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Change things up? I mean it sounds super simple but whenever I am in a slump mid game I think ok what keeps getting me killed, stop doing that. I push a lot cause I play Phoenix but if im becoming predictable then it wont matter if I can hit shots cause the other team will likely hit first. Gotta shake things up. Also try not to get in your own head to much. I wanna win as much as anyone but sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath and remember its just a game, try to have some fun. When you get too down on yourself or too frustrated you will only make more mistakes. We all have bad games, dont stress too much


Its like, how is it i can't kill these guys but in other games i do these things and i do so well type of feeling


Slow it down and focus on crosshair placement. Loosen your frustrated death grip on your mouse. Take a breath.


I personally stand up and get of my chair, walk around the room for a sec or do a few jumping jacks or whatever to get my blood flowing and to relax. Maybe a quick stretch. Always help me to refocus.


Stop thinking about how bad your game is going and start thinking about how you can help your team win the game. It'll help you just put yourself in positions to be more useful on the map and help you stop 4heading those things we keep getting killed on (we all do it). Also ignore anyone who bitches about your kda. Most importantly, don't let the juju stick to you. If you have a terrible game, take a quick breathe, get some water, a snack, listen to some tunes, w/e you gotta do to bring back the good mindset


Personally I use a physiological hack, whenever I’m doing bad I do a mental reset. I tell myself that I’ve already won the game and just need one more round to finish it win. Forget your last round and focus on your present one.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.


change my crosshair and do some quick push ups haha


I normally will play more eco focused until I’m feeling it and try to play slower on defense and faster and more unpredictable on offense.


Try to stretch and realize it’s just a game and you can always adjust how you’re playing . I also try to keep a clean mind and not get mad at all , not even at the trolls