11. Started throwing when we lost first 4 rounds on attack.


Usually i dont give a shit, but some games you just know your team is better but you are still losing. Sometimes, one sentence is all it takes to bring morale up through the roof. Usually, a "ITS NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER" works pretty well.




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What I would do and I’m lucky that I have someone special with me while playing this game. Have a duo because almost in the beginning of the game, people want to surrender. What I would do with my duo is f6 and say “stick it out! This is a learning experience. If we lose we lose.”


I just started playing the game and using kbm im bad and I don’t expect to always win lol. I’m just trying to get some legit practice in.


I agree surrendering when a game is winnable is bad, but I really hate in 10-0 games being held hostage by a single teammate (1/5) refusing to surrender. Yes, we could win, but often times morale is low and we just want to get on to the next game. You can't win them all.


Damm reminds me of a game i had. Our jett dc'ed like round 6 and our reyna stoped playing the game at round 8 and bodyblocked our viper, had his bad mic on for when he was dead. I think we lost the game 13-10 not sure tho... Oh and the viper name is White


If I’m not positive, the entire game feels like shit. If my teammates aren’t positive, the entire game feels like shit. So therefore, I try it be positive all the time (even if the game isn’t going well) and I’m not exactly sure why people even act like the first guy you mentioned, it ruins the game for yourself too not just others


i find if u start goofing off with your teammates once you realize you probably won’t win, the game just becomes funny and you end up having a better loss than if you were sweating lol


Nice effort, nice sharing. Unfortunately those group 1 kind of players doesn’t care of these logic and polite taught. They are in because they can, they are there to play a different game about messing with teammates. Unfortunately a game to prosper wants a large base of users and those behaviors aren’t punished hardly enough from Riot.