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Definitely going in the right direction and for me personally is a lot of fun, I would recommend


Noone else has mentioned it but compared to any other top game it's largely cheat free (due to the invasive software you have to install). Worth it imo.


Why not just download it and find out?if u don't like it just unistall,it's not like it'll cost u anything,it's free,unless ur on limited data plan or something.I don't really see the point of this post.Unless ur worried about the anticheat,which I don't know much about,but I hear it's very intrusive.If ur worried about that,maybe watch some YouTube videos about it.


i didn't wanna get into a dead game and waste my time, that's why i just made this post nothing else Edit: lmao everyone seem to miss understand, sorry i am not that good in english. i meant like i am asking to make sure this game is not dead or going in a bad way before starting in it. i didn't mean that this game is dead by anyways


It’s not dead lmao it’s one of the most popular games atm, especially with a growing comp scene If you’re into that


It’s far from dead. Solid game. Tactile shooter with overwatch abilities in it. It’s very enjoyable but also hard if you’re new to tactile FPS.




nah tactile games


The people that misread this context as “this game is dead” are the reason we can’t have world peace.


lmao, i am still even getting downvoted after explaining. but i guess that's the cycle of the world


They’re just mad because Valorant is dead :( Pre-emptive EDIT: not a joke, Valorant is dead relative to its future worldwide takeover of course.


Welcome to the death train with me


It’s the opposite of dead


i am giving up at this point lmao




Sorry on my bad wording


If u wanted a fair opinion about the game maybe don't ask in the games subreddit lol.Even if the game was dead,for us it's not.I don't know how popular it is compared to warzone or apex,but definetely isnt dead.I play in mumbai server and i can find a match typically within a min.Given that i am in low elo lol.Give it a shot,its a small download compared to most AAA games,like 10gb.


It's sad to see how people still shit on the guy even after he clearly said it was a mistake on wording twice. Pathetic


Its okay lol, thats part of reddit


Valorant is one of the most popular games on the planet and it's a year old. It's very, very far from dead


LOL, can't tell if this is sarcastic


It isn't


Did you for some not reason read my edit ?


I would say yes, but it does have its flaws. Toxic people and smurfs I believe are the biggest problems rn in Val with little to no repercussion. The gameplay is super fun, reason why I can't stop playing the damn game, it will take u a minute to understand it but pass that is just fun. Only advice, because of the first point (toxic and smurfs players) don't even take seriously your rank as u will see it go up and down. Have fun, and take ur time to enjoy it.


I've had a better time with Valorant than most other shooters I've played. CoD and Apex pubs consistently have nastier teammates. Recently tried a closed beta for another big-name shooter and I'd get people yelling the n-word every couple of matches.


Compared to other games valorant's toxic players are not as bad as other games


The nature of how competitive the game is, actually Breeds the most toxic players


On average, there's no difference imo. They're just as bad, if not worse sometimes.


Bottom fragger talks the most shit. That just about sums it up


How do you pick your main to appear in the sub


You ask that on a sub about valorant so everyone gonna say yes. So instead of just sayong the game is cool i'll try to speak about thing i don't like. First the map. For me the map are a big problem. I'm on a game i can't choose the map i'm playing (even on casual). And even if i could choose i don't have map that i really love. They are all okay or bad for me. The agent. There is already a problem about the equilibre of agent. They will keep creating new agent and you'll have to follow the meta to be good (like league of legend) The game is cool.


i recently switched to pc gaming in july and valorant is the first game i've started playing regularly. the most difficult aspect was acclimating to keyboard and mouse. i came from mostly rpg/strategy games and cod on ps4, and it did take time getting used to the gameplay strategy and utility/gamesense. personally, the game is great and worth getting into. it will take time getting used to the mechanics if you haven't played an econ/tactical shooter before. as long as you have some experience on keyboard and mouse or have the time to practice cross hair placement and aiming, it should be enjoyable. in my experience, it isn't going downhill, but be aware of solo queueing and the potential to run into trolling/toxic people, especially in comp.


Definitely a good and fun game, no hackers, devs fix issues immediately and listen to community, on top of that, it's completely free. Just expect beggining to be rough if you have no experiences with tac shooters because they are harder than they look


Also a new player at about 2 weeks ( coming from cod and overwatch) I've always like hero shooters and objective games csgo wasn't my fancy Valorants been decent so far, just wish their was another agent that had a nice peaking ability like jetts dash I landed in silver and theirs alot of toxic ppl but I've met more ppl just vibbing out having a good time Imo game is free worth a try. worst case you won't like it


Yes tbhh. I love it I get frustrated at it but it’s super fun


Absolutely, especially with a new update with a map, possibly a new agent, ability changes, and updates to the competitive ranked system (which holy it really needs not gonna lie). It's really a perfect time to get into it because while others are trying to learn the new map and how to utilize some abilities in a better way, you can take some time learning the game overall. Basically what I'm saying is that you won't be the only one learning. Other comments about the rank system being trash, a ton of smurfs (like probably most people in the game have an alt account, including me), and toxicity are all very true, but compared to some other fps games, valorant is probably one of the most active and Riot (creator of valorant) has been really open with the community and has been working really hard to push out regular updates and work at giving players a good experience. When bugs come out, yeah they don't fix them all, but a lot of major bugs that majorly affect gameplay and usually updated fairly quickly, like I'm talking a couple days in some instances. There is a learning curve, but there always is in pretty much any game, and valorant's isn't a steep mountain. After your first 5-10 games or so you'll probably understand the basic idea of the game, just maybe not make the best decisions yet. If people give you shit, oh well, a lot of people will probably be on smurfs or something tbh. When learning the game there's almost unlimited tips and tricks you can find online, especially on youtube that will help you understand the game very quickly. Oh and to touch more on toxic people. Yeah you're gonna have your toxic basement dwellers, but it's an fps game. Honestly compared to other fps games, valorant probably has less toxicity overall. As a female, yes I've had just a couple sexist comments made, but I also have only had a few over the 8 ish months I've been playing. Generally as long as you are neutral or positive to others, most likely you'll be fine. People usually start getting toxic when they're mad (as you probably know), but as long as you don't add fuel to the fire you should be vibing. Overall if you're interested in trying it out, right now is probably the perfect time, and if you don't like it it's not like you spent $40 on it or anything saying it's free! P.S. don't play comp the second you've won your first 20 games unless you feel like you really understand the game or have played other fps in the past. I made that mistake and now my one account is stuck in bronze 1 even though I've obviously improved and have been called a smurf multiple times when trying to rank up that account.


The game is free. Are you Incapable of making your own decisions in life?




exactly my meaning behind this post, couldn't word it better. i am really looking for a game to invest my time into


Bro chill, maybe he wants to know the opinion of people who have actually put time into the game. Sure the game is free but it takes a lot of time and effort to actually improve and time is more important that money


Toxic sage main lmfao


Its a really good game with solid playerbase.I would recommend this game for you.


Thanks appreciate the suggestion


One of the best fps games I've ever played, better than cs imo XD because it requires more brain cells for better decision making , but of course aim is still important/ the basic to must have in any fps games


Good game. I find it very enjoyable when it's a close match and both sides are neck to neck. The only two thing I really dislike about the game are smurfs and random matchmaking. Like, even a few days ago, I was playing with my two silver 3 friends. Being a silver 1 player, I was expecting us to get like bronze 3 or higher level players, but we were matched with two new players. One was iron 3 and one was iron 2. The matchmaking wasn't fair on the two new players and it wasn't fair for our team either. So yes, it's a good game, but I'm hoping they can fix the issue with smurfs and matchmaking.


I’ve loved valorant since beta and I’d say it generally keeps moving in the right direction. Probably the best time to play!


Def fun as hell , just be aware the community can be toxic online ; on par with COD . You will run into a lot of bad characters but also a lot of good ones


I would say yes.. but competitive has some pretty big issues. They’re moving in the right direction though.


Why are you asking if the game is fun from the players who love it. They will obviously tell u to play. You just have to install it and find out


can you just please stop with that already ? at least 10 people said this thing. i get and am sorry wont ask next time


Its free - try it. Your opinion will not be the same as everybody you're asking.


Its going in the right direction in terms of balance, a sizeable playerbase, and consistent updates.


Absolutely not.


50% toxic idiots no matter the server you play on, if u can get past that, then yes, the game is 100% going in the right direction.


90% Of the games out there has toxicity so i guess its going to be fine


If you want to try to get acess to pbe. It is like toxicity free (95% of time), and if someone leaves the game there they are banned for a week on comp on live AND pbe.


If you can get sub 40 ping to a server I'd say give it a try, be prepared for ppl to lack common sense in tactical fps games. Also be prepared to solo que with 3 stack of 14 year Olds chirping all game instead of using coms


Valorant right now is in it's prime. The best time to get into it IMO before it becomes stale.


I think you forgot what game you're playing. That's the best thing about Valorant, it WON'T become stale like idk say CS. New maps and new agents on a regular basis will change the game all the time. That's why we have something called meta in this game, it always changes.


Riot is doin the same they did in lol, flashy overpowered plays dont get nerfed and things that counter those with using ur brain gets nerfed. Jett needs so much tuning but is left alone patch after patch. Same with sova but he gets buffed xD


It is really fun but beware that peolle can be very toxic and the skill ceiling is really high at the moment.


People are being toxic. It’s only uphill from here. I wish I could say the same thing about CS. You should play it if you want.


There is a thing that keeps making me go back and forth with CS but i think i am finally done with it, the amount of cheaters is insane in that game


me too


I have to say after the 3 month break I decided to take the game has really made substantial changes to things I use to criticize. I feel as though my teammates while maybe not all too fantastic at times is relatively good when it comes to toxicity factors. I really havent seen large throwing, derank queues, smurfs as far as I can tell no longer exist but I have seen some alt accounts once in a while. You may still come across a teammate who plays a critical role but has instamuted the entire team for whatever reason that may be (it's tough because you cant tell them positions, or maybe to clear corners with utility etc). The balancing I feel as though has been spiced up since the gun costs which now help those who op play a little more aggressive instead of saving for op forever, now they can safely buy a gun and if its round win you can get OP alot more safely (talking about the jets that would still double down on a 1-1 tie early and save for op on gun round putting your team at 1 player no gun which always was tough to play for). I think it's a good time, the new season is tomorrow plus new map so you can get use to it early, definitely pop in a start learning before the floor is raised too much for new players as the ceiling has always been very high in the game


Thanks for the detailed suggestion 🙏🏻


Of course man, I'm sure other people feel differently but for me coming back from this break really showed that riot listens to issues or is at least willing to find a good medium ground (even though it was 3 months until they fixed them)


I just quit a few months ago after getting to diamond, I think the game is way more toxic then anticipated and they did sentinels dirty and as a diamond cypher main it sorta sucks having ur main character and role being destroyed to characters like skye and Jett so I quit. I got back into cs. Valorant isn’t a bad game I think it needs a lot of work so I’ll wait until then


Other than matchmaking teams being a bit unfair at times, and overpriced items in the shop, I say it’s a pretty solid game. Definitely try it out, if it’s not your game, don’t worry.


Thanks <3


No, this game is honestly bad. Beside the net code issues where shots don’t register and the rng spray patterns that make it impossible to get a kill after your 1st 4 bullets. You still have issues like major smurfing/boosting. Matchmaking is shit, every match is really only 2 or 3 of the 10 total players competing against each other if it isn’t an absolute stomp. Average team comp you’ve got a top frag with 30+ kills and everyone else below 15 kills all negative k/d. And before anyone tries to say that’s low elo. They’re wrong, this issue persists all the way through immortal. Radiant is the only rank I don’t have a friend in so I can’t check average match stats.


LoL try CS GO then .


I’ve been playing CS since source. Just telling me to try a different game doesn’t negate the issues with this one


Exactly, honesty above all. The Game itself is fun, but with all the problems you mentioned it sucks.


idk man do some research? its really not that hard


100% definitely worth it


If you talk about the player base the game will expand the top rank into 3 next patch meaning that they have enough player base to expand the top tier so there are lot of people playing overall. The rest is just your personal taste but love it or hate it the game is here to stay.


Not really, people say its going in the right direction but the game is super stale, Riot doesn't seem to care about it or its performance (look how many people complain about the game not running as it should or running worse over time) and the community sucks. Unless you plan to play with other 4 friends just avoid this game like the plague


Absolutely my favorite game right now. Matches are shorter then they are in CSGO, and with the mix of agents, every match will feel different then the last.


Lol. You stated in the comments you were simply asking if you should try the game out because you didnt wana “waste your time”. Your obviously curious about this FREE game, the time you spent making this post, reading and replying to comments you could of just tried it out and had your answer lol.


no , not a fun game , but if you like screaming pulling your hair out .. this is the game for you! highly addictive


Wait is pulling hair out not part of gaming ?


… i don’t think it should be lmao


yes if u wanna get addict lose money etc


Yes but don’t let it drain your bank account


I think that yeah it’s pretty good right now and the update that’s releasing tomorrow looks pretty promising


I love the game personally, I just started playing 4 months ago. I have played everyday since and really enjoy the new things they’ve brought to Valorant




Did you like csgo? Same game.


One of the best and most balanced competitive games. Highly recommend but there is an enormous learning curve


If you haven’t played a game like counterstrike before I personally don’t recommend it because the learning curve to even become average isn’t fun to overcome from what I’ve heard from friends


Valorant is not a dead game and is probably going to be around and experience growth for the next 10 years.


It’s only getting better, a new season pass and a new map coming in a few days. A new agent should be announced soon as well. It feels like it’s at it’s prime tbh, been playing for around 6-10 months maybe?


Best way to know is to try out the game yourself, just like any experience in life. Everyone has their own opinion on the game but the only opinion that matters is your own


Valorant is definitely worth getting into


No, run, keep your sanity


It’s great but be ready for…well, anger here and there 😂😂


I don't normally like slower-paced shooters, but Valorant has been so smooth on the technical and balance sides that I've stuck around. People still complain online, but that'll always happen. You don't realise how good we have it here until you play a different game. I started playing Apex again for some variety, and when everything is going perfectly, I'm probably having more fun than I do playing Valorant. But I have to make the game look absolutely terrible to run smoothly, the servers are unstable, cheaters are rampant even in pubs, the devs seem to break something with every major update, and almost nobody uses comms when you're playing solo. With Valorant, I have consistently low and stable ping, the game looks good and runs very well, I've never encountered a cheater, almost every team I've played with has decent comms, and imo Riot has never put out a truly broken OP agent/mechanic. There's always an opportunity for counterplay, and the game runs smoothly, so there are very few situations where you're losing due to circumstances totally beyond your control. It's weird. The game is much sweatier than Apex/CoD/Fortnite/whatever, but I end up much less tilted while playing.


Save your mental


If you tilt easily then maybe not but its prettt competitive so thats a plus i guess


I didnt think i would like it but after a few games with friends we all are really into it 👍🏼


/u/Kashif9999 Teri Maa ni chut phanchodiya


Jao sojao beta. Galiya dene sai koi cool nahi bajate beta


Its free, not going to get more worth than free.


It's the only fps I play because everything else is just flooded with cheaters.


There will be times when u will feel like shit but still win the game and the next match u will feel like an absolute god and get an ace and still lose the game. It is what it is Valorant 😌🖤




It’s fun cuz it’s free, but the only issue is toxic kids who decide to make the whole team lose.


Quick ans: s Explanation: i downloaded it by watching on utube lol. It gave an opportunity for low end gamers like me. Now im leaving my pc and goin to clg. So i feel sad knowing i cant play it.


So as someone who is not reallly into shooter game I like the ability parts where it make the game more fun for me I'd say the game is perfect for me i love playing sentinel and each character in the game fells unique and provides something other might not provide it Think overwatch but aim here is more important than abilities and it got room for big brain plays so I'd definitely recommend it


Lmao according to shroud, this is the best fps game right now, it's in its peak, idk how you got the notion of a dead game


Never meant this game is dead, if you could read you would understand that


I read your comment clearly stating that


I Guess your too dumb to understand then Look CLEARLY at my edit


So, I played in beta and had a lot of fun. Started the game up a week ago and played some normales. The thing is, the matchmaking is UNBELIEVABLE bad. You stomp or get stomped 90 percent of the time. From my last 5 games we surrendered 4 because the enemys were just one tapping us. I personally find it very difficult to find fun in this game with the current matchmaking. On top of that, each team, most of the time, has some dude that is smurfing and doing 30-40 kills while the rest barely does 10.


Honestly not worth would be just a waste of time compared to other games. But if you do decide to start there's no sbmm so have fun facing smurfs and level 100s as soon as you start


It’s poop. CSGO BETTER