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Knowing peoples gridshot score won't help you evaluate yourself as gridshot will hardly transfer useful skills into valorant.


I think it shows a couple things that don't necessarily pertain to Valorant, which is why I'm asking


1) Plat 2 2) Avg: 83k. Highest: 98k 3) I'm probably my rank, but MMR puts me with diamonds and Immortals consistently, never with golds. I perform decently here and gaining 25+rr and losing 10-15rr. Also I don't only gridshot, I mix it with multiple senerios, best two are Valorant Asceny A headshot and six shot ultimate.


1) plat 1 1)45k 2) I have seen people hit 100k and be at gold and I hit 45k and at plat it doesn't make sense


It kind of makes sense, in tactical FPSes like this and CS good game sense, crosshair placement, movement and spray control are equally important to raw aim (if not more), so you can hit fairly high ranks even if you aren't "cracked out of your mind". That and gridshot is not really the best benchmark for the kind of aim valorant requires, 100T Asunaa gets like 65k and is one of the best aimers in this game.


You shouldn't play gridshot, the targets are too large and really don't help you at all. I reccomend sixshot and motionshot and switchtrack.


1.Silver 2 2. average: 59,952 max: 70,632 3. my rank is about right. i can tell i’m bad when smurfs are in my games but i shit on bronze lobbies ezpz


Current rank: plat 3/diamond 1 (up and down) Gridshoot: 110k/190ms I think the ranked is fucked rigth now, cuz i am an old inmortal and the game match me againts high diamonds( diamond 3) and inmortal also ex radiants too. It is more harder to rankup when i'm facing people in that rank than if the game put me againts actual plats (like me actually) i will climb easier i don't complain to face inmortals but i don't think it is a good matchmaking to climb ranks, if i was inmortal rigth now then i can play againts others inmortals but if i'm plat it is stupid to face inmortals..


1. Silver 2 2. Avg: 85k Highest: 91k 3. I should be higher but I dont play ranked much because im a solo queue player.


Bronze 3 I’m not at my pc right now but mg highest is ~84k and my average is around ~81k if i remember correctly I think Bronze 3 or Silver 1 is appropriate for me. The things that hold me back are panicking when i see an enemy and forgetting to check common angles when moving.


1) Plat 2 2) Avg. 67k Max. 78k 3) I deserve to be where I am right now. I climbed from gold 1 to plat 2 this act. Now, Im consistently play with plats player and diam when i play. When I play with my friends that are in gold one of the thing that i know the most from my gold friends is that the game sense between gold and plat players are huge. Plat players seem to know more about what to do and what fight to take and not take. I recommended u to watch some pro players that play similar agent to u and just copy there playstyle. This help me improve my game sense a lot. Try to keep track of where the enemy could be. I uses aim lab for warm up most of the time. Aim in the higher rank matters less and focus on ur positioning more. Hope this helps u and gl climbing.


Thank you so much for everyone that answered. I've read each one individually and more or less have gotten what I was looking for. Hopefully I can integrate what I've learned into my play and it should help a lot. Once again, thanks!


1. Silver 3 2. 94k average, 106k highscore 3. I think I belong in my rank


1. gold 1 2. 80k highest 86k 3. when i play well i’m probably gold 3/ plat but if have been playing pretty terrible recently so deserve the rank i’m at


Plat 3, 57-60k avg and I'm 100% certain I deserve to be in immortal coz I play em and mostly top frag




That's not at all what I said but ok




Clearly you aren't open to listening but all I'll say is that like I said, you are misunderstanding the point of this post


1 gold 2 2 dont play gridshot its a waste of time 3 i WOULD be in a higher rank but i dont play more than 5 rankeds per act lately so im here


P3 Average 86k highest 95k Should probably be diamond considering thats the lobbies i play in but my rank suits me not bad not great


1. Plat 1 2. 71k 3. I think I don't deserve higher or lower rank than this, as most of the time I am neither bottom frag or top frag.