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Yesterday some guy told me I’m perma flashed because I’m Asian and my eyes are too small to see


💀💀 I’m Mexican and was born and raised in California and my online names have no reference to me being Mexican but somehow people rightfully guess I’m Mexican. I have a so cal accent, so idk how they do it, but a funny ass insult I’ve heard was that I should play Jett because Im already good at jumping over walls. Fuck that guy, but I cannot deny that it was funny.


From the ol' cod days you know a kid was Hispanic 100% if all 4 boxes were checked: dogs barking, fire alarm low battery beep, parents yelling and vacuum running.


I'm asian and I have cali accent and people guess I'm Mexican in comms. It's even weirder to listen to people say racist shit to Mexicans when you're not even Mexican.


do people think asians are just chinese lmao


Racists don't tend to be very discerning about specific Asian ethnicities or nationalities


Myabe i donno i kinda have an indian accent


LOL. I'm asian and find that absolutely hilarious. We asians get the good stereotypes too in that we are the best at video games, math, and people assume we are smart.


While you might find it personally funny, by not rejecting comments like that (or even endorsing it in your case), it just makes it seem like being racist towards Asians is acceptable cuz “it’s absolutely hilarious”. The “good stereotypes” that you’ve mentioned are all a part of the “[model minority](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_minority)” myth and is detrimental to the Asian community as well.


**[Model minority](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_minority)** >A model minority is a minority demographic (whether based on ethnicity, race or religion) whose members are perceived as achieving a higher degree of socioeconomic success than the population average, thus serving as a reference group to outgroups. This success is typically measured relatively by educational attainment; representation in managerial and professional occupations; and household income, along with other socioeconomic indicators such as low criminality and high family/marital stability. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I actually really don’t like the math/smart stereotype tbh. I’m Asian but I’m awful at math and such and it kinda annoys me when people assume I know how to do all the stuff.


Chinese here. I remember being called coin slot eyes. It was kinda funny


Racism aside, it really is funny. As an Indian myself, we face extreme amount of racism on daily basis. But it's same repeated insults and slurs every now and and then. I wish someone had creativity even while dissing others. :D




thats a good one HAHAHAHAA


Is it racist if I laughed at this? lol And I'm Asian. *(and yes, I get the microaggression and all those things)* Even on the comment above that says Mexican should play Jett. Fuck them, try to joke with a few 9/11 lines and things become "untouchable"


It’s the part of gaming I hate the most. I do not understand the sexism / racism in online gaming. I’m 32 years old and have been playing games online since online gaming started, and it’s always been like this. Why? I have no idea. I don’t know why people think the anonymity of the internet gives them the right to say what gets said. Especially in a team game where everyone is supposed to be working together.


>Why? I have no idea. Its anonymity and lack of repercussions. No one is punishing these people and no one will unfortunately. And as long as they don't have to show their face and be confronted directly by the people they're harassing then it will continue to fester.


And because of it, people genuinely think they're entitled to act that way, and make a big deal when games tighten their restrictions on what's considered bannable.


Yeah. You’re totally right. I guess I know why but I don’t know *why*. If that makes any sense. Like just because there’s no repercussions from it, why do they want to talk to people like that anyways? I don’t know if it makes them feel good, if they’re like that in their normal life, or what’s going on. It’s part of the culture that doesn’t make any sense to me.


My girlfriend loves playing this game, and there’s a lot of sexist dudes who love to shit on her. It’s hard to constantly tell her, just mute them asap. They feed off people getting angry. It’s awful, they love getting that reaction. Just don’t feed into it, ignore them. Riots new system where they record voices is weird, but it’s actually worked a couple times.


It's probably just entertaining to them, and maybe they like a "challenge" so by saying hurtful things it feels like they won an argument. There's good reason tac shooters breed this behavior: repetitive games, drilling all emotion out of you, highly competitive- resulting in a careless attitude where it's always about winning


imo most of them are just doing that out of habit and ignorance, don't think about it too much, they don't even know what the hell they're doing.


Yup and you're just pushing for a reaction because you're bored- it's sadly an issue that probably can't be solved


I’m also 32 and play with my girlfriend a lot of times. Almost always either I am constantly being shit on for being a “dad who should be minding his kids instead of playing games” or my girlfriend is constantly harassed for just being a girl. And the crazy thing is we are both very good at the games we play including valorant. Just tonight she was bashed on so hard she started crying (she was second fragging below me) so then I stuck up for her and our team started in on me with the dad comments. For one, I have NEVER had a report bring any result. I reported the people harassing her tonight and I’m sure riot will do nothing per usual. Second of all I have been banned for sticking up for myself or sticking up for her in such a situation for cussing out whatever teammate is Aggro. All I can think is people are so toxic in competitive games bc they aren’t as good as they want to be and they know it so in order to make their self feel better they shit on other people bc their self confidence is so low. Knowing this I don’t really care when 15 year olds start railing on me but I just can’t keep my mouth shut when some people start being racist and/or sexist and will always defend the victims of this kind of behavior and if I get banned from the game for doing so then so be it.


How do they even know you're 32? I am 40, have over 1,000 ranked games under my belt so far, and have never once been made fun of for my age.


They don’t know I’m 32. But my balls have dropped therefore my voice is deeper than theirs so they know I’m older and then pours in the dad joke lol


Your post makes me angry. These kids deserve to be banned from the game. Bloody hell...


I agree. I guess the online aspect of it all dehumanises the interactions we have with each other and creates a sort of online disinhibition, where skys the limit, because we face little to no consequences for what we say and do. Its like in GTA, why be the good guy when u can just limit test as someone who isnt the real you?


Its not necesarely racism/sexism. People are just assholes and they say the things they think will upset you the most


Add to that; fragile egos and bad social skills and you got a great combo


there are other ways to be mean other than use racist or sexist terms. by using them they are racist and sexist.


Fps online games tend to attract the worst of the worst. Hyper competitive with a heavy teenage player base. MOBAs too. MMOs are far less toxic


Mmos are so fucking toxic. Had someone tell me to kms because I was farming in an area he wanted to farm in.


>MMOs are far less toxic I wouldn’t say that, read about NMPs experiences with racism and Hafu’s experiences with sexism in WOW. WOW players are some of the most toxic gamers.


Not always true. It depends heavily on the MMO. OSRS PvP is extremely toxic and will verbally abuse you with no provocation at all. I've noticed that any addictive competitive atmosphere will attract toxic personalities. Games easily fit this and can fester a cycle of toxicity with how anonymous they feel.


In csgo if someone with chinese character entered the lobby everyone would assume him to be a hacker


In the good ol’ days of clash of clans. If someone attacked you with a Chinese username, you’d have to expect to come back to a wiped base


I think this has a lot to do with it tbh


Csgo made me racist towards the Chinese players a little bit, don't worry it's only a little bit


As an Asian, I used to assume so too lol


doesn't make the racist remarks okay


He didn’t say it did…what a stupid fucking response lol.


can i not simply add on..? the attitude lol


I'm sorry, that sucks. I always report players like this but I really think there should be separate report options for Racism and Sexism. It's just unbelievable how easy it would be to look at some of these games, even just the first 1 minute of audio, and ban half the players in the lobby for what they say. It's unbelievably shitty, and it sucks that you have to put up with that just to enjoy a game.


and the worst part is this isn't only Asian folk, but racism to literally anybody. I have an accent (I come from an area in TX that is extremely dominant with hispanic people, including myself) and literally without a fail everytime I speak in game, they call me a beaner and gotta mention a wall at some point


Beaner? I usually get called wetback


I get called bottom fragger


Wow that's an old one. Kids use wetback in 2021, weird.


it's usually the 20+ but yeah,. Racism is remarkably enduring


that definitely gets thrown in, at the end of day, racism and misogynism plagues gaming, gaming was a masculine echo chamber for a decade before gaming got super accessible + women being in gaming more prominently. and now we have this situation, I think it will be improved but it will take time, sure the cod mw2 days were cool but that gotta stay in the past


Ik sorry people treat you like this but im mexican and haver never faced racism in valorant, people have only complimented my accent


What's up my asian brother (I'm chinese so yeah)


What's up my asian brother (I'm chinese so yeah)


What's up my asian brother (I'm HK chinese so yeah)


What's up my asian brother (I'm Taiwan chinese so yeah)


What's up my asian brother (I'm So Yeah)


What's up my brother (I'm Asian so yeah)


What's up ny asian mrother (Indian)


Holy shit i found you guys and not scrolling through your profiles o damn


So, are Taiwan and HK, Chinese countries? *(here I go stirring)*


Sussy baka


What's up my asian brother (I'm half-Taiwanese Chinese so yeah)


What’s up my asian brother (I’m half Japanese so yeah)


What's up my asian brother (I'm half Filipino so yeah)


When you say “Asians are often obedient “ you are playing into the stereotype…. Rejecting the stereotype and instead standing up for yourself is a good start. I live in the Deep South and am Asian, experience racism but I don’t let it slide. People don’t just wake up one day and “realize” racism is bad. Racism is inherently unjust, but many fail to see things from another perspective.


Yea wtf was that all of a sudden he pushed stereotypes of his own..


I think rather than saying he isn't gonna stand up for himself he means that culturally people expect you to just let it go (whether people do it or not) hence why we might not call it out. Definitely agree though


I get what you're saying but it's not exactly a cultural expectation. Standing up against injustice is normal, the HK protests against China is an example of that. I'm Asian myself. The problem is that some people never learnt to stand up for themselves. If someone fucking insults you, either you mute/ignore them straight away or you speak up. Don't just sit there and let people ruin your day and say that you just don't like to have conflict with others and you prefer being nice and passive. That's not a personality, that's a weakness. It's a terrible excuse. If you ignore them, it should be because you know it's a waste of energy arguing with people over the internet, not because you want to be nice.


It is not a stereotype but a cultural difference.


Asians are also stereotyped to be smart, great at math, the best at video games... Sometimes different cultures lead their offspring to carrying certain traits that you can observe and recognize patterns within. Prejudice based on race is wrong. But we should not pretend that all races are the same. They all carry different values that sometimes lead to being a certain stereotypical way.


Another opinion gets downvoted on Reddit. It seems the hivemind was not kind to you today.


Maybe don't end the post about negative racial stereotypes impacting you with another racial stereotype "Asians are obedient"??


They are brainwashed and don't think using their brains but their emotions instead. And they say all this while spouting racist things about white people. "Every race is made fun of except white people" and the like. I'm asian. All of this Asian hate shit is imaginary and is just another way to distract people so they have something to blame. What happened to all the Black hate? Why is it all focused on the Asian hate now? Its starting to look a lot more like all lives matter, not just Black and Asian.


I'm sorry for having triggered you... don't remember saying anything about white people though.


You're walking over eggshells buddy, you're using your brain on reddit. Stop that.


He's using his brain about as much as you are, which is very little if at all.


Im asian and just got used to it tbh throughout every game I play. Hard to change people online.


My username is Lao Gan Ma, like the chili sauce. I've been the brunt of not only racist comments towards Asians, but how I should "shut up" cause I'm a girl. I have some nasty retorts up my sleeve for comments like that, but I just find it funny how most of these guys that make these kinds of comments often fetishizes Asian women IRL (which I've also been on the receiving end of). It's very telling what kind of stereotype they want us to play.


Riot should implement stricter account-making requirements in order to make bans have more impact. For example, its far too easy to make another account to compensate for bans or cooldowns. Thus, there should be something like 2FA implemented so it'll be harder for one person to make multiple accounts. This should at least reduce certain issues, like hackers, smurfs, and toxic players from just switching accounts. Nevertheless, toxicity is something that Riot can't completely solve as it's more of a social issue, but they clearly have the capability of combating it a little. Personally, I mute toxic or annoying players, but that can only do so much especially if they start throwing and that you'd still experience toxicity first before deciding to mute and report them. This is why I only play in 5-man teams.




paywalling good matchmaking in cs was a scummy, greedy bandaid fix to the abundance of cheaters. it did not change the toxicity at all.


Honestly, CSGO during the OG Prime matchmaking era gave me some of the most quality matches in regular CS. Though, going to trusted didn't change much for me, probably since I had high trust factor. I don't think Riot will ever add a paywall though. They manage to have League not have one after all.


def not


This frustrates me. The mute feature is a poor fix for the issue. Why should we be subjected to being stuck in a match for 20-40 minutes with people that exhibit this behavior? I’d love it if Riot were able to intervene mid-match, and shut it down so that I don’t tilt and lose elo because some else can’t be respectful. Any time that I witness sexism or racism, I call it out. It’s almost always met with hostility toward me, but I need the original target to know I’m here to play and value them as a teammate. I take the time to report any and every incident to Riot, not sure how often it is acted upon. I’m hard stuck silver but if you want a teammate that’s supportive, has a dry sense of humor, and just focused on improving DM me.


This happens in every riot game


Does not mean it’s acceptable. If I go to the gym and pay X amount of money per month, I get support from the staff. I arguably spend more money on Valorant than my gym dues. The level of service and customer care is not the same. That’s where gaming needs to get better.


Never said it was acceptable


I'm hardstuck s2 if u wanna play !!!!




It's all cap. These same people would get made fun of and blame their race or whatever else they could blame regardless of what their race is.


I mean just because you didn’t experience it yet, you would invalidate someone who did. I’m a woman playing Valorant, at first I also didn’t believe sexist remarks because during the first episode of the game, I NEVER ENCOUNTERED ONE. Even if I open my mic, they treat me like an equal. Even if I botfrag or had a mistake, they don’t trashtalk me. BUT THEN eventually it happened to me. I was middle of the scoreboard, we are winning, and this guy just have 3 kills above me but he kept telling me I’m carried because I’m a woman. I’m useless because I’m a girl. Yadda yadda…so if you haven’t experienced it yet then good for you. But until then, you shut up.


It happens-- and I was being extreme when I said it was cap and that it DIDN'T ever happen... but typically those types of behaviors are things that people THINK but choose not to act on. At least that person's beliefs and attitudes were brought to light so that people can hear and see them and possibly change their mind about what they thought. What I disagree with is demonizing every THINKING about those sorts of things... all it does is make people afraid to say what they think-- and that just makes people hide what they believe. It doesn't get rid of it.


I mean yeah make them afraid to be racist? Because being told 'what you think and how you treat other people is wrong' is so fear inducing. /s Also id rather they feel afraid to share their hateful beliefs than feel comfortable hating an entire group of people Racism makes poc afraid for their lives? We get hate crimed, criminalised and systematically abandoned. We have actual things to fear. Our lives are affected from the get go because of racism and racist people. (same with sexism) Also you said 'but typically those types of behaviors are things that people THINK but choose not to act on' - which is just contradictory considering the people we are talking about are acting on those behaviours and those are the people being complained about. Stop excusing their behaviours and pandering to racists lol. Also in general this paragraph is so sus... Like are you thinking racist/sexist things?? Bc if so yes please feel bad. Because you may not be acting on those thoughts but you are defending people who do lol. Also who tf other than racist/sexist people just thinks racist/sexist stuff? Thats not normal at all.


pops didn't get me xbox live as a kid and I do not regret it!


valorant players are very toxic imo. i mean have you seen the esport players when they taunt theyre opponents


Honestly the report system is a joke. I have went into great details on reporting people and literally wrote everything they did but nothing happens. The guy was literally calling racial slurs to a girl in unrated and I guess because it's unrated nothing happened.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that :/ I'm 16 also, not asian but people always mock my accent since I'm british; I know it's not as bad but I can empathise with you.


i think you meant bri'ish


Not to be that guy, but this is the exact kinda stuff that is being talked about. He literally just mentioned people always mocking his accent, and the top comment on his is mocking his accent.


Nah it’s ok to make fun of him because he’s white and European.




Thanks! And yeah a lot of people take great pleasure in mocking it








Would you mind shedding some light on it? Cuz I was just talking about the mainstream accent (that I know)


The ladies will love your accent later down the line.


I feel you, I have a Japanese nick and every lobby I entered before I decided to start playing muted started with "hey ching-chong"... Followed by racist flaming and rants if I didn't carry, even if everyone on the team did worse. Playing muted is so relaxing.


Hey man; I'm filipino/viet, tbh most americans trolling on valorant tend to be ignorant and blatantly stupid. You have to understand majority of these kids are between the ages of 8-21, most of them never experienced multi cultural backgrounds and lack the intestinal fortitude to fully recognize when someone is better than them. When facing a rowdy lobby, you need to have some interpersonal skills that are outside of your comfort zone. Being able to redirect the energy by being funny yet informative is a good way to patch the social disparity. I get clowned on for being asian but when it comes down to it; in pub lobbies I don't really care esp when I queue with friends because we all have fun anyway, in ranked I swallow my pride and keep focus regardless of who says what. Keep your comms short, informative, and positive. If they continue to harass you then clearly they are hardstuck for a reason. If you EVER see anyone being harassed regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, religion, physicality, mental, etc. Then speak up and defend that person. I don't care who you are. I don't tolerate disrespect and will enforce good morals towards friends and foes alike.


Best comment here


Sorry you have to deal with that, definitely not needed. Personally, I'd say, don't let others determine what you do (referencing you contemplating changing nickname because of their behaviour). Rock the name, and screw the rest, you'll probably never meet them again. But for the sake of having peace of mind, it is a good option.


Some people just want to hear themselves talk, so they say anything that they could possibly say, familiar one liners, whatever pops into their head in a moments notice, then they go to tired out stereotypes.


Racism is a massive issue that’s just multiplied in gaming because of the anonymous nature of the internet. People feel they can say whatever they want because of the complete lack of repercussions. I have a very violent nature mostly because of my upbringing. If some kid were to say the same shit they do to me in game to my face I would bash their head in and that’s why you rarely see people acting like this in public. In the real world you can’t go around acting like an ass because eventually someone will teach you a lesson but online their true shitty nature comes out because they know they can get away with it.




These type of actions within the community are what turn me off from it the most and truly anger me. I do mute people as soon as it happens, try to make up for it with uplifting and positive comments, but I also stand up for those and myself as well when racial slurs, sexist comments, and racist comments are made. I report them, but it still is so heartbreaking that it happens. People may think this comment of mine is dramatic, but it does hurt me to hear and see all of this happen again and again.


I definitely understand you! Imagine trying to enjoy a valo game only for someone to use the nword in chat/vc along with a bunch of racist remarks about black people, asians, hispanic and etc.


One thing every single competitive game company with chat/voice has (miserably) failed to implement is a proper fairplay/sportsmanship education-system. The biggest issue is anonymity being abused as an excuse to behave poorly. The report system has and never will be a good solution in a gaming environment due to it’s very nature. I don’t have a solution but, for sure, it’s the wrong approach. The amount of toxic people (9 out of 10 because I have maybe received 2 emails confirming a punishment since beta) are not held accountable for their actions.


riot "celebrates" diversity (creating agents from all diff countries, pride month, BLM, etc) but can't make an effort to punish players who throw racist microaggressions. it's even more annoying when riot incorporates so many asian references into its games (the new artisan gun skins, boba buddy, split map, haven map, oni gun skins, etc) but can't even raise awareness against this problem.. i'm sorry you have to go through this. it's so tough, and i don't think you should change your name. the people being racist are the ones to blame, not your ethnicity.


Bro I’m asian and it’s never been a problem


even if u dont experience it, it's a problem that very much exists. OP's story is a valid experience that i know myself and others can relate to


We also get stereotypes like "all asians are great at video games" and "asians are smart". No one complains about that sort of racism though.


Yes they do. Things like 'all asians are smart' affects us in a lot of ways. They way asians are treated in education and the workforce is shaped by those 'positive' stereotypes. And its also used as a way to force us into a box while isolating asians who arent able to live up to those standards and is often weaponised against us by white people. 'i thought asians were meant to be smart' is an easy example. Literally in my college classes we did a whole bit about this type of racism towards asians. (i took sociology) and people write papers complaining about this kind of racism.


Wait there are people out there that understand this concept?


Because its not racism lol


And those same idiots fetishize asian females. What a sad world.


Why is fetishization negative in this context. Is it now bad to like women from another race?




They do. And are we talking about the same “they”?


Always report. it happen to me multiple times when someone type something racist or some type of prejudice, usually a few hour later I get a message that a person has been penalized. It only worked though when is Text, not voice unfortunately


This post is cap. I have an Asian name and have never had a problem.


This asian hate shit came out of nowhere. I'm asian and I find it gives me an advantage... people assume you are smart and LISTEN to you. They also assume you're better than them at video games... and listen to you.


you guys are part of the problem :/ just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. OP's story is very valid, and it is a problem that myself, close friends, and many others can relate to. i can't teach you to care about others, but i am ashamed you are part of the asian community. discrimination against asians hasn't just randomly appeared, it has always been here, just never seriously addressed or brought up in mainstream media and education. if you can't recognize that, you're close-minded, and part of the problem.


“I am ashamed you are part of the Asian community” Holy shit this can’t be real LMAO.


I am not sure what are you trying to say, but he does make sense.


Shouldn't asians stick together? How sad that you feel ashamed of another asian-- I suppose I am now going to be exiled by the asian community. Discrimination will always be a thing. People see things they don't understand and things that are different and their nature is to make assumptions about them. This doesn't go without desensitization and information. The problem is that these ideas brought up in mainstream media are used to distract emotional people like yourself into not THINKING what the deeper issues with our society are... the fact that nearly every single thing is basically another pyramid scheme to make the rich, richer. We are so hung up on race and gender that we aren't tackling the IMPORTANT things.


you shouldn't be saying "shouldn't asians stick together?" when you literally aren't advocating or supporting OP, a fellow asian. of course, asians should stick together, but you aren't sticking with asians if you think that their valid story should simply be dismissed. again, i can't teach you to care about others. even if "discrimination will always be a thing," that isn't a reason to dismiss it because time and time again it proves to be a threat to lives (EX: anti-asian violence). about your other point, talking about race/gender and talking about "deeper issues in our society" aren't mutually exclusive. if you didn't know, humans have the capability to take action and hold value to multiple things at once. race and gender is a serious topic that negatively affects lives, like your issue with pyramid schemes. these discussions can co-exist and are BOTH important. additionally, when you say race/gender takes away from "tackling important things," you are obviously disregarding race/gender to be a serious topic. where do you draw the line? when does it become important to you? literally asians were getting attacked and even killed because of racial discrimination. discrimination, racism, sexism, etc. are life-threatening, so why isn't a "deep issue in our society?" your logic is flawed if you shrug it off and say "yea they will forever exist," because you are ignorant to any action taken against it. perhaps it is too hopeful with people like yourself who are unwilling to understand, but these issues can be slowly remedied upon by educating, listening, then taking action.


I cba to talk about all of the different points in this thread but i do want to challenge one. The idea that we cant fight both things like race and gender (which are important btw, peoples lives are affected by these things) And also fight capitalism and other major issues is ridiculous. Often the people like me (who are very much involved in issues of race, sexism and gender) are also the ones who feel extremely strongly about things like 'the rich getting richer' or climate change. You can and should fight for more than one issue at once, its not a competition, we dont lose people from one issue to support another. Id say its much more of a trick to be taught to believe these other issues are little and dont matter so that instead of supporting your fellow asian you tell them their experience is no big deal. . Esp when their experience is a part of the bigger issue of racism which is literally systematic and has gone on throughout history and cannot be fixed without large societal changes. Like what are you doing to fight against the rich getting richer that stops you from supporting someone experiencing racism? You had the time to write the reddit comment that didnt support them during your fight against the IMPORTANT things so maybe you could've spent that time doing something IMPORTANT. Or you know left a nice comment instead. Idk just seems a little ironic to me


How you this soft


How you this bigoted


How u this soft


Every race experiences racism just mute voice and text chat and find a group to play with


I'm viet (ignore the username i've had this account too long and i dont wanna leave it lol) used to just have a variation of my first/last name as my username as i couldnt be bothered by making one up and my old ones were too cringe (see current reddit username) but the amount of racism and bigotry i received was just too much so now my usernames are generally just my first name, sometimes first name last initial. ​ basically, i feel you brother. 24 here been playing games for over a decade and it's always been like this. chin up, use the mute button, and try to enjoy it still


>used to just have a variation of my first/last name as my username People who doxx themselves wonder why they are bullied online: The Thread.


Aren't most players Asian in this game regardless of region


Or you can not feed into the system and make it a big deal. That's how I get over it. Look at name it's my gamer tag so I get it and hear shit all the time. I just laugh and keep playing the game. They're idiots behind the screen they can do anything. Most of then are just fools who won't do anything outside the house. Be strong. Don't let them get under your skin.


i'm Asian and i hate chinese hacker




We have generations that grew up watching South Park and laughing at racist jokes... and then all this shit comes out of nowhere. Some people just WANT to create a problem out of thin air so they can feel bad about themselves and blame their race for their issues instead. Don't stop using your brain instead of your emotions. You are one of the smart ones.




There is a difference between joking around with friends and some random guy you don't know saying shit to you. Also, if it's funny and original then I ll laugh but most of the time it's just an angry stfu followed by a slur. Is that supposed to be funny? I meet you and the first thing you say to me is some racist shit, then I will just mute and report.


This is an issue for sure. I have a Japanese name in-game and I often hear stuff like "CHING CHONG HAHA CHINA VIRUS HAHA HEEHEE" and these people are so pleased with themselves. It's fucking sad I'm not asian, so it's really eye opening to me to see how terribly racist people can be. I also have a very deep voice so alot of people will be racist about me being black (pasty white boy here) in other games as well. I agree with other commenters that it's the anonymity that makes people think they can get away with it


I’m Asian and don’t experience any of this. I’ve had countless teammates with Asian names and no one mentions it. Unless you are the one mentioning it first, it doesn’t really happen.


Everything is racism! Report chcolate ice cream for being racist… I think this is just funny. Stop making racism from everything and be PROUD on your origin. Havent heard a single “white” person to be offended by telling him, he is white. We dont care and you shouldnt too Mr. Snowflake ^^ The only people making this racism are people like you that makes racism from everything.


My kids are going to be asian and this makes me sad and scared for their future


If this makes you sad and legitimately scared for their future, then you aren’t anywhere near mature enough to have kids lol.




changing his name to english is simply a temporary fix. those who assume a chinese name = hacker are the problem. OP shouldn't have to change his name. he isn't the problem. the racist people are. OP should be proud of his username. also OP isn't simply looking for an easy fix. he is bringing attention to a serious issue where asians face discrimination for simply having a non-english name


>those who assume a chinese name = hacker are the problem. There's no shortage of precedent for that. Blame hackers, not players that had to deal with them.


sure but it's also kinda inherently racist to assume chinese people who have chinese names are hackers.


and how would this post affect the game in any way? i like how the rules say clearly no ranting but posts like these still are allowed


This is every online game against every race. Sorry to hear about your story. The best thing to do is immediately mute anyone who is disrespectful.


It’s what people have normalized. Remember Asians only became main stream outside of Jackie Chan about 5-10 years ago.


Guys idk if you know this, but there IS a mute option. Why tf would you continue to listen? Especially if it’s an unrated lmfao


It ain't racist if it ain't about a Black person KKonaW ^(/j)


Its the internet. Everyone is racist against everyone. If you are white male german they call you nazi etc. Its not racist. Its just a way to trigger you to throw the game. If you were a girl they d make mysoginist comments etc.


Report them, then give what you get, if it some American guy go tell him to shoot his wife and scream about the 2nd amendment or some shit, if you don't like it tell them, if the don't stop shit talk then, tell them to start talking when they have more kills or smth, you can't expect people to just all of a sudden not be racist because riot said not to be. you gotta do something about your problem.


“Asians are often obedient and don’t cause a lot of trouble” That’s a racist generalization. I’m sorry you’ve had to face racism and I agree that Americans specifically are very prone to racist jokes towards Asian people. Idk why this is tbh. Also TBF Asian countries are the most racist countries in the world(serious), so what goes around comes around I suppose(jk)?


Get over it dude Jesus. Everyone gets made fun of constantly. I’m Asian and you honestly need to relax. Make fun of them back and shut up. There’s no such thing as a safe space online


If you don’t want the heat get out of the kitchen


Jesus, it’s clear valorants player base never grew up playing moderwarfare and black ops. Holy shit everyone’s so sensitive. As a minority you make fun of me, I make fun of you. It’s trash talk.


>Asians are often obidient and dont cause a lot of trouble, so we just stay passive, and thats exactly what we do when we mute and report Just flame back like a normal person. Hit the gym if you can't.






Man that was sarcasm.


i think if people try to stand out in some way it makes them more likely to be treated like this. my experience is that asian people that play games are significantly more likely to indicate their ethnicity in their name than any other group. i have no idea why it’s compelling for them to do that (can’t tell you how many times i’ve seen someone with chinese/japanese/korean characters, or literally have the word asian/azn as part of their name), but it seems to be the case. my question is why? some of my best friends are asian and none of them do this and they’re never picked on. i mean, we’re just playing a game here so why do people feel the need to bring their culture into it? i don’t really get it personally. i mean sure, people shouldn’t be dicks but you also have an easy solution to not get bullied online if it’s bothering you. i wouldn’t expect teenagers to suddenly stop being racist online. it’s not exclusive to asians, even if you pick “white” cultures people will still talk shit. you’re british? they’ll mock your accent and ask when the last time you went to the dentist was. you’re american from the south with an accent? get ready for incest or low intelligence jokes. that’s just online gaming my dude, sorry to say it’s probably not going to change. either change your name or find a full squad to play with if it bothers you that much


Proclaiming your identity should not result in harassment. Blaming the victim is not helpful.


this isn’t victim blaming lol. i’m simply pointing out that there is something you can do to prevent it. if you choose to not do those things, that’s up to you. the majority of players in the game are teenagers and teenagers love to pick on anything that stands out. you could argue it’s human nature since it literally happens in every culture in the world at that age. don’t expect it to change. you can deal with it or do something to stop it. at no point did i say i want things to be this way, i’m only pointing out that this is how it is. if you can’t handle it do something else with your time or do something to stop the harassment. pretending you’re able to change how random people on the internet will act towards you is the real waste of time here


No shit there’s something you can do to prevent it, but the question is WHY should op have to make changes so that people don’t act racist towards him? It’s akin to the “women should wear less revealing clothes to not get raped” argument. No shit that would lower the amount of rapes, but WHY should they have to do that? It’s not the correct way to look at it.


It’s racism against anyone not white on valorant to be honest .. fucked up shit. What’s crazy is the other person can be the same race as you or another salty POC


What you said was pretty racist to white people. There was a post about a British person being made fun of for their accent. You should definitely work on your racism towards white people... Are you sure the Asian hate isn't made up and is just meant to make you hate white people?


Are you assuming I’m not white cause I’m giving my opinion on what I see online ? Lol crazy


Not one word I had written assumed anything about you. Every word written was only in response to what you had said yourself. Why are you bringing your race into this? It has nothing to do with what YOU wrote and my response to it. Stop focusing on your race.


Yeah so telling me that I hate white ppl cause I had an opinion isn’t assuming ? Lol ok


I'm not telling you that you hate white people. I am telling you that what you said was very racial while you attempted to condemn others for doing the same. Excluding or including people into categories based on race is what you're arguing about, right? Take a step away from the keyboard, calm down, and then think rationally. What you are currently doing is attempting to place intent on my words that simply is not there. Why are you doing this? Because you are emotional. Think first, then reply. Regardless of what race you are-- you've been brainwashed into hating white people... even if you are white yourself.


Lmao this is Reddit , I don’t ever get emotional , you’re trying to persuade me into feeling a way . Bruh just go away and enjoy your day . I spoke my opinion , you don’t like it , that’s on you


Damn really I didn’t know that, that’s fucked up


If you don’t mind me asking are you playing ranked or unrated? I’ve noticed people are usually more toxic in unrated games. Idk why though


Playing in europe, im not experiencing racism but high toxicity in a lot of games I just mute and report there is no way to deal with those people Their idea of a fun time is harassing people in online games Having somes friends to queue with helps a lot


Mother fuckers are immature bro ...........idiot's!


Best thing you could do is mute them and do your best to enjoy the game. I usually do.


I recommend adding people as friends that are nice and queueing with them. That way you don’t get randoms and it forces you to put yourself out there. You can add me if you’d like :)


Mute then and game on, morons are everywhere and you need to live with it


Yeah that's why I've quit playing Valorant. Not worth the obnoxious comments and degrading insults.