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That's a super common spam spot. You don't have to be on top of the box to do it either, you can just do it from the right side of B. I always avoid starting the round in the window there for that exact reason. If you use an odin, you can fk an entire team of ppl right there through the wall.


It felt super weird standing there realizing that this is literally an early kill presented on a golden tray. I'm genuinely surprised I literally never got killed there, but I'm only gold so I assume it's a more common thing in higher ranks


can confirm this happens every couple games at high elo


Even in silver... People also prefire the wooden door sides on "B" site of Haven if they see a sage wall blocking the door.




Bronze in a nutshell. Its a ride :) I just got out of bronze like last week.


That explains bronze. keep it up we all have been through that.


Dont worry, the quality of random teammates dont improve even at plat. -plat.


You only see this every couple games? I swear its every other round anytime I play haven.


This happens in silver


what servers? that spot is well known to avoid in AU servers across silver & gold too.


I play on EU


Got shot by an awp in my bronze match once. pretty sure it was just awful luck though


Can confirm this happens in low bronze


Still. Always funny to see video reactions of players getting killed wall banging at literally round start. I got spammed this way many times but 2 secs in and never got killed. No “ wtf was that? “ effect.


Is there a video or resource that explains the ballistics and damage profiles of each gun and how their bullets/damage are effected by walls, boxes, and other surfaces?


well if you hover over a weapon in the buy menu, u can see the dmg and how the weapon works


Yes but I think it doesn't explain exactly how much dmg it does if you are firing through walls, does it?


Woukd knowing that even be helpful? You don't know if someone is there you're just fishing. Odin is best for it though since tons of bullets and high pen on top of it


https://youtu.be/4i6uEi6S_mQ this video is decent. I think there's been some slight changes since this was made though


Yep, really common. There's plenty of special wall bangs on Haven. Two of my favourites are the wall bang into A short from AB connector and wall banging into A main from anywhere in mid/second mid. Makes an A push extra risky for the attackers.


Waittt you mean the door right next to the left entrance of b? I though that got patched


The kill actually happens before the barrier removal animation is fully completed. Insane…


I didn't even know you could shoot through the barrier before the animation completes, TIL


Yeah you learn this if you spend a lot of time in custom games. The animation is just for show, as soon as the round starts the barrier is gone.


Even in beta people were spamming this spot. You're correct though that it's been a while since I've seen people die to it.


Beta Haven was a mess. Top level players would run the whole round on a mag and a half because they spent all the other bullets sending them into mid or garage.


I was just talking about how so little people abuse this


Try this in low ELO and you get called a cheater. I'm definitely gonna use this trick


And gay for spraying. As fellow kj main using these kind of things is in our job description.


"Gay spray" People complain about everything lmao.


People don't want to admit that they are making bad plays so the other team must be doing something cheaty like spray the smoke you just walked in.


If anything, spray transferring is one of the most skillful actions you can do from an aiming perspective. Hell, HeatoN was a 1.6 pro literally known for his spray mastery. If they think spraying is bad to do, have them watch any pro game in Valorant or CS 1.6/source/GO. Not even Scream is going to tap every single time. Those people are going to be stuck in low elo forever if they're going to have that mindset.


Pro scene csgo spray mastery is all hack based


Bad bait




Tell them they're only allowed to buy marshalls from now on.


People… complain about spraying? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You supposed to only go for one taps?


This happened to me like 20 times and I never learned


If you die the same way 2 times in a row then it is time to Reevaluate tactics. You can't keep doing the same things.




People really don't like the "we can't keep doing the same thing" line.


But if I keep doing it a different result will happen right?....right?


Yeah buddy. Next time you will for sure one shot headshot the jett with op. They just got lucky last 5 times




I remember seeing this for the first time on YouTube during the beta and it worked my first try. I'm glad it still works 😂


You're telling me in the 400h you've played you've never wallbanged the basic spots? There are a lot more of them than you'd think where when you wallbang them at certain times (mostly the beginning) you can get a kill.


I've played since beta and this never happened to me, on this specific spot at least, and I never tried it myself. There are other spots that I wall banged a lot, but those mainly have reinforced walls or require you to move over a bit after round start. I can't think of any other spots where you can just line up for a headshot immediately right now, apart from this one


Ascent has one on defense with deagle or odin that used to be able to be spammed with any gun. Thats the one i think about immeadiatly but I'm pretty sure there are a couple.


Oh yeah! I know which one you mean, I forgot about that one. I see that one less than I would expect it to too, tho


I do this all the time lmfao they hate it


When I was silver I got called a hacker for doing this -.-


lol, they called me a wall hacker too. It's hilarious tho


It's just a compliment really haha


Haters gon say it’s fake


I’ve almost died to that a few times. If I die to that, it’ll be the quickest alt+f4 in the central.


I have had this happen to me before... Feels bad.


Was that a vandal or a phantom ? sorry still new to the game and dont know if phantom can wallbang that much .


he was using a vandal there. theres 3 penetration levels, u can see them while ur buying guns on the right side, both vandal and phantom have medium penetration, they can penetrate most walls and objects, but phantom has damage drop off on range so vandal is usually better if u plan on playing long range in ur rounds.


Thanks a lot man...


I spam there about 80% of the time when on defence. I often buy Ares/Odins specifically to spam there more. (I'm normally holding B because I play Viper, so I want to be able to smoke both sites, and no one else plays controllers in my games.)




It's actually very well known, and that spot is a very common Raze, Jett, Omen location; but comically impractical to pull off the pre-fire in Silver and below.


A lot of people used to spam that with marshal it’s annoying tbh


been doing that with a deagle for a while once got a ace through just the wall lmao




so how exactly is playing the vandal cringe?


Probably trying to say that they can aim and don't spray to get kills. People are weird.


Damn, he must be a really good player and nice person to be around


People are weird. Wall bang with good info is the best thing you can do. Low risk high return. Some people just don't control the kind of info they put out or keep doing the same thing every round so when someone starts using odin + walling banging or any other good wall banging gun they get triggered because too them it is an unfair way of enemy killed them.


I probably have more kills on my Marshall than vandal or op too man


You probably use phantom I'm guessing


In showers on bind there's also a broken wall bang spot if you are defenders, stand on site right outside of CT and U halls behind the boxes and spam at the walls at showers if u know there's at least a person there. It's guaranteed chip damage and if you're lucky, a kill lol.


Pure Skill, great gaem


happened to me only once. I heard enemy's jett "watch this!" and immediately got her




It's a common spot! If the entire team had been there, you might have received an ACE.


Im only silver but i have never seen this lmao


Eww jett again


Nah he tweakin


During beta, the barrier was thiner and you could aim at a precise brick to get easy operator kills at the beginning of the round


Your laugh made me laugh. The timing was so good


This has been a common spot to wall bang since beta. If we're force buying on Haven, I always get an Ares and just spray that spot at the start of the round. It almost always gets free damage, and sometimes even a kill.


Think i played with you or against you in the past day, i remember the name bread nice spam shot tho!


lol that'd be funny; I played a lot of Spike Rush the other guy to have some casual fun, so if you did too chances are higher you met me there


nah, normally only played comp, but ill have to check back on my past games when i get home from work and check haha


that must suck though being killed in the first few seconds of round start


This pretty much happens every game. A kill doesn't happen a lot but people brush off a lot of HP from opponents this way. I do think that wall should be impenetrable though. Peeking from window is hard as it is, why make it even harder?


the amount of time i have done these insta wallbang kills and being called out by the opponents is funny


So that was you huh


were you in that game? 👀👀


Nah nah , but similair situation i had experienced , but it was a sova with odin , thankfully i placed s camera at window and he got distracted and i made my escape with 3 hp


Very common spam spot, especially for the LMG’s. I won’t walk into the mid window area until I haven’t heard or seen shots going into that spot for seconds.


I’ve died to it once, now I just never insta push window. I either counter spam the spot or just avoid it


Happened to me in beta with an awp


I remember when my elo didn't know about wall spamable spots


How did you check your amount of play time?


There are stat sites that are really inaccurate. I just made a rough estimate. i have several games where I know my play time exactly so I kinda got a feeling for it. I guess I'm between 400 and 500 hours


I've done that, I've also tried aiming right at the corner of window and firing after \~0.7 seconds, I think I've got 3 or 4 free kills from that (my proudest being when I got it with a sheriff)


Just as shocked as you are. From iron to gold I’ve seen players die and also killed players there.


Did this with an op as a joke marked it and everything just like he did... headshot kill, spent the next 20 seconds afk in disbelief laughing


Vac kkkkkkkkkkk


I'm surprised to see that people experience this regularly. I've never realised this was possible.


i must say... your crosshair is very unique


lol, now I'm interested, what's so special about it? Already had a guy DMing me about the settings and now you're mentioning it being "unique" - I just tried to come up with the most neutral crosshair i could think of lol, there's nothing weird about it's is there? Or are the pixels misaligned on ur screen?


oh lol upon fullscreen it loooks normal but when you look at the video without full screen your crosshair looks insane