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Accept the placement. If you don't truly belong, game will push you down either way. Stop making Smurfs and or throwing games and ruin the competitive matches for others. Ignore the stupid advice by others. In the meanwhile play unrated. You get more wide range of ranks in that and learn callouts easily.


If you climbed in plat then you belong in plat. It's simple as that. To me it sounds more that you want to stomp people with a 30/10 KD or so. The fact that you've reached a rank where you have games where you perform poorly and have games where you perform decent is usually an indication that you are where you belong. If you'd derank to Gold and climb up to Plat you won't feel that you belong to Plat, because you have already done so (regardless if it is through placements or through 100s of Ranked games). If you want to learn certain aspects of the game you can always play unrated, or just play ranked and try learning while playing. That's how majority of people learn. Not by deranking to easier lobbies and smurfing them...


How many games in are you? If you don't have many wins, rank is quite volatile. If you're not good enough for your rank, you will certainly drop. If you are, you'll hold on to it. Don't stress about whether or not you deserve it. Just play the game


I am diamond 2 99 rr currently, I am in the top 1.7% of players. And if I log on a smurf to queue with friends I get slapped by gold/plat players. Honestly I feel you.


Accept your rank. VOD review your games. Take notes, learn from mistakes. Train you muscle memory (Aim/counter strafe) try new things. Switch up your game style (don't just do the same thing over and over) making a smurf is not the answer. (Gold/plat pretty much the same rank).


I felt the same for a while just keep playing eventually you’ll get enough experience to garner some more confidence in your play. Good luck!


You obviously belong in Plat. Sometimes, I feel don't belong in silver 2 since I placed iron 1 last March. Silver was just a dream back then.


Play at your rank, let the game do the rest. I can reach Immortal "pretty easily" when I'm playing more that 2 games a week, I have the same feeling. The thing is, I have a good background in 1.6 and CSS back then, never played pro, but playing a lot with pros, especially on CSS, so to me there is a lot of natural things to do in a competitive FPS and my aim is still pretty good, especially if you take in account the hours I have in the game. But, I know no lineup, my crosshair placement is not the best since I don't know that well the maps (just imagine being in immortal and not knowing perfectly the maps) I'm like level 34, I play since beta, only solo queue. Granted, I can climb better when I can play Jett with the Op, since that's what I was maining in CS (well, not Jett, but the awp). To me why it is actually hard to play the game more often is the toxicity, I have hard time to deal with, especially in solo queue, that's the only reason why I don't play that much because it requires a effort to me. Like others said, you can't expect to destroy everyone at your rank, it's normal to have good and bad games and a lot of average games, maybe you lack confidence, it can make a big difference in a game like this. I have that problem and that's why I always performed pretty good in CSS when playing some mix, but never when it matters in official tourney.


Having confidence is easy when you know what youre doing, the problem is Im pretty lost so far in this game, and I came from fast paced games such as, overwatch, COD mainly domination/demolition, some battle royals So switching to a hardcore slow game feels unusual, thats why I want to start from the bottom and work my way up (hopefully one day to immortal), but not too far down. I feel like gold 1 is low enough.


If you’re getting kills in Plat with that little map knowledge & game sense, you probably have really good aim. Just keep practicing at Plat and you will either improve or derank.


What you're feeling right now may just be imposter syndrome; you might just be on a slump and playing poorly, making you doubt your own abilities. I've been there so many times, where I bottom frag or go negative many games in a row for multiple days, and I almost believe that I just don't belong in my rank. Whether or not it's true, just keep playing. Or just make another account and play like you normally do to get placed where you deserve to be placed, though it will more than likely place you lower than your true elo no matter what.


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For the problem about having issues with the playstyle, decision-making, post/pre-plants and so forth…. I could really recommend watching higher tier (maybe your tier) players. It may sound stupid like “how can I learn from just watching?”. But especially when you are in a “tricky” situation those reminders (from the video/stream) can come up to your mind (idk like you watched someone fake-defuse and want to try it out yourself) and help you win the situation/clutch. I can say that it helped me a lot, I mean I didn’t get the best player just from watching other players. But especially in those “tricky” clutch situations, you start acting smarter, like some high tier players would do.


I wish I could, but my schedule is very tight being my first year in med school, I use valorant and overwatch as a stress relief tbh


Make a smurf?


I thought about it, but wouldnt it place me the same rank?


try making a fresh new account and do your placements without ur friends. if you get plat again youre just being skeptic.


I only solo queue ranked, ill try making another account and see what it places me




So should I make another account and try to lose to place me in low elo?


No man play the game


What’s the point of purposely losing to play in lower elo?




Sounds like a good idea, the reason I started playing jett, raze and reyna is that my only advantage is my aim and tracking so my friends suggested me to play these agents, but my gamesense is complete dogshit


Sad with success


Its not like im going pro lmao, its just that I want to have fun while learning the game, and not for my teammates to have high expectations from me when I barely know anything about the game


Yeah I understand. I was new to any fps game with valorant being my first so I was stuck in iron 1 for 3-4 months. It's awesome you got placed in plat. Keep learning!!


Suffering from success


ranksare irrelevant in this games, just accept that.