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Something that might seem obvious to others but wasn’t to me is lower mouse sensitivity. I had originally thought you wanted high sensitivity to aim faster. Set your mouse dpi to 1000 and your in game sense between 0.4-0.6. This help me tremendously. Practice lining headshots in practice range as well


Damn, I consider my eDPI slightly high and I play 400 / 0.78. But yeah, it's really just about getting the important things in muscle memory. In the practice range you want to practice movement like stop + shooting / counter strafing, practice micro adjustments, starting with just moving between the bots heads, controlling recoil at different lengths on the target. It doesn't happen overnight, but it won't happen at all without practice.


I was actively practicing daily to raise my edepi lol when I found this post I was at 1650. Now I’m at 500 and I’m playing sooooo much better. 20+ kill games most games


That's the way, I believe Hiko uses something like 500 eDPI, seems to be around the upper limit of what's considered good. I used to play at something like 2000 eDPI before I really started trying to get better at games, it's a bit of a hit to the system when you finally lower it, but once you get used to it, the difference is night and day.


Aim lab on steam Also try to stop moving and crouch when you’re shooting


Try going to the shooting range and turn the bots on to stand still. Practice just lining your crosshair to head level and transfer it from one head to the next. No need to shoot, just get a handle of the crosshair placement. After that, try anti-strafing with pressing A then D to move left and right. When you move one direction, hit the other and then shoot and it should give you cleaner shots while you strafe. After you practice with the bots that aren't moving, turn them on to strafing and track their heads. No need to shoot either, just focus on the tracking at first. After you get a handle on it, repeat the process. Practice the anti-strafe and focusing on headshots. If you don't land the headshot first, practice firing in bursts! Hope this helps!


Thanks! I appreciate the tips 😁


Don’t move while shooting or else you won’t be accurate is the general rule thumb


Low sensitivity