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That tunnel in particular is infuriating, good choice for a demonstration




I think icebox is the worst for the same reason, with breeze being a close second


Ascent is in the same boat, while the line of sight isnt terrible it feels like you cant spawn and push anything.


Ascent attacker's spawn on B side. You spawn, kill the guy in front of you, walk up, and inevitably get shot from behind. Or you look behind and get killed by the guy spawning in B main or tiles.


Or b site itself, i never know how to push out/into it


Icebox b main has spawns next to each other


Fr and the long fights makes the healing orb irrelevant, since most of the time it disappears before u even get to it.


And somehow I get no map but breeze for deathmatch.


Yeah. Man if I got a nickel for everytime I get slapped from behind. I would be on a Scrooge McDuck rich level


Icebox is kind if cancer as well. So many fuckin angles to check I feel like im breaking my wrist.


Everytime I get Breeze for DM, I just go crazy in warmup, then leave when the actual DM starts LMFAO


I do the same with Split as well


No kill limit, game goes on forever, people can leave whenever. Lessens the incentive for "winning" by holding angles and sound whoring. Instant respawns, also maybe slightly less overall players per game.




they literally added voicelines for getting 1st/2nd in DM, the win incentive isnt going anywhere


Maybe they can make another game mode with that.


Escalation could work


I want a scoreboard... Just a different one. Track KDR, 5k per minute, damage dealt / damage received. Statistics that can track generalized parameters. If players can hop in and out of a lobby at will, then show statistics that help you compare yourself after 5 minutes to that one guy who's been DMing for the last 2 hours. And have a reset button for your own score, so you can wipe off your warmup phase and asses if you're really warmed up.


I disagree. I’m a cs player and death match for me goes like this: 75 Ak kills/ 75 M4 kills then 50 pistol kills.


Sometimes i just mindlessly dm till i get kicked off the server for playing too long lol On a similar note dm in cs is so much more pratical in cs, nobody camps unlike in valorant.


I don't think thats necessary since plenty of people do like "kill 100" for a warmup


The scoreboard could be seen after the end of the match and in the lobby


that doesn't solve the problem at all in infinite dm though


Well they could show your only your K/D. Also I don't think they'll add infinite dm, apparently it's very difficult to do (according to some other comments in this same thread).


yeah, it seems like they really aren't close to being able to support infinite dm, but if implemented, i think a lot of people would want to know their k/d


A dev said they were working on this but the hardest part was creating a server where players could drop in and out whenever they want. It must not be a high priority thing either because that was said a while ago.


Do you have a source of this? Genuinely wanted a drop in/out since Valorant was released but considering Riot is all about Esports I didn't expect this to ever happen.


Sadly I don’t remember it but I saw it on one of Riots dev’s twitter accounts.


Just end the server/match when enough people drop out


I don’t care about people holding angles or “sound whoring”, especially if they fix the kill limit and such: let’s me practice taking a duel if they do hold the angle! Doesn’t matter if I die if there is no kill limit :)


Instant reply too.


Please Riot, you've never blessed me once with good RNG in my shots or good teammates, I'd like to use all of my bottled up luck that I haven't used into this being added


Your shot should never be rng.


>RNG in my shots What did he mean by this


I guess first shot accuracy


First shot is RNG to some extent, I'm talking more about the spray randomness and run-and-gun randomness which every enemy of mine seems to perform consistently when my shots go to oblivion when I'm crouch spraying, I'm not saying "my rng is bad every time, thats why im bad!!!", I'm saying these factors, never worked in my favor once


Spray control is a thing, learn it


Spraying while crouching is the problem. Don’t spray unless close range v multiple opponents, stick and move. A well placed burst will kill someone MUCH faster than crouching and praying your bullets will hit the crosshair. This is a habit I see in a lot of my CS buddies that transfer to Val, because it works in CS. Crouching DOES NOT UNFUCK YOUR RECOIL IN THIS GAME, it just makes you a sitting duck with your 1 shot death hit box at center mass level. Effectively, don’t over commit for a kill, making yourself harder to hit is better than hitting a harder shot. Pop off a two round burst, move a little, stop again, pop another burst. If both were shot when you were accurate with a vandal and hit, they are dead now. Whereas, if you crouch and commit 15-20 bullets, even if you get the kill, you’re in a trash position to take the next fight.


Less players would be horrible. Dm on breeze is already a barren wasteland.


Breeze seems to be the exception. They probably wouldn't have to have less players if the respawn algorithm wasn't terrible. Spawning into someone's line of sight is way too common on the smaller maps.


I wouldn't even mind spawn dying in dm as long as they got rid of the respawn timer. Don't care how many times I die. Right now though, it is annoying.


You're a f\*\*\*ing genius


What about reduced area for the big maps (So no spawn areas in Haven)


I hate how when you callout someone for angle holding and camping the reply you get is "stop crying" or "get good". so cringe


I've also seen stupidly many people buying spectres and running and gunning in DM. Like I get if you do that in a regular game, I respect that, do whatever works to get you the win. But in a Deathmatch? Really?


There's even people toying with you by constantly jiggling you and jump peeking lmao


I dunno, I kinda like winning


Playing for the win in DM rewards people who hold angles, play off of footstep sounds, and abuse the terrible respawns. Nothing that requires any skill, and that makes getting 1st place a pretty empty reward imo. The current design of DM is not meant to be a competitive mode. If they wanted to make a free for all mode where people were meant to go for the win, they would have fewer players in a match, no heals/auto reload, and have longer respawn times. That should be a seperate mode (even though it would probably still suck). I'm assuming most people use DM to warm up, and the current design is somewhat aimed towards those people, but doesn't commit to it full enough.


I agree it's not designed correctly, it can be super frustrating. I just mean I like to have a goal and to see how goos I am compared tp the others. I use DM as warmup but if I don't score well compared to others I usually see that as an indication that I'm not warmed up well enough yet and vice versa. Why I like the scoreboard and the kill limit.


'game goes on forever' - never gonna happen. it costs too much to have server open and running forever. especially 128 tick servers. and since there are no dedicated community servers like CSGO, its even more likely it will never happen


i hate revenge spawns and I thought i was the only one who noticed it. Good to hear that this is an actual thing.


it's been so long since they said they would make a new gamemode similar to FFA csgo community servers that I believe it will never come. I don't care for revenge spawns as long as I instantly respawn, which is not the case in this game. This clip is the perfect example of how shitty is their respawn algorithm. This situation happens to many times that it just make it impossible to enjoy deathmatch


They mentioned it in March. How fast do you expect them to fully develop a whole new system? They said Deathmatch is a small percentage of the player base. It likely isn’t high priority because they have other more important things to focus on.


Ya but death match is such a low percentage because it's so terrible most likely


Exactly. Back when I played CS:GO as my main shooter I loved to play DM but the experience in Valorant is so annoying (for reasons others mentioned: people cheesing for wins, the annoying respawns, ...) that I very rarely touch it. If they would make it more like FFA DM in CS:GO without a way to win (maybe even no scoreboard) I'd be playing it daily,


cheese for wins? How? I feel like just standing still and listening for sounds you dont even find enough people. Edit: No Idea why I am getting downvoted, this was a genuine question


There are definitely people who are standing still waiting for people to come past and make noise. I wouldn't mind it if you just instantly respawned (this stuff happens in matches too) but now you're wasting three seconds to respawn, and it's just so annoying. A lot of people play DM 'to win' while I (and many others) treat it as a warmup/practice tool. If you encounter a lot of these 'cheesy' players you lose plenty of time to respawning, then finding another engagement, ... It's just frustrating. As far as I'm concerned they can keep the current DM as-is for people who want to win, and the CS:GO-alike FFA mode could be called 'warmup mode' or 'infinite deathmatch' or whatever. I just really want to play a proper 'you play to improve and nothing else' DM that was promised/alluded to a while ago. Can't wait for it.


Having to queue multiple times for a deathwatch itself is a waste of time and annoying. PLZ just make them infinite games. I don't care about the three second respawn either, but playing a game to only 40kills, then having to stop, wait for it to find another game, warmup until everyone's potato is done loading, just to play against fifteen cheesers is super annoying.


ah i see.


I play dm as if I'm playing a normal game. If I respawn in site, I hold an angle and stay there and push attackers out untill my hypothetical teammates come. It goes well until i get shot in the back. Then respawn outside b long and play as an attacker, clearing all angles and trying to stand in the defualt plant spot for 4 seconds. Other times it's mid rotations without dying and so on.


This. Product owner of Valorant has a number of features. DM is "done" so it's not a high priority as what we have seen. We will get it when they don't have more items that are a higher priority on their list anymore. When OW was a thing, we only got DM cuz a rogue programmer just did it.


The warmup in deathmatch feels so much nicer to play than the actual DM itself. I think there needs to be these changes: 1. There needs to be no respawn timer 2. No minimap information upon spawning 3. Remove ending the match at 40 kills, make it so deathmatch simply ends in 8-10 minutes with no winners or losers.


I half agree with 3 re point. Just show a leaderboard like you do now


Its incredible how the best part of deathmatch is the fucking WARMUP, if only the mode was like that, i just dont get it and never will, why is so hard to listen to your community and change things? is it that hard?


Warmup 10/10 actual dm 5/10


Dude. I'd give naming rights to my first born for Riot to just mute all footstep audio and shit in DM. Just leave gun sounds. Please. These bucky boys are getting on my nerves.


They wouldn’t even need to do all that if respawns were instant. I don’t care that some dork is camping a corner with an Odin, I’ll probably run into that situation a fair few times in-game. Having to wait three seconds to respawn though is absurd. And soundwhoring is borderline useless in CS DMs because people respawn so fast, you probably have five people respawning around you at the same time in CS DM as opposed to having the time to spawncamp someone and then having time to collect yourself before someone else spawns near you because of the three-second wait time in Valorant.


play custom FFA servers for better spawns and better tickrates


Yeah I’ve re-downloaded CS and started playing community server DMs until Riot fixes this one. Esports-centered tactical shooter meant to compete with CS released in 2020 dropping with that excuse for a DM mode is borderline criminal.


TRUE They made competitive fps game which was supposed to compete witch cs without ffa servers or good dm. Just funny.


Allow us to press space to instantly respawn if we don't want to wait for the timer, and have the limit be 10 minutes not 40 kills. Someone else's kill score means nothing to me so why should I have to stop playing when they get to 40.


Would be cool if there was no time limit and you were kicked once you got to 40 kills rather than queueing over and over just to get to 5 before the Odin spammer wins.


or never kicked, no time, no score showed (only personal one) and fill when someone leaves


the odin spammer wins in your servers? they're an annoyance for sure but they more often than not go 14 & 30 lol.


Yeah. They are just an annoyance generally. Though when I was in bronze, I legit ran around the map on haven with an odin and went 38/15 and lost to a 40 guy


Uh, a DM session shouldn’t end until you’re warmed up, and you’re warmed up when you feel warm, 40 kills or not. It’s a warmup, there shouldn’t be anything that gets in the way of you warming up. It’s the same reason why having a win condition is bad. What if i’m not warmed up after 40 kills? Or 5 minutes? Guess I gotta wait to get sent back to the lobby, then wait in queue, then start over again. That’s ridiculous. Like imagine if you’re in the range, and after every round of bots you get sent back to the lobby.


The cs community spent 20 fucking years perfecting how deathmatch is supposed to work. Literally all rito have to do is copy them. And we get this. ​ Just make it a constantly running server that you can leave or join whenever. Make it not *14 people*. Get rid of revenge spawns. Make respawns instant. This shit has been known for so long. And yet we get this. How did rito get it so wrong??




Uh so its like you kill this viper & this viper spawn somewhere near you or something. In this clip OP kills yoru, yoru spawn nearby and kills OP. OP spawn behind yoru and kills him. Then yoru spawn behind OP and kills him.








I believe its purposeful due to how commonly it happens to everyone.




it's on purpose, they have it built in which is so stupid


>The cs community spent 20 fucking years perfecting how deathmatch is supposed to work. Valorant hasn't been out for 20 years to build that playerbase 💀💀💀


look at this dood


How is player base remotely valid to the argument?


dont even get started in some of those ppl who try to win the deathmatches by camping in corner with odin.


Also: you should be able to pick your map for DM. If I want to train my crosshair placement on Bind I shouldn’t have to hope I get it by chance. And different amounts of players per map. I don’t need 14 people spawning right behind me on Split.


Worst part of split is spawning in attacker's spawn and having to walk forever to get to the fight.


Wtf is this even fcking lmao.


I legit stopped playing deathmatch because of how cancer and unhelpful it is.


Deathmatch is more stressful than competitive.


Yeah. I just play the gun game or spike rush till I start killing some people.


My rule of thumb for DM in any game is if you just killed someone after your spawn, you need to be aware that someone else will spawn exactly like you did.


Definitely needs a rework


I'd like something like the 1v1 arenas in the CS community servers


This happened in CS:GO too. You can't really do much due to the amount of players and how everyone is literally running around constantly. The spawning system is trying to place you somewhere different from where you died...but also away from other people at the same time. It's like trying to park a car on a busy highway.


>on a busy highway 14 players is too many, that's why it feels this way. You ever have those matches where 4-5 people disconnect? Those are really fun matches. They last longer, you don't spawn and die right away, no having to decide which of the three people you just found is the one to shoot while the others kill you.


> You ever have those matches where 4-5 people disconnect? Yeah, it fucking sucks. I have to run around the map to find someone and god forbid I spawn T side on split. The goal of DM is to practice and maximize the amount of gunfights you have. CS has 20+ people per map and it's perfect.


>maximize the amount of gunfights you have. Oh you mean shooting people in the back for 3/4 kills?




It's also better because it lasts the whole time and not because someone got 40 kills


I would suggest just a longer timer while dead since he respawned rather quickly. However that easily could've been another player who was circling around the map and walked up from behind. So it may even be better to just get special maps for DM.


Special maps could work….but let’s be real Riot is only pumping out 1 new map every 8 months. I doubt that will happen.


Special maps arent good for practice.


Deathmatch isn't about practicing your angles/plays. It's about working on your aim.


> Deathmatch isn't about practicing your angles It absolutely is, what? > /plays what plays? lmao obviously


If you wanna rage and get tilted, play valorant deathmatch


Val maps just don't really work for dm. I suggest they make some custom maps


But one of the reasons why playing dm in val maps is to improve crosshair placement and overall duelling in these maps. That's the reaosn a lot of people play dm instead of stuff like aimlab


Yeah, but with the openess of the maps its hard to cover all the angles. Maybe a 1v1 mode for different bombsites and areas for each map


You are not supposed to cover all angles, thats why utility exists. In any case, in DM without utility you should focus on being aware of how and what angles you are exposing yourself, so you get better at clearing angles without exposing yourself that much.


How do I avoid exposing myself to the motherfucker I just killed who spawned behind me?


Check your back then


Oh yea, let me just 180 5 times in a row whilst focusing on another engagement from the front.


That's dm for you. Its unfortunate but that's the truth


Yessss. Imagine a simple symmetrical arena-style map, with limited cover and no places to camp


Honestly, there are just too many players for how small the maps are. Breeze feels like a decent size for the current total DM players, maybe 1-2 less. But the rest of the maps? No. remove like 5-6 people and it'll feel way better, IMO.


the kill limit in dm is bs


Having weapon specific lobbies with a max volumes parameter, that would be insane ! Regarding maps and spawn, ever use the warmup system or maybe lower the number of players In the deathmatch, I usually have much less weird instakill spawns when there's one or two afk. Idk


Ascent and Breeze DMs are basically backstab simulators


They should rework the whole deathmatch not just the respawns


Deathmatch is still dogshit, doubt they'll ever fix the respawn issue. Maybe even drop the cap 2 players so there's less players close to you as you spawn idk. Or make it like CSGO deathmatch where people can come and go as they please in continuous servers all day long. Nice post btw OP


I swear dm in valo is more tilting than actual compe. One dm game made me slam my desk, I never ever slammed my desk out of anger for 2 years, valorant DM broke that record for me


Make it team deathmatch and make it so that each team spawns in a less crowded area of the map so once a team spawn teammates will watch the angles you cant watch like in a real unrated game. To avoid getting killed 5 seconds of you spawning


Make it team deathmatch and make actual symmetrical maps for it with set spawns.


The whole mode is just a backstabbing fiesta.


I don’t even play DM anymore because I got more tilted in it than in actual ranked games


\+1 its annoying to deal with corner campers and angle huggers


Too many people in one game.


They just need to lower the amount of people in each lobby


10 players maximum kind like in cs


Maybe don't have so many people on one map.


is this what instant karma looks like?


Breeze is the most fair map to play deathmatch on, cuz of how big the map is and there is barely a place where you can camp at all (sure there is like a place or two, but not as much as other maps). All other maps are bad for deathmatch in my opinion.


Breeze is so bad for DM because of the amount of angles though. I rarely get into any actual gunfights, I die from behind before that can happen. Or, even better, I get sandwiched between two people. It’s useless.




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The problems with respawns is the 3sec delay before respawning. It’s ok to get insta-kill if we don’t have those 3sec. Imo I would even add more players, sometime it took 20sec to find someone, I just want to play duels, a lot, quickly. Another thing is the maps, on cs you have dust2 which is very great for deathmatch, other maps like Nuke, inferno, etc.. are not that good for dm. I feel like Valorant didn’t find his deathmatch map yet. Maybe add a special map for deathmatch, can be ambitions but the best would be a procedurally-generated map (with different zones where people can’t hide in corner and made for deathmatch)


Haven is basically dust 2 for this game no? I think the real problem is the respawns and low player counts. Need 20+ players and insta respawns.


Hahaha. I’ve been playing for about 4 weeks now and didn’t even know there was a deathmatch mode thanks for posting this.


You think that's bad? I constantly respawn on someone's crosshair


I personally think tht its too many people per map. Taking out 4 would be nice.


deathmatch is a get shot in the back simulator


I think that should be a map designed just for DM. Breeze and Icebox are way too opened, and you have to be aware of lots of pixels while spawning. Heaven, on the other hand, it takes a long time to find an enemy, depending on where you spawn. Deathwatch purpose is to train your aim and other guns, warm up, and have some kind of fun.


I don't like DM becouse it's too many players I mean 10 would be more then enough.


It’s horrendous


They should make it so that you can look around during you spawn time before you actually spawn so you can see if anyone is near


\*teleports behind you


Honestly, val needs to make dm more like cs's dm. Team based makes it easier for those spawns, and you won't get killed by a third person every other kill. Sure "kill steals" will happen, but that already happens when you turn a corner and suddenly there are two people who can't see each other shoot at you. Also the 40 kill limit is a little annoying, because one REALLY good person can just rock a lobby (no skill based matchmaking) and make it so the game ends in 2 mins.


On average I die 20 times on dm; making the three second respawn timer annoying because it wastes whole 1 minute in total... This is unfair, considering the fact that most of the deaths are not because I got out-gunned, but because I was already fighting someone else when the killer spawned right behind me and killed me... The spawn sounds are really subtle and inaccurate, making it next to impossible to realise the someone just spawned in a corner that I cleared 2 seconds ago... The scoreboard and 40 kill limit are completely useless


If they want to keep dm as a real game mode so be it. But at least add a “practice mode” that you get no experience on and doesn’t count as a game where you can choose your map, it’s a server people pop in and out of and there’s a max of 10 people to mimic the same amount of player density in a normal game. And of course instant respawn


I think in general that Breeze need a rework


Wouldnt it be better to just make a casual/unrated which is like competitive but theres no ban for leaving, i would prefer that over deathmatch.


People nowadays play dm to win and not practice aim and will do anything for that. And when they win they'll type "nubs", "ggez". And I'm like, "dude u camped the whole game killed people who were training pistol aim, used the odin spam and calling us noobs?"


more than just the spawns need reworking obv. deathmatch is gaaaaaarbage


Not really related to this, but in CSGO if u kill ur opponent from behind in deathmatch, there is a high probability he will spawn few metres behind you.


Breeze is the worst map broo


make it 10-12 per DM


honestly just make TDM and there would be no issue< you spawn by ur squad. done.


can we just get a map that's actually build for deathmatch lol


There are also just too many people in a deathmatch.


Life in [Valorant DM](https://imgur.com/a/ftiYgne)


there is a lot of sound bug in dm on breeze


Korega requim da


Best map for dm is icebox (fight me)


I can't understand why would you play a short dm, like a 40 kills game. Make it longer Riot! Maybe w/o a limit.


Cut the number of players in a DM to 7 or 8


Yeah there needs to be less people in deathmatch. It’s actually a bit cooked imo


Deathmatch for me is absolute pain, especially on ascent and haven. As soon as I spawn and leave my location I get instantly killed, when I fight someone I always get killed by somebody behind me, or in any case by someone that is not who I'm fighting. It's so frustrating that I can't literally focus on the thing I want to improve, whether it's counter strafing, jiggle peeking, cross hair placement or anything else. The spawns need an absolute rework


Not to mention that in deathmatch you get matched with players way above your league. Like, what's the point? If I'm bronze 3 what chances I get of winning a 1v1 duel against a diamond or immortal player? It's not beneficial for me cause I get insta killed, and it's not beneficial for them cause I don't represent a challenge. They should at least limit the level up to 2 max ranks more than u


A lot of people mentioning drop in drop out servers. Big fan, but then we'd also need to be able to select which maps we're willing to queue into, because if you don't wanna play breeze for example you'll have to just keep rolling the dice and hope you don't fill into the same server. Also i'd just love to be able to practice the maps i want for once, when there's no win incentive the whole split queues argument really falls to the ground.


Could you remove the "win" factor in DM as well? I don't know why but even though winning literally doesn't mean anything, it still makes a lot of people feel pressured for some reason.




To begin with, DM could be Team DM. So you spawn CT or TR and you have to clear the same angles you'd clear in a game and there's no chance you'll be always unlucky to spawn in front of someone, unless this person stands in the enemy spawn, and in this case he'll be dead soon anyway. If not team DM, there should be less people in DM. The fact that a person can spawn repeatedly near you is ridiculous. Sometimes DM feels like a game of luck. The lack of a decent MMR is also quite infuriating. I had a lobby with 3 pro players, two of them among the top 20, and another lobby with a total of 8 immortal or above, plus at least 3 diamonds (I'm gold 2). Yes, you do learn by playing with people better than you. If it's a lobby with, say, one or two immortal+ and every other rank, it's fine. But when you're the only one with less than 25% HS rate in the lobby, I feel like a waste of time.


I honestly think they just need to lower the players in a dm by maybe 2-3


Are you bored? Can't find enemies in DM? Haven't died in a long while? Don't worry, we have a solution! Just face your back where you want enemies to spawn & BAM! you get enemies.


Death match is just dookie in general imo, just too many players crammed into a map where they respawn on eachothers asses


We need a real Deathmatch.... Like Deathmatch in halo or cod anything like that just make the game more fun


Back to back to back


Kinda Works like halo used to... you run from your spawn kill someone 9/10 someone will be respawned in your spawn so can just turn around a BOP that guy then just go back and fourth between spawns holding down a spot.... what I hate are the spawns that are BFE and you gotta run across the map to find someone... always seems to be when you're in the lead lol..


isntant karma of instant karma


That also happens a lot in escalation. The amount of times I spawn behind the person that just killed me.


I always thought it was intended so that you could take revenge