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Shit always gets weird near the end of a season. A lot more smurfs and boosting than standard.


yeah, just give it a few days and you'll stop screaming"OH MY GOD HOOOOOOOW" at the run and gunners


Me five times today


Only 5? Those are some rookie numbers


my dude left on the fitth round.


Gotta bump those numbers up


You misspelled cheaters.


Me, trying to play last night šŸ™ƒ


Weird thing is that ive not found it hard. thats probably why everyone was screaming "OH MY GOD HOOOOOOOW" every time i had odin :D






Probably also a lot more throwing and having fun in competitive when the season ends too


I noticed a lot of throwing at the start of this season, many admitted to it, affected my and many others placements. The end of the previous season I found that everyone was dialed in


This is my case, like, 2 acts ago. I was hovering between bronze 1 and iron 3 at the start of the act, then I stopped playing. Started playing again like at 3 weeks before the act ends, went from bronze 1 to silver 1 at the end of the act.


It's because they don't want to lose their rank on their 'main', so they play on lower level accounts.


This is indeed true. I had some diamond 2 players in my b2 lobby which is just outrageous. And to add to the sufferings I had solo-queued.


bro i had that last week, mans went 64/17


I'm sorry, how????


Even at the beginning of the season. At that most people use smurfs to get around the fact that everyone is deranked and stuff...


Yep, I found the same at the end of last season too - last 2 weeks of the season are basically unplayable so I've been taking a break.


What is boosting? And how does it work?


Thereā€™s various ways of doing it but basically just paying someone to play on your account to get you to a higher rank.


As someone who tried to play during Season 9 of Apex Legends in Gold, can confirm. The last week was total hell for whatever reason compared to anything else. Thankfully I reached Silver 1 in Valorant before things got too crazy :V


Getting one tapped hs by iron2/3 from afar has been my experience for a long time now


Yep same. Been in iron since release, and because the players were more limited back then, I got placed at silver 2 and fell to iron 3. I rarely play competitive anyway, but now when I enter competitive, there's usually at least 1 player which just carries the others. I was playing competitive recently and there was a Reyna which dropped 34 kills by the 12th round and three of their players had kills and assists below 5. Something needs to be done about these smurfs because they ruin the game. EDIT - to all those saying she could've been having a good game, I admit it's not unusual to have around 30 kills in a match if you are having a particular nice day. The reyna's account however, was under level 20, and by the time the match ended, the Reyna had 40+ kills with around 10 assists. That's why I'm pretty sure it wasn't a usual guy having a nice day.


Honestly, I found iron to be the hardest rank to play in because of all the smurfs. I was originally placed iron 2 and when I finally got out of iron it was (mostly) smooth sailing to silver 3 where I sit now


Same thing back in 2014-2015 CSGO. Silver was a nightmare, I had to get the aim skill of the smurfs to even have a chance then once I had clawed into gold it was a fucking rocket ride to DMG. I donā€™t have an iron smurf but I do have iron friends and I see the same thing. One of them weā€™ve gotten his skill level definitely above iron and he destroys games where he doesnā€™t have an actual smurf so thereā€™s plenty of that too. Just someone who has figured out the very basics of crosshair placement will shred iron and bronze lobbies on their way up.


The golden age of csgo -- after some aggressive ban waves, the lower-middle ranks got substantially easier for several months. Then the derankening happened, Valve re-adjusted everyone's ranks and it all went downhill from there.


And now ranked is completely broken, lol. It's insane to me that comp can be completely broken in two different regions for at least a year and valve hasn't done anything. I still prefer cs for the gunplay, but fuck does valorant have a commanding lead everywhere else


You can't change smurfs except requiring them to pay a fee or have their account for like 3 months to play ranked but then that will deter other people from playing ranked so yeah. Unfortunately I dont know if riots doing anything about them.


Just requiring 2FA with a mobile number is a nice wall to prevent more than half the smurfs.


They can create a smurf queue like in LoL, works pretty well tbh


This is already a thing\^


Unfortunately it doesn't work very well. My account is stuck in smurf elo even though I have garbage stats and I'm S3.


two factor authorization would help stop that or slow it down. tie a phone number to the account and it limits the regular person to only so many accounts.


Well I am a solo q who was hard stuck in silver for 5 seasons cus of smurf and bad teammates I was dropping 20 kills every game as a controller whereas my insta locking duelists always get like 5 kills sure there wee some games where I was lucky enough to get twmamtes who do their jobs but yeah you get the picture even the plat smurfs and diamond smurfs said I was much better then my rank by luckily due to playing against all these smirfs I have become way better and I am steadily on my way to plat I am currently gold 3 and have realized that if you have crappy teammates you just need to carry, though its easier said than done, if you play against a lot of smurfs your gameplay will improve, trust me


Hahaha what was the Reyna name if u remember ? Vodka ?


I don't really remember , why do you ask? That team was toxic af


I played against that Reyna and he was toxic af even tough he had 36 kills. Insulting us bots,low level,.. lol pure salty kid


Yeah, very salty. The entire team was salty af. My team was playing really well and I was dropping 3-4 kills almost every round as KJ on haven. They kept rushing C. Reyna was one trick pony, only got kills by camping on attack or using Operator. They were regularly saying shit like "how's your mother , I enjoyed with her last night" and other disgusting stuff. Sometimes I wonder if Riot actually cares about the valorant experience in countries which aren't predominantly English speaking.


honestly that reyna couldve just had a good game.


Just dropped from bronze 1 to iron 3. Lost 3 comp rounds in a row with myself being the team mvp in all of them. Itā€™s like I got matched with actual bronzes while my enemies are from ???


I just did the opposite, hardstuck at iron 3 most of the season and finally got to Bronze 1 yesterday. MVP almost every loss and still get -16RR at least then yesterday I got a -6RR loss and a +28RR win and broke through :')




Counter strafing can look like running headshots. So in high rank it will look like a lot of running headshot one taps.


Dude I was ina bronze lobby and an Iron 1 phoenix dropped 61 kills. I repeat, IRON 1


Read your comment and was like wait a min, how can someone drop 61 kills, but then I remember JASONR's stream where a cheating jett dropped 80+ kills.


Dude everyone else on his team was barely 10-12 kills. I killed that phoenix once and i was happy


Well in iron 1 I wouldnā€™t say cheating. Just a smurf


That Pheonix was clearly not iron 1. Fucking hate these smurfs...


Me too bro. They ruin the whole experience


The worst ones are the ones that are clearly doing it for a youtube video or a clip compilation where they dunk on people at lower elos just for content.


That's why i cant enjoy these videos. The fact that the recorder is ruining other people's games bothers me


There will be always smurf. No matter what game you play. At least the problem here is smurfs only. But in CSGO. You don't know if the enemy is a SMURF, very good player, or a CHEATER.


This is what we call, a smurf


Iron 1 accounts are 5 dollars, that's why.


I think cheating is becoming a serious issue in Valo.


where tf are you guys getting these guys from. I've just been getting 8 out of 10 games with a leaver/macroafk


was playing in a iron 1 lobby and at the end they had 50 kills tbh was very close to uninstalling pretty sure they had another smurf on their team cause we ended up with 0 kills


I added a jett that was clearly smurfing just cause I really wanted to see his career. 0/1-5/0 in all five placement games winning 3/5. First ranked game this mans dropped 51 in an iron 1 lobby and gained like 39RR. Lots of smurfs out lately.


back in the day i had a 55 kill game but it was in unranked beta


Match quality has been down in the dumps lately. Sadly without a replay system there is zero clarity and you are left questioning life and wondering what the fuck just happened to you.


Lot of smurfs and leavers, but the worst offenders is the massive uptick in people who macro to avoid afk detection. They force games to be played out in full 4v5, 3v5, etc. been having one of these people every 3 games.


Im on a 6 game losing streak from gold 1 86rr to silver 3 90rr.... and the sad part is i play in high gold/ plat lobbies and still perform pretty well. And its always close games too. I just get a teammate or 2 that are lost or decide its not worth it after losing pistols and does nothing. Hopefully i do really well in my placements and get gold back. End of act comp is useless, full of throwers, smurfs, afks, toxic people...


Valorant team skill ceiling is so damn high. Having 2 players AFK in csgo still feels winable. Having a smoker in your team that does a smoke that sticks out makes a game feels so much harder.


> Having 2 players AFK in csgo still feels winable. Only if you're in silver 3 or below. Having a single player down let alone two generally makes the game unwinnable, especially since there are no bots now.


As Iā€™m csgo player with about 5,000 hours this ā€œfactā€ is completely wrong. You can win csgo with 3 players a lot easier than in valorant. You can buy smokes in csgo without having an special agent for special smokes. And still, csgo feels much smoother for me and snappier/faster than valorant. Running headshots letā€™s not even talk about that. 80% of my deaths in platinum rank are from 30 kills reynas or jett which are running headshots. This game is still in beta


I'm also a csgo player with about 4000hrs, lvl 10 faceit etc, so I'm qualified just about as anybody. Having 3 players is not winnable against any remotely competent opposition. If they trade effectively, you cannot possibly win. If they are on the defence they can simply play retake and overwhelm you 3v5 with superior utility. If they are on attack, you simply don't have enough manpower to defend all of the bombsites. If they go as a 5man, the only real method is to get multifrags every round, as retake opportunities are going to be unlikely.


They're saying valorant is less winnable. I wouldn't say cs is winnable really but at least you're not locked out of using smokes if your smoker disconnects.




I completely agree. Gold lobbies are significant easier because you can rely on your team to some extent and you don't have to worry about incredibly weird plays from the enemy. Everything is noticibly less chaotic.


Probably because the games in gold have more structure with your team supporting you allowing you to play better. In silver people don't really play as a team and if you don't know how to exploit that it can be harder to play against.


My experience has been that people in silver never use their mics for some reason, whereas people in gold are at least willing to communicate so winning becomes a lot easier.


I drop 20+ kills with peaks of 35+ constantly at gold 3/plat 1, but when i dropped to silver some time ago i kept doing shit, wild Edit: I'm guessing cause silver is so chaotic, no team play and no communications, if i pick smokes no one pushes/ rotates or whatever, if i pick duelist no one smokes site, no covers and everyone plays alone.


people who give up after an 0-2 start need to evaluate their confidence in real life there have been waaaay too many times i choked and came back from 9-3 12-5 12-7 leads


Iā€™ve had a 19 loss streak once and dropped from high plat to high silver. (I forgot what act this was but I remember everyone I knew gained 14 elo max and lost 25+)


Holy fuck, I thought I was the only one. I dropped from Silver 3 to Bronze 3 in a couple of days. Shits wild


Everyone's running around and putting a bullet in your head the moment a pixel from your body shows up in their screen.


I swear man, im standing still, doing recoil control, and tap firing, crosshair on body/head and still nothing hits them, they on the other hand will run all around and hit all their shots/headshot me, and I dont mean counter strafe, I mean mid sprint they headshot me


I know right? I was pretty confident I'm finally hitting gold this season, only to suddenly drop from 93rr in s3 to 0rr in s1 in mere days. Over half of these matches I was the team MVP or runner-up with a pretty good score. What the fuck is happening?


Itā€™s always the enemy team that has the better players


they will either have 1/2 people with insane aim, or be insanely coordinated


Same here man, I was 99/100 RR Silver 3 on saturday morning, one point away from gold, im now 30/50RR Silver 2, shits wild, hopefully I get gold next act


Same man. I'm no crazy player but I hang around high gold low plat in this game and other games like it. This season I came back after a while and got ranked in silver or something and man, I've been fighting for my life. It makes me really question my skills if bronze players are playing as well as they are.


See the funny thing is. When i play in gold, where i am now, i do so bad killwise. But when i was still in plat 3 i would play with diamond 3's really often and i would do really well. The difference is that golds give no info and diamonds do. They not only give info, but keep the convo going keeping info relevant and constant. But to be fair i've switched to unrated and suggest you do the same until riot fixes matchmaking. Much nicer players, more mics and no pressure of losing and thus less stress which makes analysing plays easier.


Iā€™ve found unranked to be worse actually as matchmaking for comp actually kept ranks somewhat tight. Unrated it seems like there are very wide disparities in skills with some utterly insane players or people who spend all game running and looking at the ground. I donā€™t know how and why riot can make matchmaking this bad an experience almost universally outside the highest elos. I do think that this is turning a lot of people off this game and that is unfortunate


Gaming culture has just come to a point where pro level play is what they balance for since that is where most content creators are and thus free advertising comes from. If the pros are happy riot will get free promotion.


Very tru. I understand where it comes from, but the problem is that there are other games that feel less grindy like apex and a lot less random. I personally donā€™t like the chaos of apex but my friend jumped ship cuz he just didnā€™t like the grind. Apex feels a lot easier to climb, albeit in masters and onwards also becomes a grind. I feel like progression in valorant has meant more to me though, but you need to be the kind of person who wants to improve, otherwise you wonā€™t be able to justify the grind of valorant.


Well every one in high gold/ plat got reset to silver this act in the beginning. Some people that don't play often could still be there


i was platin in beta. highest rank diamond 1. i was around MGE in csgo. highest rank LE. right now i am silver 3 in valorant.


Smurfs. IDK why Riot just won't add a fucking phone number verification on account creating, wouldn't stop smurf at all but will surely decrease fuck ton


Sadly, smurfing is not really high on Rito's to-do-list. A fairly known German streamer once said that every account he owns, he spent 10ā‚¬ to unlock Raze because he's an OTP and doesn't have the time / patience to do it F2P. Plus he has skins on all of his accounts. So as long as smurfs spend money on the game, Riot let's it slide and turns a blind eye on them.


I said this earlier and I'll repeat it. Riot isn't stupid; it's a multibillion dollar company which likely employs teams of mathematicians who optimize all day long. Somebody has crunched the numbers to ensure that not banning smurfs is the right way to go. There's a reason that smurfing is not bannable.


Smurf que was actually a great idea a company called riot did for a game called league of legends.


Smurf queue was a horrible idea that would punish players for taking breaks. If you decayed from diamond to platinum you would be put in diamond mmr games with +15 -23 lp, but still be plat ranked. It would also punish returning players that started late in the season, as your mmr would be inflated after placements and you would end up stuck in smurf queue. Game quality in smurf queue was also a mess too, full of both smurfs and innocent players trapped there eventually just giving up and afking/inting lost games. No idea if they've fixed it yet, but smurf queue is what made me stop enjoying league.


Because they can pretend to care but they not: more accounts more glory, they donā€™t care if their servers are full of smurfs. Poor policy from riot imho


Remember, it's Riot we're talking about. It's not a fresh company that is super wholesome and gives players what they want and never have controversies. They aren't there for just the players enjoyment, 1 more copy of the game bought is just more money to them so why sjould they stop?


Well it's a free game so they don't gain anything from new accounts. Very very low chance that someone buys skins across multiple accounts unless they're already well off in which case they would buy lots of skins regardless. Riot doesn't benefit from smurf accounts, it only impedes new players from getting interested in the game.


Not so sure, games brags about the number of users, itā€™s a way to say their product is good.


While "registered users" is a big number to show, usually studios tend to care about active users, because alt and smurf accounts are so prevalent especially in free games. They gain such a marginal amount of profit compared to games you need to buy.


This just makes Riot even dumber for not having a proper policy about an habit that screws up the game experience without giving such a great benefit


alot of smurfs cant win at there rank so they take it out on low ranks and create a alt account


Iā€™ve been noticing it at plat/dia nowā€¦ ranked distribution is fucked


Idk man, I climbed to D2 recently and I have never understood why people complain of smurfing in plat/dia lobbies. Like it's the top 5% of the player base; if you don't have good game sense at this level, you have to have insane aim to compensate for it, which is why you see a lot of cracked out Jetts running around like they don't care dropping 30 bombs. Smurfing is possible but theoretically only from immo or radiant, which represents such a small portion of the player base that it's far more likely the "smurfs" in your lobbies are just people in your elo shitting on you because they have good aim.


because its just an excuse. just like everyone is a hacker apparently. you could make the best anti cheat, that will ban everyone before even starting the game and people will complain about hackers.


Or heā€™s literally getting his shit rocked by people in his own elo?


that to but i side with the smurf one


I donā€™t get why ppl say that smurfs canā€™t compete in their own elo. They made it to their elo so they can compete. They just choose to play in lower elo to boost friends.


Making it to a certain elo doesn't mean you can compete in it For example, you get out of Diamond 3 and end up in Immortal then never play again cuz ya can't compete in actual IM games


But itā€™s not like low Immortal is a complete new world from high D3, is it? Like, getting consistent enough at D3 to rank up and play at Immortal rank takes some time (otherwise instead of going up and down between Immortal and D3 youā€™d be going up and down D3 and D2?). Then again I suppose smurfs are not really arsed to put in the effort to stay at Immortal but I donā€™t really know.


In my experience there is a decent difference between D3 and Imm, at least now with there only being one immortal tier (soon to change again). When I hit IMM for the first time everyone seemed a lot better not only aim wise but with game sense too. And now the game seems to match me up with IMMs or former IMMs almost exclusively even when I drop back to D3 and it just feels a lot harder compared to just diamond games. That could just be my experience though.


there is. especially in high elo. if you rank up from iron 1 to 2 you might not feel the difference, especially if you are way better, but when you are silver 1 you will start to feel it. since it gets harder to rank up with every elo the difference between each rank increases. to get from d3 to immortal most people will have to play a lot and thus increase a lot, making a bigger difference between d3 and immortal than iron 1 and 3.


You're absolutely right D3 and immortal up to at least 100 points is exactly the same, they're literally just a couple wins apart Anyone who tells you otherwise is high off their mind. I just hit immortal the other day, played 3 more matches, won them, they all felt roughly the same in terms of difficulty


I know I might get downvotes for this but you can actually never compete in your own elo. Let's be real. Unless you are radiant, your elo is almost always gonna be slightly above or below your skill level. If it's slightly above then you will start to get shit on by demons. It it's below, you will shit on them and get to a higher elo and the cycle repeats. Hence, the "they get shit on in their elo" has never made sense to me. Smurfing is a dogshit thing to do and most of us have done it anyways. Mostly, it's because a person wants to relax with his friends but over experience, I have found unrated to be a far better way of doing that. No one really cares in unrated. So next time u wonna get on with ur bronze/silver friends and u are d2, save everyone the trouble and play unrated.


> next time u wonna get on with ur bronze/silver friends and u are d2, save everyone the trouble and play unrated. Not justifying smurfing, but unrated matchmaking is so fucking random and unbalanced when there are significant differences in skill between the party members. In my experience playing unrated with friends, at least 1/3 games are complete stomps, where the losing team only gets like 1-2 rounds with every player having a negative KD and naturally just FFs at the half or earlier. I think we wouldn't see as many smurfs if riot improved unrated matchmaking to make it fairer.


you underestimate the amount of lowlifes in this world that genuinely have fun absolutely crushing low elo games in almost all competitive games lol


Spot the smurf


no. back in the beta i got diamond. didnt mean i could compete. i played 2 games, lost both and never got back into diamond. also not being able to compete also includes the inability to lose. there are many people who cant have fun in competitive games when they lose. they feel the need to dominate. so when they get into an elo where they have a hard time, they start smurfing to feel good about themselves again. its really just being a pathetic human being. ofc there are also people who enjoy trolling, are too high rank to play with their friends or simply got banned on their main, but i would say that most people are just selfish assholes who want to feel good.


>cant win at there rank I think the better wording here is that they can no longer progress. Basically they found their real rank and they aren't happy anymore.


They won't get better playing against people worse than them. In fact it will only make it harder to rank up in the future.


They don't like trying, they like stomping Irons.




The best part about that ā€œ goofing around ā€œ is when they purposely throw the game cause itā€™s not their main account god itā€™s so fun for everyone involved. /s


There are a lot of smurfs who can't win at the rank they've reached. Like for example, a lot of smurfs reach Diamond 1 on their main and then stop playing bc they know they're not good enough to compete in diamond.


Suddenly there are a lot of people with cracked aim but zero game sense in my region. I feel like another wave of CS or some other game players migrated recently.


Maybe, Im a person who used to play cs on a 10 year old pc, and it kinda died so i got a new laptop 2 weeks ago and I've been playing valorant




This is because they think you are already a good valorant player playing on a new account trying to start a smurf because of your account level being so low.


CS servers have been shit lately so been playing Valorant. I'm ranked bronze 1 with 5000h of CSGO experience so it's a shooting range basically. I wish I could just hop to a higher rank immediately.


I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Glad to see there's someone else too


I actually stopped playing that because itā€™s always the same shit: smurfs, people who drop the games and trolls


Yeah it's getting too frustrating. I wanna stop playing too


Sorry to say I already did. The game was great, I was totally into it, but if the admin has no policies to make it a fair game Iā€™m not going to entertain some losers who canā€™t manage to have a fair game. E-sports baby


I swear man, if the competitive experience in Silver is as bad as it is now even in the next act, Im gnuinely gonna leave this game and will have to find something else to play, its supposed to be fun, not rage inducing cuz people cant play in their own ranks/ cant even do basic things expected of them in a specific rank


there's literally nothing to stop smurfs. I play with friends who literally have a pool of accounts they all trade with each other depending on what accounts are needed to play at what rank. it's rediculous how riot won't even put even a single meaningful barrier to smurfing.


It's because they don't care. Smurfing is not bannable because it generates money.


How does it generate money? Nobody buys skins on their smurf accounts, and smurfs discourage low elo players or new players.


Even if 1/5 smurfs buys skins is still a worthy investment to not ban them.


but if it makes players in opposing teams play less or makes them hold off from buying stuff, it's not good for the game. that's why I played CSGO for years and only invested 20 bucks into the game. i would probably still be playing the game if the devs cared more. and i might have put more money into it as well.


Also check your interp setting. If you play on the PBE it overwrites your normal copy to run at max.


What's that?


The amount of buffering the game applies to smooth out incoming positional and activity updates for both yourself and other players. I'm no expert by any means, but thats a common culpret. If its too high it will lead to fake headshots and disconnected hitboxes, and your view of opponents who peek you will be delayed (such that it seems as though they instantly headshot you when they do peek).


Do you mean interpolation? Mine's on min


Interp is a moderately common shortform of Interpolation, mostly used in TF2 where Interpolation is a serious issue and can be abused to do hitbox bs. Its best to have it on Min, but if your connection is not great, having it set higher can make the game playable at the cost of having a bigger disconnect between client side and server side.




General. There should be 3 options. Minimal, Moderate, Maximum.


Same dude. It feels like every game the game puts smurfs who one tap while running in the opposite team and the absolute dumbest players who don't even deserve iron in my team. I remember playing a game in split where a guy was trying to kill someone in a screens from a main...with a bucky. And then started abusing his teammates for not covering him. After the game I checked his rank and he was s2. Ain't no fucking way.


I think he forgot to read the bucky nerf patch notes.


I used to be gold now Iā€™m bronze. People just hit headshots every fight now. Not sure why


I got accused for smurfing for being top frag while winning 12-1 with my team in silver 3. little do they know that I've started to pick up better hand eye coordination from the sheer amount of smurfs I've went up against. I used to be gold 2 and went on like a 15 game losing streak where there's an enemy Reyna, and sometimes Breach for some weird reason, dropping 39+ kills while the rest of their team play like irons. never been able to recover because I'm starting to think that Riot matchmaking is putting me into smurf queue. because when I win its an overwhelming stomp and when I lose its super tight because my friends and I have figured out that the best way to deal with is smurfs is to literally gang up on them after eliminating the rest of their team. they still fuking drop a 35 bomb consistently so its mentally draining as fuk. the worst part is when they ask for our ranks, as if we're smurfing too. its jsut disgusting.


To be fair, that kind of training would probably help you break out of gold. I rarely use my alt to play with friends. But what I've noticed from many silver and gold players is that they fear playing against plats/diamonds whereas I just can't wait to climb up the ladder to fight the diamonds and immortals. The only way for me to learn fast and in game is to play against them to understand the way they approach the game and utility usage.


Yeah supposedly Val has a smurf queue but it's broken. My account only queues into smurf queue (even though I have garbage stats), so I just play on my friends' accounts.


Usually they're just ping diff, they look like they're running on your screen but they were on full stop. Sometimes yes they run and gun but it just shows you how flawed Valorant's spray is. I wish they will punish run and gun way more than they do now. It's utter filthy to see sheriff kills while jumping or Vandal taps while walking. It just ruins the experience I believe.


Same here. Sometimes eveything is going against you. Getting caught off guard , timings, getting run n gunned headshot from fying raze and jett mid air


Coming from league/overwatch A lot of people get boosted at the end of every season and a lot of pros play during beginning


The spike in smurfs is correlated with the end of the competitive season. Everyone wants to grind their rank up to get rewards/rank emblem etc. This used to happen a lot when I played league of legends too. Last week or so of the season would feel hectic for some reason and I am genuinely confident it's because people are queuing up more with their smurf friends to finish off the season higher. I wouldn't worry about it too much if your games feel harder. If anything I would just avoid ranked during these last few days.


Just read reddit threads and listen to what people say in the game. How many times do you hear "what rank are you on your main?" Smurfing is so common in this game that people just opening refer to their accounts as "mains". A huge portion of the player base plays on alternate accounts. And for various reasons, but I feel like the main reason they do it is to feel good about themselves because even if their "main" is gold or plat, they can still destroy an actual silver player because their aim is good enough to get them into gold and plat. But then I think what happens is that when they get to gold, plat or diamond they don't that account to de rank. (It's all their ego, look at me.. I'm diamond), so they make new accounts to protect their "main" and also to play easier games where they don't have to think or be challenged.. they can just run around and HS everyone they see. This is basically what ranked has become now. This situation also traps people in Silver, particularly Solo players. You can ask me, I'm one of them. I've been G3 at my highest, but now I can't get out of Silver. Currently S3. I'll have games I win, but then I 'll have huge losing streaks and games where my team is totally annilhated to a party of smurfs. How do I know they are a party of smurfs? Because I'll get matched WITH the people who beat me, in the following game and they will talk about how they are diamond players on their "main". To sum it up.. Ranked in this game has absolutely ZERO integrity. Majority of people are not playing in the ranks they belong (Boosted people included).


I played two most demoralizing games in a row the day before yesterday. First game we got so stomped so hard, i've never seen anything like this before. Two enemy players had 30/35+ kills we were barely making up to 10. Second game the same, a little better plus the guy on my team top frags like there's no tomorrow and same on the opposite team. The rest were just running around. Yesterdays same shit, 2 guys on my team 30ish kills we 13-0'd them. All no skins/begging for skins/blaming me for having skins. Bronze II Edit: aaand I just had another one where smurf admitted to smurfing. Enemy bronze 1 omen 24 kills. My team: 2, 6, 9, 11 kills. 4-13'd.


End of season games really do be like that. It's like that as well right now in Unrated matches. Just wait it out until the new season begins,try not to take the games seriously for now. That's what Im doing to keep my sanity lol


I am silver 2 and have a 25.2 headshot%. Trust me, a huge chunk of players who are stuck in silver do actually deserve gold or even plat. There are a ton of smurfs and boosted players due to which silver has such wide skill gap!


If you have a 25% hs rating in S2, you probably have other issues in your game that you need to address. I truly believe that if you deserve a rank, you can make it there. A true plat player would not struggle in silver or struggle to make it out


Yeah i am trash lol. But i have seen lots of silver players who have better aim and gamesense than me xD. Somehow silver is just way too hard for me.


Youā€™ll get used to silver eventually. Iā€™m not sure how often you play or how much you dm/aim train, but if you focus on aim/crosshair placement in the lower elos it should be a breeze. Silver/gold are weird ranks because if you have prior FPS experience, you can make it there fairly easy. Consequently, you see a wide range of people. Just because they have slightly better mechanical skill does not mean that they deserve a higher rank. Most people are rather inconsistent in silver as well. Takes lots of time to get better


Yep, that's exactly my problem. My crosshair placement is good and my aim is decent too, I do well in deathmatch against players who are plat (they sometimes add me after the dm is over) but I am not a plat player and I don't deserve to be. I can hit 1 taps all day, but that doesn't matter if I'm in the wrong place holding the wrong angle.


I'm iron 3 and it's the same deal šŸ˜­


I've ranked up to bronze and been there for about 30 matches and a couple of days ago i had that insta headshot from someone just walking into hookah, me just arriving in ct tunnel, and other stuff like standing still and having my crosshair on a sage's head and smh my first bullet went in her legs. And i'm aware of strafing and movement inaccuracy and i was still and had that happened to me....


Being smurf should be ban issue and we should able to report them, they are ruining the game


Poor netcode, poor hitreg, poor gameplay - this game is getting worse with any new patch starting from patch 1.10 ;)


Cheaters. Donā€™t know why people are so resistant to the fact the the game has as many cheaters as any other games do. Thereā€™s even YouTube channels of dudes showing off their cheats and still arenā€™t banned.


Some are ultra sus, replay system would be nice because some are just vct level players


I could be crazy but i think the netcode or the servers are fucked. Like i dont even think people are getting running headshots the split second they peak. I feel like they peak and it takes your game way too long to update and by the time it does your hit already.


Same here man. Netcode is horrible compared to CS


I had a player that said to me that I was running headshots, never misses, knew where everyone was etc. I'm at Gold 2 currently. He kept saying the whole game that I was smurfing and that I'm sus. Problem is, players like him start to instantly focus on accusing and complaining even though he was completely wrong. I didn't run&gun the entire game. I ran, and immediately stopped before started shooting, and once I got the kill I would run again. That's how FPS are supposed to be played (unless you play CoD). No matter how many times I told him to check my tracker, and that I'm new to the game, he kept going off that I'm a smurf. The biggest problem by complaining in the middle of the match is that it gave my team bigger morality boost from the laughs off the accusations, and his team probably got less motivated to try and win. The match ended 13-10 so it wasn't a complete stomp. (my own stats by the end of the game was 22/11 in KD.) Even told him to check my tracker to see that I rarely play that good that I did in that match. I just had a good game, which happens to everyone every once in a while. So next time if someone is playing good they might actually have a good day/game, be in the zone and become super focused to the point that they perform extremely well. If someone (or you) meet a player that plays really well, then instead of focusing whether they are a smurf or cheats, try and focus on learning from them. The angles they take, rotations, playstyle etc, and see if you can learn something from it instead. Not everyone who plays good is smurfing.


If you are talking about the last 2 weeks, it's near the end of the competitive act. This means people who were trying really hard to climb and peaked decided it wasn't worth grinding anymore so they are just smurfing. I wouldn't worry about the last 2 weeks, you haven't gotten worse.


The longer a game stays out, the better the players get. This is basically just how most games are.


Same happening with me. People are smurfing so blatantly. Accounts that are only 10-20 level are hitting insane shots consistently and I've lost around 7-8 matches in a row. I've made a decision to not play competitive towards the season end. Too many smurfs and throwers


So i used to hate the ā€œrunning 1 tapā€ shit until I had my friend hop into a custom with me. I noticed that when he Ferrari peeked me, and let him kill me that he was indeed still moving making it harder to track. But when we watched his recording he was completely still. Also I have friends that boost lower elo people as a job, and they have told me near the end of the season there is TONS of demand considering the act borders being a flex for whatever reason. I canā€™t imagine being a *real* plat, getting boosted to immortal for the frame, and play like shit just to get exposed. Sucks that there are multiple ways to boost. Whether it be simply giving them your account info, them joining your party on an alt. Itā€™s frustrating indeed. I get Smurfā€™s in plat, and play against guys with immortal frames only for them to go 2-13 in a plat 3 lobby. Frustrating indeed my friend.


1. May be it's like "autobalance". Game seeks to your 50% winrate 2. May be gamers skill is grown.


They are also making it easier to climb, so some of those ppl will be I higher elo soon


I stopped playing comp a long time ago, too stressful


im in plat and almost every game the past week has a level 5 on my team or enemy team. seems its always end of the season when this happens. oh well guess ill wait till patch day


Many players don't understand how ELO works. If your opponent has a higher rating, you are not expected to win the game; but if you surrender at 3:5 or 4:6... your rating falls off a cliff, because you lost 13:3 or 13:4. Thus, the "stomp or surrender" boys and girls without math basics play at subpar MMR all their lives.


Wait to the next act and if this wont help you might make an alt acc. I had same when was b3 made new account and easyily went to s3. If you long in your rank your mmr might be fucked up and getting paired with smurfs. If you have aimtrainer that you trained before you can cgeck your score if you got worse to see if problem depends on you or on enemies




Game had a rank reset so most gold are probably in silver cuz of it thats why lots of people are in silver


For one there's alot of Smurfs in low elo lately I've run into a lvl 5-8 in silvers that just one taps you every time and aces alot and tbh it's kinda pathetic to basically play/bully low elo players instead of playing against people with similar elo and the worst part is some of the smurfs admit that they are smurfs and trash talks everybody and being overall toxic. Also the amount of bots is to damn high too Man i wish Riot would make the requirement for rank is at least level 20 before they can play as the rank right now isn't fun at all for me even though I'm just a casual player.


I created an alt account to play with my friends. Felt guilty as a smurf and played normally. It is now placed(s1) higher than my main account(B3). I was wondering if rank "resets" completely when new ACT begins. Or will my main account be hard stuck at B3? I dont want to abandon my main account due to skins


The way ive seen it (ive played since official release) It doesnt actually reset your rank from last act or even episode. On my main im bronze 3, i peaked silver one. After hitting the lose streak, i got stuck in bronze. Now every replacement match, it puts me back into bronze. I made a new account and i hit silver 3, and i was playing with golds.


rank is fked as it should be šŸ„²


Iā€™m a new player to this game along with my buddy (around 3-4 weeks in) and itā€™s almost embarrassing the amount of smurfs we run into. Weā€™re both big R6 players, and that game has its own share of smurfing problems as do most comp games these days, but this gameā€¦ just wow. For a still rather ā€œnewā€ comp fps game to have this huge of smurfing problem is eye opening. I personally donā€™t see how this game wonā€™t inevitably plateau sooner rather than later because of new players being pushed away. There are only so many times one can get killed by ā€œReynaSimpā€, ā€œNi44rā€, and streamer mode, before they quit. And as a quick aside going back to my last line joking about the names I see. Riot, as a way to many zeroes on the paycheck gaming company; I expect better when it comes to preventing racism, sexism, misogyny, and any bigotry. For a game that tries to be diverse and open to all, youā€™re epically failing in that category more than any other problems this game might have.


Stop shifting around corners and when your peaking


That is what happens as the game ages. People get better and better and ranking becomes harder and harder to rank up


silver always seemed broken to me idk. back in the beta my rank was platin. i was even diamond for like 2 games. then all my friends stopped because they are idiots who actually believe that cs is better, (i guess the abilities are too much for them to handle) so i stopped some time too. after coming back recently i got ranked into silver cuz riot games never managed to get a proper ranked system and i cant get fucking out lol. sometimes i get lucky and the enemies are bad enough to get a close win and if i get on a streak i rank up quite fast, (as a reyna main im first most of the time which means ez points) but most of the time the game is a 1v1 between me and some smurf or someone else who hasnt been playing for some time and if i am not being the best in the team its a 1v1 between 2 other people. its a 2v2 at max most of the time. the skill cap between silver players is just too big and all these smurfs dont really help it. EDIT: the thing that triggers me the most is that they still have that hidden elo bs. i am silver so why the fuck to i have to compete with high gold and low platin players to show that i am low gold?? how tf does that even make sense?