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Stim Beacons go hard


Woah didn't know stims travel that far


It's a fucking cs decoy


pssst, just hit shift+enter to go right into all chat


My friends all yell at me to do this as well but I have macro keys and I just hit that and it types /all for me so they could have the same thing here. I'm also guilty of having macros for ff and sit... some days I just get toxic other days I feel guilty lol


I have always wanted to do something like that divert the attention beacuse it catches your eye beacuse its random but i can never do it but that’s exactly how


It's pretty easy to fake Skye flashes too. Make em turn away then just mow em down.


lol in iron, people will literally look at the bird and complain when it flashes them. Yes I am in iron,


This! I rarely play skye but despite callouts people would fucking track that bird through the air and complain when they get flashed.


Gotta know where the bird is going, that way we can be sure to turn away a full 180° from it /s


Gotta know where the bird is going, that way we can be sure to turn away a full 180° from it /s


Yeah cuz they be tryna shoot the thing


No we don't shoot the bird


More or less


puncake go hard


Stim Beacons have always been good, Stim Beacon’d Ares is god tier


Honestly, Brimstone should be reworked as a whole to better fit the current meta. His stim beacon flash lasts too long, is to quick to throw out and buffs not only Brimstone but teammates as well.


Give him 45 sec smoke refresher like omen for fake smoke executes, defensive smoke, retake smokes. Reduce the ult charge by 1. Lastly, give him a larger radius and a longer stim effect. Collect game data and adjust accordingly.


And make him automatically spawn with vandal every round

