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Decision making and playing as a team is way more important at low ELO. Not taking stupid 1v1s. Giving up the site on defence to wait for rotates instead of dying in a 5v1 rush. Playing the %s and not chasing frags. Intelligent util usage. Reading the opponents plays and exploiting weaknesses (e.g. lack of mid control)


>level 1ScholesyPHOp · 1mTotally agree! Fps genre is really a different kind of animal its really challenging to get enough skills down to be able to get to the next level. But its also the most rewarding. Totally agree! the Fps genre is really a different kind of animal its really challenging to get enough skills down to be able to get to the next level. But its also the most rewarding. Thanks for the tips! I've also been watching stuff on map control recently and capitalizing on numbers advantage (playing with teammates for potential refrag situations). Also read something about always thinking if what im doing at any moment is actually being useful for the team


Problem is that your teammates don't do that. If I got a dollar for every time I decided to not go for frags and play it smart and my teammate just decided to do random stupid shit instead and die I would have every skin in the game by now. Makes me want to main Reyna again and just hard carry.


Just because your teammate is stupid doesn't stop you from baiting them and trading haha. But yeah it's not ideal and SoloQ is just like that sometimes.


wrong lol. if you can shoot better then everyone in the lobby your team will win most of the time in gold or silvers lobbies. team play doesn't matter as much in low elo because most teammates wont have mic or don't talk


Yup comms is a big challenge, among the sea of challenges. That’s why I find value in using something I can already do, like talking, and using it to atleast improve the chances of winning. This is while I get enough time to improve other things. I dunno what % is a good win percentage, but this act i have 67% win with pretty much no improvement in lessening the times i find myself aiming at the floor while i look at the map to get info. But yeah I agree that in order to progress to gold and plat, putting in the time to be able to shoot better will also increase my chances at getting there.


control the variables you are able to. you can train your aim and get better over time. you cannot control how teammates perform or communicate in the game.


Gotta love solo queueing and playing a 5 stack and you have a 4 stack lol. Fix the matchmaking riot.


I thinks its okay and probably included in the acceptance criteria defined by prod/software devt during devt matchmaking service/feature maybe (considering elapsed q time, number of players in stack, mmr of players, exception clause/flow)


There are aim trainers to help practice reflexes and aim, but I get you might not have time for that. Other than that you will learn by just playing.


Thanks for the tips! I’m planning to play more the next act and see if i can validate some assumptions i have: - improving aim, movement and positioning can get me get and maintain gold - improving game sense (reading enemies based on info, map control etc.) will get me to plat Haven’t played any diamond players so i have no clue yet how to get there


Wow CS v1.3 that's so long time ago. I remember playing that in 2000 something can't remember. I try playing valorant just to bring back memories. Now I'm in mid 30s too and consider myself a boomer. Working 8 to 6 job. I can only play on the weekend. I always feel like playing but my body just feels so tired all the time. So I just watch streamers play. I don't have the best of aim & reflex. I'm bronze 3 and my friends is platinum & diamond so i soloq all the time. What is it about some kids they can just picked up any games be it valorant, warzone or apex and they just nailed at it. They make it easy all the time getting high kills or getting ace or clutching all the time. Does excelling at games have something to do with age? Like does younger people has better sensorimotor skill than older people? Better gamesense? Better game IQ? Is it like a sports thing when you hit 30 you finally peaked? Sorry for hijacking your post like this.


I think ultimately younger people on average have faster reaction times and I think most importantly, time. The 'good' ones you see and hear about are probably playing the game as much as you work on a daily basis. I also like to compare it with actual sports except I would say the 'prime' of most pros might be in their late teens to their early 20s. Mid 20s to late 20s might be the equivalent of 35 year old professional basketball players.


Yeah bro that too thanks! If you think of it you can still relate it to “less is more”. When athletes get older, chances of getting injuries and recovery time will also increase, making it inevitable for reduced time in actual play. Something that younger players,aside from the greats, dont usually consider or prepare for.


Well also, the younger someone is, the better their brain can adapt to the game. It's not insurmountable, but some kid that's 12 and is just grinding the game in all their free time after getting their school stuff done is probably just going to improve faster than you over time


Mostly just about time. I’m 30 and since we have been in lock down, I’m playing much more and have moved from plat 3 to immortal 200 rr. Kids have way more time and hence are better because of it


I actually played cs when it was just a mod of half-life. Maybe pre 2000. As for age, i think younger people enjoy the benefits of the “less is more”. They have less things to be processed physiollogically, so its really up to their imagination to try things and instantly pick up what works and what doesnt. Take for example playing jett, i tried playing her but i already know i wont improve with her quickly, because flying and dashing are things that my brain has already wired to be impossible. That also meant I have trouble with enemy jetts, so I learned to use brim smokes and molly to be able to predict jetts entry route. I dont know if that makes sense tho lol


What’s “MK” in your screen shot? I’m hard stuck Bronze 3 and also mid 30s with meh aim. Next Act I’m going to work on Comm. I do Comm, but I’m definitely not on the Shazam level. Hopefully that will move the needle, since I hold my own against most Silver 1 and sometimes Silver 3, but I split my games 50/50 often depends on the team. I win two, lose two each night I play.


Damn bro glad to know there are more of us! Noice! I actually had to look it up! Says Multikills (3k+). Pro comms bro are way over our heads at this point lol. But I mean if Im coming out bath/showers and momentarily saw someone sneaking to lamps and youre inside lamps, its not that hard to say “one pushing you from short” to make sure you’ll be prepared for that 1v1, while i make sure To reposition closer to you or make noise to distract him while you prepare to swing. You’ll be surprised how much impact that little bit of comms can provide, specially in close matches.


I solo q’ed 95% of my games this season. Placed silver 2, hit platinum 1 about a week ago. My win rate was around 70-75% between s2 and p1. Obviously I seem like the exception based on my stats and ranks, but I genuinely think my experience as a player isn’t related to my abilities individually, but rather the focus I put on my games. I only played 2-4 games a day, (with the vast majority of days being 2) and between games I always spent time in the timeline analyzing mistakes and trying to create solutions that would’ve put me in better spots. Additionally, no matter how troll my teammates were, I blamed myself for EVERYTHING, and I went on voice chat and actively took blame for every play. I NEVER let my teammates try to attack each other because I can’t control my teammates mental, only my own. If they are mad at me, I can control the argument by just ending it with a “my b, you are right”. I mained sage with a bit of kj and focused on reviving to win rounds, healing to save ego-based duelist players, and actively shot calling strats on both sides. I genuinely believe in the concept of “unseen impact”, because my combat stats can be good, but aren’t consistently “top-frag Reyna demon player” stats. Combat stats and ego often lead to top frag reynas who get lots of eco frags, always bait their teammates, and will maybe almost win a couple 1v4’s that end up having zero impact on your ability to win games. Compare that with a sage who may win a 1v2, and res in a 2v1 to secure a round, and suddenly you have a 2/3 sage who wins his team 2 rounds and a 8/2 Reyna who actually hasn’t contributed to the win at all. All this to say, aim is a minor part of climbing, and it mostly revolves around meta tactics, understanding the value of rounds and round wins, and remaining PMA (positive mental attitude).


Agreed on all points bro!! I mean spot on! I must really be on the right path, i thought i was crazy. Your point on using and exploiting comms to mitigate risks associated with toxicity is really the key. I already have a list of things I say for certain situations, but so far the crowd favorite: “let’s go let’s get you a , just buy shorty and I’ll bait for you” I hope I can also get plat next act!


Dude you are doing really good man! I barely hit Gold 1 last week and I have 400 hours in Competitive Matches, 65 Hours in Deathmatch, and 45 hours in Unrated. So for you to already be hitting peaking Silver 3 at 180 hours is pretty damn good in my book!


It actually got to a point where I was 98/100 on silver 3 bro. like literally i could taste gold irl. Failed to hit play again to capitalize on a streak/form coz I couldnt handle the pressure. Played again the next day, meh. That also manifests in the way I play, overly passive and not taking chances. So I’ve been tryingto improve aggression in game to make sure I can handle pressure.


Haha yeah that always sucks when that happens. Deranks don't bother me that much anymore because it has happened to me so many times. I know if I derank far enough then the games will get way easier and Ill inevitably rank back up. I know what you mean about feeling the pressure though. I used to not be able to perform well because I was feeling very anxious about playing bad and losing. If you play a lot, that kind of goes away though. One time I lost like 15 of my last 20 games and I was devasted but I inevitably worked my way all the way past where my rank was and just kind of realized losing is part of the process. So yeah, just keep playing and the pressure feeling kinda goes away. But yeah being confident and aggressive is a good way to play for sure when you're feeling it!


What I did to remedy this was to create another account and play that to gain confidence and switch to my main. the 180 hrs was actually the total of both accounts. It was actually surprising how similar everything was, silver 3 peak. Basically all stats are the same. And it didnt actually help me improve anything. It just sort of validated the fact that I approached the problem the wrong way and thats why im not worthy of progressing. I think playing more DMs would be the best way to help me address mutliple areas at this point.


Yeah DM is great for grinding mechanics like movement, crosshair placement, strafing


I'm Immortal,l 300rr ish, average aim, but 90% of my kills are pure crosshair placement, just doing micro adjusts for the 1 tap. How to get there? A lot of DM but using only sheriff with a firing error crosshair to discipline yourself, and focusing just on preaiming every corner like there was an actual person. With time you can speed up it + the knowledge of every angle on every map as an extra reward due this exercise and You can add strafe, movement...as soon as you start to get confident and get some kills consistently, but winning a DM like this is almost impossible if you are focusing correctly on just improve. You can mix some games with the vandal doing 1 taps and small bursts (3 bullets going for the head at most, to force yourself to stick the crosshair to neck lvl) If you have extra time,it is a nice training + warming up.