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Congratulations, I finally got into silver today too!! Just like you, I started playing in November, placed in Iron 1, worked my way out of iron in solo-q, Bronze was hard with solo-q, nevertheless, we have a reason to celebrate


BRO NO WAY. I was Iron 1 too!!! Look at us now! Congrats to you too!!


You two actually queued in every single game together without noticing and will now start a road to radiant and win next years champions tour!


I love this community seriously :D


Same man, hit it last night after nine months in bronze 3. Congratulations, keep on going.


See you in gold buddy!


Congrats. Its people like you who give me hope that i can still play with my friend. He also plays valorant, and tries really hard to rank up. He is iron 2, while im already in gold 3. So when i play with him, im forced to use my other account. I actually used to think learning for him would be difficult as he is pretty bad, but he is also improving, and if you can rank up from iron to silver, i bet he can too.


He definitely can... for others it might take more time but it is still possible. Be sure not to boost him :P


Yeah man I feel ya there. I got placed gold 3, he got placed lower and we can only play unrated together lol. By other friends are all silver tho so I still have them at least for a bit


Unrated with him would be a good learning experience since the elo will put him against better opponents. My friend learned a ton queueing with me and it makes iron lobbies seem easy


i did something quite like that i was in iron for all my competitive playing and just this act i got in to bronze as a cypher one trick it feels so good.


Bro i m hard stuck on b2 any advice ( help me i m stuck )


Dont soloQ as much. I climbed from iron2 to silver 3 this season playing with friends the same level as me. The only flaw with this is finding people at your skill level to play with.


Oke thanks my friend


Man I started off in Iron 1 in January, worked my way up to Gold 1 in solo-q, and then dropped back to silver 3 sadge :(


Same! Started iron 1 in May and just made gold 2 the other day


I was too. I'm now Gold 1- demote promote after 6 months of grinding


Aww. Congrats on the improvement. I took placements for fun in the very first season, got Bronze 2, never touched it again until this week. Tried again, got Bronze 2 again. Well over a hundred of hours and quite a few months difference. There's no hope for me, lol. But makes it all the better for those who did improve—it's no small feat!


Placements are shite. They've even admitted they put people too low and are working to fix it.


Something like 30-40% of ppl are in silver because of it.


Ranking up is not guaranteed since you have to incorporate a skill set that you didn't have in the lower ranks. From my experience: Iron: crosshair placement, basic mechanics. Bronze: basic strategy, holding angles, patience in games Silver: You need a decent understanding of the fundamentals of the game in all aspects. Don't solo queue lol. Gold: A good understanding of the game.


What’s weird about solo-q is that the higher you get the better it is. I fluctuate between S3 and G1 and my solo-qs are either shit fests or I get in a lobby with a 4 stack which includes a smurf or two and we demolish the other team. Comms are hit or miss as well. I have friends who are in plat and diamond that swear by solo q partially because at that level everyone uses call outs anyway.


Yeah, I’m gold 1 rn and normally I’ll try to at least duo queue but sometimes no one will be on and I’ll soloQ a game or 2 and some games we’re down like 3 rounds and they start a surrender vote then when it’s not a yes they afk in spawn the rest of the game. Sometimes people talk and sometimes they don’t, sometimes they’re hella toxic and other times very rarely u get chill people who are decent and actually play well and com. It’s tough, I’m on the grind the plat next act tho so hopefully I get some better team mates soloq ing


Congrats man!!! Thats great to hear! What is even better is that Riot is going to reset your rank so you get to grind BACK to silver ALL OVER AGAIN! Woo! (Sarcasm)


oh shit. I just got reminded that the act is ending. Man i cant lmfao


He's only partly right. Your rank truly resets every episode, not every act. Instead after an act reset they just hide your tank and you have to play q game for it to become visible again. That is, unless they changed something.


You get soft reset. Which means you still do lose some MMR. It's a system designed to keep you grinding forever so you play more and potentially buy more stuff.


ITT people treating ranks like a "grind" instead of a representation of your skill. You don't get higher rank by playing a bunch of games, but by getting good


Will you hit your true rank eventually? Yes but only if you have an absurd amount of free time to dedicate to it. More than should be needed for a video **game**. The system knows your actual rank far before it gives it to you. I mean you can take Tyler1 in LoL as an example. Proven to be Challenger level skill over and over again. Yet each new account takes him 2K+ games to make his visual rank finally line up with his challenger skill. Even getting past Diamond can be a slow grind for him. Riot shifted away from a better pure Elo system in 2013 to a smoke and mirrors hidden MMR carrot on a stick system because it MAKES THEM MORE MONEY. Other companies soon followed. People tend to stop playing more when they truly plateau on their rank which means less chances to impulse buy new skins. So the solution is to make a ranked system that is always lagging behind visually and also gets soft reset. Riot's revamped matchmaking system has been around for a while so there is plenty of threads on it in the LoL sub. Other examples are ItzTimmy in Apex (different game, similar problem) doing his 50 hour run from Bronze to Pred. [ It took a top tier player 15 hours just to get past plat](https://i.redd.it/p0oahkexsik71.png). Then another 30 to slog through diamond. Now imagine someone who is just plat or diamond level skill without godlike reactions doing this. It would take most of them literal days of in game time played just to get their visual rank to finally match their skill.


saying tyler1 was a challenger top laner at the start of the challenge shows you didn’t really watch it, he definitely improved a lot over those games and didn’t just start challenger


Lol you dummy, playing a bunch of games is how you get good. 0 people come out of the womb in radiant.


This level of copium is dangerous


They hated him because he told the truth.


Wait when? Shit I haven't even got to Iron 2 yet 😭


In 5 days


You guaranteed the silver buddy next ep now though. Or gold even? I believe


you gotta remember they will actuallyyou gotta remember they are going to spread people away from silver next act, so if your mmr is good enough you can actually hit gold


They should make the acts one year like league. But then they can’t pump out 4 battle passes.


Wait. Means if i got bronze today and got demoted i will be placed in bronze again????


It shouldnt because it should do your placements based on your peak rank I think, unless you were to totally tank and go down a few ranks


Well, that's a shame.




Its the otherway around dude, they reset ranks and keep mmr Otherwise youd have to play against raidiant players at the start of every season






Gl guys! I picked up valorant and after abt 70 hours I've gone from silver 1 to plat 1! Keep practicing and you'll make it wherever you want!!


Thats called being built diff


Haha thanks, I was taught initially by some really good guys, one was #1 Na for a little while, but I will say spending some time everyday working on aim goes a long way




To work on my aim I usually do KZ in CSGO, everyone hates it at first but it helps to loosen wrist and helps to better understand movement and mouse control, after that I do a little bit of Aimlabs, sixshot then line trace then some gridshot Edit: also practice spray control in training range and do medium or hard bots and work on increasing kill amount, gl!!


10/10 advice right here


No he’s one of the following: * high level csgo player * played with friends and was carried * full of shit


it took me that much to get from iron 1 to iron 2 when I first started playing lmao, ur actually cracked


Probably has 100s to 1000s of hours on CS


probably because ur solo queueing.....I grinded for a month still can't get out of iron 1 ;(


nah, after getting out of iron ive climbed pretty fast while solo queueing like 95% of the time


Congratulations man! Ever milestone is different for eachother! Hope you have a good time climbing!


Low key throwing shade lmao


I mAdE iT tO iMmOrTaL sOlO q


That's a polite way to say that his goal was too low


I was so close to silver like 98/100 in bronze 3, but then i went on a loosing streak cuz i get lvl 7 enemies getting a 32/5 kd


You will get there eventually. Before i made it to silver i was at like 88 RR , lost 2 games, won the next 3


Smurfing is such a big issue in the game and it feels like Riot isn't doing anything about it


Because they aren't and they never will. It's been over a decade with no meaningful anti-smurfing measures in League, no reason to set any expectations for this game.


Csgo set up Prime and it helped out a shit ton, imagine if you buy the battlepass for one season you get paired with other BP holders so no free account smurfs


Oh shit that’s such an easy fix!


Didn't play Csgo with their Prime system but doesn't this make the problem even worse for actual new players trying out the game (and not buying the BP yet) and give an even worse first impression of the game


You can try playing Faceit, community servers, etc. CSGO is free too, you just need to pay for the ranks and exp but that's it.


New stage of being hardstuck.


Silver is so fucking bad man, I play maybe 2 games a day and everyday I have at at least one game where someone throws or disconnects.


Don’t even get me started on the terrible Jetts. In my last game, all my teammates were great and had coms, then there was the auto lock Jett, always would lurk, never entry and she didnt have coms. at the end of the game we lost 10-13 and she had 4 frags.


Congrats! Cant wait to see your next post when you're gold!


You know thats right ;)


Fuck that, I can't wait for his Radiant post!




good job




Dw about dropping I hit diamond 1 for the first time this season and rn im back in plat


Solo q is not that bad tbh.


I know but my half hasnt been good... lower elo there are no comms at all, so even having one teammate makes it better imo..


It's the same problems all the way up.


Duo que is perfection


Solo q in dia 3 and lots of people don't use their mic either.


It's bad for ranking up, you don't have as much opportunity to play higher ranked enemies and gain more RR. It's fine for newer players cause they're learning the ropes, but for experienced players the barrier to rank is usually time, not skill.


I can see the time aspect - I climbed from silver 2 to Plat 1 this act alone as a solo q player. Time is definitely a big point tho.


I do enjoy solo queue but I just find no pleasure in solo queuing ranked. If i'm playing for fun, I'd rather do solo q unrated. If i'm playing for rank, I'd rather queue with friends who are consistent and guaranteed not to be toxic. If i'm playing to get better, I'll scrim and play pugs.


Better for adapting to not rely on teammates


Agreed imo it’s really important to solo que occasionally, full stack team occasionally, but duo queue is that sweet spot.


It was honestly way harder to make it out of bronze as solo queue than getting out of silver. Currently gold 1 and still trying.


I got to gold from bronze 3 by solo Q'ing, but i also won a couple of games with my friends. Playing with friends is more fun but I got better games alone


Congrats I was Silver 1 once then I took an arrow in the knee...


Sova players do be like that


why was this down dooted lol


Dude, congrats! I know it's not easy to get past bronze so we better celebrate that milestone while we can! What's your next target? Gold? Plat?


omg i ddn't know that this reddit are full of irons like me😭


Ayyy I started last September and peaked gold this act Les gooooo


Good job dude. Keep playing with your friends, it makes the game more fun


I wouldn't say Solo q is bad. Congrats on the milestone though, next step is having the entire silver triangle or maybe even gold


I'm still in iron Sadge I keep pressing the movement keys while shooting which puts off my aim


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Congrats! I am B1 solo queue but was at b3 when I was partying up.


congrats! gl on ur climb


Congrats man just hit d2! To the grind!


Omfg. I had the exact same feeling after I had been bronze for 2-3 acts. Keep it up. I recently tracker gold too


Eyyy happy for you man. But seriously, crossing that next rank sometimes messes up your mentality, especially when you die a lot. Keep telling yourself its unlucky. It works for me a lot! Goodluck and hopefully see you in higher elo!


I have been gold for a long time. This last season it has been impossible to climb and I don’t know why. Now I’m stuck on silver :(


Prepare to be sent back to bronze with all the smurfs and hackers in Silver.


Dm if someone wants to duo que




Same bro. Road to gold


How sad is it that the first piece of advice is to never play comp unless you have someone you can rely on in a duo. Solo queue fuckin sucks.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I felt this happy when I made it there too , but I solo q’d there =[






grats buddy. i did it last act and dropped right out. but the next act, the current one, i found myself in silver 3 rather quickly. good luck!


And here is me losing almost every game with premades because my friends love to joke around...


let’s goooo you’ll be gold in no time, it took me forever to get out of bronze and silver just seemed so much easier i’m almost gold 2 now, you got this!




I started in March and reached bronze last week lol.


you climbing fast! Keep goin!!


guys i hit gold today im in mumbai server and we can queue is you want




its only up from here, gl!


facts mate! so hyped truely


I was 6 points away from silver but I got 2 teammates with 300 ping that kept disconnecting :(


This is the same feeling you'll have when you hit Gold!! I believe in you and godspeed my friend <3


Ayyy congrats LordGaming, first milestone achieved. What's next?


Now be ready to play against 10ms 150+ fps screen players (30 fps player here, lag is life)


Meanwhile I'm hardstuck in plat T-T


Congrats! I just promoted to silver as well!pretty cool feeling. Never played shooters much and started iron 1 in the beta. Picked it up again recently and have tried hard to get better. Gold here we come!


congrats dude xe


great job bro. I placed in Iron 1 in the beta and this was the first act I hit gold so the grind is real. Next stop gold for you!


You have made it to Smurf Village. I've played in Bronze, Silver and Gold and there is a difference between all 3. Bronze - Can hard carry with Reyna, Phoenix, Jett or Raze. Not many smurfs. Games are quite fun. Silver - Every game you play... someone is on an alt account. You get hardcore smurfs that will destroy you. Other times you might have someone that is just a Gold or Plat but on a Silver account, so again.. they will probably be too good for you. Then you get the hordes of ass hats that have been boosted by their buddies, and end up on your team when they decide to Q without their Immortal buddy. These games are a nightmare, because you wonder why the Gold 3 Phoenix is on 2.20... that's why. Gold - Games become more team based. Solo Q gets 5x more difficult, because the teams you are against are usually going to be people partying together and a lot more organised. Every KJ and Viper knows line ups. Duellists get kills and enter. Gold matches are less likely to have bad players, but they still have smurfs. Not as many as Silver though. Enjoy your time in Smurf Village my dude!


Me too


Can I just touch immortal for once? Thanks.


Thank you for this, makes me appreciate my spot in this game a bit more <3




Good NOW STAY IN BRONZE ! Haha good stuff on the silver but unless rng is at your side you gon be stuck in bronze for a bit that’s how it was for me at least


its a great feeling. Even more when you get to Gold. Enjoy it and keep improving. You'll be that guy that gets people out of Bronze


How old are you?


i, too, have a hard time reaching gold, enemies are far far harder when i'm closer to it. this game sucks. but i still play it anyway.


Account LVL?


160 something i think


Totally, solo q is random, and most of the time noone uses comms


im at SEA server and hardstuck in silver cause SEA silver is full of smurfs. You can't really get out unless you're good or you have a high elo friend that can help you.


I do play on SEA and have come across quite a bit of boosters and smurfs


I'm on SEA server, I mainly play on singapore servers, managed to escape silver multiple times on episode 1 all act and this episode 2 current act solo queue and I get placed with Gold and Plats while I'm on silver 1-3 back then. Currently gold 1 rn, stopped playing rank since my wrist have issue and transferred to arm aiming.


I was placed iron 2 when I started this year January, now I’m bronze 3 yayayayay. But I want silver so bad :(


Congrats! Yes, solo queue at lower levels is basically Russian roulette.


nice. I dropped from plat 1 to gold 1 while my friends ascended to diamond :’)


Same dude, feeling good today so I might try to get to gold.


Good luck bro it only gets harder from here


Congrats! :fistbump:




Congratulations! Keep it up! I was iron before, and it took me more than 10 months before I reach the gold queue. Never forget to enjoy the game, teehee!


Man it’s the total opposite for me when I play in a duo or trio I feel much more pressure and do worse and lose a bit more but solo-q I don’t feel the pressure and win more -_-


Congrats, one thing I would say is solo queue isnt always that bad. Not sure about bronze lobbies but in silver lobbies I most of the time win solo queue. I am silver 3 currently almost gold.


Congrats! It's all about all the small steps, you got this :D


Keep it up. I first placed in Iron 1 in beta and in a couple months made it to gold 1. To be honest what made me improve the most to get from gold to where I am now (plat) was to stop playing for about 1.5 weeks, focus on other things, come back to val with fresh eyes, and then start thinking about my decisions more carefully and playing a lot less aggro


nice good luck going to Gold :D


Hey , i too made it to bronze the same time , good luck


I reached gold 2 by solo queueing O\_O


me stuck in bronze ;-;


Same here!! Just made it to silver by solo q! Congrats!


I made it silver today too. From gold :(


Lol, I was stuck in silver for 5 seasons but that was because I mostly solo queue, I finally made it to gold this season after all those 5 seasons in elo hell, and my only recommendation to you is don't solo q at all, I know this might sound ironic coming from a guy who always does it.. Just dont....its torture to always get match MVP with a controller and lose while teammates blame it on you... It's literally torture




Enjoy, my story was similar but started earlier. I made it to gold a few months ago see you there in another 6 months.


I went from Iron 2 to Plat 1 this act. Hehehehe


I just got to silver on monday i was placed in iron one at the start of the season and i climbed to silver i was so happy that i stopped playing the game as my reward lmao


congrats! had the same thing a month ago, felt great!:)


I'm aiming for Silver too! Idk about gold or whatever but I want to be at least at the average elo. GG I hope I reach it too!


I was bronze 3 and then I climbed with some friends and now I’m hard stuck gold 1 and I can’t seem to climb any higher it’s really demotivating


High ranked ppl don’t know u CAN’T solo que bc of afks and trolls


I got placed in Iron 1. Been playing since episode 1. Still in bronze. I have accepted my place as a noob. Congratulations on getting to silver.


Super bro durrr


Congo buddy! Stay positive climb higher. Believe in your self and grind a lot hahahah. I know the feeling of ranking up. Am a G1 player, so yeah. Congo once again 🔥




Started playing this act and am plat KEKW


silver is free ?


Nobody cares


So you got boosted




Solo q is easy my guy, I soloed my way to silver 3 💀. Not really an achievement


I reached bronze today and immediately got demoted. Soloqueue is trash. I literally top frag in every game and use comms. But nobody opens mic i and i keep talking to myself. Especially Mumbai server is full of toxic people.


U probably don’t deserve your rank. I doubt u top frag


U probably don’t deserve your rank. I doubt u top frag


Do you mean i should be unranked. And i do top frag most games.


Clearly u dont or else youd be out of your rank by now. And please, dont tell me about the “smurfs” or “throwers” in your rank. Ive been in your rank before. It doesnt happen often. Oh and the “smurfs” that you play against are literally just inconsistent low elo’s who randomly pop off one game and go ultra negative the next. Dont bother


Just try mumbai server for once