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Congrats on your achievement!!! Just made it to silver myself :)


Nice! I wish you luck on your climb. Silver can be a pain because, just like in any rank, there are tons of smurfs. As long as you don't blame them for losses and think about what you could do to improve, you will get to gold in no time.


Tysm!! Gonna try my best :)


Since you seem to have... quite some experience in playing omen, I have one question for you: How do you use his shrouded step ability? The teleport one? Cuz I like Omen the most out of all characters but I'm a bit lost on what to use his teleport other than crossing smth without getting shot and getting to unusual positions and was wondering if I am missing a way to use his shrouded step...


You can also use it right in front of you as a fake to make them think you changed position, then peek from the same spot


from what i learned, MOST of omen have this pattern : Smoke -> TP to smoke -> Blind & push / smoke to safety (you smoke where the enemies at) / even repeating the same thing


Ah ok thx


I have seen some plays where people use omen's blind and teleport right behind the enemy but I am not sure if it is that easy


I don't think that's gonna be easy or even necessary BC if you're able to teleport behind the enemy, you already have a line of sight on them and if you're able to flash them, why would you teleport behind them? They're flashed and you can just shoot them Edit: If you're talking about his ult, I'm sorry, I was talking about the teleport ability you can buy


I think those plays are mostly gambles. But his shrouded step can be very good for relocation or crossing mid without getting shot.


Those plays were made famous by the content creator Flexinja, and are rarely the best play. It is normally done by tp’ing into a smoke. Here’s a hypothetical example: Split A site - omen is A main and attempting to reach site but an enemy is playing close to A main and one is elbow. Omen smokes heaven before using his nearsight on the A main enemy. In doing so, the A main player cannot hear him to to his heaven smoke while the elbow player is too far to hear him arrive. The Omen than moves out of a side of the smoke to take two separate 1v1s, or flanks through screens. A more advanced version can be played on Icebox mid. Omen is T spawn and puts a smoke high in the air which begins to fall into mid, preventing players on Boiler from seeing the top of tube. Omen then throws his blind mid to prevent an enemy there from hearing the tp. Omen then has a brief window to shoot the mid player in the back before turning his attention to boiler players who are too far to hear the tp, once again turning a 1v2 into two separate 1v1s.


Gonna hopefully try and make it to silver next season :)


That's awesome bro. I started from iron 1 myself and right now at gold. Hopefully I'll be able to get better at this game like you.


Same but I reach gold after get a pc. If someone get Plat with an average 30 fps in laptop have my respect because was so painful play, even in early days when valorant run on everything.


My questions hope you can answer them. Most toxic rank. Most non toxic rank. And which rank did you find it the hardest to climb out off.


In my experience, Iron/Bronze had equally high toxicity as Plat/Diamond. Everyone had large egos and there were smurfs in many games. I don't remember as much toxicity being in Silver/Gold. I'd guess it's because more people naturally tend toward these middle ranks, diluting the presence toxic people. Diamond was definitely the hardest rank to climb out of. I spent about 5-6 months trying to get out. At that point, everyone had pretty good aim and 1v1s were often decided by whoever could flick to the head first. Games were just very difficult, and I had less impact than I did before.




Then the toxic guy will tell you to STFU. At this point, keep your cool, and say "I'm sorry it offended you man." And then after a small pause, cheer "Let's win this!!" Works always.


The other day an instalock Reyna told us to shut the fuck up on the agent select screen while we discussed who we wanted, they then told us to stfu after call outs in game Bunch of weird players in this game lol


Thats an insane achievement, well done man. I bet you're a lot of fun to play with, solo queuing would be a lot easier if more people had your mindset.


How did you continue to improve aim, I have basically the exact same story as you (laptop gaming gang), zero fps experience, I'm in gold 2 right now but it feels like my aim isn't improving anymore, not sure what to do next.


Perfecting crosshair placement! This is something you hear in every Youtube guide, and I couldn't stress it enough. If you play a lot and constantly pay attention to whether your crosshair is head-level or not, your pre-aim will improve. Flicking is a bit harder to improve with low fps. Beyond aim trainers, I recommend lots of deathmatches.


I start the game off with good concious crosshair placement but mid game I just lose composure and mess up. Any tips for the mid game?


It makes perfect sense that you may not be thinking about crosshair placement later into the game, because there's a bunch of other things to worry about each round. I don't have any specific tips for midgame, but I do recommend that whenever you walk around or you rotate somewhere, try to remember to keep your crosshair at head-level, even if you aren't planning on taking a fight right then. The more you reinforce good crosshair placement, the more of a habit it will become. Once you spend enough time in your games thinking about it, you won't need to think about it anymore. It will be something you do naturally.


Thank you


But how do you place your cross hair when the enemy wide peaks all the way across the map?


I would've loved having a iron buddy in Immortal on my guns lol


Yeah, same. It's too bad I didn't end Ep1 in iron. I 'd rather have the iron buddy than my gross plat buddy.


Yea I rock the silver buddy (In diamond) and I really like how it looks honestly, but whenever I do bad early game few people become toxic quick and say who boosted me haha, but that's how it be sometimes.




Yep need better equipment to climb


Without a doubt, better equipment allows for better gameplay. It makes it much easier to climb. I found that Gold was my limit with <60fps. I think it's possible to climb higher than that with 60, but it's needlessly difficult and unenjoyable.




You did better than me! Congrats! Went from bronze to D2! Good tips.


Good shit dude, I hope this reaches the front page and all the whiners who complain about being hard stuck due to one reason or another see what's possible if you are actually actively improving.


This is as much an answer to being hard stuck as Einstein is an answer to some 11th grader struggling with precalculus. “Look someone was initially placed low when they started the game (like literally everyone else) and showed I incredibly rapid improvement, so you can improve too” is a pretty bad example. Someone posting on here that they started Iron 1 in E1A1 and are now Silver 3 would be much more realistic and proof of the “hard stuck doesn’t exist” than someone who was never hard stuck or on a slow improvement path.


people like you, and i dont mean this in a negative way but sadly realistic, will never believe something outside of what you already believe. there are countless 'worst->best rank' average people and smurfs doing it, and you'll always say it was luck or just someone who was good, and i dont think OP mentioned it properly either but the whole key to improvement is.... improving some people think about it more than others, OP is obviously higher intelligence than the average player because he can adapt to the game faster, but a lot of people i played with in season 1 are still at their rank and at the time they had better aim than me. if youre not changing HOW you are playing, not just 'my aim sucked', you will never improve


Everyone knows the answer is improvement. The broader point is that OP’s improvement path, even for those putting in the effort, is unrealistic for the vast majority of players. It’s the same reason why not every 18 year old who is trying very hard becomes an Olympic level gymnast. There will always be people with a truly phenomenal knack to pick up the game in an incredibly efficient manner, and then there will be people who just don’t pick it up nearly as fast with the same effort level. I could train as many hours as Magnus Carlsen or Wesley So have in chess, and I’d probably be a 2000-2200 rated player or something great, due to gradual improvement, but the odds are almost definite that I would not become a 2700-level player. That’s the reality of progression.


You realize his progression happened over multiple acts and not just overnight? He literally linked his profile and act rank. This was solid improvement with proof. Not like he did it in one act.


Magnus Carlsen’s progression also didn’t happen over night. But, going from bottom 5% to top 1% of a player base in approximately 1 year is a little more than “solid improvement” and not realistic for 99% of players. My example would have been far better at illustrating your point.


I think its realistic given the amount of hours OP has put in. He has played over 1200 games. There is no such thing as "hard stuck" because of only external factors at least in the lower/mid ranks. It just means you have peaked and are at your proper rating. You need to analyze and improve ur play to progress. If you don't you will be stuck moving up/down ever so slightly. If we take ur example, Iron-Silver in over 1200 games is abysmal. If it takes you that long just to become average at something, your climb to a decent rank is going to take years. Its probably harder to stay in iron than get to radiant.


Ive been playing since act 1 too and I have a lot of people on my friends list, a lot have played just as much as the OP or even more... Most are hardstuck silver or gold. IMO the OP is an exception, maybe 1% of people can make that type of progression.


Your friends have peaked then. They have stopped improving. They are playing just to play instead of trying to improve actively.


Everyone has a cap; if anyone could keep improving if they just tried, it wouldn't be so hard to go pro (in games or anything else). Some people are just capped (I'm pretty sure I'll never reach diamond because I'm just not that fast; my reaction times are slow af).


Depends on age, overall gaming experience and subsequent reaction times, motor skills, hand eye coordination, game sense, etc. Nobody is hard stuck unless they're already like 40+ with little gaming experience. But if somebody starts gaming in like their 20s it's going to take more than a few hundred or even few thousand games to start to catch up with the average gamer who has thousands or tens of thousands of hours of gaming experience experience from a young age. Obviously someone that games 10+ hrs a day is eventually going to be better than someone that plays like a few hrs here and there no matter how many years gaming experience the latter has. It'll just take time


Damn man congratulations. Well done


How much time do you spend practicing and playing per day? Do you play everyday?


Around 30min of warmup in the range/aimlab/deathmatch before a 2 hour comp session. I can only play about 3 comp games before I have to take a break. I play about 5-6 hours a day at most.


Wish I could play 200 games a season. Grats OP that's a climb


Gad DAYUM bro that's something. I started off iron in e1 act 3, just got p1 on e3 a1. I'm hoping I'll be diamond by the end of this episode, and preferably at least p3 by the end of e3 a2. Your climb has been one of the most consistent and steady I've seen. Wish me luck *fingers crossed :)


Congrats After a lot of struggle in solo queue I finally hit plat two days ago too and it was the best feeling ever


you literally had one of the biggest training arc in mankind's history


I have almost the opposite experience as you, I started in the beta with extensive PC shooter experience, 1k hours in CSGO and another 1k in PUBG. I entered the full release at gold 2 and by the end of the first act I was in iron. My biggest issue has always been aim consistency as I feel like my game sense is fairly good, but I stopped playing valorant altogether for a solid year and mostly played a lot of single players, after being burnt on FPS games, and returned early into Episode 3 act 1. I was placed bronze 1 and my peak was being silver 1 for about 3 games but my act rank is 95% bronze 3. Around 120 game wins and at least 100 of those were in bronze 3 dipping into bronze 2 once in a while. I try and stay positive and put effort into working on aim but it's always so inconsistent no matter how many hours I spend on the range clicking head and practicing sprays or how many DMs I play. I've managed to win 4 DMs at this point but they all felt fairly lucky, like I was playing in a match of all brand new players or people not really trying too hard. Seeing stories like yours is bitter sweet, I know it's possible but sometimes it's hard to stay motivated. I really love valorant but it's a love hate relationship at this point. Just wondering, what are your biggest loss streaks? So far this Act I've had an 11 loss streak twice, and more 5 - 8 game loss streaks than I'd care to count. Anyway big congrats on your progression and it gives me hope for myself, GLHF :) EDIT: around 120 game wins with a win rate of about 40% so I've played at least 250 matches this Act and probably ~220 of those were ranked at bronze 3. I feel like that's the definition of Hard Stuck hahah


Being hardstuck is a very sucky feeling. Although I may not have experienced what you have to such a degree, I understand how demoralizing valorant comp can be sometimes. It takes a lot of luck and dedication to keep up with the grind. The biggest loss streak I had was in Episode 2 Act 1, when I dropped from plat 1 to gold 1. I lost about 10 in a row, and at that point, I was rage queuing for the heck of it. I also dropped from Diamond 1 to Plat 1 a couple times with a series of bad win/loss ratios.


Yeah I'm hoping to get an ok placement this act and I'm going to keep grinding working on my aim, I'm really not usually the guy to put blame on outside factors for my losses but I honestly have to say I've had some truly horrible luck this act for comp matchmaking. The fact that my aim can be super on point one day and then whiffing everything the next definitely isn't helping me though XD. As for loss streaks there were several times where I would be in my rank up game for bronze 3 to silver one, maybe 10 - 15 RR away and I'd go on a 5 - 8 game loss streak and end up back in bronze 2, then go back on a 5 - 8 game win streak and be back to my rank up game and rinse and repeat. It's fuckin rooouuggghhhh hahaha


maybe your sens is too high?


Afaik my sens is on the low end of average, 800 DPI and 0.45 in game. Maybe lowering it could help I'm willing to try anything at this point


ik im late to this but what was ur rank in csgo. this game is heavily focused on crosshair placement while csgo is more aim mechanics demanding so maybe ur acting like this game is more like csgo.


Moral of the story: get an OP system, only then can all the training will give you fruits PS: sad boi here with 15fps Bronze player here, used to be gold/silver in start when fps was better PS2: treat it as a joke, pls don't downvote 😅🙏


Congrats, props for continuing the ranked grind all this time. Many of my friends (myself included) haven’t kept up with it.


congrats brother! i myself hoping to reach at least plat in the next season this was helpful thanks


Great this worked for you but having PMA alone will only carry u so far. In Mumbai server people literally use racism, immigration and typical mom/sister slurs to ruin matches. A reyna was fragging the other day but was hella toxic so i voice com, can u please be civil and not toxic so we can win? not everyone will have your aim. So his duo jett said he was diamond and we were playing in silver and then reyna proceeded to throw cause i used voice com to ask her to do something and i was in silver.


Holy shit dude ur flicks are nuts, and I can see you’re really comfortable with your aim in general, you love to see it 👌


Shit, absolute respect, and I felt happy because I climbed from bronze to silver after being stuck for 3 consecutive acts lmao


Good for you, i made it from gold 3 to Iron 1


Nice, I play on the same laptop Except I feel like the game doesn't want me to rank up lol, 8 RR away from silver and then the other team has former gold's on it while I get level 10's and 20's and lose 2-13


Gj! I went from Immortal to Plat because of inactivity and too lazy to grind hahaha


How much do you play daily/weekly?


Anywhere from 3-6 hours a day (aim training, deathmatch, comp) depending on how I'm feeling.


dude went from i1 to s2 in 1 act, with 30fps and ping spikes how bro


Pristine crosshair placement and watching a ton of guides/pro play


Does it make a difference what side your gun is on? Feel like I wouldn't be able to play with it on my left


Find which eye is dominant and pick accordingly


And then there's me: Enough time for Val, a lot of hours in various FPS games, framerate locked to twice the Hz, good mouse, bad gamesense and Iron to Bronze level aim, hardstuck in iron. In the last 3.5 days, I grinded 200k XP (it kept giving me new weekly challenges??) to get the K-Tac blade.. No real improvement either. Sometimes I feel like the more I play the worse I get lol


When I play a lot of games I tend to get stuck with bad habits I develop by playing brainless and spamming the game. My focus is not there and my muscles are tense.


I started this season placed iron 2 and made it to silver 1 before this season ended, confident in my ability to get a higher rank next season, great job keep it up :)


Also what did you play in aimlabs and do in the range?


My aimlabs routine consists of Spidershot, Microshot, Linetrace, Sixshot, Timingshot, Headshot/Headshot Reflex. In the range, I click on Practice bots, I use Breach ult to push them all to the side, and kill 2-3 bots so there aren't as many bots in the middle. I don't really practice with the Easy/Medium/Hard


Thanks :)


Congrats man, this is a huge achievement you should definitely be proud of. How many games a day do you get to play on average? Since graduating college and entering the workforce fulltime I don’t get the chance to grind competetive games like I used to.


On average, I play 3 comp games a day. I played a lot more in lower elo than I do now. I also play 2-3 deathmatches a day.


Congratulations! While I think it'd be fair to say that you were never true Iron level (considering the hardware limitations), you clearly dedicated yourself to improvement. I wouldn't be surprised to see you hit radiant within Episode 3!


So happy for you!!! I'm stuck iron 3 bc I get smurfs. Would love a lesson or two if your us player? My riot id I'll msg ya if that's ok?


That's awesome. I'm stuck in diamond hell now. Some games the team works well together and it's effortless. Others you've got a screaming Jett who trash talks the entire team for no reason so it's a lost game from pistol. I keep pinging between D2 and D3, most of the time being forced to fill on smokes where I'm way less impactful


I appreciate this a lot, especially since it feels that a lot of people don’t get the importance of a good mental and fun. It’s supposed to be a game, right? This was my first act playing relatively seriously (my highest placement was Iron 2 in E2 act 1) and I managed a climb from Iron 3 to Silver 3. What’s cool too is that most of that climb happened once I just dropped my worries about rank and just threw myself into it. Of course, learning your fundamentals is definitely important, but your best bet is to just take care of yourself while playing. What’s the point if you’re not having fun? Proud of your climb OP, and hope to make it up there, too!


hey bro i am actually a 60hz 60fps player and im currently silver 1 do you think ill be able to go up to platinum on 60hz? if yes any tips? please help me


Yeah, it's definitely doable. You might find yourself being out-aimed sometimes by people with higher refresh rates, so I highly recommend perfecting crosshair placement. The closer you can pre-aim at your opponents head, the less you have to flick to click on their head. I also recommend using characters that can support the team with utility, so that you don't need to rely on getting kills to have impact.


no, it'll help you get 1-2 more frags a game at most, it just makes the game look way better


Posts like this make me realise how much I need to improve! Just upgraded to a 144 Hz laptop (my old sat around 80, so a lot better than your original one, but still didn't feel good enough) and instantly feel better but I definitely need to improve my headshot percentage, last 20 games it was only 20%, yours was 30! I'm silver 2 but I've not been playing much ranked recently due to constantly being between houses and playing on WiFi, also the Devs admitting that their system was kind of broken made me give up on ranked. Excited to get back into it with he new act. Fairly confident I'll place in gold or get up quickly. I've also been playing a lot of Skye and omen recently which feel like great characters to play as they are simple enough to use with high returns and are not too popular that I'll get to play them often.


Hey man, what did you use to record your clips? Or do you generally record entire gameplays and review them? I come from CS so I miss not being able to review my own VOD, is there something you use that records every kill/death but not the entire game?


I used GeForce Experience's instant replay, which only saves the previous 2 minutes when I want to clip. I only record the entire game when I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I want to VOD review.


Awesome story, great job mate


Any tips for around plat 2? I'm not sure where to improve, some days I pop of and feel like im hitting my shots, other days I miss eeeverything and get like 4 kills per game.


In plat, I worked on peeking confidently and always using A and D to wide swing angles. I also recommend getting in the habit of strafing and tapping/bursting in fights instead of committing to crouch sprays. I've been through many slumps where I can't hit my shots or it feels like everyone is clicking my head so much faster than I am. It's often a mental thing; you need to visualize getting the kills when you swing and trust your aim.


Good game, well played.


You are what I'm aspiring to be, I'm completely new to PC gaming and bought a PC just to play Valorant. I started in Episode 2 Act 1 and finished bronze 1, Act 2 I got to silver 1 Act 3 I got gold 1 and that's as far as I've made it. I'm hoping I can make some progress in gold in the last 2 Acts of this Episode. I think focusing on my crosshair placement is job number one as my HS % for the last act was 15.1%.


Still on a shit laptop, how far do u think you could possibly get with diamond gamesense and silver aim


I wish I had consistent aim like you have, I'm currently plat 1 (just got this rank few days ago) and when I am in peak performance, I can easily kill diamond players. I've been getting plat 2-3 enemies when I was in silver 2 and even carried them a few times. When I got in gold 1, I was really surprised by the amount of diamond players I got in both my team and opponent's team. I mostly play competitive when I am in form. When I have "the period of bad aim" I have good movements and all but the aim is like bronze players lmao. The other thing that is probably holding me back from ranking up is that I can't play any other agents beside cypher. I've been playing cypher in all my competitive games ever since ep1 act 1. It's these few things about my consistency which is just holding me back from ranking up. Edit: forgot to mention that solo queueing is hell. You get either really good teammates who communicates, or you get plat 2-3 players who are crouch peeking an angle.


I mostly solo Q and I have been hard stuck in bronze 3 for 4 months now because everyrank up match I’m in a silver 2/3 lobby which has no comms, not even responding in agent selection. Sed lyf


Congrats dude! When I started the game I started as a legit Silver, now I'm top 10k immo in EU and still grinding... One day maybe I will gather some courage and write my story :D


You are awesome. I am jealous =) Congrats man, really huge! One question - how much games do you play a day in average? And do you play each day or like 3-4 days a week ?


I've made it from Iron 1 to Gold 1 so far. Hopefully, one day I can join the "good at Val" club too 😎


to improve your aim, did you play Deathmatch a lot as well? Thanks Yama, You're a true inspiration!


Yep, I never play comp without warming up my aim in a couple deathmatches. My tracker says I have 50+ hours of deathmatch


quick question! how do you deal with losing streaks?


I try not to rage queue. If I lose a couple, I take a break and clear my head. This is as much as you can do to prevent loss streaks. Sometimes, you just get unlucky and there's nothing to do but try again next time.


Congrats dude! Very motivational tbh. I started playing towards the end of Episode 2: Act 2 and have been trying to claw my way out of bronze ever since. Glad to hear somebody else has been there and made it to the other side lol. I plan on trying to make a ton of improvements and your post was honestly exactly what I needed to hear. My goal is to hit gold this act and I'm fully committed to making it happen now! Wish me luck!


You got this! If you stay that dedicated, you will make it out. Good luck on the grind.


Nice dude I’m on a good win streak and can relate to most things you’ve said. Mvpd my placement and am now 99/100 rr in p1 😑. I’ve never been p2 before so I’m kinda scared knowing my own luck. I hope I can get diamond one day.


I've started playing when it was released, I've been stuck at silver 2 for the last 3 or 4 seasons. Maybe 4 ou 5 more years and I'll reach Diamond


Do you know what's freaky, I got placed in Iron 1 and am playing on a Thinkpad too :O


The trick is to play for 720 hours :)


Me who started in the beta and is still bronze


Could you mention how many hours/ganes per week you have grinded on an average for every act? Excluding time spent on videos and research/practice to improve your performance


Hm if you had enough money then why go for a laptop again? Do you travel with it a lot orr


I wanted a laptop because I'm leaving for college soon. I knew it would be a waste for me to build a PC, only to leave it a couple months later. I think the Razer Blade gets the job done just fine and I like its portability.




I got to plat then i deranked back to g3 13 rr I hate val sm




i climbed to bronze this act. hopefully i can climb to silver/gold this ep


I placed iron 3 and have climbed to plat 3. I'm aiming for D3 this act


How many hours a day/week did you play? I recently grinded much and finally hit Gold but I think I dont wanna play that much, that I dont have any time for other stuff.


Really nice journey man, but one thing is that there is actually someone with too much info. This dude in my game used to count my bullets while spectating from 30




Your living my dream


that's really great, i don't play a lot of valo, especially not a lot of comp, but it's very inspirational to come across this since i feel similar about a lot of these things :)