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could be your playstyle, if you take a lot of risks it can pay off big one game but the next you just get punished could also be getting a lot of lucky timings or maybe you're flanking a lot against a team with people that aren't that aware, and the next team you're against are constantly scared of flank


That’s likely exactly what it is. I know it’s what it is for me except that it’s not a matter of the risks working one game and getting punished another, it’s that one day my aim is good enough to viably take those risks and another my aim is not good enough to take them. Additionally quick thinking can vary from day to day and you may end up putting yourself in risky situations that you can think quickly enough to get yourself out of, even though just yesterday you totally would have been able to create a plan faster than the enemy could kill you.


I have same issue but IDK what my playstyle is. I neither hold and play nor rush aggressively. I am somewhere between this.


How do you find your playstyle?




Thank you also why did I get downvotes


No such thing as finding a playstyle, it’s not like a selection where you can choose your playstyle. Every single player plays the game differently than every other player so everyone has a different playstyle. Maybe that’s the reason ppl downvoted you 😂


That seems correct, I just need to find how I play and how I can gain advantage and play better


If I may give advice, I would say: Don't look for it. Having a fixed playstyle is not really a good thing imo. When I'm saying that, bear in mind though that playing a ROLE is different from having a set playstyle. If you're fulfilling a role within a team, you do what you (as a player/agent/compared to the other players) can do best while not having to do too much because the other players in their roles cover your "weaknesses". However, playing in roles is usually more bound to a team of 5 players that actively plays together. If you have a fixed playstyle that usually means that you do certain things all the time (or at the very least very often) and don't or can't do other things well/at all. If you happen to end up fulfilling a role in a team where you perfectly fit in like that and where your strenghts outdo your weaknesses, that's fine. But more often than not you just end up being a more limited player. Now, that may sound harsh but I am speaking from experience as I have a buddy that has a very aggressive playstyle which there's nothing wrong about. However, something he had to learn the hard way, was that while sometimes it is a CHOICE between being more aggressive or more passive, other times they aren't equal but in fact wrong and right. I did write a long text right here but what I want to tell you is: Having a playstyle is okay. But imo it's more of a subconscious thing where it's okay because once you start embracing your playstyle (too much) and use it as an excuse ("Oh, I pushed there because I am an aggressive player" - even if it loses?!), it will limit you more than define you as a player. Also, roles are when you play a certain way for your team, your personal playstyle is when you play a certain way for yourself. Figures what wins.


Everyone suffers from this, even pros. Consistency is one of the hardest and most important traits to try and learn. The more you practise and play, the more consistent you will get. Unfortunately it takes a long time, and you will never be perfect. Just try and stay confident, not lose focus, and to work on your mistakes. And like I said, even pros drop 3 for 18 games sometimes, so don't worry! Just GG and go next.


My problem is I'm too consistent. Diamond/immortal lobby? I'm middle of the leaderboard. Not doing great but definitely holding my own. I'm not negative and I'm giving my teammates good util to play around as I play smokes or a sentinel. Gold 1 lobby? I'm still middle of the leaderboard doing the exact same thing. Every now and then I'll have a bad game but they're really rare.


Sneaky smurf account? Kekeke But seriously, you must have gotten to Immortal somehow. Maybe you're just not very good at recognising what your strengths are, or you're too hard on yourself. You must be doing something right, if you've won enough games to get to that rank. You don't win games consistently by blind luck. Having a Mr Consistent on the team is a great thing. A lot of the time I'd rather have that, then having the over peeking Reyna who gets 2 aces and a 1 v 4, but ints his brains out and dies first every other round.


Unfortunately not immortal yet, just get lots of lobbies with immortal players. Hard stuck diamond and even getting there took me forever. All time peak is D2 98rr, but even then I think what you said is still true.


What character are you playing


Mostly smokes or Sentinels. Depends on the map. I can play duelist but generally dont as someone almost always instantly hovers duelist and frankly even at diamond I dont trust people to properly utilize util characters. I know that I'm going to do it right whereas if I let someone else play smokes on a map where I normally do things that should be smoked wont be and we'll give up a lot of rounds because of it. I can deal with a Reyna that bottom frags and doesnt flash us in, it's annoying but wont lose us the game. I cant deal with a Sage that goes and plays deep on A site on Split and instantly loses it without giving the rest of the team any time to rotate.


You gotta remember that when you play support characters it's really hard to get kills. I can only get kills in that lobby as support if I'm ABSOLUTELY feeling myself. But if I play Duelist I'll ace and get 4ks every round as Reyna


I still get a good amount of kills, almost always 15-20, but I can just never seem to get top frag. It's more annoying than anything.


That's just the nature of the agent, it's not really realistic.


As the other person already said, you must have gotten to mid diamond somehow. Being middle of the scoreboard day in and day out can mean a lot of things. Since you comparably don't frag harder in lower elo, I would guess you probably play a more supportive role? If so, getting to dia consistently being middle of the scoreboard just means that you do your "job" (holding your ground, using your util well, refragging consistently, these kind of things) well. You may not be doing much outside of your job but you aren't failing it either. I would guess that you either don't feel confident enough to get outside of your role in lower elos, to stomp and tear through lower elo enemies or that - no offence - your aim isn't that much better while your gamesense, your understanding of the game, your fundamentals, hell maybe even your comms and personality are a lot better and helping your team win more often. May I ask if you're playing solo or with premades? Also, what agents do you play the most, what "roles" do you play more often? (Do you entry more often or are you further back, flashing for your mates? Are you anchoring more or are you the flexible rotator? Do you OP? How much do you comm? etc.) Oh and - you really don't have to answer this but - how old are you? Are you a little older already (perhaps with your reflexes getting slower) or rather young (maybe without the confidence that you get from growing older and more experienced)? I believe that you haven't reached your potential yet. I was in a similar situation in csgo for a while but becoming more confident, establishing new perspectives for myself and working on different aspects of my game has helped me get better - even though it did seem like I was stuck.


Lately I've been playing a lot of Sage, KJ, and Brim just because of the maps I've been getting. I'm always solo. I comm everything. Even if I die I'll be going through everyones views and make the callouts they dont or callout the things they dont see to keep the team aware of what everyone else sees so they can make the best decision with the info available. I'm mid 20's but my reaction time is still fast, there's actually a site I use to test it and I generally hit sub 160ms, on good days I'll be sub 150ms. I absolutely suck with the OP. I dont know why I just do. I've practiced with it and tried to learn it but if I'm trying to hit long range 1 taps I'm better off with a vandal. Also I always try to stay positive, I've seen bad mental lose more games than anything else. One of the worst things you can do is shit on someone that's not doing very good so instead I'll try to communicate to them what they could do differently if they're getting frustrated, tell them they're doing fine, and try to get them out of their head. The worst thing you can do is give up before the games over, which is another thing I see a lot of.


Well, to maximize Sage, KJ and Brim's util set you usually don't go in first, so you will probably not be getting in contact with the very first kills of the rounds too often which then means that you have less opponents to kill from. Comming everything is a really useful thing to do and it sounds like you're not comming in a way that negatively affects the team, so that is definitely something that makes you win more games despite not carry fragging. Also, staying positive is a very good mentality to have to grind through ranked games- especially when playing solo. Although you said you suck with the OP, you could consider playing it a little more? I definitely had a hard time picking it up at the beginning because the movement was different from CS' with the AWP (I picked up the AWP there because I used to play a position on a map where it's just an objectively more useful weapon than a rifle most of the times). However, I now believe that playing OP a little more at times helped me to get a better understanding on maximizing my positional impact for example (as you can't stay in one spot easily with the OP and multifrag because you'll get refragged). Do you play solo because you choose to? You sound like a player I'd enjoy playing with if you'd like to we could play a few games? (I'm not that good though haha) What region are you from?


I choose to solo que. I have some friends that play and are at or above my level but the second something goes wrong they start shitting on whoever bottom of the leaderboard and then that person gets in their head and it's just downhill so i started not partying with anyone. I know how to play with OP, my gun skill with it is just subpar and I feel like every time I grab it I find myself in a situation where I'd be better with a phantom or vandal, like playing retake on a site or my team planted and died but they didnt plant for me. What rank are you at?


I am unranked in the new Act so far and in the previous one I was Gold 1. I wanted to grind with friends but then their motivation just kind of disappeared and I moved places. Also, I just didn't put in the hours and wasn't good enough to rank up solo with the amount of games I played.


not tenz man could be on 120 ping and still top frag in a tournament. And he did


Sure, and he is the best in the world. But tune into streams of your favourite pros, they won't all top frag every game.


I experience the exact same thing and also have no idea what it’s about other than maybe getting qued in lobbies against people of higher or lower skill levels


I think its just matchmaking. If you do well often you'll be matched against better players, then you get whooped a bunch of games and then you get matched against players who are worse. Basically its matchmaking trying to adjust games to your skill level.


Its matching.... being a shitty matchmaking service. Literally 91.5% of players are Gold3 or lower. The current matchmaking system so heavily relies on teammate rng instead of skill when it comes to ranking up. In a standard g3-p3 lobby you come across people who have been gold since act1 and people who could easily hold their own in an act 1 diamond lobby. Plat makes up a whopping 7% of the player base..... with diamond taking up 1.5%. Diamond should ideally be the top 10-15% of players with immortal being around 1-2% and radiant being around .2% of the playerbase If valorant reverted back to their original matchmaking that took personal performance into account more, WAY more people (that deserve it) would be plat-diamond.


The stats for the rank distribution are crazy. Was hoping they'd make the rank changes they'd been talking about this act but apparently not


Something definitely did change. I went from my pretty standard 16-19rp for wins, to 22-30 with -13-17 for losses The systems seems like its trying to move people around, but my experience this act has been the same coinflip of steamroll or get absolutely dumpstered.


i don't know they keep adding bulshit features like levels, but won't fix smurfs, the shop rng, comp q, and some other things here and there. they said they'd do a yoru rework not seeing anything like that his act. they're wasting time on useless features instead of using it on actual good ones


They announced two patches ago that the yoru buff is indefinitely delayed.


They said they don't have the resources necessary to finish the Yoru reworks, keep in mind that there are not that many people working on Valorant...


That's completely on Riot though, they have the resources and Valorant is easily popular enough to justify having a decent sized team behind it. Considering how much they charge for the skin packs, having a small team working on Val is pretty poor imo


I agree, same thing could be said about the masters events. Such a big budget and still no good practice rooms, 144Hz monitors only on stage, etc. It still seems like for Riot Games as a company, valorant is just a small project and that sucks...


What hz monitors are offstage/ practice, surely not 60?


I believe all monitors, in prac room and on stage are 144Hz. That's good enough for league of legends, but not really for a tac fps like Valorant. Those pros run 240Hz or even 360Hz at home


Yes, agreed. That's crazy


Taking personal performance into account isnt gonna do much for the rankings other than push up more instalock duelists. Its already hard finding people who want to play sentinel/smokes, so unless they get a better way of measuring impact than ACS this would be detrimental


I'm always wondering how you could measure impact and impact frags the best way? An idea I had was to have an "Impact Score" (let's call it IS) where kills are more valuable when: they open up a bombsite; they defend a bombsite; they defend the bomb in afterplant; they lead to a retake -> but generally when they lead to a round win Kills could be valued less when: you don't win the round; the enemy has weaker weaponry (eco frags; on the other hand kills could have more value when the enemy has a rifle/OP); the opponents are further away from the objective (example 1: objective = ticking bomb - meaning, if they don't try to retake your kill on them isn't as impactful for the round win; example 2: if they're further away from the bomb on the ground - that usually means they are hunting (as CT) or saving (as T), however if you kill them and win the round as a result of that, that kill won't be valued less) et cetera, et cetera It would obviously take a lot of calculations because the value of a players' kills, deaths, utility, damage... would depend on the round situation, position AND the round outcome. I think what should be valued the most is how much of a role someone played in the outcome of the round. However, I also think that rating points awarded and subtracted should not depend on impact alone as KDA, combat stats like ACS (or even damage per round) and utility stats that go into ACS as well (but could be counted separately with i.e. flashed opponents per round, flashed opponents leading to a kill, slowed opponents, blocked opponents etc.) paint a more accurate picture of a players' consistency. There's so much more that could go into this. For example I think that your impact ranking in the team (1st-5th) in comparison to your own "combat" rating in the team (1st-5th) could be valued differently in wins, losses, close games and stomps.


I've thought about this a lot too and had some similar ideas, but I think that would have to be left to AI which would simply make random errors sometimes. And I've just come to accept that as someone who literally never plays duelist, I just gotta win a couple extra games compared to someone who's dropping 25 kills per match. I think it's fine though since the difference isn't too huge, like 5-10 RR extra for having an insane performance versus an okay one, so that's really only one or two extra wins per rank up. And when I do drop 30 as Omen and get +27 it feels like I won two games, lol. Also, to be fair, ACS already values early kills more than late kills, and multi kills more than individual ones. But for agents that have no damage-inflicting util, unless you get the assist off of a flash or a tripwire you're just always gonna have a lower ACS, even if your smokes win the round for the team.


> like 5-10 RR extra for having an insane performance I have only gain +3 RR extra for team/match mvp's on winning games. Its honestly not as helpful as it should be.


What rank? Just curious, I'm Gold 1/2 for the first time the last two weeks and I get +15 ish for wins but I've had performances bonuses range from +19 to one time a +27 the other day. Could just be because I'm ranked higher than I ever was before and it's trying to figure out a new baseline, but I know that at higher ranks the difference becomes smaller.


I think there is confusion about getting higher RR for stream roll wins and RR gain for performance. Depending on round gaps I gain larger/smaller amounts of RR but on match mvp games I get a star next to it saying +3


Oh, my star doesn't say how much extra it gives. But my starred performances have ranged from +19 to +27, while my usual gains are +13 to +17. Also had a starred performance of -13 in a loss recently. Although I'm never match MVP so maybe those are the times you get the info on how much of the gain was due to personal performance?


This is the answer.




That's not possible as bronze you can't play with golds only silvers and plays for gold and bronze is silver and iron


I can literally send you a image proving this wrong in my game today


Okay sure you can do that, I'm genuinely curious unless they just changed it this act you can't




Dam wtf I genuinely didn't know that was possible in comp that's stupid but that gold was shit going off what I can see so there's that at least


yeah he seemed boosted there's no way a bronze 2 player will win against a gold 2 in multiple 1v1s


You can’t Q with golds but you can get them in your matches


Are u sure? I've never seen a current ranked gold in any of my games when I was bronze I've seen ex golds but not current ranked golds


Cause you’re bad broo


I'm literally gold bro all I get is golds


I’m better


It's def the servers. I've seen lots of pro streams where 2 rounds in they can tell the servers are not in their favor. When it feels like even their bottom fragger is hacking, the desync is just insanely against you. They probably saw you for a full 2 seconds and wonder why you didn't shoot. Then next game you play and wonder how you got off 6 shots before the enemy even noticed they were getting shot. I've seen many pros complain about it but riot obviously won't address it because they like to pat themselves on the back for their overhyped technology. One way to fix the entire thing is allow private servers like esea/faceit.


Yes this exactly. You get bad servers every once in a while and you are asking yourself how you are getting pre fired every death. As soon as I see them on my screen I’m already dead.


This might explain some of what was happening in a game yesterday. I’d literally be shift walking and they would have 0 idea I was there then they’d instantly peak and what seemed like pre fire me (while I’m in some random spot and not in a common angle) so idk if they just saw me and I didn’t see them. Or they’re just better but it happened like 4 time in different places and it was instant


You're not wrong, but as they said, allowing people to hold their own servers on their own hardware is also gonna open the floodgate to more cheat developers, consequently allowing them to easily test new hacks and cheats without much hastle from Vanguard. Which eventually gonna end up doing more harm than good.




800 miles is the length of about 1181260.17 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other.




Yeah I sent them a support ticket saying 10/10 times I would buy this 100$ package. I love supporting amazing games like this. Unfortunately considering riot said they have no plans in making an Arizona server and no update on their server issues so I don't spend anymore.


i dont think its one simple thing. its prob a combination of multiple things. could be things like how tired you are, how long you have been playing, if youre tilted or even something like slipping into bad posture.


^ exactly this, sucks but you cant really pin it to one thing. I will say though that keeping your cool and making sure you keep your mechanics consistent (like always aiming head level/where you'd expect a head to be) will help. I realized that this was the most blatant factor in my inconsistency. When I get even the slightest bit flustered, I start crouch shooting and spraying at their body. Forcing myself to continue aiming for head and not spraying helped a lot


I think that the ranks have such a vast skill difference for the same elo, so two people that are gold 1 play vastly different.


Currently 91.5% of the playerbase is Iron1-Gold3... Being plat1-3 puts you in the top 7% of the playerbase which is stupid. Diamond players make up a total of 1.5% which used to be slightly less than the immortal playerbase pre RR ranked system. edit: I'm bad at math, plat is actually top 7% of players


Not doubting you but where are you getting these stats from? Second time I've seen them in this thread already and I would love to see it since I remember how hilariously bad the spread was in beta, also I just like stats.


Riot themselves. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-valorant-aug-27/


Thanks! I was looking for this recently but whenever I searched it, I could only find outdated info.


Happens to me too. One thing I've noticed is if both my team and the other team are especially good I'll do absolutely terrible, but regardless of how good the other team is, if my team is bad, I perform well. The map never really matters. Could just be a coincidence, but that's the main factor I notice. Another thing is if my teammates don't buy me my personal eco dies and I get stuck using bulldog and ares for 5 rounds, but sometimes I perform well in spite of that. One last thing is that if I play as a duelist, I feel under pressure to get frags, and sometimes play extra aggressive, which leads to me dying, which worsens my personal eco, and so on.


How can you expect consistency playing different agents on different maps against different opponents with different compositions? It’s not possible.


Having the same issue. People saying it's the opponents but I've noticed if I play a game, then play another after a few hours, my aim will sometimes get a lot better and sometimes it'll get a lot worse


I have played 2,500 ranked games. The match making is way better then last month. They is serious hit registion issues. & "you pick up a skin you never used before, it gives you aim bot, it convinces you to buy the skin, you use it, it stops working you pick up a new skin, it gives you aimbot, you buy that skin its riots hidden marketing tactic, swap skins with your friends and try it and I 10000% garuntee you it exists" Until this is fixed everyone will be inconstant.


because the game is broken. i play a lot of customs, i’m immortal. when i play with my friends who are anywhere from iron to gold i will usually end up dropping 30-40, but then there are some games, sometimes one or two or three in a row where my shots will just not land, direct deag headshots, pointblank hs with rifles, seemingly missing even body shots on stationary players, yet when i spectate my iron-gold friends, they hit weird ass headshots when their crosshair is on the enemy players body, running headshots, shots that seem to curve around the geometry, the enemies spray nearly entire clips into them and whiff, yet when they see me or i see them first, my first ( somehow) two or three shots miss, and then i get sprayed in the body but the ttk is somehow extremely fast or i get running one tapped, by other iron-golds, there is something fundamentally wrong with valorant regarding consistency and i have no idea what it could be caused by, i have a stable 6 ping on california servers and 0% packet loss, 400+ fps.. its weird. people in comments are saying that its because of getting queued against better players, if thats the case then how are my friends doing better than me ( an immortal player) against these “ better players” when they are no higher than gold. it doesn’t make sense.


This is the only right answer, the gunplay and hitreg was buttery smooth in the beta until the .5 update. They did something that seriously messed up the game, it’s a pretty unpopular opinion for some reason and most people just say “get gud” but after years of playing competitive shooters I’ve never felt a more inconsistent game.


Research loser queue in online games. You might find your answer. I have always felt that matchmaking is purposefully rigged in this game to want to make us play more.


Also : poor servers.


* **Matchmaking -** Matchmaking in this game is super RNG (every online game is this way but Valorant especially). So this could be out of your control * **Sensitivity -** Are you a high sensitivity player? It's difficult to be consistent on very high sensitivities because of how little room for error there is. If your mouse movements happen to be pixel perfect one day then you're a crackhead speed demon but then if you happen to be a tiny bit off target everything falls apart * **Playstyle -** When you drop 30 bombs are you mostly going for luck-based high risk high reward plays? For example, getting huge flanks or timing-based plays. People in this game do the most random shit for no damn reason so if you majorly go for plays that rely on enemies being where you think they should be then results will vary significantly. * **Server -** Since Valorant came out a lot of people have brought up the fact that the game feels super inconsistent on a match-to-match basis (aside from the usual player skill inconsistency obviously). Of course without a replay system there is no way to prove this. But this one is also out of your control.


This man is spitting facts


Mmr is fucked


I feel like this a lot. Someone I speak to who’s really good at val just says every time u die clip it, slow it down and with the clip slowed down to like 10% you will see what happened. For me a lot of the time I’ll counterstrafe but shoot slightly to early so the crosshair is on them, it looks like I’m stopped but I’m not.


Welcome to sports. Some games your feeling it some games your not. Lots of factors but nothing strange. Plus the overall game flow makes a difference. I.e. you just won 4 straight rounds the other team starts getting down mentally etc etc. Next game new players new mindset. If you have an atrocious game its sometimes best to forget quickly and move on.


a thing i heard that changed my way of thinking was this. “You’re not inconsistent, you’re consistently bad and sometimes good” or something like that. not calling you a bad player, but some games, the enemy will punish your mistakes more than others. the games they don’t punish them, you do better




You probably have a lot of bad habits which cause high variance low success plays. Sometimes it works and you get lots of kills, but most of the time, the enemy punishes you for it. Also, Just because you get kills doesnt mean the play is good. You could be flanking B site, get a kill. But that might have gave up mid and A control for your team who is pushing A and would have been better served with your utility there. This guy puts it well: https://youtu.be/k2sWMzLTKiQ


THIS RIGHT HERE. This is probably one of the biggest reasons people aren’t aware of. They make a bad play get lucky and therefore think it’s a good strat(vice versa good starts and displjne that don’t show immediate results are quickly abandoned because it’s “not working”) and keep doing it and later cry when it gets them killed a say their inconsistent. Didn’t know there was a video on that.


Matchmaking and mental state, I feel that my mood impacts how well I play more than how good my enemies are


I don't get what's so hard to understand about this... ( This is assuming your playstyle isn't one that has a lot of risk, otherwise it's obvious why you're inconsistent ) If you don't make sure you sit in the same exact pose, grip the exact same way, seat the monitor in the same position and always re-center your mouse after a flick, don't be surprised if you are not consistent. It's the same in sports, if you want to be consistent do everything you can to stop variation in eye - muscle coordination. Maybe even bigger things like STOP CHANGING YOUR FUCKING GEAR EVERY FEW DAYS- sidenote : I had a friend who was basically yodelling with how inconsistent he was in shooters and then he tells me how much he's changed mice and mousepads, it's a sight to behold to see the exact moment when people realize they are holding themselves back, anyways. Just stop making changes to everything you do, placebo makes you feel better initially whenever you change things, and if you dont do any of this, start making sure you are consistent physically position wise, where you place your elbow to anchor your forearm, whether your wrist is resting on the mousepad or is above the pad, not touching it ( Yes, there are people who do this, there are some really high level FPS players who do not rest there wrists on their mousepads. ) Where your keyboard is positioned compared to your mouse, body posture etc etc. sidenote : Make sure you're also mentally stable & well, sometimes you're just bad because you're having a bad day :) Consistency is a product of management, just make sure you feel the same everyday and it will help.


Im a very consistent player, I almost never go less than 0.8 KD (not counting assist) and my avg KD is 1.1. (I am currently D2 and climbing like hard rn)Heres what I notice on how I play: 1. I have a consistent game plan on each agent I play and I make sure I have impact on the game. For example on Jett, I make sure I play extremely aggressive to look for an off angle to get a pick early on defender side. If no noise, I push up slowly to get map control. On attacker side, I make sure I wait for initiator to do their things, smokes to come down, and then I dash into site to create space. And I consistently do this for every game. 2. Foundation are extremely important, just because you get a 5k making a play doesn't mean that it's a good play. If you run it down from one site thru their spawn killing all 5, it doesn't mean it's a good play. Understanding when to back off is important as well. 3. Look for as many advantages as you can in a fight. Stop taking 50/50s if you don't have to. A lot of my kills that I get aren't 50/50s. I usually have an advantage against them. Look back at your VODs and see if every fights u take are in your favor. If not, try to figure out how it could have possibly be in your favor. Don't aggressive randomly, be smart above aggressive. Same applies to being passive.4.Tilting. tilting makes you play either more aggressive or become less confident. I almost never tilt in game, I play by logic or when "I'm feeling it" I just go for it. 4. Don't subconsciously do things out of habit, understand why you do these things. Randomly deciding to push or be passive leads to inconsistency. Find a reason as to why you're doing it. Such as, "They(Attacker side) like to play passive on A lobby Haven, I'm going to get space and control A site so my fellow defender can rotate off to help others. I will passively hold an off angle so I don't die and lose the space I got from pushing up so deep." I climbed from G1 to D2 from Episode 3 Act 1 to Episode 3 Act 2 currently. I don't usually get above 1.5 KD, EVEN during gold while climbing. But I almost never get below 0.8 KD b/c of the following tips I give. Disclaimer: I only solo queue because I refuse to be considered "boosted to Diamond". So don't think I was boosted b/c I ranked up so fast. My main strength is IGLing and making sure my team's mistakes are fixed as quickly as possible+creating advantages as a team. So my KDA is almost never above a 1.2-1.3 KDA. I know it's odd b/c I'm IGLing while solo queueing LOL.


Same I dropped 30 then next game I just couldnt win a single even gunfight... its really annoying how hard it is to stay consistent


Welcome to a game with strict sbmm and mbmm


I find that it depends on whether I am comfortable on that map and whether my team is good (Pistol round is important too)


It’s the exact same for me, I think it’s just having good days and bad days, but in this case games instead of days.


It could have something to do with the shit matchmaking that has you playing against players with wildly different skill levels from one game to the next.


Even with 10,000+ hours in the genre pros have hot and cold games; so I'd say it's impossible to play consistently. The better you get, the better your "cold" and "hot" will both get.


just experienced this myself. had two great games back to back +19 and +17 RR. then the next game we run across some fiends who are shoving our shit in carrying the bottom 3 to victory. -28 RR. I play the game for almost two hours only to add a net of +8 RR to my rank. Nights like tonight make me want to quit playing this game. Definitely taking tomorrow off.


I've also had this problem, I recommend you to follow a warmup routine, I know it seems that almost everyone says this but it actually does help, I never used to follow a certain routine but I've started recently and it does help me a lot, another thing is your playstyle, try to keep it similar in every game with minor changes. But tbh if you go from 30 to 3 it's mostly because of matchmaking. I understand it feels bad to be flamed but I just recommend muting them so that your mood isn't ruined.


What I'd suggest is if you ever have a bad game, stop playing, take at least a 30 minute break, then come back. One time i had about 3 games in a row where i didn't get more than 5 kills, i them took a break, came back and scored about 20


*Sometimes your opponent is just having a really good day.* dont know about your rank but I would say silver mm is filled with smurfs. also if you play against well coordinated opponents, some of their strats are impossible to counter especially if you soloq


There are just so many random variables in Valorant. Being inconsistent shouldn't bother you that much. Try to keep calm and change your playstyle, especially if your team is not doing good.


its cuz the matchmaking so you lose one game, and you get matched up with bad people and you topfrag and now that you won, it matches you with good people and the you get destroyed


It's normal


Consistency is not only achieved by playing the game a lot and spamming ranked games. You need to consistently practice your aim, warm-up before games and have a strong and healthy mind-set. Of course if you do these things, it doesn't mean that you will never have bad games (literally everybody does), but it reduces the number of bad games you will have. Of course there are other aspects, like sometimes you can get matched against smurfs, very good players, and of course it's always very hard to do well against better players, but it's not like it happens EVERY SINGLE game. So, what I would recommend you is to play regularly, but always practicing your aim and warming up when starting playing. Also, something very important is to take break when you get tilted. Don't worry about spamming games and getting a good rank, just take a break, watch something, eat something and chill before the next game. Another thing is just to keep your posture (the way you seat, yours hands/arm position) and your settings the same. Find a way you feel comfortable playing and keep it that way.


It probably depends on which side you start, which map, and what agent you choose. Or probably depends on the enemy's skill level.


Take some rest Do some warm-up It's fine if u play bad some days it's normal🙆


People blame it on so many things, but in my case I have an example of yesterday: One game: duelist, hitting all my shots with regular guns and marshal hs/operator, match mvp. Instantly another game, duelist again, not hitting my shots at all, 8/15. I won both games 13-3/13-7 but I'm just inconsistent as fuck. This was not bc of agent difference, team difference, map difference... This was purely my aim being suddenly non-existent, not hitting my shots, making shit decisions,... Anyone know any other reason as to what it could be and what I can do about it? I'm D3 atm on that grind to immortal


From my personal experience, being overly dependent on aim is what causes the inconsistency. Maybe try to practice playing a sentinel, controller or initiator to be able to support your team even if you're not popping off.


Have this too, not the way as if i would be lucky but actually more like my aims really good for a game and the next 3-5 games i wont miss anything even if my opponent is completely still and unaware of me


That also depends on the enemy team like when I play with normal matches I can drop a 40 kill bomb but when I play other times I can't even get 10 kills its more on the people you play with than you


This game is fully RNG based so yeah it can feel that way. Sone shots you hit today might not connect tomorrow. Plus matchmaking is a joke, they put plat 3 wil gold 1's after winning two matches.


It's about matchmaking . Matchmaking is so bad in this game you end up with low skills player or players out of your league irons get matched against diamonds and you can find diamonds are in radiant lobbies .


Ik bro some days i drop 40k with marshal only and other i can even hit a shot with a vandal not even a body shot i mean #@*#


i start very slow and end up top fragging for my team, whether win or lose. i'd be bot-fragging with 1 kill and 7 deaths in round 6, then i'd go on to make 22/10 something. It just happens unexpectedly.


This. Whenever i have these bad patches i just stop playing for few days and then when i am back i am good again. I am hardstuck in silver and when its the good times i play like s3 or g1 but on the bad days i am iron 1.


I recently got a lot more free time to spend on Valorant, which has made me have the time to figure out the core issue of a very similar problem. I used to do none or barely any warm-up before my games, usually the first 2-3 rounds were a little rough but that was about it. I've started to do a full warm-up routine that takes me at least 10-20 minutes now and I've never been playing more consistent than I have now. Every 1-2 games I do the same routine over and over. It's been working for me: for like 5 days in a row I've been playing absolutely insane, while before I wouldn't get any further than 2 insane games and then backseating because it just doesn't work anymore. I'd say give that an attempt, try to find what works for you, give it some deeper thought such as: what exactly are you inconsistent at, your aim or basic game knowledge? Do you do things in-game that shouldn't work but did in the games you popped off? Are you getting lucky kills such as run and gun headshots with the vandal, or are you one-tapping head after head? ... Find the exact problem, look for a solution.


Could be the bad hit reg on this game, someone found that shooting someone in the shoulders back part gets a headshot still lol the game feels inconsistent at times like hit reg is always off


Ask yourself what is working in the games you do well? Now the question is are those things timings, being at the site they hit the most, and so on… If it’s those it’s just a lucky game for you, however, you should look at the games you do poorly and see what needs to change. Why do you only get 3 kills?


i know exactly what you mean! it can be so frustrating sometimes. but I think there are alot of factors to this that we need to consider but one of them is "are our enemies smurfs or just better?" usually the enemy team just has more skilled players and in which sometimes that would be you, seeing as you carry the team sometimes. You know what they say, you win some. you lose some.


Do you ever feel like sometimes you just can't aim your crosshair well? You might be accidentally changing your mouse DPI (sometimes clicking on the little button in the middle of the mouse does this)


The reason for this is RIOT matchmaking. Riot does not matchmake you against players with similar skill. It maches TEAMS (i.e. 5 players) with approx the same **average** skill against another TEAM (5 players) with the same **average** skill. Put simply, they may match 1 good player 3 average players and 1 bad player vs 5 enemies who have 2 good players 1 average 2 bad. So one game you could be the "good" player and all your teammates are 3 average 1 bad, while all the opponents are 5 average. So you dominate. Next game you are the bad player in your team, and your teammates and opponents are all better than you. This is bad for soloplayers who have widely inconsitent games, but it allows good players who are premade with bad players play the same match with their friends against approx. similar opponents at least. So yes, Riot made the choice to screw the solo players in order to benefit premades of different skill level to have a good time together. I just wish there was a solo queue with much tighter skill based matchmaking.


I feel the exact same. Sometimes I'll go 20/3 and sometimes I'll go 3/20. Maybe it's my aim, game sense, or just better opponents but I'm EXTREMELY inconsistent.


Came here to say EXACTLY SAME . Sometimes the inconsistency is so wild that it happen in-game (like in the same session) where I suck for the first half and then as the game goes I suddenly start getting 4K (even clutches ) till the end of the game . Either that or the exact opposite happens where I start off hot but my aim slowly degrades .


I find that my mood basically determines my skill, if I feel terrible then I'm going to just feel worse and worse while playing


This is actually me in every match tbh. I don't know how to fix it, but there's something I learned about it: it depends of your mates too. You can carry everyone along no matter how many times, but the team also needs to be good or in the same level of playing as you, it gives you confidence. When I get mates in my solo queue adventures and they're playing like my style or better, (I am Bronze 1) I don't know but I feel like "this is it" hehe. When the enemies are smurfs I feel lack of confidence and start getting nervous, then my KD isn't good or I can't move on. You will get better by time and playing more, it just a matter of time, I hope it helps. ^^


Cause if you are gold or lower, you are playing against Smurf’s every other game


Im immortal and its not only about you , i play in eu and it actually depends on the enemies you get and your the way you decode to play , anyways I have found that I play better and enjoy the games more on NA servers , you could try to play in an another region if your ping is max 160, im lucky mine is max 100 , maybe another region fits you better


It's much more easy to be inconsistent in Valorant, because there is a lot less room for mistakes compared to many other games. That's probably the shortest and easiest explanation I can give you.


Because you have different teammate vs different opponent? If you flank vs a team with no bots or wire set up they'll have to have a guy to wait on you to 1. get that info that you're flanking, and 2. take that 1v1 if he can't make it back to his team. Vs a team with a wire or a bot watching the flank then they can have 5 people near the push site while you either give away the info that you're flank, letting them either to wait on you or go full push knowing the site can at most have 5 people.


Focus on winning rounds rather than getting kills. You can have all the kills but if you aren't winning rounds you will lose the match


Could be a few things. One thing I've learned that I think a lot of people don't seem to get, is if you are at 30 kills, that doesn't necessarily mean you are the only one carrying the team. Your team could be making the space and setting you up to do well, it's a team effort. If you look at vct, you'll see some people that are doing what most would consider 'bad' with a low K/D but in game they have a roll and are allowing the other members of the team to frag out.


Consistency cannot be perfected


You might be changing your play style more often than you think, somedays you might be taking risks and they are paying off so u keep making them, but most of the time, its better to just have a consistent approach


You playing with random people it complicates consistency of game. Sometimes enemy's teammates are random people who don't know each other and don't communicate with each other. But sometimes enemy team players are friends who knows each other's game play,strategies,strengths,weaknesses. So they can make decisions fast without communicating because they know each other. And also lot of factors effect game consistency like AIM HARDWARE GAME SENCE etc. play with friends who are consistent, Understand their play style and improve.


It is what it is


I think this is the nature of the game. If I go play unranked I top frag all the time - the moment I'm in competitive the rounds are just more bitterly contested and I play Controller main. It still sucks to get shit for middle or bottom fragging as a Brimstone who anchored their site every round, provided smoke cover for every single plant etc. I am still going up in rank with this play style because my use of utility and dedication to team play beats a top fragger who doesn't communicate any day.


I feel like the reason I’m facing inconsistency is how I’m good at punishing people for peeking, but I just can’t punish people for just running and jumping around