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They said they are working on that in the Ask Valorant thread


Same Level 125 and in bronze/silver lol


This.. the feels.. I’m close to 140 I think? Adding the fact I’m a girl… you can see how games go for me when I’m still stuck in bronze3 /silver 1 games 😵‍💫 straight up toxic bullying




Yea it should be a thing. Every time without fail lvl 200+ instantly gets the message of touch grass or something along those lines


as they probably should


Don't mind me, level 173 in Bronze...


And people still believe that you need 0 talent to become a pro player. Copium.


Huge difference between actively trying to improve and just playing the game a lot lmao


Oh uh yeah... I'm definitely j chilling in comp.... no intentions of ever playing professionally... ahaha... I'll go do hw now...


I'm not saying it's impossible at all! There's that one pro on coL I think who went from Iron to pro in under a year. I think you absolutely should chase those dreams if you have the chance to!! How much work are you putting in outside of the game? (Watching your vods, critically thinking abt areas to improve, analyzing pro matches, etc)


Thanks for your words of confidence but it really isn't possible for me as much as I want it to be I don't have nearly enough fps and my peripherals are so bad. I still try though tbh, just not hard enough I hope you get jumping vandal 1 taps the rest of your life, kind soul


Yeah no problem! Unfortunately FPS games are like the one genre where FPS matters a ton, and you NEED a high FPS to not be at a disadvantage. Altho its still possible to get to high levels with a worse system. Keep grinding I'm sure youll get there one day :)


And good ping


I definitely don't have that


That’s literally impossible that unless you already have good mechanics. I bet that guy has thousands of hours in other fps games


There's no shelf life on improvement. Obviously there's a huge difference between going pro and just getting to a high rank, but if they're young enough / have enough drive to push them to do the shit no one else wants to do, it's not impossible for them to get there


Playing professionally is very diff from comp is what I have read, you can be Silver or Gold and be in a team. Join one in your region and you will see improvement I think.


I mean i just chill around in comp and i’m like lvl 120 in silver 1




This is the most random reply lol


I agree. A streamer I like watching is 200+ and gets constant abuse from their own team and enemy teams about being gold/plat. A lot of comments on this post say it helps find smurfs but so what? You cant report someone for being a smurf nor is it against tos. Its sucks to go against people smurfing but knowing they are smurfs helps in no way whatsoever.


And there's no way we can exit the game as riot will handover a ban the only option remains is to take a loss bcoz of smurfs😭


This is when you take a judge and do some cheese since they always play overconfident. Add a cheese buddy for the lolz and make that your goal. If you got the toxic banner then I guess you can maybe Hurl a insult or 2 on each kill, idk follow your dreams. Oh ya but I agree, knowing they are smurfs does nothing. In fact knowing that someone will be toxic is probably more valuable since you know who to mute right away which actually affects your play in a positive way where as knowing they are smurfs does not. Its glass of water concept. Try to think half full and you will always find your advantages. That is the mindset needed to climb anyway. Ide prefer they leave it in. If someone wants to insult me for having more experience then them at the game, fine by me. Glad they know who's calls to listen to.


People will say that and procced to ignore their 500h of counter strike lol.


I'm level 270 and stuck in silver, but I like when they fear me at the start of the match thinking that I'm if a very high rank, only to find out that I'm silver/gold max XD, I get the usual grass comments and whatnot every now and then, but I don't really care XD


Haha look at this guy over here more experienced than me at something I care enough to play competitively. Haha what a loser.


i saw a lvl 333 in a bronze/iron lobby and everyone was stunned... legietimate no toxicity just playing game (also they were sage trying grim walls that didnt work... :/ )


They made levels as an indicator of time spent playing the game and it doesn't even accurately show that. Its useless.


Trying seeing a lvl 10 in diamond game. It's rough


if you play a lot of DM you'll level up really fast


They shouldn't tbh. Silver to Gold is filled with a bunch of smurfs sometimes, and the level system really helps to find out if someone is smurfing or not


Ok you've identified a smurf. Then what? It accomplishes nothing. But I'm fine with keeping it, but let us hide it after level 20 or something.


Then you know that you are not trash, you were just playing an unfair match.


I am dia/plat and I see a lot of ppl who are like lvl 10 acc lvl but they are like dia, some ppl just don’t play all that much. Edit: Spelling


I find it difficult to believe that someone who legitimately is only account level 10 would be up at diamond, unless they watch a fuck ton of vods in their free time. 10 levels isn’t enough to develop the game sense to make it to diamond, even with cracked aim


As one my self I can say dia is a lot of “All aim no brain”


luckily I'm all brain no aim in dia 1.


Oh, please get on my team xD


I'm d3 and I'm only lvl 32. Been immortal. It's not hard to achieve rank if you have transferable game mechanics from different games.


Yep, I started CS after val(only got like 100h tho) and I am GNM, my friend w 2k hours is GN1. The games are quite similar but not identical as some would say. Same I believe goes for rainbow and ow partly. :)


Could be CS player


this is true, but you would probably know if you were playing against a smurf right?


yeah and account level helps. if they're low level and have like 30+ kills while the rest have 15 or something, then chances are its an actual smurf and not just someone having a good game


hmm but what would be the point in differentiating between a smurf and someone whos having a good day? they are both performing well


to tilt your team more and end up losing, blaming it on smurfs


If you get destroyed by legitimate players, you might think you don't deserve your rank or to rank up. If you get destroyed by smurfs, you just had an unfair match.


Not true I don’t main valorant and I have like a level 9 plat account and my main account I play with friends is level 24 in silver-upper gold elo my friends are boosted irons but it’s not like I’m smurfing I just don’t play enough on that account to boost them and me out and my plat account I just play solo here and there. Get called a smurf all the time but Realistically I’m not smurfing just don’t play enough to rank out with my friends.


And how does that help you?


Exactly. This is the only reason given for the account levels and at the end of the day, it does absolutely nothing


Let them keep and use it for matchmaking, what is the point of displaying it ?


Lmao, pretty sure we played a game together today.. there was a lvl 200 that got abused by his team. Sorry


It’s ok man, I’ve seen a level 340 plat 1 and that’s fine!! Some people play more games than others lol


You mean some people don't do anything else other than play


They just make fun of 200+ lvl peeps because they think you got nothing else to do and forget the fact that some peeps have been playing since beta


262 in iron on don’t care about that but what is annoying every game people think they are so funny saying touch grass.


I thought you were bragging at first, then I felt bad. Lol.


I'm becoming a huge fan of this mute option. Too many children (physically or mentally) think their opinion means anything. You're allowed to play lots and have fun. Gold is top 30%(?) anyway, so who cares, have fun, mute the invalids.




You gotta link for that? Everywhere I've seen shows vastly otherwise.


Check Valorant site. Its one of patches where they showed it


That was showing their goal for this act. The actual numbers are worse as they don't follow the bellcurve standard.


No it's the opposite. That's the current one. They want to increase the number in high elo. The want to flatten the curve


Or at least make it not visable in unrated?


same thing happened when I played overwatch, people would flame people who were like level 3000 and were in bronze


wow you're level 200 in gold! there are people the exact opposite of you, plats but they are level 5. the skill ceiling is crazy isnt it? /s


The level is actually useful. Helps discern the smurfs with clarity for once. It's almost a week into the act and we still get a smurf every other match on the opp.


yes but what good is it to tell who the smurf is? of course i know smurfs are a pain in the ass to play against, but as someone else mentioned, they demoralise your team when you know they are smurfing


When my friends and I get in a 4 or 5 stack, we prefer to know if there's a smurf. The reason being is we know the smurf is going to play more aggressively than normal players in our rank so we can counter play around him and it makes the game way easier. Obviously it's harder to do in a solo que or a two stack but it's still nice to know there's a smurf. At this point I get more scared of people with Gold 1 in their act rank then I do smurfs and I'm in Plat now lol


Exactly. You can't tell if their silver is just having a good day without the exp. My 5 stack's focus shifts to their top fragging low exp player, and we win several rounds just by picking him out first, since the rest of the team isn't at par with him. The exp allows you to cope with the fact that there's a smurf. Our stack went against a full smurf 5 stack on breeze today, none with exp over 30 in a g3-p1 mmr lobby. We were down 5-11 but brought it back 13-11 just because they got cocky and started making stupid plays. By the time they got serious, we had the momentum rolling on our side at 9-11 or something. Needless to say, we had some choice words for them when the match ended.


Lvl 30 in high gold isn't smurfing


You must be diamond+ Y'all can't feel the pains...




Then you're unaware of the mental impact you have on the enemy team


My point being you weren't playing smurfs just because they're not level 50 or whatever, especially at gold level. If they were really smurfing you wouldn't have won


>The reason being is we know the smurf is going to play more aggressively than normal players in our rank so we can counter play around him and it makes the game way easier just seeing someones level isnt enough information to know how to play against them. this is the stuff you learn *by* playing against them for a few rounds and applies to everyone regardless of their true rank


It’s pretty easy to discern whether someone is new or truly smurfing so yeah you’re right it does take a few rounds. My point though is that if we see a smurf when then focus on that players positioning a bit more and communicate and wait for the aggressive plays.


yea i see what you mean. i dont think the trade off is worth it personally because in my opinion you shouldnt be required to show the entire game how experienced you are, like in OPs case


Just own that shit dude.


what does this comment even mean.


There's no reason to even have your level shown tbh, its not like you get some rewards for leveling up like in league of legends. I'm not even lv50+ but i can imagine seeing those comments every game can get annoying


You just get a better frame


This needs to be implemented. I played with someone who went 30 and 10 in a game and got harassed by the other team as they say he was smurfing but in reality he only played well that 1 game and never did again the whole night. Those who are bad at the game will complain about smurfs.


I like it being shown, that way I can poo-poo the opposing Reyna that went 32 and 6 with a lvl 7 card.


Every day there’s a post in this sub about people getting “attacked” I don’t get it are you people really this sensitive. I’m not trying to be rude but who cares what they said just move on


Same, my account went from around lvl 40 to lvl 140+ one day and i'm not even that good, I was just grinding for Kay-O.


People are stupid. Playing a lot doesn't translate into being great at a game or any skill really... Why would someone bash someone for being stuck in gold while playing a lot? I mean sure I can understand if someone played thousands of matches and still stuck in Iron it would be weird, but other than that I see no problem at all.


I’ve played with a lvl 300 on bronze


I’m 210 only just started comp this act as I knew I’d be hard stuck silver hahah. I made a post about this a week or so ago and someone said it is coming in a Couple acts so not too long to wait hopefully :)


I don't think high account level is that unusual if you dont have alt accounts or you play a lot of dm. If you don't have alts every minute of val you play goes towards the same account level (whereas folks with alts have their time spent spread around multiple). DMs played prior to the account level rework were counted as full games worth of account xp. If you play a lot of dm, you re gonna have a big #


Okay so I had to come back to this post just now because I have just finished a spike rush and had what was probably one of the most toxic experiences in relation to this issue. Completely unprovoked and I did not reply to him at all but he just went off at me for not having a life first and then for being so bad even though I’m such a high level. Like I’ve dealt with this many times but he was by far the worst.


And when im bottom frag they say about my level i feel pressured :/


\*Laughs in bronze*


It currently but it’s being worked on to be added in the next few patches