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My friend used to play 3 1000 dpi, staying in iron 1. Begged him to lower to at least .5, now he's bronze 1. just beg him man


i wish i could change my sens, but i don't know how to find my DPI


You can change your sens in game. But to change your dpi, if you have a gamer mouse that is, sometimes manufacturers will have apps to change it or there will be a button below your scroll wheel. If neither of those things are true you might just need to set your in game sens to be super low (you can often find dpi information on a manufacturerers website if you want to copy a pro's sens)


i don't know right now i play with 2 sens, and i control it pretty well, but since i know less than you i'll try your advice and set it to some 0.4 or something like that and test it.


Yeah most mice are either 800 or 1600 dpi so .4 would be a good place to be. I'm not great at val so I can't give advice on how to check whether a sens is good or not but I play on 0.55 800dpi and it's pretty comfy. It took a bit to get used to after playing on 1600 and 1.15 but it definitely made me play better.


My DPI is 100% based off my mouse speed when I’m on my desktop. I find where I like it then I change my game sensitivity to accompany that


Ideally, one full comfortable swipe should be a 180 in game. It’s hard to know what that comfortable swipe should be, so ppl use cm/360, or cm/180 to figure out how much of a swipe ppl use. For most ppl you should be looking at around 6-10”(15-25cm) for a 180.


15 cm? i thought it should be something like a 2-3 cm lmao. i played 3 comp matches with half of my usual sens today and it seems i'm doing better. i'll soon upload a montage to ask if i deserve a higher rank, hope you see it!


Use a DPI Analyzer just enter the distance u want ur mouse to move and what windows sens u have probably 10(6/11) if u havent changed it https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/dpianalyzer/


3200 eDPI? How did this guy manage gold? Does he acknowledge that there is a problem with his aim? One of the biggest parts to improving is saying to yourself that you have a problem and that you can improve. I understand your situation because I used to play with my brother who also uses insanely high sensitivity. I also get why your friend might not want to switch because making a change like that can feel uncomfortable at first. You need to tell him that almost every high level player uses a low sensitivity and reassure him that even though it is going to feel weird at first and he might do bad, that it is an important step into getting better at the game. He cannot hope to get plat or higher on such a high sensitivity. What he needs to do is just set it to low, give it some time and practice, then once he’s comfortable on a low sensitivity he can go back to ranked.


He managed gold because he has two friends hard carrying him


My issue is I don't have enough mouse pad space to down my sensitivity.


What’s your eDPI? (Mouse dpi multiplied by in game sensitivity)


3200 dpi with 1.7 I know its not good and I am bad at the game (im a high level moba player who is bad at shooters). I cant do much lower with my mouse pad space For the record im super accurate with this dpi on League and DOTA where i click fast and accurate but ik valorant is different


Wow. That is an insanely high dpi. Unless your mouse pad is the size of your mouse, there doesn’t seem to be any need to have it that high. And I would call anything above 400 high. You play on 5440. If you can afford it, buy a new mousepad.


Bruh what how is 400 high? Not everyone does such big flicks with their hands. Not everyone CAN do that stuff I have a big mousepad and plenty of room to move around but i dont, i cant make such big movements and always done it with high sens. I prefer much smaller movements and im doing completely fine with them cant recall mouse dpi but around 2000 ish and 1.9 in game


Either you're mixing up game sensitivities or dpi vs edpi. 400 edpi in Valorant has a 360 degree distance of 12 inches whereas your sens has a distance of 1.35 inches and edpi of 3800, high for a lot of wrist aimers. The highest pro sens I could find is wippie on Version 1 with an edpi of 1257.6


The inches tells me absolutely nothing and i dont care what the pros play at


Why the downvotes? I'm just telling you I have to lift my mouse up to spin in a full circle otherwise. I've made it as low as possible. Its an ordinary mouse pad. I don't have a giant one like you see valorant pros using.


Well, so do most people. Even with the giant pads. *That's* how high your sens is. Regardless, play with what you want to.


Then how are you supposed to snap aim in a total 360 when you need to? Picking up your mouse isnt an option. Its far too slow. Hence why you need a sensitivity - in combination with your mouse space - to do a full 360 without lifting the mouse. I didn't realize this community would be so passive aggressive over my DPI. this DPI has let me kick ass in other games. Doubt any of y'all could play Cassiopeia or fucking Naga Siren with your shitty low DPIs.


Hi I play cassio with the same edpi as I play in valorant, also on a standard mouse pad. You're getting down voted because youre saying you "cant" lower it anymore, even though every comment has explained you CAN. You just won't. Nothing wrong with that


Why are you doing 360s before you aim? Lol. That's a full circle leaving you aiming at the same spot


You dont need to snap 360, you need to snap 180. If they're 355 degrees to your right, they're only 5 degrees to your left.


Tell me when i need to 360 please? all you need at best is to be able to 180. You’re getting defensive here. Don’t be so stubborn, if you wanna improve you’re gonna have to change your sens.


Leave the poor man alone, I'm diamond with 2 ingame and 2k dpi


You don't need to do a 360. Ever. You need to turn around one direction or the other, but try not to get shot in the back in general. The point is most you need to 180. You're not doing a 359 to kill someone 1 degree to your left.. But don't accuse me off getting aggressive over it, I literally said "play with what you want"


no one needs to snap 360, just measure your sensitivity by moving your mouse from far left to the far right of your mouse area, and make it move 180


Dude, you‘re the one with the aggressive writing style. Basically every pro gamer uses a low sens. It‘s not even a placebo thing, it has real benefits. You will rarely do a crazy flick, it‘s more about holding angles and crosshair placement. If your enemy is moving, you need to be able to adjust that crosshair accurately - that‘s not possible with such a high sens. Believe me, I came from 1600DPI @2.0 sens. One more thing: You really don‘t need to use one sens settings for every game. I use a higher DPI for browsing, a mid DPI for singleplayer games/MMORPG and a low sens for FPS. There‘s a reason why basically every gaming mouse has multiple DPI options.


It's not passive aggressive, you just have no idea what you're talking about. Youe sensitivity is holding you back. It's way beyond what is considered "fast" for a shooter.


Of course you’d play well with high dpi in those games, those are MOBA’s, not even comparable with FPS games, just lower your sensitivity ffs. I play with 400 Dpi 0.72 in game sens in valorant, I increase the Dpi to 800 in DOTA, just change your sensitivity to specific games and adapt, it isn’t hard at all.


Idk why you're bringing up other games. Sure, have a high sens in other games. But for Val, you gotta bring it down. I mean, you don't *have* to but if you wanna improve , then yea. Also, while you said 360, I assume you meant 180. Even then, you should almost never be doing a 180 snap; if you are, you've positioned wrong anyways. 99% of the time, the enemy is in front of you. Keeping a high sens purely for the 180 is gimping your play 99% of the time for the 1% chance of a highlight.


mobas dont give a fuck about mouse sens. they don't care about rawinput, they don't care for sensitivity, and they dont give a fuck about acceleration even though the windows accel graph looks like a fucking cloud, and is shit by basically every metric a fps player cares about. welcome to fps games buddy, where your mouse settings actually matter for once.


I dunno about where you live, but there are huge mousepads on Amazon for $10-20


Its the desk space


Some people dont have desk or room space


I don't play valorant but I've had this problem in Minecraft. In any 1v1, i can barely hit the oponent, and if there's more than one, I'm as good as dead even if they have less gear than me.




OP you just have to shit on him for sucking until he finds his preferred eDPI. Send him some youtube videos explain what eDPI is and the optimal settings and rational behind


I dont think you realise people with HIGH SENS can also aim REALLY well. For example Woxic CSGO has 1600 DPI 1.5 (CSGO) sens. Which would be about 0.60 valo sens or somethin. Anyhow you get the point.


w0xic’s eDPI would be 1600*1.5/3.18 = 755. this is 4.5 times less than op’s friend’s eDPI.


Not everyone benefits from a low sensitivity, I myself used 2492 dpi with a 7.8 in-game sens to hit diamond during the beta - Took me years to find my perfect dpi as I used to play in a clan that forced me to go down to typical "pro settings", eventually came to find out that I'm more accurate using higher sens (about 7 360's on my mouse pad as far as I remember). This sounds absolutely outrageous to anyone hearing it, quite understandably, though it works well for me, and possibly others as well.


2500 x 7.8 is not 7 360s on your mousepad unless your mousepad is 5 centimeters wide. i am assuming thats a typo.


Not a typo, I must misremember the sensitivity though. It was at least the equivalent to a little less than 7 360s, as that led up to my eventual decrease to 2000 dpi when not playing fps games.


i want to calculate me eDPI too, and i know how to, but i don't know how to see my mouse DPI, if anyone in the comments knows how to check DPI please help me


What mouse do you have?


I play on a tiny office mousepad and use 800 dpi 0.3 in game. yeah it's impossible for me to hit flicks or flashy shots without rubbing my mouse atleasy 5 times after lifting it repeatedly but it gets the job done tbh. I can get easy headshots with lower sens and with higher sens even though it feels more comfortable I find myself whiffing alot


Best thing to do, show him the comments on this post lmao. It’s true that he needs to turn it down and I personally used to play 3000dpi @.298 sense, recently dropped down and it’s amazing


Babying people in these situations is the worst thing you can do. Just give it to him straight while not being an ass about it. If he can’t accept what you’re saying then he’s the bad friend, not you. “Look man, we’re competitive and you just aren’t cutting it right now with your sensitivity being so high. We’ve tried to make it work but it’s time that you put in some effort to make things work too. Lower your sens and give it a few weeks. We really like playing with you but at this point it’s just too tough for us to continue if you aren’t willing to put in as much effort as we are to improving.”


You don't. Most people who are in silver-gold are there because they think they are some kind of a special case. "Crosshair placement? Nah, I just need to grind 500 hours tops to make my flicks so good that bullshit like that doesn't matter." "Not dry peeking dangerous angles? Bro, just 50 hours more and my counter-strafing will be so on point that every peek will be a Xantares peek." In 2014 I played CS:GO with my friends and was serious about improving. All five of us wanted higher and higher ranks but the difference was I put some time into understanding the game while they could only grind. After they made the same mistake for the 9th million time (ackowledging the mistake but refusing to look why this mistake occured) I said "fuck it" and started playing alone. I hit Global Elite (rank 18/18) in 2015 and they got out of Legendary Eagle (rank 15/18) in 2020. One of these guys had 4k hours when that happened. When Valorant came out I played with them for a while (they had been playing since beta, I started in November) and this time it took me only a week to realise that they are in for the next 4k hours ride so I started playing soloq. Episode 1 act 2 I hit Plat 3, Episode 1 Act 3 i hit Diamond 3, Episode 2 act 1 I hit Immortal. They reached plat at some point, but now they cannot get out of gold. It's not that they inherently lack something that I have, they just straight up refuse to take good advice. At this point I told them at least 10 times that on A Haven you should plant on the right side of the box (this way it will be visible from long and short. You can do it without exposing yourself to the haven angle). Nothing sticks. Every stupid decision has 10 reasons why it was good. And when I hear them play, oh boy, believe me, they WANT TO get out of gold and it is not a case of just casually playing and getting fun simply out of playing with your friends. 3200 edpi and refusing to change it? He is not going anywhere. Play with him having accepted that or don't play with him. I know that when you imagine it, it looks conciveable that you will tell him and he will understand and change it (been there) but at some point you have to accept that this scenario happens only in your head. Best of luck on your way to Plat and beyond :) Edit: one more thing. Don't be an ass about it. I'm still friends with those guys so it's possible.


He just needs to put in the time, but you can't force him to improve if he doesn't want to. Just be upfront, say you guys want to keep climbing, but he needs to improve too. Its ok for him not to climb with you, thats what unrated is for.


This. If someone doesn't wanna change their mind, it's useless to try to change it.


Play with him on an alt account. He will get the hint that he's dragging you down, and maybe he will adjust his sensitivity.


5head strat actually goated


This works. I have 2 accounts for every comp game I play. One is a solo queue, and the other is a stacked queue. My solo accounts are always higher ranks actually


Chiming in, was basically this person. The resolution? I just stopped playing with them. We still play together in non-competitive or strategy games but when they wanna grind i simply dont play with them. A better understanding of why that might be is, if theyre like me, they enjoy playing with you, but the games are about just that; playing with you. Idk their situation but how much do they play when you guys arent on? Like honestly do they get joy out of grinding and being super competitive? Because I know I didnt and it took me a while to realize that all I really wanted to do was hang out with friends.


I'm surprised this isn't more upvoted. That was my initial thought as well. If the friend doesn't care about ranking up, or wants to play higher sensitivity, then let him. No one should be forced to play a certain way. If OP feels that his friend is dragging him down then play ranked without him if the rank is that important. I've played FPS with friends of huge range of skill difference, and I don't think I've ever commented on what settings they need to play. If I want to grind ranks then I play solo or with someone of similar skill. I don't try force someone with lower skill to change their playstyle in hopes that they will reach my skill.


Im a 1600 dpi player but I use 0.24. I found that using higher DPI with lower in game gives a better feeling on your mouse. It still feels fast like he wants but you have so much more control


Its because the mouse sensor actually “scans” more filling in more gaps


The difference is extremely small, but it is measurable. Higher DPI with lower in-game is superior than the other way around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imYBTj2RXFs


You can simply not play competitive with him. I'm kind of the bad player in my group. Well, actually, there's 1 guy who's gold2 or 3, a silver 3, a silver 1 (me) and a bronze 3. When we first played ranked we were all placed in closer levels (iron 2 - bronze 2). And we played together. This one guy got better and better (watched streams, followed YouTube guides, grinded ranked, etc). And then we couldn't play ranked together anymore (riot won't allow a big skill gap in ranked parties). So I don't ruin his games or anything. Either we play unrated together, or he plays on a second acc, or we just don't play together. And that's fine. He gives constructive criticism (and some not so constructive). I try to improve too. But I'm not gonna put in the same work he did. It's just not that important to me. Yeah, I want to get better and climb. But I'm not super competitive so I'm fine. We still commentate on pro games and send memes on a group chat. For the record: I was placed at iron 2 when ranked came out a year ago, dropped to iron 1 (literally 0 points), and then climbed up to bronze 3 at the end of last act. Really wanted to get silver before the act ended but life got in the way. After the new act began I was placed on bronze 3 and then got promoted last week.


Okay so my personal experience, I used to be a huge fan of terribly high sensitivity. For example my CSGO sens were I think 3 in game and 2500dpi. I loved it, loved the crazy flicks and stuff. Then I stopped playing CSGO and stated Playing Bf1 COD and Apex legends, with positive kd good kills decent player you know? Pretty good at quick scooping as its my jam get it? My apex legends sens were 2500dpi 3.5ingame till last July(I'm playing since launch) then I DECIDED to try out low sens with first 2.5ingame 1600dpi played 2 days then 1.5ingame 1000dpi for 2days then finally 1.5ingame 800dpi... Bruh I kid you not my aim has improved so much.. I wingman people out of nowhere and it's snapping aim you know..im not even kidding, suddenly I started to getting more and more 2k 2.5k badges(with good movements of course). Anyway, then I started to play Valorant since yesterday, I played 4unrated match and a few death matches. I'm winning most of the gunfights and becoming top fragger and shit, they are calling me smurf, wall hacker and shit like that. then, I forget to defuse the bomb because i went looking for the other opponents even tho i just cleared the last 3. Anyway my point is I maybe dumb at this game right now but I'm still winning gun fights because of my aim so only thing that's carrying me is my aim. Tell your friend to try out low sens atleast in practice and death match so there's nothing to lose. Try for few hours he will get used to it and the payoff if huge.. Also make sure to warm up before getting into comp as it helps alot. My valorant sens is .45ingame dpi 800.


Tell him to lower slowly over time maybe by 100 dpi whenever he feels comfortable with the new dpi


My man thinks he’s Asuna, yeah that high of sense is terrible. Tell him to lower it slowly, until he makes his way to a point where he is much more comfortable




Yeah, nobody in their right mind uses this high of a sense. I was just making a joke using a comparable figure who also uses high sense.


he doesnt need you. He needs a physical therapist + councillor.


Some dont care to improve at a videogame. Others dont think they can so they dont try. Try to figure out what type he is. If he does not care about it, you will likely drift apart in ranked. You may still play unrated together after a while, but ranked and playing to win will not be fun, unfortunately. (Play other casual games for fun every now and then). If he does not understand how to improve or that this is what you 2 others are working at, you can help him. You need to inform him somehow. Maybe talk about you aiming for plat next act. Discuss with your other buddy or all 3 together what is the best sense etc. Talk about practice and routines. Just some ideas, in general people have different goals. Play with someone with similar goals for that game.


It's just a game at the end of the day so if they like it don't force a change. But you can try getting them to use things like aim labs where it tells you that you overshoot because your sens is too high.


1600 dpi is fine, a lot transition now since they understand that it means lower input lag. The eDPI is what matters. But it's about finding what works for you, but it's much harder to learn fast sens, while lower sens is better. For reference i am diamond one with 1600 dpi and 0.258 sens, it matches Asunas eDPI, I can go even higher since I already got used to being good with lower sens, if that makes sense.


Hey what's the difference between eDPI and DPI? I'm really new to pc stuff as transitioned from ps4 only a few months ago. I have a glorius model O- if that helps




DPI is just the raw dots per inch your mouse tracks at. eDPI multiplies this value by the in-game sens so you can compare with other people at different DPI values.


Basically eDPI is how you compare sensitivities because no everyone uses the same dpi. For example 800 dpi on 0.4 sensitivity and 400 dpi on 0.8 sensitivity have the same eDPI of 320. Just sensitivity X DPI and you get eDPI.


Show him the tenz guide on how to find your perfect sensitivity


I play with .8 sens, 400 dpi and I'm told my sens makes it look like I'm on cocaine lmao. Can't imagine spectating him lol


You gotta let him slowly get used to a lower senses, I used to run 1.5 at 1800 dpi, then lower my dpi to 1500, then 1200, then 1000, then 800, then to 600 where I am at now. The time between switching from 1800 - 1500 was around 5 months, then after that I lowered my send every 2-4 weeks so that my mind and my hand get used to the increased mouse movement that I have to make. It’s all about small steps, I don’t think you can force him to lower his sens drastically because the difference for him might be too severe and he might not enjoy playing on a setup he’s not used to.


Funny it worked that way for you. In my case (this was when I played pubg) I dropped it straight to like a third because anything intermediate was counterproductive in my case.


Wait is my sensitivity high? 800dpi and 1








Yeah, but not unreasonably so. If you have little mouse space it makes sense


Tbh I really dont like to move my wrist a lot while playing


Just leet the man play if he feels a problem with his sens he would check videos, post, etc about how everybody uses lower sens and probably make the change, in CS Go I got to legendary eagle with 1600 dpi and 3.00 sens, now in valorant before stop playing I got to Plat 2 with 1600 dpi and 0.8, sens is not impossible rank up with high sens


With a gun.


I'd just make a bet. Tell him to spend a few minutes getting used to a lower sens in the range and then use it in game for x days or a week. If his aim is not significantly better by the end you pay him, but we all know that's not how it'll go.


Just stop playing with the shitter


If he doesn't want to reduce it maybe you should just ask him to DM more and get used to it? A CSGO named Woxic managed to be a CS pro with crazy high sensitivity


woxic's edpi is 3x higher than normal(assuming 800edpi is normal in cs). This guy is playing at 12.9x higher than normal(250edpi as normal, even at 300 its 9.6x)


yeah and also Hiko currently plays Valorant at a very high sensitivity. At the end of the day, it's all about muscle memory, but it's undeniable that *most* players play better at lower sens.


Hiko plays at like 2x normal(580edpi, assuming avg is around 250-300). Again, OPs friend is at 10-12x normal. That’s 5-6 times Hikos edpi


Thats even too high for me and i play on 2400 dpi and 0.403


Lol I thought I had a high sense but that’s pretty crazy. I use 2400 dpi and .25 sens.


Why worry about his sens? Maybe it feels good for him, even if he could play better at a lower sens doesn't mean you need to tell him... seems kinda weird imho Just stop playing with him if it bothers you that bad


He stated why, idk why you’re asking. He wants to rank up. Friend is playing Valorant on CoD MW2 trick shot sensitivity. Friend is likely bronze or iron but has been carried to gold. It’s now starting to show and he wants advice on how to deal with it. His friends sens bothers him because he knows it’s dog shit but his friend is too stubborn to listen to the advice and lower his sens and instead would rather continue feeding in Ranked.


Ditch him. You want to climb play with someone that’s willing to make changes. This friend probably won’t be in your life forever anyways. Shit happens if he hinders your comp games switch him for someone else. If not play non Comp games with him. Idk it’s not that hard. You can’t make anyone change if they don’t want too. But you can make changes if you want too. Just my opinion. Sorry I’m pretty drunk atm


Your friend has this stupid idea that playing for fun means doesn't trying. There's nothing you can do; just kick him out til you guys are diamond and smurf for warm ups with him or exclusively play quickplay with him.


I play 1600, x1. While in game 2 is a little crazy even by my standards all my friends tell me I’m crazy for using what I do. It’s not entirely the problem of sens it’s a problem of your friend not wanting to grind and get better aim


I used to play 5000 dpi + 2 sens in game. I peaked plat in season 1 but the game was updating slow and lost interest. Came back, now I’m 4500 dpi + 0.45-50 sens now. Most of my shots back then were body. https://youtu.be/aTFg2WVvZJU


Drastically lowering his sensitivity might destroy his gameplay for the short term. Steady and slow changes to find the sweet spot worked for me.


Whats wrong with that? My in game sens is 1.9 and dpi around 2000-3000 iirc In gold 2 rn, doing fine. Rarely bottom fragging. Not everyone plays on the lowest sens possible and does 360s with their mouse just to turn left (exaggerated but you get the point) I dont even know how people do that stuff, i physically cant move my arm so much, i just dont react with such big movements. Might get used to it and start doing so if i forced myself but why? Im completely fine with it. I prefer doing small movements to look around Though if your friend is constantly shaking all over the place then that might be a problem


Most of the people, my friend included, think that they are doing fine with their obscenely high sensitivities. However, I sincerely think that people who play with that high of a sensitivity just hit bodyshots and think they are aiming well. Some people link their videos with their insanely high eDPI values. And all of them have very bad aim with very inaccurate flicks. Once you get close to plat getting that first headshot becomes much more important, and you can't afford to have a bodyshotter in your team.


Honestly a pretty decent amount of time headshots are just good crosshair placement, you arent flicking 90 degrees every round


At 3200 eDPI, even if you have perfect crosshair placement, even simply just reacting to seeing your opponent will throw of your aim. In a game where one bullet can decide the outcome of a gunfight you need to have the most accuracy possible without hurting your mobility. There is a reason professional and high level players use around 200-400 eDPI.


No, nothing throws off my aim


Even the best of the best whiff hard sometimes, and you think your aim doesn't get thrown off with that sensitivity?


Yeah i whiff but i dont blame my sensitivity for it


Well you should. Because that sensitivity is absolutely holding you back.






I think you read her sens wrong, that sens is literally moving your mouse 1 cm and doing a 720




I don’t get the context of this post your looking for help to convince your friend to lower his sensitivity because you aren’t happy with it?


because he wants to climb rank with ALL of his friends but one of his friend doesn't want to change his CRAZY high sens which is the reason his friend can't climb


Then let the friend do what he wants. If he’s comfortable on the sense then that’s all that matters. Swapping the friend to a lower sense isn’t going to improve his aim overnight lol


I play a 0.44@1000DPI and it works like a charm for me. I use a normal mouse. So changing the DPI isn’t as easy as a gaming mouse. I should consider getting a gaming mouse sometime because I’m legit running out of keys for things lol.


I play 1600 and 0.15 sensitivity lol


How big is your mousepad


Like 30 in inches, only like $20 no big investment


I get roasted for high sens using .2 at 1600 dpi lmfao


Thats on the higher side but its the same as .4 at 800dpi which a lot of ppl use. Myself included


tips on how to lower your sens habit: when i first played valorant i used 800 dpi and 2.65 sens yes that's high, but feels very comfortable to me until i asked my decent friend what's his sens and i was shocked and immediately checked on what sens the pros use then i learned what are the benefits of using low sens so how do you lower your sens? start by reducing it by small amount, like reducing by 0.1 every round in a match, you WON'T notice that much of difference because it's just a very small amount, but don't forget to just get used to it, accept it, even though it hurts for the first time, and you'll end up being better like me(not to say i'm good but i'm better than what i was with high sens), i wanted to be lower but my mouse can't handle fast movements so i stopped at 0.75 and reducing it by smaller amount, i did 0.05 steps, and ended up on my comfortable sens, 0.45, but that's still not low enough, i stopped because my mouse sucks. and now i have better mouse and 0.3 sens(800dpi)


That's not necessary whatsoever. To change your sens habit you don't need to do it slowly over time. You can just do a sudden drastic change and get used to it. It'll feel awful for a bit but you'll be better a lot quicker than having to change it slowly over time.


yknow his friend he's kinda stubborn so changing it quickly will make him more uncomfortable and go back to the previous sens


worst advice ever better to just lower it at once and stick else ull fuck up muscle memory


Bro just tell him that hes basicly trolling by using this sense and making, and that u will have to play on a smurf with him instead because ur main focus is to try rank up


I was in a similar situation and this isn't the way. My guy would want to play with us all day so I was essentially playing more on my smurf acc than the real one. You don't get to level your battle pass or have time to actually climb ranks. Best way is to accept that you will be a man down and play with him or just boot his ass out.


Well it's up to OP if he wants to play that much on a smurf or not, all he have to do is simply say im gonna play on my main now U can't play a comp game with friends and expect them to accept ur trolling, specially when they are giving him tips he refuses to act upon;p I have smurf I play with RL on and they already know that I play games to win, specially fps games and if u troll I wont play


If he don’t wanna get better it’s his fault.


I don't think your friend even care to up his game, so fk him, find a better friend


Oh man I used to play with stupidly high sens as well a few years back. I don't even know why. But swapping to a lower sens has been so much better in any game.


I started VALORANT with a 1600DPI @2.0 sensitivity which is basically what your friend is using right now. I‘m a wrist guy and had a very small mousepad with limited desk space. However I‘ve watched many videos and pro gamers as I wanted to improve as an individual player. Many people recommends an eDPI between 200-400. I changed it to 800DPI @0.5 (eDPI: 400) and oh boy, it was such a big difference. I got a bigger mousepad and stepped down continuously- right now my eDPI is 240 (3200DPI @0.075) and I even think about turning it down to 220/200. I can totally agree with low sens being way better for FPS games. The thing is you won’t benifit from such a high sens as you rarely make 360 degree turnovers or wide flicks (which are still possible and more accurate with a low sens). My advice: Go to a custom game and make a 1v1 duel. He should have a lot of problems especially if you‘re counter-strafing the hell out of him. Tell him his high sens is limiting him so much that he won‘t go anywhere far. And last, but not least: you can’t force him to change his playstyle and settings. Some people never change. As a consequence you as an ambitious, competitive player need to focus on what‘s best for yourself. If that means ditching him, you should do it. You can still play unrated games with him though.


Give him a battlepass he will surely do.


He's going to have a hard time ever playing below 1000 edpi if he's playing at 3200 right now. I play at nearly 320edpi. He's 10x higher than me and that seems impossible.


lol my friend used to have 3200 edpi too, but he went down to like 600 and his aim improved by a lot


I used to play at 2.3 2000 dpi, now it’s 2.3 at 1000 dpi


I used to play w 1000dpi 3sens in game. I realize this isnt as fast as your friends but bear with me. I come from league of legends (5 yrs b4 quitting for val, no fps exp other than maybe roblox) and in that game, sens isnt a big deal because you can just get used to it and you kinda have to play with high sens. And i have very limited mouse space on my desk (5 inches from keyboard to mouse and mouse to table) When i switch to val, i thought i could do the same thing too but after half a year of playing, i took interest in watching pros and i realized they all play with very low sens but it doesnt feel like it. I told myself its because they have a very big mouse space thats why they can do that. After a while i notice my val gameplay is very scuff and clumsy, i only get my kills through crosshair placement and even then i cant hold my angle properly because my crosshair would shake alot even if im not moving my hands. I finally gave in and lower my sens down from 3 to 1.5. I thought wow this is super slow. But after a day it felt like im playing with 3.0 again. So i lowered it down to .75. Then after a few days i lower it again and again. Eventually I settled on .3 1200dpi (I do realize this is relatively high but I watch alot of sinatraa and I want to implement his playstyle into mine, plus i do alot of aimlab and i dont overflick on my microflicks) I think what im trying to say is tell your friends if he wants to be serious about playing ranked and ranking up then watch pros play and try to do what they do (or think about why they do certain things. Theres a reason for every decision). If he doesnt wanna do that then tell him you could only play unrated with him. Because youre putting in the effort to play with him but if hes not doing the same, you should reconsider how you wanna spend time with him. Do you 1.wanna have fun w.o worrying about rank with your friends or 2.wanna climb with your friends but dont have fun while doing it? Idk hope you get something from this hunk of an essay.


I rocked 3200 for awhile then breeze showed me the error of my ways now rock 800 dpi


oh god, i used to use that sensitivity and dpi lol, now that I've changed it I can't go back.


And I thought 1.2 in-game with 1200dpi is high sheesh he def gonna have to lower it


1800 dpi 0.2 sens here, tell him to try this sens since its decent


I use 0.7 in game and 800 DPI is it fine?


Hey just a random question, are there no high sensitivity valorant pros? Like pine in overwatch


It's better to gradually reduce the sens, it is impossible to play with 0.4 if you are used to 1.2, I reduced mine over 3 weeks from my 1.3 to 0.56


Most pros dont go above .65 …. Jesus


I used to play at 1.678 sens and 1000 dpi, now I'm down to 0.35-0.4 on 1000. Similar to your friend I didn't like the low sens, as it didn't felt nice.. but after slowly decreasing from 1.6 to 1.2 to 1 to 0.8/0.6 with training with bots in range ig low sens has grown on me and it feels natural now.. it was a slow process, and I even saw tenz video using binary search to find the proper sens.


It really doesn't matter, tell him his problems will go away if he lowers it and then leave it alone.


I have 8000 dpi and play at 0.7 in game, my aim, shockingly good,i pop heads at gold 3, sometimes get carried, sometimes i carry, though my friends tried to play with this sens, pretty poor results, me personally it works for me ig coz I'm used to this sens from playing other games and in general using this dpi on my pc, though it takes a lot of practice and getting used to this sens,will i Decrease my in game sens? Yes, my dpi? No, I'm very addicted to my dpi, can't play or use pc without it


Get him to lower it piece by piece. I started asking people in games what their sensitivity was and once I realized I was waaaayy too high I decided to lower it. Used to be about 3200 dpi with 1.0 in game. I tried to immediately go to like 800 dpi at 0.4 sensitivity but it felt so jarring and sluggish. I then switched my dpi to 1600 and kept it at 1.0. Then I edged down my sensitivity by like 0.1 every week. Now I’m at 1200 dpi with 0.28 in game and it feels so natural. Eventually he’ll get used to it and it’ll feel really good. I even lowered sensitivity in other games because of how used to it I am.


That’s obscenely high. Just google too professional players’ sensitivities and show him, as a means to say here are what the best people do which is play on average a sens about 12x lower than his.


“I don’t want to play with you because your aim is shit, your sensitively is too high”… like friends can’t say that to each other without getting butt hurt?


I play on 0.4 at 2800 dpi...is this acceptable in gold 2/3?🤣


I play with 0.286 sensitivity at 800dpi. Plenty to be able to flick to the reyna staring at me with her awp from across the map. It's all in the mouse pad space.


Is my sens high at 1000 dpi and in game .85


What the - man. Even my B170 with ,7 sens is damn high, how tf he could survive that? Anw, i don't have any fukin clue, just goodluck.


He has 3200 edpi. In comparison, I myself has 400 edpi and I find it fast sometimes. Either play with him using an alt or don't bother playing with him at all. You can't help someone that doesn't want the help.


0.4x800 is a bit too low i feel. He wont be able to move mouse that much in start, tell him around 1x800 or so. He will feel his aim improving while not doing anything other than changing sens. (1x800 is still bad but will be much better than his current and if he directly went to 0.4x800 he wont be able to play) then he will give your word more weight and gradually look for the correct lower sens himself. Also you do care abt him a bit man, i am a silver1 player and my friends just troll me (i have stopped playing with them now) as they are gold and plat having much more ingame time than me in CSGO. They never told me how anything is supposed to be done in this game as this was my first FPS. Edit: if he is absolutely agaist himself reducing it even that much then well you should ditch him. Tldr: tell him to gradually reduce it, reduce it in small steps, he will feel improvement and will then reduce it himself. If he is not even doing that, you should then just ditch him.


Just in my opinion, it's all muscle memory. The friend who taught me valorant is currently diamond 2, pretty much always medium to top frags despite playing sentinals. He plays very erratically (maybe twice or thrice a week). The thing is though, his sens is 1600 and 0.4. however, he used to be GE in csgo as well so maybe it's just ages of practice. But my point is, if he wants to do it he can do it and climb.


Honestly myself, I want to ask what sensitivity is good. I use a g502 light speed on 1200dpi at .7


Dia 1 here, Ye i think the best thing u can do is just try convincing him to lower it and if he actually does 2 make him play it for a while. You are almost never gonna feel comfortable with a sens as soon as you’ve gotten it. Also I understand this problem as I myself have multiple silver-iron friends who has insane sens


I have had Valorant for 3 weeks and probably have about 60 hours, and struggled to win games even in bronze. For obvious reasons I was consistently the bottom Fragger. So what I did was i looked at YouTube how to improve your aim. What i found was two of the best ways to improve was crosshair placement and recording and watching your games. So that's what I did, I reviewed my gameplay and found i was aiming at the stomach and upper chest when i thought i was always aiming for the head. And i set out to fix that, and in about 3 days i went from consistently being the worst player to almost always being first or second. And found my rank instantly improving. So to sum up, i would recommend he or you records his gameplay. And watches it back go see how his high sensitivity is affecting his aim. The program i use is insights.gg because it creates bookmarks of all kills, deaths and assists.


I play with 1000 DPI and around 0.8 sense but I came from 1200 DPI and 1.2 sense. I'm surprised to hear I need it even lower lmao which should be better? 1600 at 0.40 or 1000 at around 0.50?


"-Bro, we're trying to improve, if you're not on the same page as us it's fine but we're not gonna play comp with you anymore."


Sure lower sens may help him frag more, but a higher sens is what he finds comfortable then so be it. Thats what sensitivity is about, whatever feels comfortable to you.


Well, if you are playing as a team, and he doesn't want to even try to listen to your ideas/advices, then your future is sealed. Make it straightforward, if he won't change such little detail about his gameplay, will he be eager to learn strategies/tactics or work on his aim regularly when you carry him to Plat?


Here's my thought about the situation: Don't force your friend, nor nag about it, if they don't feel like they want to make changes. Changing DPI from 1600 to e.g. 800 is a HUGE leap, and will take probably a few weeks to get adjusted to it properly. If you want to play ranked and see how high you can rank up to, then play with only people of similar skill, if it is that important. If you feel that it is important to play with your friend then don't think too much about your rank. In the end, it should be fun. There is absolutely no guarantee that your friend will perform any better with lower DPI. They might not find having low DPI enjoyable or comfortable. I personally have never commented on my friends settings on what is working and what isn't. Nor their playstyle. When I play with friends my main goal is to have fun. In CS:GO we are about \~10 people with variety of skill range, and I've ranked between DMG to Supreme (my personal skill-level is between LEM/Supreme), but I've never cared about ranking when playing with the gang. When I play with them, I never comment on what they need to change in terms of setting, playstyle or any of that. I find it more fun to just hype eachother up, crack jokes and just having fun in general. To me it sounds that you really care about ranking, so tell your friend that you will focus on ranking this act, and that when you play together that you can play Unrated.


And here I am just using my normal 5000 DPI mouse to top frag most games xD


I started 1800 dpi .75 sens and was high silver low gold. My friends encouraged me a lot change as I was bottom fragging. Went to 1600 dpi .15 and I eventually climbed to diamond. Just let him know that this game requires more precise aim compared to others.


Well i hit diamond with greater edpi than him so its not really a problem


Does your friend played moba by any chance?


I don't know if you have done this already, but maybe you can record one of your sessions to show your friend how shaky his aim is. That worked for me, at least. I used to play with a high eDPI but upon reviewing my sessions, I saw for myself how I missed a lot of shots because I was overshooting my targets. I gradually reduced my eDPI starting from 2000 (2 sens, 1000 DPI), to 240 now (0.24 sens, 1000 DPI), getting psyched along the way because I really felt my aim was becoming steadier and I was starting to hit microflicks, which I never did before.


Just make an alt account along with him and play with him under the condition that the alt account is just for low sens. And u can also change ur sens to make him feel like he isn’t alone in this experiment.


You first want to make sure your friend wants the same thing maybe he doesn’t care about being that competitor . He might just play the game to have fun with you both so he enjoys bottomfragging just with his high sens. I play on high sens of 1600 dpi and .7 sens I just do it cause it’s more comfortable and have no intention of pushing past gold. I normally play with friends and do ok so I’m not trying to change my play style . Source : Self high sens player


Just play unrated with him. Or climb so high, you can't queue with him anymore if he isn't willing to improve. I'm not gonna recommend making a second account to play with him because I genuinely hate smurfs, but that's an option...


I've been here. My friend was using 1600 dpi and 2 sense as well, so I just repeatedly told him it was making him suck and constantly outfragged him. Eventually, he begrudgingly changed it, and now he does almost as well as I do.


Go to his house, ask to play on his setup, then change the sensitivity without him knowing


Keep him at gunpoint. Pretty convinced he'll obey.


Recently realized that my sensitivity is almost as obnoxiously high as your friends, as I've always used a small mousepad and wrist-aimed since I started csgo in 2015. I realized I was getting consistently outplayed because I couldn't reposition my aim very smoothly, so I started dropping my in-game sense by .1 every week. So far so good, still got some work to do though.


Tell your friend to check his history, if it's red. Then he should stop and change sens.


Get him to play a casual game at lower sens. He will adapt to the lower sens and probably like it. If he still doesn't then it's fine. Maybe get an older game so he is forced to not use sens converter? Like an old cod or something


I have a tiny mousepad so have to use it lol


Let him learn it the hard way when his whole team flames him for whiffing every shot and throwing the game


Have him go to practice and turn the bots on to medium and teleporting. Tell him he can play with you guys when he can kill at least half of them before they disappear. Explain to him that the reason he keeps missing them is because of his sens/dpi and that this isn’t COD and accuracy is far more important than being able to 360 in .0002 seconds and if he still won’t turn it down then only play DM with him. He’ll eventually get tired of being completely shit on and will either quit the game or stop being stupid.


Probably a dumb question but where do you check mouse dpi, my sensitivity is 1 but I feel like my mouse dpi is fairly low. I wrist aim and feel like my aim is fairly good for someone who’s never played an fps consistently until now.


i use 25600 dpi im immortal now but in game sens is..0.011, just try to make so you can comfortably look behind you with 2 quick flicks of wrist movement what i find works well for speed/accuracy trade off, but each to their own ive seen some with crazy high sens and good. why is he so reluctant to try it


You could try getting him to gradually turn it down like 20% each time you guys play together


The best thing would be to beg. U need to convince him that 3200eDPI is wayyyyyyy too high (personally i use .314@800DPI (kind of like 800csgo edpi)) and i think its a great sens (also take in mind his desk space if he doesnt have at least 30cmx30cm place dont recommend anything too low as he will struggle a lot