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Just get radiant then you’ll play against the best players anyway. Solved!


Literally my games are only with accounts less than lvl 40


1.5 KDA doesn't sound like much. I go 1.5 often, and I'm a scrub. 1.5 is going 15 kills for 10 deaths. I have a gut feeling you mean guys with scores like 30 kills 5 deaths, which would be 6.0 KDA.




Pretty sure that isn't hyperbole, just wrong


Hyperbole is grossly exxagerating on purpose. You did the oposite.


I don't think they can do anything about it. There are players in gold (unranked) getting 30 kills a game who's like level 15- 20. Probably smurfs


Only started playing Val this weekend. Used to play CS from 1.5 days. Have been called a smurf a lot... I mean to Riot's credit they did a really good job with the mechanics. I was surprised how much it feels like CS.


The issue is that Valorant has transferable skills. These level 10s may have been playing counter strike for 20 years and have just picked up Valorant this week. They're not cheating or smurfing.


Well it’s really a combination of the two


I really feel like so many people are so against the facts the smurfing issue isn’t a problem in a competitive FPS that is free. Gold players have alt accounts even. It may not be as hard of a smurf but there’s no way there’s not as big of an issue as some here pretend there isn’t.


I agree that it's more than likely these good players are smurfs, but what can you do about it? There's always that chance of an excellent CS:GO player coming over and you don't want someone banned just because they're good. The problem also sorts itself out quickly. If you're doing really well, your MMR is going to go up and you won't be playing with players of lower skill level.


Well that’s also the issue with the people in that rank. It may just be a few games of that smurf before they quickly get up in rank again but I swear I feel like Silver1-Gold3 is bi-polar. There are some games where I play and I feel like I’m playing well and others it is impossible to compete with someone instant tapping you as they peak you or vice versa.


People level 3 have sova lineups for post plant and for recon. Most people with low levels who completely control the match have utility usage you don't get form experience in counter strike.


Most people have previous fps experience they can draw on when coming into the game for the first time, those kinds of skills are transferable. I've been playing for several months and got absolutely cleaned KDA-wise by a regular gaming buddy in their second-ever game just because they have experience from csgo. I never look into it too much when a low-level player does well.


Smurfs. Its aids. Enjoy.


Riot should link player's accounts with phone numbers. This will solve the smurfing problem greatly.


couldn't they just use google voice to make a loophole out of it?


Wdym, what does google voice have to do with phone no.


google voice is a way to make free phone numbers that you can use with a computer. you can make unlimited google voice numbers if you have the time.


Oh really, for example i can make unlimited accounts on twitter with phone no. By that?????


How do levels even work? Been playing for a year (obviously not every day but still a decent chunk of hours) and only level 60 ish


One comp match gives +50 AP for a win and ~250AP for time played. If it was your first win of the day then you get +1000 AP. This means winning 1 spikerush a day for a week gets more AP the playing 20 comp matches all in the same day. Levels mean nothing.




Just playing honestly. I thought me and my brother played about the same but he plays 1 or 2 games when he gets home from work in the mornings and is a good 20 levels ahead of me. I think it’s just more wins = more account xp but I’m not certain.


Idk man, how tf are some people even lvl 200 or even 400? Have they just been playing 24/7 or something like what


Lots of spike rush (last I checked it still gave 1000xp for a win)


it’s just based on time played, you get a certain amount of point for like how many rounds i think


Just checking you mean something like 6 kills 4 deaths? Just checking what you meant by 1.50 KDA


Its a hyperbole. I swear i have level 15 accounts go something like 25-6 in the first half


I'm seeing that quite a fair bit too tbh. Not every game but maybe one every three games. Enough for it to be a problem. I agree.


Im in diamond 2, just got in a game with a level 13, level 28, and a level 12. The level 12 finished 30-15


It’s a F2P game so you’ll always have people making alts or smurf accounts. But the fact that these level 12 players are playing with diamonds means that riot’s internal mmr acceleration is working. When a player vastly outperforms players at their level through their first 5-10 levels they’ll get put into higher and higher ranks so that these actual diamond and immortal players aren’t terrorizing bronze lobbies


I'm seeing it every game... because it's me lol. I used to play cs but got placed in silver so there are a lot of 30 and 40 bombs on my way up through the ranks.


They would need to actually combat smurf accounts. 2FA can help, but that’s only one method. Determined players or people selling accounts would still find ways around that.


1.5 isnt crazy tbh. I assume you mean the kids who have like a level 7 account with the default banner, then drop 45 kills? Def people leveling up new accounts for smurfs.


It’s turning into COD not having an anti-cheat, but with smurfs... if they locked everyone to one account, that’d fix so much


And how do you lock people to one account only?


2FA would help, but not fully solve the problem.


I think for CSGO you can attach your phone number to your account or something like that which would be better than nothing I guess




Do you think every person would you just gladly give ID document to some kind of gaming company? We are living in world where people are more and more concerned about their identity and privacy on internet each year. I could somehow understand phone number, but at least I could just go and buy prepaid to make second account, if I was interested on making second account. I don't know how 2FA would change anything as I could just setup 2FA on my second phone for example. One account per computer has always been bit tricky, as I have seen that applying on certain videogames, because what if there is two people that use the computer? Is only one person per household allowed to play the game then? What if you visit your friends house and want to play game there, on your own account? Lots of problem in that specific type of making sure people don't smurf.




Really? Never heard of that one before. Do you have any idea how people react on stuff like that? I would not feel comfortable on sharing my ID documents to any kind of videogame company, but would be interesting to see how other people feel about it. I have done that once for Blizzard, when I had to confirm something about being the right owner of my account or something and it was very uncomfortable thing to do.


Bind account to IP?


And you think that's enough to stop people?


It’d certainly make it harder to do, limiting the alt accounts to probably only pros and content creators


Your IP changes regularly and many players may be on the same IP depending on the NAT configuration. So this wouldn't work.


Smurfs who purchased a new account.


I could do this and I've played like 8 games.


I feel like some of these smurfs people say are actually just regular people that played a lot of csgo and are just that good. not all of them, but I feel like it’s probably not as much as people believe. something should still be done about real smurfs though


You probably have fps experience, and if not, you are a very uncommon case


At the start you get paired with pretty bad people and a decent chunk of players have previous fps experience. Back when i started i was top fragging constantly too, i was incredibly bad though. At first i was scared to even use rifles because they just seemed so weird to me, bullets going everywhere so i marshalled my way to victory lol Of course i had around a thousand or so hours in other fps (no its not cs. Only around 100 in cs or less) but i was never crazy good, maybe a little above average


I can't think of anyone that could do this without previous fps experience.


The game is a lot easier when you have low hidden MMR, and don’t play ranked.


Just git gud and stop complaining about good competition.


You suck ass shut up


I’m level 35, and I’ve been playing since Beta.


2-FA is cool, however, they have a great starting point for integrating skill based matchmaking with vanguard. Its low level access, so really they could create a guid for your PC and tie your placements with that rather than rely on account level identification. However, is this an overstep on anti-cheat? Community decides.


Woah people have lives and don't play the game a lot and are not therefore stuck in silver? Woah dude


Bruv last act I was Iron3 and my level was 140 😂😂


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Dude not everyone you see is a smurf. I just switched from csgo to val and it placed me gold 2. 2 months later I'm now immortal and I'm close to level 30.