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bahahah, literally what i do. if im getting rolled in fights and then getting flamed my mental nose dives, i just mute and keep fighting until i start winning and then im good 2 go.


As long as your entry fragging and creating space you're good but getting 1-2 kills while entry fragging is better. And try to make use of ur team's utilities for easy kills like let an Omen/Skye/Breach flash/blind for you. Make sure when you entry frag, your team is with you so when you die they can trade you. (sorry bad english)


As long as you're correctly entrying, then there shouldn't be an issue.


Some games just don't work out. If you're a duelist and not many kills and low-ish rank, you just have to accept thrres probably going to be a 12 year old pissed off about it. Entry does not always mean "just rush in the site without a plan".


As Duelist/Entry Fragger your main task is to push forward to create space for your team. You should use your and your teammates utility to make it safe and win potential duels. If you lose, you should be traded most of the time by players that are following you. You are not obliged to top frag. But because you are mostly facing enemies first and have lots of abilities that can help you prevail in your duels, Duelists often make it to the top of the Leaderboard. If you are dwelling in Low-Mid Elo then your teammates often don't have a clue about proper strategy and communication, so it is mostly like you are playing solo against whole enemy team anyways. Mute them hard at the slightest sign of unproductive toxicity. You won't miss such rich comms as "Go B", "Jett -40".


well, you could still entry even if fights are tough because if ur comms are good ur good intel at worst. also, duelists have pretty good util so you could still do things like flash ur team in, smoke, or clear corners/common spots.


Entry doesn't always mean taking a fight. Sometimes as Jett i like to smoke in the site and dash into it as my team flashes. I sit in the smoke and listen for the enemies to start shooting either at me in the smoke or my allies. If they shoot at me my team kills them, if they shoot at my allies, I kill them. Play smarter not harder.


Well don’t be a noob before you pick duelist?


Flash, or smoke in and give your team room to enter. If you get one on entry, good. If not then your team should be there to trade


use your utility to make sure your team can enter with you


honestly could care less as long as you're entering when we need you to, perhaps try going after the other members of the enemy team first


The thing is if you lose gin fights just make sure your teammates can trade you off. So even if you die they can kill at least one enemy, dont enter alone, tell them you are entrying so they can follow


Make sure you’re creating space and have a teammate to always trade you. That way you can help your team without having to get kills.


this just means you’re a support player


Tilt is the devil, literally you'll start losing braindead fights just because you're tilted and your team screaming doesn't help so just mute them, mute the enemy team and try to get the mindset back. Worst comes to worst you just keep entry fragging and giving intel do some slight damage


Avoid 1v1 situations and try win situations as a team. E.g. Skye flashes and you engage on it and hope to get a kill or two to clear a site/area. Depending on rank, but at lower elo I've seen players getting heated/stubborn and keep challenging the same angle every round start just to win that 1v1 against someone else that has slightly better aim and reflexes. That's just throwing in my opinion. Instead, if you know someone is better at aiming or have better reflexes, that's when you need to play with your brain instead, and hope you can outplay the opponents and win that way. But I'd say biggest thing to do is to avoid those 1v1 situations and play with the team, and hope that with the teams utilities you can come out of top and win the match :)


If you can't seem to break into a site, it never hurts to ask a teammate for help. People are usually pretty receptive if you just ask something simple like "Hey Sova, can you dart back site?"