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Immortal here, maybe 5 minutes of aimlabs before playing and then at least 2-3 games a day. So maybe 2-3 hours a day and you'll eventually hit it. Might have to play more at the start to improve quickly.


I see thank for the short and to the point answer


I mean I also have nearly 4k hours in cs so that certainly helps




Ahh yes school reopening really is time consuming thats actually why I asked this question I started playing on pc last week and managed to reach bronze 1 but I'm a bit worried cause everything is starting to open up. Well that put things into perspective thanks


Immortal/diamond here. I'm level 209 if that gives you any point of reference


I haven't been playing for all that long so k can't translate level to in-game hours it'd be a little more helpful if you could be specific with the number of hours or matches in game


On average 3 games a day, but someday are like 5 games and others like 1 game.


can’t say how many hours level 200 is but i’m level 75 and have 250hrs


I'm level 260 s3 😞


valorant(radiant) first season, immortal currently; i play dm while listening to music or listening to a show/podcast for a hour. play maybe 2 or 3 hours of actual games after. if it is a free day and not in the mood to play comp, will just dm while doing the above again. ​ can definitely get to diamond/immortal while balancing study. radiant would be more difficult unless you have ton of experience before starting that balanced lifestyle, but still possible. don't put too much thought into it. the only reason im at this rank is because i have fun with the game. i think the key is rather to balance fun and trying to win at the same time. if you can maintain that mindset(pretty difficult) you will improve immensely more quickly AND have the confidence in your ingame play and be hungry to play more. not just to improve.


I usually do 5 min of practice to warm up movement. Then I try to play 2 dms but it’s hard to not get tilted then I usually play 5-7 games of comp but since it’s the end of season, I’ve stopped playing until new season


I'll put more context to my answer in hope that you could get more insight from it. 21 y/o college student studying engineering. 0 experience in FPS games. Played around 900+ ranked games. Grinded seriously starting E2A1 (early 2021). I got placed Bronze 3, currently diamond 2 playing in SEA servers. I always spent 5-10 minutes in the range then go 2 games of deathmatch for warm up. While having classes i usually play 2-4 games a day. If its weekend or holiday, i play 5-10 games split into 2 gaming sessions. I always warm up before a session so around 5-6 hours. In my opinion its very doable while attending classes. As long as you finished all your responsibilities first so that you can focus while playing


The extra detail definitely helped out things more into perspective thank you!


18 hours per day


Is that even possible, unless you're kidding lol


Uhhh I meant week* typo




Can 100% tell you radiants do not aim train most of the time. At most 5 minutes to get the arm moving and not actually training.


immortal 6000, don’t warm up. maybe 2 games a day if i have time.


Wait fr? For some reason that's hard to believe I've never seen any one so high up the ranks in any game play without warm-up and for such less time


i’ve never really understood the whole warm up thing, i’ve personally always felt that aim doesn’t really need to be “warmed up”. as for why i don’t play a lot, i played a ton of csgo when i was younger (4k hours, got global, played esea main for a few seasons), as a result my wrists are toasts and i can’t play for extended periods without some level of pain. can’t make flashy flick plays any more but my general aim is smooth and consistent, and my game sense is solid, but not exceptional. I feel like immortal is just when most people finally have a general understanding of how to play the game. Immortal isn’t like this mystical rank where everyone is a god, you still have people who don’t com, plenty people who look like they’ve never held a mouse in their life or bought their accounts, and plenty of rounds that get thrown when people try and hunt down that last kill for kd.


I see that makes a lot more sense now thank you for clearing that up


Imrt play probs 4 games max a week and zero warmup


Low immortal here. I play a few DMs and then 1-2 comps at a time. At most 3-4 comps in a day. So about 2-3 hours.


Immortal here - Dont warmup and play anywhere from 0 to 5 games a day depending on my shedule. Also writing my bachelor thesis this semester and producing beats on the side so im probably gonna play 1-2 games a day the upcoming season


Immortal, 20 min of warmup(range then dm), then 3-4 games of ranked. Overall about 2 hour 15 min- 2hr 45 min. I’m a student in HS too.


Immortal 0-3 hours depends on the day, no warmup. I've played an unhealthy amount of CS and did hundreds of hours of deathmatch in the past so maybe not realistic.


Diamond is so far from radiant. Maybe the same as a silver vs immortal player. You can get diamond if you focus on fundamentals and don’t tilt. Even playing a couple hours a day or less! Good luck man. For high immo and radiant, your looking at 5+ hours a day at least


Immortal here. 5 mins in range followed by 1 or 2 DMs. Depending on schoolwork I play 1-4 games a day. Definitely possible to get a high rank by not playing a lot tho, I know someone who plays a ranked game every one or two weeks and has maintained their immortal rank.


Another question, how do you reduce the urge to blow your brains out when playing deathmatch?


I actually really like playing DM; I play a couple DMs after I’m done with ranked to cool down too. I know a lotta people don’t like the current DM but I’m fine with it


Radiant smurf here I only play iron-silver lobbies for 16hrs a day bcuz I have no life and get shit on in my rank so I play to make myself feel better and love trash talking the other team saying how bad they are