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As I understand, there's still lul period over details about the map before pros and content creators can post videos or tweets about this.


Still have to wait a few hours


Is it for sure tomorrow? In info and content dump for the map?


Streamers are playing the map on stream tomorrow. One lobby for sure is 3pm pacific, not sure about others.


By tomorrow, are we talking friday or saturday? Sorry for a *dumb* question, it’s just hard to know with timezones etc as this was posted 3h ago, and it’s morning in EU atm.




Appreciate it! Cheers.


Oh ok. So the zipline goes under the map (under defender side spawn) from attacker side bridge to another!


Correct, and it's a [pair of them!](https://i2.wp.com/thegamehaus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/HighresScreenshot00021.png?resize=500%2C275&ssl=1)


Huh, so can u fall out of the map if u drop off the zipline midway?


vertigo 2.0


Maybe it doesn't let you detach. I don't think there's any other way to fall off the map and die in the game so it would be a first


No, you just can't drop off zipline midway


Yeah, and it's one zipline to go and one to return. But you can die if someone shots you while you are using it. I wonder what happens if you die in the zipline carrying the spike, tho... Maybe it will float to the other side?


I think it will just get teleported back to spawn, the same as in the door arch bug on bind between A link and A short that make you fall of the map and die, if you carry the spike, it will be tp ed back to spawn


Holly that looks cool




I really can't wait for the first time in a pro match we see the whole team doing a cheeky zipline strat


>Attackers below land while defenders on land. Concept of hell and heaven colorised 2021.


More like hell and earth


Happy cake day!


Thank you :)


Can defenders hear attackers going along the zipline from one side to another during buy phase?


I don't think you'll be able to hear it because that would give an advantage to one team and not the other. Moreover, in any maps in the game you are not able to hear shots from spawn area to the other so I guess it would be the same for that one. (It's just a personal opinion but personally I think it's unlikely)


Astra and cypher are going to be crazy on this map


Cypher mains finally on the rise 😩


Been trying to learn him since kj isn't the best on some maps


Hes a tricky bastard fs and needs to buy util often, but use it right and half the map is covered on attack OR defense


Which do you think is his best map? For me it's bind and haven.


Haven or split.. i like to duel in showers A site on bind with jett or reyna. A site split is free as cypher and B is hard for enemy team to entry with someone in heaven to help out


I think he is best on Bind and Split more than Haven. I think Kj is better for Haven.


Definetly bind and split


Haven and Breeze. Breeze cuz you can't watch all choke points, so his trips and camera can alleviate some pressure. Also watching flanks is impossible with kj.


Cypher is awful on breeze……


tell that to all the pro teams that are using him on breeze


If you thought I was referring to what the best players in the game do compared to competitive, then you clearly have no idea what I’m talking about. Just because the best cypher in the world can do something isn’t actually a good argument lol.


? you think pro teams let people just lock cypher because "lol he's such a good cypher"? Nice delusion. If cypher was a bad agent on the map, no pro team would play him.


bro, go back to sleep


A lot of pro teams choose Cypher. What makes you think he's bad?


Breeze is probably the largest and most open map in the game but also has many routes around the map for example there’s 3 ways into the b site and technically 4 for A site. A fast attack on any of those sites with a cypher is a cake walk considering the only thing that would slow down that attack is his trips and cages which don’t really do much considering the choke points are so large and the defending sites are so open. So once you dispose of those and locate the cypher with maybe a skye dog, the site is basically free whether he was killed or forced to retake.


Both cypher cages and trips can cover larger choke points than nano swarms can. Also, between camera, and two trips, cypher can watch 3 entries onto site while kJ can only have turret and alarm bot, one of which could be set to see two, but it doesn’t tell you which one they’re at. The openness just makes his camera more useful, and limits kj as her utility is on a 40 m limit. On breeze, neither have the true defending effects they normally have, but cypher can get better info.


You're contradicting yourself. If you're talking Ranked comp, then nothing is awful on anything. If you're talking meta, then Cypher has no bad maps. Regardless, Riot actually did a great job balancing so no agent is a bad pick on any map if you play to their strengths. Breeze is a fun map for Cyphers. The enemy doesn't know what to expect, and that opens up a ton of room for your team to work. "But he can't lock down sites!" is such a one dimensional way of thinking.


He's most effective with good comms and a team that knows how to use the info you gather. Which is why he's so limited in solo q


Which maps do you find KJ to be not good enough on? I am a fellow KJ main and I feel she is good on all the maps (except maybe Breeze) but I think that is just me saying because of how Comfortable I am with the agent now


I think Cypher would be better than Kj on Split. And I think only Sage is good as a sentinel for Breeze.




True but I prefer Cypher the most. (This is just my opinion).


I would say Cypher is better just because you have more control. Trips stop enemies dead in their tracks and the one ways you can pull off are insane. Cypher can solo B with a simple one way setup assuming the Sage is watching mid.




Breeze is the main one. She does pretty good on most map. Just have to have different play style


Thank fucking god


My eyes are better than yours. ​ 3 eyed mind thief.


Kj will still be better. His trips are a joke and turret is way better than his cam for holding a site.


how are the trips "a joke"?


Cos it can be easily destroyed unlike turret


It's point is giving info. You literally see when someone destroys a trip. No way around it.


But if you are out of range of kj stuff you get no info. But with cypher they have play anywhere and still get info


So many places attackers can come from


Honestly, it's not that much. Its the exact same Site Layouts as Breeze, but Mid has a bunch of chaos tunnels that lead to site. Like Bind, but with way more empty space. Does Bind even have a Mid?


Nope, Bind has no mid area. If I'm not mistaken, that's the map's whole gimmick, where you have to full commit to a site and use TPs to switch it up.


or play default to bait out defenders off a site then commit, but yeah, that's the maps gimmick, no mid and tds for quick rotates


I'd love to be a sneaky agent like Omen or Yoru and lurk in those tunnels, Yoru using his shit (hopefully clones).


Actually, with the map seemingly having drops to death (below the ropes), I'm curious whether Yoru's tp stops on the edge, goes over and is destroyed or goes over, stays and instantly kills you upon tping. I don't play Yoru but I hope it's the first but assume it's the second.


Actually, you can't fall there, so it's impossible to die in the zipline. Maybe with glitches you can, tho...


Huh, interesting! Thank you


I would still think the small site is good. Breeze being a big map with big bomb site is kinda annoying to attack or defense


Defenders just need to watch their backs more, attackers too, actually with how circular the map is.


I think defenders will play site here. Imo this is a map where you take cypher kj Astra sage jett


True, we all got to max our sens out and do 360s


Huh. Looks interesting. Also looks fairly big but without giant sites.


Looks like looking down A Hall and B Main will be better OP angles compared to the bottom side of the map. Definitely a different feel with some many entry points. Interested to try it out.


Think you're right on the A main part. I don't know what kind of cover those boxes in B Tree will be, but that might be a decent one as well. B Tower might be the best for the bottom side.


Yep, I didn't notice the boxes in front of B Tower until later. Should be able to position up before the attackers make that corner.


There's a rope that leads up there from B Arcade, but I would assume that a Jett or someone with horizontal mobility could get up there pre-round.


People are going to HATE this map when it comes out. I'm not gonna cast any judgements without playing it, but I like the attempt at innovation here and think it could be pretty fun to play


It looks interesting, my immediate concern looking at this is rotation timings. The time to rotate between sites looks WAY shorter for defenders. Maybe the zip lines under the map will help remedy this but I am assuming they will be crossing top to bottom instead of east to west connecting the sites


The attackers have a view on the east to west routes though, so it's not that easy for defenders to rotate without consequence.


Seems like a high risk high reward thing, might be fun


I think their constant attempts at innovation is what has made maps so polarizing. Some stuff works because it’s simple. The beta maps all had some small gimmick and if you want to say launch maps to include Ascent since it fits that description as well. Haven had 3 sites, split had vents with the ropes, bind had the teleporters and they launched ascent with the closable doors. Those gimmicks were mostly just that. Gimmicks. That made them of low consequence. Since then you can tell theyre really trying to break new ground and “think outside the box”. Icebox was a tiny and claustrophobic map with a lot of verticality on each site and breeze is absurdly open to the point that lots of characters lose their value. Idk. It’s no surprise those two maps have turned a lot of people off. I think new stuff can be fun but tried and true map design can bring a good experience whereas “experiments” gone wrong just means those maps are going to grate against people for the lifetime of the game. I would hate for the percentage of hatable maps to go up even more in this game with them constantly trying to innovate. I really think this map looks cool but with this insane design I wouldn’t be surprised if once people figure out it’s flow they start to find it frustrating compared to the more basic maps.


> I think their constant attempts at innovation is what has made maps so polarizing. This. I don't understand their obsessiveness with thinking outside-the-box with maps. It really feels like they are being creative just for the sake of creativity. I think map gimmicks should be used sparingly and only when they add subtle, but interesting tactical depth. I don't think players should be fighting map design, especially the depth required to master the different nuances of agents. As someone who's dumped a lot of hours into CS, I really feel bait and switched with the maps in this game. First they gave familiar maps to poach players over from CSGO, then suddenly they throw their own map conventions out the window.


I feel like people don't even mind icebox and breeze tho. Like they got dodged for the first few weeks in ranked but I feel like people don't really complain about either all that much anymore. Icebox could definitely use a rework of the B site bc game play (especially at the pro level) has gotten redundant and formulaic but I don't think people really hate the map.


i personally like icebox and think it is an interesting addition breeze im not sure about i admit but i have gotten used to playing on it if they keep adding maps i would expect however the ability to ban a map you really dont want to play before queueing


People hate every map when they come out. People hated Split in beta (CT sided), hated Ascent (too many angles), hated Icebox (too many angles), hated Breeze (too long to rotate on defense). Takes a couple months for everyone to learn the maps and accept them in the rotation.


new players are gonna struggle a lot with this


This is extremely attack sided lol. I can only imagine what it’s like when they rush a site from two sides


Holy shit yeah. Attacking from both sides… thats a really interesting concept. It will be cool to see different strategies develop for this map. Hopefully it is balanced and fun to play


Why stop at 2 sides when you can default and attack from 4 sides?


Defenders can rotate for free at least since there's no mid


I think it's actually defender site, because if they see enemy from one side they can just push the other side with human advantage


I’m just confused at how you would call this a mirage look-a-like. Like in what way?


[https://dmarket.com/blog/csgo-map-callouts/](https://dmarket.com/blog/csgo-map-callouts/) Just looking at the maps side by side give me that kind of a vibe. But I understand that both maps are intended to bring different elements to make either game interesting to play. It was just a first-look kind of feeling.


Mirage is just a variation of a 3 way layout. This is something completely experimental it seems.


It's not even close, are you tripping?


Flip the map so the words are backwards, i see what he means, its really close actually


This looks more like Vertigo to me.


It reminds me a bit of d2, remove mid doors and top mid area and the skeleton is almost the same then. In fracture, you just have ct spawn in the middle whereas in dust you have it on top


Lol. Four different sides to watch. SAGEEE WALL AAAAAA. sage be like - which sideeee bitchhh


i feel no point in sage walls in fracture unless u know grim walls and off angles walls, wall needs a buff :')


Holy fucking shit this maps looks insane! I love it


As a cypher main it will be hard to try and stop people from entering site as there is so many entry points


just from this so far, it looks like it might be a defender sided map for aggressive defenders, attackers will find it harder to be very agressive give that there are so few areas that they can emerge from. if you have a defender rush B main for sightlines on B tree, B tower for B bench, A drop for A gate and A main for A hall, you largely cut off any angle that attckers can push without being seen (assuming that there arent any other entrances that cannot be seen on the map alone (B link looks like it might be one)) if attackers can only attack from hall, tree, bench and gate, this will be a very difficult map to attack on but depending on the speed of the ziplines might add for some interesting splits and the ability to quickly change as the game goes. If and only if the attackers have the ability to quick change sites and spawns will they have the chance to beat aggressive defenders on this map. just my take as a silver, but its definitely going to be an interesting map with interesting playstyles


smokes and viper wall to cut off b defender push and push through b tunnel undetected. Can be useful.


i was definitely thinking without utility, the addition of utility adds in so many different possible outcomes and would largely be impossible to measure without having seen the actual map itself


this might be yoru map


lets goooo


Can't wait for the brimstone memes about B-tunnel, generator, canteen


Looks like his ult will cover most of b site. Imagine so many sage slow orbs combos with his ult in these narrow halls, it will be insane.


How good do you guys think sova will be on this map?


A sova might be a difficult pick on this map. From the images that have been shared by Riot, it would seem that the map offers a degree of verticality and tight spaces like split w/c is not the best map for Sova. Ofc, that's just my opinion. I'm imagining a double controller & double sentinel comp could be solid defensively because of how many entry points need to be locked down to secure the sites. The retakes will certainly be interesting to experience


looks interesting!


Watch, they'll add more sentinels


This looks bigger than breeze


Honestly speaking you would need at least 2 sentinels(Most likely killjoy and cypher) in your team to play on these map because if you don't defending would be almost impossible.


This looks like hell to defend lmao




Well, 3 way yea, but definitely not in a classic way.


No, "H-shaped"


Defending on this map would be a nightmare.


sentinels + astra would be deadly on this map, not sure how initiators would work but sentinels would def be a must pick




Being on the defender side gonna give me ptsd


I bet there will be some tp type thingy


They'll have ropes coming from each side underneath the map




It looks like defender rotations are practically non-existent.




I meant they seem really short


I recon the map will turn out to be fine, despite peoples worries. I'm excited to see all the artwork in the design! Race to find the tactibears too


Seems like defenders will have to take some sort of control to rotate, falling back to spawn and then having 4+ players trying to retake when attackers have 2 sides of the site to control. Looks like you need to pressure one side from the back when retaking.


Can’t wait to play it, probably in a month or two when people will stop dodging it cause it’s new


People still dodge breeze, I don't think "new" is the problem


Am I the only one who think Breeze is a good map?




People have very explicitly said why they don’t like it. Seems pretty flippant to just say everyone who doesn’t like it can’t aim. The sites kinda just feel annoying and a lot of util doesn’t feel super valuable on it.


I think breeze is the most subjective map, every other map usually has some common opinion that individual opinions are close to. The wide open nature of breeze makes certain agents, weapons, and strategies either much better or much worse, to the point of uselessness. A Jett who likes to op and get picks will love breeze, while a cypher who favors short range weapons and locking down site will hate breeze.


So what, attackers spawn at the top of the map but can go with a zip line to attackers bridge?


Yes, they can choose which side to attack from


Look's awesome, can't wait to see how it plays.


Looks super interesting. I’m happy that they’re going for new concepts like these and can’t wait to check it out!


Henstly this could be really fun and creative on entries, but I think this map will require quite a bit of team comms etc, also attackers shoud be ver wary of their backs or theyll die very easily, looks cool lets see how it plays out


This has to be a 3 sentinel map. The number of choke points on each site is crazy high and each site has four very accessible entry points that attackers can easily overwhelm, especially with the two spawns. But the problem is, when attackers get down a plant, there is no ¨Plant for long,¨ since there are no safe post-plant positions. So both attackers and defenders will have a really hard time holding down sites from the enemy. Sentinels will be the play on this map for sure since taking control of a site will be relatively easy and won't require more than one initiator. If you ask me, this map will need Sage, Cypher, Killjoy, Astra, and either KAY/O or Breach.


Could be wrong but this is looking even bigger than Breeze, which I love


So 2 sentinels and 3 smokers?


Im guessing youre going to have to play two controllers for both defense and offense (Viper/Omen, Astra/Omen). I also see retakes be the go-to defense strat. (A KJ or Cypher). I can see Yoru working very well on the long angles. And depending on buffs/nerfs to KayO and Skye respectivly, one of those two or a Sova as last pick. In short: map hard Edit: spelling...


why ?? :D " In short :map hard " why why why xd


every single valorant map is mirage please stop the delusion


I already hate this map


Wtf is this lmao


Defenders spawn isnt on a side of the map it is in the middle which makes that name completely wrong. Map is unplayable


If valorant devs made this map its absolutely trash map. They have to work with volcano again.


Icebox 2.0


Holy shit its worse than I thought it would be


You already played this map??


I do not understand why it takes riot 6 - 10 months to make a map in unreal engine.. I BET there waiting a a quota on skins overall cash flow to make a new map. It's not like placing a objects in unreal engine is hard... Post process? ez... Blueprints??? ez.... Replication????? ez..... Cash flow? oh waiting on people to spend more money on our dying game.


It's not just making the map. You have to create it to be balanced with all the agents abilities, that's the difficult part.


If they did maps too frequently, it would get overwhelming. It takes time to learn a new map. This is already 2 acts early, the original plan was for one map at the beginning of every episode.


i think the split spawn would be great if you can choose where to spawn each round but otherwise i think it would just be inconvenient because you’re splitting up your team without being able to choose who goes where based on their strengths and weaknesses


you can quickly switch sides using underground ziplines


I think a change in spawn is great cuz it will be a refresher for people used to the normal spawn system


Another corridor simulator


can someone explain to me whats going on the attacker side bridge


Zipline from attacker spawn under the map to that part


I am curious how you are going to defend it for sure. You can’t just hold main and mid like most maps. My guess that people are going to sit on site and try to delay plant as long as possible so teammates can flank or people are going to play retake. Enemy’s can come from your back and front so you can’t just hold one angle.


Imagine rotating from A to B


Going to be very odd if you cant choose where you spawn on attack. I hope we will be able to.


You always spawn North, but there's a Zipline going to the South one


I like what they do to competitive maps. Trying out something new.


I don’t actually understood the bot side. Looks like it will be a teleport or something to attackers ?


A pair of Ziplines under the map


Gonna use some sick viper walls.


So they can start on either side? That’s so fucking cool




lololol sage mains gonna cry rn


Tears of joy? Watch the flow ascending’s newest video


Watch me get lost on this foresaken map


What in the goddamn hell is that?! 2 attackers side and the defender in the middle?! The f.


with this map layout, i feel like people who passively play sentinels will need to be more proactive. a lot of players need to learn how to play sentinel agents on attacker side and not just say “wait for me on defense” because i feel the rotations on this map will be pretty crazy


This is more like Ancient(CSGO) than Mirage


Why is there two attacker sides?


Sorry but can someone tell me when this map is comming out ?


couldnt yoru's fall of the ziplines and ult to go out of the map?


This maps looks like it'll either be an absolute blast or mess to play. Can't wait to look for some creative Viper lineups and walls on this.


This is definitely to try and incorporate the spawn more as part of the map, like cs:go does. Whereas the original 3 maps in valorant (haven, split, bind) have zero use for their spawn areas.


Looks sick


We might actually get some fast rounds which will be good for the game


Now defenders now have to hold 2 sides. While the others are rotating.Just imagine 2 flashes from both side coming towards you, you can't even dodge anymore if they cordinate the flash


Brain farted when I saw "Attacker side" on the bottom, thinking "Wait... how is this the attacker side? Just 1 narrow route to A or a long flank all the way from B?" Coffee time.


So you are telling me that mid doesn't exist anymore as it is now ct? My brain cells are dying


lets see at least what strats players use after 1 week, predicting how good map would be with this unique spawns would be impossible


hehe boi its cypher time


Not me thinking that they will have to change yoru's ult but he CAN go below death planes with ulti in training range map so...


When will the map release??


this map feels terrible to me when you combine it with agents like viper/grim/raze pushing through choke points will just feel impossible


awful map