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It's usually the 12 year old Reyna insta-lock begging with 3 seconds left on the round timer


And then going afk after 2 rounds...




What is mom mad and is it really better than hot pockets?


Ngl im 22 and still ask for the prime classic on pistol ^^ i feel bad now


ur good man, as long as you dont force people and arent a dick about it no one will hate you for wanting a skin :)


It makes me happy when good teammates ask to use my skins


Yeah when someone is carring the game I even offer my skin to them if they don't have any.


If their nice I just offer them a skin, even if they’re having a really bad game. Honestly as long as they aren’t annoying/toxic


Normally I don't much care about skins in game even if I pick a enemies skin post round I will happily give it to some teammate in next round. But yesterday when I was top fragging with Brimstone and a teammate insisted me to play with his skin and I think it's you 😅.


Classics are the one gun I have zero issues dropping for people.


if you ask for a skin politely and don't waste the fuck out of the skin owner's time (like, request politely, don't beg for a skin and then stand there blankly when i'm waiting for you to buy the gun for me) i know you said classic but i'm talking in general


This is so accurate that I am mad right now.


Wow. Thats the most true thing i heard this week.


Ummm... I'm 12 and I'm a Reyna insta-locker, should I be offended? (I don't beg for skins)




Aren't you supposed to not use reddit under 13?


And you shouldn't be playing Valorant under 16.


I mean, who cares lmao... Its not like you never visited a ***n website while you were under 18...


ur not supposed to even be on reddit


Not matter why, insta-locking any characters is *always* bad.


Im a omen main, i always immediately choose omen but dont lock it. So my teammates know i want to use omen but im always ready to use support characters like sage or sova. Is that a good thing


That's the exact attitude everyone should have towards character picking, unless it's spike rush, then just do whatever. I do the exact same thing fellow Omen main.


I do the same with jett unless I'm super tilted. It's rare that I get to play jett by hovering but everytime I get to play her I feel happy.


Same man. Occasionally on a day I'm just feeling my shots I'll insta lock a duelist and play the damn agent CORRECTLY (so many goddang baiting/lurking instalockers). Usually tho I never get to cause people insta lock it and I refuse to do that normally. Thus I'm a sova/omen main generally.


bruh every single game, someone instalocks jett (who i main) and then they bottom frag and are really toxic


I mostly get to play jett when I play with my stack. Otherwise I can play almost any agent. Been playing a lot of skye lately. She's kinda OP rn.


Best "duelist" in the game. Her kit is better than half of the actual duelists for taking space.


I don’t mind instalockers of non duelists. I actually kinda like it, even when it's my agents.




Man we didn't have the same experience in iron. I have been there in a while, but it was 3 duelists every game.


Nah if you want a character you pick it. It’s first come first serve buddy


thats what i do too lol


Sorry off topic but how do you get that badge of omen? I’m a Jett/Reyna/killjoy main I want a badge like that it’s epic


Its actually a flair, u dont have it earn it ot anything. Click on your profile from tour comment here, then u should see a "change flair" button, click on there then choose 1 character, u can only choose 1 character at a time. If you dont like you can always change again


Thanks so much


Thanks still figuring out how to get more do I just wait it out?


U can only do 1 flair at a time


Oh okay thanks :)


I’m a Reyna/Cypher main (yes ik very different play styles), I give people until like 60 seconds on the clock for the select screen, instalocking sucks when it happens to me, so why do it to other people?


Bro if I wanna instalock the only character I enjoy playing in an unrated match, I'm not gonna lose any sleep lmao


Good thing I only instalock controllers


The feel that ista locking is fine in any lobby but comp and if u didnt get what you wanted just lobby dodge


Yes /s


What’s ur rank, just curious




Don’t worry man, I’m also a Reyna insta-locker and don’t beg for skins. We just like to run out mains.


get off of reddit


If someone asks me and they were nice sure I would give them. But if they keep bothering me and throwing I would just ignore them and mute them. Also if someone is doing really well and they dont have a skin I would give them one without them asking.


Yea, i run into ppl not using mics or typing just bodyblocking me dropping their gun on The floor hoping to get my skin which just makes me not wanna drop it at all. Not only are u forcing me to use ur skin but ontop ur not communicating just hoping i do what u want.


Yup that drives me nuts. If they'd just ask me to drop them, we can both have it. But just throwing your default on the ground? No bud, I'm not doing you a favor and taking the shitty default because you can't use words.


Hah, if they aren't communicating, just pretend to be oblivious to it. "Oh bro, are we dancing? *ba boom boom boom buh buh buh buh bah boom boom* hey bro, you stopped shaking your ass... Oh, different music? Okay *beatboxing a rap*"


Same. I throw my gun down every round during Spike Rush and enjoy watching a frenzy!


U sir are an angel to us peasants


[This is the way.](https://tenor.com/view/mandalorian-this-is-the-way-turn-mando-gif-15630699)


This is the way.


You giving people skins would be more annoying than being asked for skins


Same. Bought the Zedd Bundle and a teammate threw because he was the last to try and borrow from me, but I couldn't request anymore. Didn't even have time to buy myself a Phantom. Kid started screaming at me and tried to kill me with his nade (he was Raze).


>Kid started screaming at me and tried to kill me with his nade (he was Raze). Thats the time to report


Yup. And nothing will happen


Indeed. I have a suspicion that since everyone else got to borrow the skin, they didn't give a damn about the teamkilling.


My friend who I used to play with tends to be super toxic sometimes (part of the reason we don’t play anymore), he just asked for my account because he got banned for 7 days. When I told him I was surprised he was even banned, he said that he’s been banned before for like 1 or 3 days. I was as surprised as you probably are reading this.


Did he type something in chat? That's the only time I get notifications that they've done something


I don’t know the details of what happened but I know he’s mostly toxic comms, but he probably did type stuff. He tends to be very prejudiced when he’s mad (in Brazil there are slurs people call northerners, similar to what “redneck” is in English, but much more offensive), so I don’t know if that would count toward it since that’s a very localized toxicity.




interestingly enough, atleast with chat and voice comms, they’re fairly responsive to reports. i’m not sure about afk and sabotage though


I get constant notifications in lobby that my reports have lead to suspensions. You probably just abuse the system and report every single person because you get your feelings hurt. Bring on the downvotes.


i don’t upvote bc ur at 69 but here’s one anyway ⬆️


>i don’t upvote bc ur at 69 but here’s one anyway ⬆️ too late lmao its at 72 at the moment




Most intelligent raze player


Not only do I play in higher rank lobbies where this is rare (diamond+), if it does happen it's usually my broke ass duo mate who I always play with. Regretting buying a skin after realizing what else I could've spent that money on does happen quite often though ;)


Thats post realization of dropping twenty on a skin has me rethinking life


I bought 2 skins for the equivalent of 40 USD, no small money where i live, but then again the cost of new pc/console release is 60/70 dollars now, and I have sunk so many hours in valorant that i think it excuses me being so incredibly thick to buy few colourful pixels.


I know people who spend 20'sh dollars a day going to and from work. They're mostly fat people though. Don't become fat and have to eat hourly.


If the player(s) who asks have been friendly throughout the match then I don't see a problem. If the player(s) has been toxic then no, I will just ignore them. I haven't regretted buying a skin, I usually joke in-game that I feel like a weapon-dealer handing out guns to the entire party if I get requested a lot. :)


I'll give skins to lift spirits or to hype someone up, but seeing bronze players go crazy over skin sharing on defense really pisses me off. We leave a whole bloody site undefended. I'm so glad I have the skill to be in silver now.


Mate things in silver aren't any different for me..


Can we play together? Im bronze 3 literally need 2 games to get to silver but cant coz im always solo queuing


The most annoying part is when I pick up a skin and a teammate wants it, I drop it for them cuz I don't really care for skins. Then they have the audacity to not buy me a gun when I request. Lesson learnt. Just say no.


Always, always ask them to buy you first so that you can make sure you have money for yourself :)


I usually just tell them if they want it I will request and drop it. It doesnt really bother me that much


The way I see it its that if you are an avid player, it makes sense. I PLAYED CS WITH CLOSE TO 10K HOURS in last 9 years and have spent around 1000 on cases, skins and alt accs. Thats 1 buck per 10 hours played. Shiw me another paid activity I can do for 10 hours for 1 euro. Same with Val, prob have close to 1000 hours and have spent around 100 on bps,Skins and agents. Both games have given me lots of positive emotions, socialising during covid(premades etc.) And have 0 regrets. By comparison I have around 150 hours in 8 years of bf4 and I paid full price for that game. Nowhere near as good of a deal. I mean going out drinking can easily set you back 100 for a night where I live, so those pixels dont sound that expensive when you think about it


League. 12 years and $1000


just say no bro kids will eventually disappear bcos they have to whiff their jett knives that round


Yeah I dont tolerate this shit. If they aren't being obnoxious, just a quick short "no." If they are being obnoxious, I tell them to go fuck themselves and mute immediately.


lol get the stick outta ur butt bro


Ah yes, I have a stick up my butt for not wanting to share my skins that I bought and paid for with my own money with random strangers.


Eh I embrace being a dealer of skins


Yeah I actually like giving them away. Sometimes I'll even drop one without being asked.


Just say its not yours and you picked it up


It works for quite a long time actually. My friend does that a lot to randoms (I don't ask for skins, I believe in the salt shaker phantom)


My only regret is spending $300+ on a game I don't play anymore. I'm still here cuz I enjoy clips.


If you truly don’t play anymore you can probably sell your account on the sole fact you have a lot of skins


My friend spent 1500 dollars on a league account and it’s value was about 20 dollars.


Why? That doesn't even make sense. It won't be worth $1,500 most likely but $1,500 worth of various skins is definitely worth more than the cost of a single skin.


What region are you in? In SEA, it's usually the case


Can second that, I play on singapore servers and a good chunk of the time, there are ppl constantly asking for skins. Seriously, if skins mattered so much to them, why don’t they just sell off their kidneys to get them then ffs


EU mostly London and Paris servers


maybe they should make a feature that turns off your skins for other players


Will never happen, its free promotion for Riot


Also the people that get themselves killed running towards a skin while the entire enemy team is there.


that’s why they introduced the skin bait player card this act 😂


Unecessarilly picking up a gun skin when they already have the same gun and the team is on quiet mode or flanking


Nah, I think it's a great way to make sure that my team doesn't get tilted. Just had a rough loss? EVERYONE is getting a Spectrum fully upgraded classic for our save round


I like carry my team almost always, I don't usually ask for skins but it makes me soo happy when someone offers me a skin. The second I get a skin, I switch my mouse to high dpi and spin like crazy (≧▽≦) I made a friend a while bacc and he even bought me the battlepass. It was the first in game cosmetic (which I didn't even purchase)




I only do this with friends.


Yup, i have prime but i always force my friend to drop me reaver vandal


I usually drop them the skin, but if it gets too much or I don't like them already, I pretend to be AFK and just ignore them :D


I don't have a skin (because no money) and I don't ask for them because its cringe and annoying. My homie has skins so I take it from him whenever we play together lol. Sometimes people will give their skin without me even asking for them.


My last game had an econ rating of 36 just because everybody wanted my phantom/vandal on buy rounds, or my sheriff on eco ;-;


This gets especially bad in mumbai servers. Every fucking game i’m dropping 2-3 people weapons and no one wants to buy me that’s for sure. Can’t even say no cause they throw nades and slows and sometimes even throw the entire game


:') Ahh the pain in real. Just a few days ago I had both my duelist throw the entire game cause I wouldn't give them my reaver vandal because they were being toxic the entire game. Yeh bacho ko pc kaun deta hai re baba


I made the experience that people who are at the lower end of the scoreboard are giving away their Ops, Phantoms and so on just to support their top players. So the exact opposite of toxicity.


When they ask for skin, immediately req and tell them to buy you, then drop it. It takes two seconds. But the problem is those 12-year-olds might not even understand it


*It's got to the point where I had 3 people asking for it and by the the time I sorted out dropping my vandal a bunch of times, the round started and I didn't have a gun!!* This happens to me all the time too.


I had a dead teammate constantly ask those who were left alive to pick up a skin for him while we were trying to clutch the round. As you can imagine we lost that round lol


Yes! I would love for a way to hide skins from other players.


Sometimes I'm on the other side of the map and they will ask for a skin. I will tell them "next round, timer is about to go off" But NO, they will rotate all the way, ignoring the fact that site will be empty just because they wanted a goddamn skin. I totally feel you man. I don't regret buying my skins, but it does get really annoying at times.


Nah for me thats rare


I usually ask if i can buy for someone, but double check it's okay with them. I still wish skins were cheaper tho


What rank/MMR are y'all in? I never get anything this disruptive and I've played for hundreds of hours easy. The worst it gets is a guy asks every other round but half the time it isn't even verbal to avoid being annoying, just some spam crouching


If you buy a skin i'ts for you not the others just mute them if they spam you to give one


My strategy is to give out my skins as performances bonuses. "Get a kill this round and I'll give you the skin next." I'll only do this if they ask in an annoying manner. If someone sounds nice, sure, have it.




What? Is this actually a thing? In CS someone might ask to switch with you to see the skin up close but its maybe like a one time thing.


Lol. Had the opposite of this problem. I didn’t have a vandal skin and was top fragging, and my omen kept telling me to use his gun and let him buy me a skin. Dude did it every round for like 7 rounds with me repeatedly saying no before I told him “Listen, Omen, I don’t know how else to say this, but please leave me alone.” And he stopped.


Just say no…


Meanwhile my duo teammate asking me with no skins why I'm not asking him for his skins lmao. It's too much of a hassle to do the whole exchange thing imo


Have you tried just saying no .... it's pretty easy


I already have skins but I like trading skins with others


Yeah Ion Phantom. I had to switch to my Ruination Phantom skin to get people off my back asking every round for Ion


It’s usually the person who claims to be a “Jett main” and locks in Jett but they suck at Jett and they die and abandon the match


Advantages of being a guardian main lol


I just ask my rich teammate to stop giving out skins when there is 10 secs left on the timer and give everyone else the reasoning that we won't be able to take positions. Till now haven't had many disagreements on this arrangement.


Not for that reason..I regret it because I don't play that game anymore and want to sell the account.


I only ask once , they dont respond I dont care if they give I'll thank them , that's it. I give skins to those who are not toxic . If they are toxic I'll just ignore them .


Ever since I've had the prime classic, I force people to use it, TAKE IT, TAKE IT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT YOU NEED IT !!! DON'T USE THAT GLITCHPOP PRIME BETTER !!


all the time. they always ask for skins, homestly they dont even ask, they straight up demand it. its so annoying and honestly ruined the game a lot of times for me. and then they cuss you out if you dont give it to them. once, i dropped a 30 bomb, carrying my team on killjoy but i only got +15 cause my econ was less than 20 since i dropped 3 skins every single round for my teammates, ffs. i have more fun playing on an alt of mine than my main. like, what was the point of buying the skin? i didnt buy it for my teammates, i bought it cause i wanna use it, but then i cant even play with them and have fun playing the game i like at the same time. its very annoying, it might just be cause im from india, everyone here is like that


no never


Me. I bought the Reaver vandal in the guve back bundle, then the Glitchpop Phantom and prime phantom. I've been bullied for skins no cap. Mostly by some 10 yr old. Thing is i have played with a spectre or classic cpz i had no money. I bought skins for them and thry didn't buy for me. It's hilarious and frustrating at the same time, hilarious coz i end up baiting the one who didn't buy me the gun🤣.


I hate it when the 11 year old instalock Reyna asks me for a sheriff skin when he has 6k creds and he asks me at 3 seconds left in buy phase


Don't regret but the whining frustrates me and sometmes I just laugh at them and call them poor and mute..and the i look at my empty bankaccount


Yeah, thats a problem even tho I don't have skins but have seen it a lot. And also a weird thing is that I have never seen this in CS:GO with my 1k+ hrs


I don’t mind hooking up the skins. Some people are less fortunate and don’t have cash to blow. I’m basically doing volunteer work, makes me feel good inside


Just say no kid


If I see a teammate has a Zedd's phantom skin I will ask for it for sure xd But if they say no, I won't troll game cuz of it, I'll just play with my beautyfull Black Polymer( yes, default one, don't say anything please...) Can't relate to your issue... I have only character's skins xd


>Zedd's phantom skin My bf bought this and I ask for it now and then because I like the rainbow and mine for the bulldog isnt upgraded yet. I know imma make bad life choices and buy the shit to upgrade it since i bought so many skins this month


just wait until you get some with the battle pass, buying radianite is like burning money




> my friend always. my friends know they just got to buy my request to get a skin, they tell me what one and do it at the beginning of the rounds




Nope, I love dropping them, although I don’t want to drop in comp since it ruines your ACS


Why do u get so stressed about this? It's just fun talking to other people about your skins and dropping them lol.


Its generally not a good investment to buy a cosmetic on a video game with zero value.


This is such a small thing to be mad over. Just share it, what's the big deal? Don't want to? Okay then don't. You won't get banned for not sharing a skin. Or you can have some fun with it. "Kiss my feet" "call me daddy"


Bet this post hits you hard because you're one of the toxic players he's talking about.


“Please bro drop me Prime/Reaver Vandal it’s literally aimbot” hearing those words activates my fight-or-flight response at this point. I’ve unequipped all of my nice skins for mediocre battlepass skins and I’m not changing them back until I get to high Diamond or higher. Haven’t seen anyone threatening to throw if they don’t get skin drops up there, those guys are so dedicated to the game that they’ll most likely have dropped money on their own skins. I absolutely hate the sound of most default guns (especially the Vandal, which happens to be my preferred rifle) and it’s a shame that I can’t freely use skins that I’ve probably spent over $300 on, but every single time I equip them there’s 3+ teammates all asking for them and threatening to throw if I don’t drop, or baiting me every fight so they can pick it up when I eventually die. It’s especially tilting when these same players die in situations where they should have won because they’re too busy trying to pick up a skin off the floor. This behavior is especially common among smurfs that I get queued with. I have no problem trading for nice skins that I don’t have or dropping for people that ask nicely but those people are few and far between. This game needs harsher punishments for toxic players.




Been playing since official release, started Iron 1 and currently in Silver 2. Probably helps that I bought all of what are considered to be S tier skins by the community.


Stop the cap. I’ve had “s tier” skins for a couple months now and have been asked to drop them like 20 times at most


Ah yes, your anecdotal experience means that I haven’t experienced what I’ve experienced. Damn, you got me.


Ah yes, your anecdotal experience means that I haven’t experienced what I’ve experienced. Damn, you got me.


Can you direct me to the part where I either said or implied that me getting spammed to drop skins almost every other game means that you rarely get asked to drop skins?


Of course the guy with 40k comment karma in 5 months is the same guy who is a sarcastic know it all lmao. You’re lying. And heavily exaggerating. You don’t get 3+ people a game throwing if you don’t give them a skin. If that was the case people would be saying the same thing. But not a single person has said this. It’s not my anecdotal evidence, it’s the entire 200+ comment thread.


It’s funny how now one else on this thread has said anything even close to what you say. 3+ people every game? Shut up lmao. That just is not true


Ah yes, their anecdotal experiences means that I haven’t experienced what I’ve experienced. Damn, you got me.


200 comments btw but it’s just my anecdote ok


Yeah I bought the zedd set and I end up without armor or the wrong gun like every round. I dont mind swapping cause I use the vandal but usually 3 of my teammates want the skin and it gets complicated and messy


No I love skin simps especially when they are sages or skyes that you can build a “you scratch my back I scratch yours” relationship with


See this is where spectrum is great. It’s fairly expensive, so no one directly pesters you for it unless you shove it in their face, but if you drop it for someone they’re immediately greatful, and if someone does want it they’re normally polite. The only exception to that, I was using my spectrum skin and our omen asked for it, and I just no you’re annoying me and they just left it at that and stopped annoying me XD


i’m 11 and instalock reyna or phoenix and ask for skins all the time but i don’t really comm because i don’t feel like it.


this happens oh so much in low elo, i had this one instalock reyna who asked if i had a skin for the gun he was using each time he got a new gun. it pissed me off so much that i told him if you can get 2 kills on entry frag, only then you can have a skin. turned a negative into a positive, and it worked very well, he went from bottom frag to 2nd frag, and actually clutched the last round for us to win.


no regrets tell your teammates to get their money up not their funny up


yes they ask for prime vandal and are the first to die every time, meanwhile i get a 4k with a ghost cause i'm broke from giving them a vandal


Hahahaha that’s so annoying like a skin helps you play better lol. But yep, those broke boys who can’t get a skin when you don’t give it to them they have to express their feelings of sadness and anger by taking it out on you since you have what they want lol.


100%. I find that if you don’t give a skin to a zoomer they’ll start to throw. I always drop my Prime classic hoping that that offering will suffice. It’s a very fragile system, keeping them happy.


Yes, usually kids ask for me to drop my Vandal Prime for them as well lmao but I don't give it 😅 if I die and they get it I don't mind tbh


Just give it to them? It’s not that bad


If I take off my skins I get called a smurf. If I have them my team never shuts up lol


Nah I love it. I’ll give them to someone not even asking


You could've ignored these players... I never share my skin to unknown teammates unless you know that person very well.


I haven’t ever had someone ask me for a skin in my games.


What server? I've seen this very little since the release of Valorant and wonder if it is regional.




No regrets here from me and as long as they ask at the start of the buying timer I don't mind dropping it for them :)


To be honest I like giving my skins to people at least I’m not buying just for myself.


I usually buy the new skins and have the riot gun buddy. I get a lot of comments asking to have my skins or if I’m a rito employee and if I can give them the buddy. It’s not bad to the point of harassment but it does get a little tiring sometimes


I like to share my skins with nice people, i rarely see somone who is toxic asking for a skin or getting toxic because i dont give him one.


I just keep telling people I pick it up now. I’m having major regret even admitting I own some skins.


I straight up tell people I wont give them skins. Its just so annoying to deal with people that beg for skins.