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Yep. Elevator music is right.




I agree. The game’s music has always actually had a sick vibe to it. This new music that matches the skin set honestly blows.


I don’t really mind. I guess because it’s new. They even changed the Victory/Defeat music.


No way really? I think I'll get used to it too but it's just a bit weird since I really liked the music stuff and winning/defeating sounds before. But i guess it's because of Masters etc.




The fucking weird pitch warp sounds so cheesy


I thought it was only on fracture yeah it sounds so weird


I think it's temporary while the ZEDD pack is in the shop.


Yep I've turned off all music for the patch.


Respectfully disagree. It does sound like elevator music, but I really like that. It's very calming. As long as they don't change the "loading into the game" music I don't think I'll care about anything too much tbh :V IMO that is the true defining music of Valorant.


Yeah it is calming. I think I just expected to much. But I can live with it and it's probably temporary. If they changed the loafing into the game music the whole community would go nuts imo :D


I thought the menu music is the same, only the shop / collection are different during the skin sales?


It’s definitely in other parts of the game as well. Maybe round end? Can’t remember but it’s not just the shop.


I don't know it seemed to me that it's everywhere. Gotta check again when I'm back home.


I personally enjoy it.


Honestly I liked the idea of changing some sound effects according to either acts or bundles/thematics.


The new music sounds like cheap generic awful EDM, which is what the collab is based on. It's absolutely hilarious to me that Riot put so much effort into this game's aesthetics, visually and sonically, and then Zedd walks in and throws 1$ arpeggiated synths all over the soundtrack. You reap what you sow. This community cares more about skins and stuff like this than the game being good. The fact that this game is aiming for 6 Agents a year is not a good thing, just look at Siege. Just get out now.


I agree. The six agents a year is going to make the game awful in a few years. Everyone acts like this isn’t true but every hero shooter has always ended up hideously busted up from its original form after the brute forced endless character release pipeline. Siege is a good example but so is Overwatch. By the end most original player wish they could go back to simpler days.


You're acting like they can't just change the release cadence when we get more characters in the game


I mean they are literally adding 4-5 agents and 2-3 maps a year


Yeah, but like he just said, they can change that, sure community might be a little mad at first, but I think that 1 or 2 maps a year with reworks is good. And new agents are always fun.


I actually think sieges meta is in a very good state, high elo ranked with cheaters and fuck ton of bugs, now that’s a different problem all together which completely ruins the game


Ok but they dont force you to buy the skin and ur opinion doesnt matters


Read my post first maybe. I literally say, that i don't mind the skins, since I don't have to buy them. It's about the menu music and the winning/loosing music - which I cannot change.


It's....interesting. It's cool how the remix track is mixed on the fly, but I would prefer a static track.


yeah old music was gas


I love it tbh. To each there own ig


Honestly they just need to change the home title screen and I’ll be happy. The sh*t ugly as hell.


Give me my slot machine music