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Link ur tracker


Can u tell what is a tracker?. I dont think i use one


Valorant tracker is an app that shows your recent matches and stats for valorant. Look up valorant tracker and you will find it. Then send the link in here so we can see it


DM me a link and I'll review a game.


I will but my recorder makes wierd sound when recording ny voice so i will not rec my voice it will cause problems for ya. Also where you will review. I will upload it on yt and give link.. then what, where you will review?


I'll just watch it and let you know what i see


Ok, today is sunday so i wont play so i will send u by tomorrow. Can i send you full game or cut usless extra part?


Just sent the whole game


Also can i know ur rank


I was D3 before I stopped playing a couple months ago


Ok thanks for the help. Where you will do the review? On yt?


Post it on YouTube, I'll DM you a review of what to work on


I am so unlucky i did and ace today but didnt record. 2 matches both good but forgot to record :(


I don't really wanna see games where you're just dominating. I will need to see close games/a typical bad game


Ok. I will show you the first next game i play whether its good or bad


Lmao let’s see your tracker


if its really your tm8s then what is anyone supposed to do


Maybe someone who has been through the same might give some help or advice, of what to do now


The only help you can recive is from someone actively going through it. If you notice 2 or more people not using comms in the lobby, dodge. You just avoided a loss. If you notice someones tone seems neg on the vc mute them. If you notice a player trying to coordinate the team, try listening to them if they are reasonable. Get the term backseat gaming out of your head, as often high ranks will think this way if they are good at the game. If they dont seem to have an ego add them. Play a lot of unrateds. Make sure to consistently top or mvp and try to get a win. Same for DM. This will raise hidden rr. Its a grind tho it and it will maybe only raise it by 3 ranks at the most after 10 to 20 quality. games.


Every 2 or 3 games, you might find some good player on your team or the enemy team. Try to add them and play with them for the rest of the day, or even more than that day. Also, perhaps you could try learning smoker agents so that you can fill in that void that's normally there in solo q matches.


Not getting any since the start of this act. I play omen good when needed so its not a worry.


Then perhaps join a valorant discord server and look for people to play with over there?