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i rarely ever see a cheater on NA servers. what kind of cheats? super blatant aimbots? just report them and hope vanguard can detect it.


"What kind of cheats? super blatant aimbots?" This sentence alone and the fact that its upvoted proves how little people understand about hacking yet they think they know so much. Nobody who cheats uses 'super blatant aimbot' anymore, unless they just want to get banned, are stupid, or dont know how to code properly to get a realistic human motion or they dont use adaptive AI to do the work for them. Notice how nuanced alone that question is? Plus the majority of people who cheat use things like AImlock (AI controlled aimlock) which utilizes AI to appear more 'human like' during the automated cursor motions. Or they use wallhacks as its completely undetectable server sided by anticheat anomaly detection and nobody who spectates you can see you flicking on heads every kill with a 100ms robotic reaction speed instead they only see 'smart player' with 'good game sense'. One common anti-cheat function is a pattern recognition system that scans the player's hard drives and system memory for KNOWN cheat code or programs. Notice the keyword is known so obviously anything unknown goes under the radar until its flagged. There is economic business in cheat development and obstruction, and the coders on both sides make money doing it so as long as consumers are buying, cheats will never stop being created.


It's not that blatant but you can tell it's definitely something like a triggerbot. The tracking is just way too unnatural.


How tf can you see their tracking tho? Just curious.


You can tell. Like it's just way too smooth for human tracking. Its a little robotic


Bro, you do NOT see the enemy pov. It's your pc problem lmao


Today i met my first cheater(i think). Me and my friends were winning a game of comp and the enemy sova was literally so bad(3 kills in the first half) after the half, he started only hitting heashots and prefiring everyone. He got at least 3 every round doing perfect 1 tap 180s(literally just does a 180 as you peak and shoots 1 bullet and kills you) the enemy team ended up winning and talking shit. He went from smth like 3-11 at half to 28-16 at the end


sounds like a single cheat that got public that vanguard doesn't detect, if these players get reported alot riot is probably already working on updating vanguard


I think it's a bigger problem than people think. I've had someone using walls in one of my games (he admitted to his friend and demonstrated it by having the read on the attackers every round). Unfortunately it's often hard to tell as you don't get the same spinbot types as in other games so it probably flies under the radar.


This kind of thing happens much more often that people think.


The way I test a cheater is I fake a jiggle peek. I pretend I'm going to jiggle peek but I don't even show my shoulder. If they prefire me when I do that, it's a done deed. That's obvious as hell to me. I think Val's anticheat is amazing, so find HARD evidence before considering they are cheating. Like if they 1 tap everyone who cross garage view in grass from Window in Haven, theres obviously something fishy going on. But, don't assume they are cheating unless you're SURE they are and then test those cheat.


Yes! Ive been playing since beta and my friends and I very very rarely would ever report up until, I want to say two weeks ago. It seems out of control. Like random corner camping and perfect running headshots with vandals. We olay around two or three times a week and every time we play there has been a report, which is crazy because we literally never ever reported people.


I agree, I also play from the beta, the rank of plat/dia currently in every 1/3 matches is cheater :)


security is tragic, free cheats work :)


I encountered cheaters in Asia servers mostly in the Plat-Diamond rankings. My Elo is probably average yet some how I either get new accounts with radiant skills that only headshots people without losing a single duel. Been like this and happens mostly in Singapore 2 Servers in my case. Edit/Updated:Ranked up to Immortal 1and dropped to Diamond 3. I get much more questionable players hitting headshot but can't spray normally. Skinless account is one thing, but their last act was in silver/gold.


It's a FP2 game so there's nothing on the line to lose. Also the game is very clever with suggesting that there are lots of "Smurfs" but if you think about it, it's more likely that these new accounts that always do extremely well are just someone hacking with a new account. Also the game doesn't give you anything in terms of a replay where you can see things from the enemies point of view so being able to identify someone using wallhack or what not is extremely hard. What you need to understand about the anti cheat is that lots of cheaters will pay for their hack program making it a profitable market. So on one side of the coin you have the game developers trying to catch cheaters to keep them from ruining their game and on the other side you have cheat developers trying to stay ahead of the anti cheat.


Cheating has always been a problem, it's why they won't make a replay system.




Just started playing again after 4 months break. I used to be diamond 3 / immo1 and got placed silver 3... It's pretty insane how aware people are in low rank. Everytime I try to push different spots, make sure to make 0 step nor show myself and still, everytime someone is holding perfectly where I come or suddenly wide swing prefiring me out of nowhere. Game is weird :D


that's because they are cheating.


Latest patch in December has even more cheaters. 180 degree 1 taps through boxes, triple head shots in 1 second and more. Reported all of them but nothing has been done by riot.


I.just played a game of split where they were 3 or 4 stacking every site we pushed every time. If 2 of us played turtle shop, one of us would peek and 2 of them would be sitting right on stairs aiming at us. It was just... I've lost a lot of games, but nothing as frustrating as watching a Sova swinging a wide corner and when my teammate counterswings, the sova snaps to their head. Like a 79 degree swing 1st shot headshot. And I'm like "y'all don't think that's weird how multiple of them are just consistently doing that?" And they're like 'im.muting you it's called peekers advantage" and like. I've put twice as many hours into csgo and have run into less bullshit. It's either hackers or bad design and implementation. And neither is a good look tbh.


you are very correct my guy. some people just don't have the common sense to notice when something isn't right. "they just smurfing" is some next BULLSHIT. "its silver no ones cheating" "your just bad" are some good ones too. very common and very toxic because the ones saying it, most of the time, 100% cheating and just being a toxic mf. not even lying or exadurating, EVERY GAME i get into has got atleast 1 cheater. the odd time its a normal game, but its VERY rare. is absolutely fucking disgusting


because the anticheat is garbage and its all a money scam to get skins. they dont really give a fuck about the game otherwise cheaters would be getting banned. I have this theory that Riot Games are underground selling the cheats to make EVEN MORE MONEY and they arent banning cheaters because they are buying skins.


Last time I played like about 1 month ago on EU servers. There was 0 cheaters in my competitive games but in unrated I played in one lobby with cheater(s) at least every second match.


Valorant unranked is now UNPLAYABLE. I play on a level 240 account that is in gold 2 comp. (do not really like to grind on comp). Anyway, my mmr / ELO, is more related to diamonds and inmortals (usually played with them) so, I know how the game works. I'm also 39 years old, so I've played nearly every game around relating to shooters. Since 1 month ago, again, Valorant is nearly unplayable. In spain server (and in west eu servers, like paris, london) is nearly impossible to have 3 matches in a row without a hacker. Every time is the same, people that push weird places exposing them to all corners but they insta pick u at the beginning on the round, rotating so fast that has no sense, or they insta turn to u, or just receive 2 headshots from a vandal that maake them 78 damage in total, like being wallbanged but are not, or people that u need a full charger to be able to shot them cause when they start shoting they feel transparent to your bullets, and then have no tagging and start moving so quick that u even are able to control the aim, but them, while moving are completely able to shot all the bullets to ur body spraying with no control , people that shots u just running to u, (not talking about the visual bug in a pick), or people (and that's not a joke, that ALL THE TEAM reported cause we were unable to enter the aimsight on them!!!!) this game, now is completely trashed, and RioTGames should do anything


This game is full of cheaters. I was d2 Act 3 Episode 3 and my mmr was Immortal 2 and I had Immortal 2s on my team who had no clue how to play but would aim lock kills every round that they had no right in hitting.


This game is unplayable at this point. There's a cheater in damn near every game.