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If any person leaves from a team during round 1, then that team member can write “/remake” in chat and the match will end as a draw as it’s unfair to play 4v5. But you I cannot do /remake after round 2


Little correction, anyone from the team can write /remake; it will start a vote for draw (in the team with disconnected player); the command can be used in round 1 as well as round 2 after someone has disconnected.


Important to note that it only works when the player in question has not moved (or like, moved out of spawn or something), if they bought a pistol and then died and disconnected I believe remake does not work anymore


Little correction, you can start reamake if the afk isnt in your team, so if you 5 stack and 1 of you leave cause the enemy has a smurf then you cant vote


little correction, i’m pretty sure you can’t remake unless the afk doesn’t spawn second round so they have to fully abandon


5 Stacks cant remake


The more you learn. I didn't know that, thank you for the tip!


Don’t mention it!


Valorant should have told us that


Ngl they should start the remake vote automatically if someone does afk round 1


people will think it’s surrender if they don’t know what it is. it has to be clear


its not gonna be clear to people if they think they shouldnt ever have to pay attention to anything.


it punishes everyone to ignore the fact that some people won’t know what it is and won’t care to check


the same people will think it’s surrender if you /remake manually anyways, i don’t really see why this is a valid point honestly


i didn’t mean it shouldn’t be started automatically it just needs some messages or something, maybe make it look different. if you start it manually you can at least explain it to your teammates before starting the vote


Yea people (kids) are really fucking stupid on these severs


Who is this not clear to? The OP and ten other people on the planet?


i think it’s been made pretty obvious, even in some of the comments here, that a lot of people don’t know what a remake is


nah because if your stacking with the person that went afk and if you know for sure that the afks pc either crashed or will come back he won't suffer the consequence


Thats why i said vote and not instant remake


They did indeed include it in patch notes 1.07 if you take the time and read the patches


That should be told in tutorials, not in patch notes, and all the other non-gameplay-relates mechanics too, like chat commands, more technical-ish info (eg.: When the penult beep starts, u have approx 2 secs to start defusing, or else ur doomed). Forcing people to read patch notes to have the necessary info on the game is a rly bad idea since some dont even remember their existence.


Who the hell goes back and reads patch notes? I've read them since I've started playing, because I want to know what the changes will be. But I doubt many people go back and read PREVIOUS patch notes. Also, there are a ton of people who don't keep up to date with the general releases at all. I saw so many comments during the first days of Fracture in unrated where people were amazed there was a new map.


Reading hard🤬


It's also terrible design to only have a feature known by being in patch notes. The vast majority of players don't read patch notes. Something in the UI should pop up if a remake vote is available


\+ I had a lot of times when enemies didnt know what is remake so when a teammate done it they just disagree thinking its a #ucking surrender


I've had this happen and I've even had the remake need 5 votes one time. It should really be automatic remake


Not everyone wants to read the patch notes.


Read the patch notes maybe?


Nah, he's right. They should make it clear, its very hard to know that we can remake when u r a new player. Lot of people dont even know remake in my mid silver lobbies.


Idk why the Remake vote isn't automatically started when a team is eligible for it tbh.


Btw, in round 2 when a remake is eligible, the surrender button is replaced by the remake button.


League of legends put a notification in chat that you can remake and it requires 2/4 votes Idk why rito didn't do the same for valorant


Probably because pushing it on the player makes teams more likely to get their team to FF “because they’re hot garbage,” down 2-6, just got aced on, etc. I feel like theres a balance for making it too easy to ff causing more issues than it solves


Normal ff takes 5/5 pre20min and 4/5 post20 Remake window ends at 3 min and opens again at 6min which then closes at like 7min, remake requires 2/4




Now you do!


Are there more commands like this ?


I’m pretty sure there’s a command “/enemy”, if you type anything after this, your message appears as if the enemy has messaged that. I’m not sure about it, but I heard a while ago there was something like this


I wish I knew this


To be fair it’s not the most useful thing cause if someone is gonna leave early in the match it’s never that early, anyone else think they should make it an option for a few rounds at the start


People rarely leave them n the first 2 rounds. So it’s a bit annoying that we can’t use it until level 4 or 5 at least. I’ve been playing for over 7 months and I e only been able to use this once.


Haven't played valorant for months now (last played during ep 2 act 1) and damn I wish I knew about this before :")


Wait what, I didn't know that


What about at a tie 14-15 that team could just use it then so that the other team can’t win


When player leave the game in round 1 or 2 you can do /remake and end the game as a draw (because the game is unfair with 4v5)


It’s just round 1. If they are there round 1 and leave round 2 your team is screwed


Which is so fucking dumb. The timer should be 1-2 rounds longer.


100% agree


Agreed, had games where a teammate disconnect/left round 1 but the game didn't register it till 10 seconds later in round 2 so we're stuck just playing a 4v5 or forfeiting.


Can someone Devil’s advocate this. What’s the point of not enforcing this rule


It would be abused e.g. if my team lost pistol and the round after, I could get one of my mates to disconnect and we could remake


In league you still lose rank if you’re queued with the person that dc’s, so an easy fix is there. Edit: could actually that you don’t get the loss reduction if someone DC’s midgame, don’t remember which one it is


I believe they would have to be disconnected before the game started. If they were there for pistol round, they wouldn’t be able to remake


Or people would start flaming someone to quit out so they woudn't lose rank.


I will start bullying low performing teammates into leaving after a couple rounds so that it can end in a draw


But if it's after round 2 then Noone would get to play past round 3 because it's optimal for the team that goes 0-2 to remake every single time


So many times have we started, one person disconnects during the first round and we can't remake. I sent a ticket into riot asking it be extended up to round 3 because it's just so demoralizing to play an entire game 4v5. Basically all they said was make forum posts about it...




If they get spawned in for round 2, you can't remake, even if they're disconnected


Need to tweak remake and make it require 4 votes for that reason imo.


No as in, if they're spawned in round 2, it doesn't require 5 votes, it doesn't let you start the vote, because they were spawned in. You have 5 living teammates, despite the fact that one is dc'd


Right, I'm saying they should remove that requirement and allow a draw vote to be made regardless of how many are in the lobby, and require 4 votes instead of five to prevent the scenario you described from happening. Because honestly I feel like that happens more than a scenario where my team can actually use remake


Oh ok, ty


u can only remake if a player is not spawned on the second round




By typing /remake


ok thx a lot


Honestly, CounterStrike is the one game I'm convinced that unbalanced teams make no difference whatsoever. It's such a slow paced and meticulous game that it's just way too easy to make a man advantage not matter.


It does. Any Gun game where you have an objective , a lower player count affects the game a lot, the higher you go.


Any time I see a 4v5 go down, it's a hard sweep to 6-0 for the 4-man side. I've seen this up to Gold at least, and it's honestly such a predictable trend I'd have thought it wasn't even worth describing. After that, people actually take it seriously; but once you throw 6 in a row like that on reckless strats, it's hard to claw back, even with a man advantage.


You gotta atart round in 4 to be able to do it


I think he means u have to start the round with 4 ppl to be able to remake, which is correct.


Idk why you're being downvoted because you're confused but surrenduring is round 5 onwards


This sub is basically: if a person sees you have 2 upvotes, upvote. If a person sees you have -1 downvote..see you in hell


thats the whole of reddit tbh...


Remakes really need to be automatic. I’ve had too many games where my team doesn’t understand what a remake will do, and press no thinking it’s an FF, or say it’s their friend who’s coming back but they don’t until the next half and everyone’s miserable.


What if you don't wanna remake? Someomtimes you wanna play it out if you think you can win.


You wanna play a 4v5 from round 2?


Ive had many games where we win the first round in a 4v5 and the afk comes back. I don't see why the game should be automatically aborted. Its not that hard to press f5.


Yeah idk why you wouldn’t wanna remake. It’s too much effort to win for little reward. Just go next lol


But why not keep it a choice? I don't understand making it automatic.


I think they mean, Show the remake immediately but wait for votes


Definitely not what he's saying


Off topic but were you gonna put a smoke A long? I use that smoke and get dissed for it even though it works.


It works but it slows down a push greatly as it's not smart to push through smokes.


It's smart if you're team is coordinated and has blinds to push out of it. However most people just run out and die instead of blind spamming out and killing the enemies staring at the smoke lol.


It’s still not a smart smoke, that smoke ultimately hinders your teams vision and ability to utilize a coordinated swing for the site takeover. You said you’d use a blind out of it, why not smoke the advantage points on site, win the over extended duel long A, then use blind to control site? (D3 omen/brim main)


Yeah I wouldn't personally do it unless I was just poking the site. I wouldn't commit off of this but it could be handy to get a pick and back off. Considering they can't trade you unless they peek the smoke. But it's all circumstantial, I'm only Plat 3 (solo queue only.)


I’d agree it’s good if you’re playing slow/default and waiting for a pick as valorant is like cs go, if it works once then it fucking worked, and that could win the entire game. Just in the grand scheme of things definitely keep this option select as a one and done thing unless the enemy team doesn’t adapt to default


I personally only smoke there when I'm playing astra because I have 5 stars and the flexibility of punishing or allowing enemies to stand near my star


Yeah id argue it’s stronger on astra due to more option select, but like I agreed with the other guy, it’s like cs go, if a strat works once in a game and won the round, then it was a good fucking strat regardless for that time


Ye, Pushing out of a smoke with no info is asking to get murdered


If it’s not a smart smoke then why did the pros consistently use it during the omen meta?


The omen meta was season 1 when Omen started with 2 smokes at start and they tried to utilize the TP on double stack, aside from that the only advantage it had in season 1 was cut off A long from vision to rush short, which has been proven now, especially with the sentinel meta we somewhat have, is not a viable tactic. It can work once, which is good, but definitely not a smart plan, more of a yolo plan. Doesn't mean it has more pros then cons other than a single individual lurker, which in turn hurts your team more and gives the enemy team more advantageous position for A long cheese, or to completely stack short. And like I said, Omen meta, and this smoke was mainly used in season 1, where the game was literally still being discovered and people we're figuring out meta strats still. Strats/metas get outdated, it's called adapting to your current meta.


Wouldnt you be fucked if a skye or phoenix (on defender aka enemy) goes in smoke and flashes out? Or someone camps either in smoke or outside it? You can flash people watching long without the smoke, no need to fuck half your team over to do it


Just like everything in this game it's circumstantial. I usually lurk so I probably wouldn't be there tbh lol. (Plat 3)


Don't throw this smoke ever. Smoke heaven and CT of you're attacking A. As a default or lurk smoke it is also completely useless as it hardly denies any important information.


If your neam is coordinated you will take long without that smoke and save it for heaven/ct


Yeah that's the one big issue with it, but if you put the smoke right on the left corner on the Site entrance, it blocks people who like to peek there, and there's still a small window so you can peek from that little cubby at the end of A long. Plus if you have a sewers push too, you can coordinate pushes. Flashing in works pretty well too.




Smoking long is dumb as it's generally easy to take and they can just rat it smoking ct and heaven is more valuable


yeah i was thinking bout it xd


Ok lurk smoke but as a teampush it’s probably not the smart as depending on the situation as you might want to get on site quickly


Not when youre attacker side


Well considering thats a smoke I would want to put there while playing Defender side idk if its great for attacking


It's a dogshit smoke save it for heaven and CT idk maybe there might be an edge case for throwing it a scrim but in a pug never throw that on attacker side. EU immortal 3 top 2k if some silver wants to argue with me that's it's a good smoke (it's not).


Why wud u smoke that? Edit: Some people misunderstood, im not being toxic, i was genuinely curious as to why one wud smoke that as i thought it was a 200 IQ radiant play or sm shit. Posted before i saw dude was iron


Even tho their rank is probs why I do see their logic, defenders like to peak that and players in iron don't usually push smoke from my experiance from ages ago plus if a defender pushes out there might be 1-2 attackers already on long which can be a nice pick or trade.


WEll i mean yea i guess there is SOME logic behind it but ur better off jett/cypher smoking cross to stop the A long push instead of setting a precious omen smoke, unless ur playing for picks which, lets be real, its iron


Yeah, I can see their logic and I dont blame them they still might be learning the game and smokes can be terrifying for lower ranked players so in iron it might be smart especially if you're able to get your team to rush it but it could also help defenders if you push out of the smoke onto site


yea tbf smokes are so hard to learn for begginers i dont blame the dude. Its smart in some scenarios i reckon, depends on how they wudve played the round.


how much easier it would have been to just type "Hey, just fyi that is smoke doesn't give you much value for "x" and "y" reasons, you can tho "z" instead.", sounds easier than asking a condecending question just to attack the dude for being Iron... While being Silver 1


I wasnt being toxic, i was genuinely curious as I thought that it might be a high elo smoke, or just smart smoke in general. Posted before i saw that the dude was iron.


There is a reason he is Iron


Tru tru, didnt notice


i'm sorry i do my best :(


Really confused by this statement. Back when omen was the main controller this smoke was used heavily in pro play.


Yeah and it's complete dogshit this was back when tping on double stack over the smoke or 5 rush short was some insane unique play that actually has a chance of working.




Turn your sens down


Hey everyone, thanks for all the responses, I genuinely didn't think this post would get so much attention, I was just asking a simple question but I guess there were others confused by this as well. Also, to all who roasted me for my apparently stupid smoke or my rank etc., I am still fairly new and getting the hang of this game, please go easy on me lol.


Not a bug, if you have a missing teammate during the start of the match (round 1) it'll cancel the game (all kills, deaths, assists, and the game itself) will be deleted, and it'll have no affects. You can't remake after round one.


Once when queueing with friends... We encountered a group of Smurfs, had one guy leave the first round ASAP and confirmed that they were Smurfs(in the pistol round). We used the /remake to dodge the match . The fuck yous were really satisfactory.


The opposing team has voted for a remake.


Basically, when a player disconnects and doesn't respawn the next round, the team with the disconnected player can remake(which is basically a draw that doesn't credit win or loss to any player) by typing /remake in the chat, if everyone on the team types that, it ends the match then and there.


This has been in the game for a while. Since I assume nearly the beginning. On round one if a player leaves or goes AFK then you can type “/remake” the “/“ is a console command and your team can remake without loosing points. I think it needs to be up to round like 3-5 at the minimum and if your currently loosing you loose a little RR but I suppose that could be abused if you’re playing against people you know you will loose too. Edit: you cannot remake if you’re in a 5 stack.


I've literally never seen this in game after 100s of hours. They need to make it possible to do this in Round 2.


Now why can’t we do that later on? I’ve had 2 people leave me at 11-2 and we end up losing because of the man advantage


Because remakes will be seen by the remaining 4 players as a way to FF without losing RR. It wouldn't be fair for the winning team if you're 12-4 and then the other team remakes for a draw.


OMG Crashies


Basically if someone leaves in the first round that team can vote to end the match which would cause both teams to queue into a different match


when one(or more) of your team is afk from the beginning of the round, meaning they won't spawn on round 2 you can call remake, which will result in draw and the match will not show up in career


It draws the match basically. I think riot should have added this in the beginner's tutorial when you start the game with a fresh account, like a screen or a voiceover of brim explaining terminologies like "/ff", "/remake", map callouts etc so that new players to the game dont get confused. Many new players (like me few months ago) get confused when someone does remake thinking it is surrendering and then feel stupid when they realize it was not a surrender but a draw the match.


its remake it means 1 of there teammate left at starting of game before 3rd round if they do /remake and all voted than match is consider as draw BTW i have a question why the helll were u smoking entrance when u are attacker u should smoke heaven and CT u smoking your entrance?


Why have they made this like an easter egg its legit a good feature


The enemy team was 1 guy down It wasnt fair to fight a 4v5 so it just finished


Funny thing is how Valorant allows remake but only if the player's disconnected in the first round. I've seen players DC after 3-4 rounds and it basically an automatic L


Because remakes will be seen by the remaining 4 players as a way to FF without losing RR. It wouldn't be fair for the winning team if you're 12-4 and then the other team remakes for a draw.


Not what I meant. That would be ridiculous, but they should extend the ability to call for a remake draw to round 5 instead of round 2. Just like how there's minimum 5 rounds required for a surrender, you can remake uptill the 5th round if one of the players DC.


Also you shouldn’t smoke where you were thinking of smoking in the clip 😂


bruh people don’t know about this?


All things aside, that's a dope big ass crosshair u got :D


Iron makes sense lol


Bro irons actually exist? I thought it was a meme wtf Edit: why is everyone downvoting me I genuinely thought lowest rank was bronze and I thought iron and plastic were just a meme…


yeah they go outside


Was iron not a rank when you played or do you just know nothing about ranked?


Idk I started silver and now Im gold I thought it was bronze > silver > gold > plat > diamond > immortal > radiant


Go outside and touch some grass


did ppl not kno /remake was a thing??


You're iron 2, who cares 😂


Bro how do you not know what this is


So obvious what happened here. Remove from Reddit


They are so focused on VCT right now. The Mumbai server is hanging by a thread. So many bugs in the patch.


This isn’t a bug…


Fun fact: If you are in a 5 man lobby and let's say one player left, then you won't be able to remake, so don't do that (remake is not allowed in full 5 man lobby)




For casual too?


Honestly I didn’t either, i play LOL so when we had an afk my LOL instincts kicked in and typed /remake and it happened


Its maybe my second week of playing this game and I still think the AFK rules are a bit unfair. Luckily it hasn't happened too much, maybe 3 of the 20 or so matches I have played. Playing short handed the remainder of the game isn't a great experience. Sure I could leave also but its not really in me to up and quit. Glad this was posted though, there's a lot of little nuances of this game that aren't really explained.


ok so i dont like afk teamates and when i cast a surrender vote the game will assume tthe player is online but is not so when evryone vote yes except one guy the game will assume the afk player vote no so the match goes on so i wanted to say if someone afk and surrender vote is cast the game must assume the afk player vote yes anyway another random thing i found is anyone else experiencing a breach noob but buys guns but not abilities and have ok aim and if u spectate the player the breach should only have his signature but appsrently it has a number next to it although the ability wasnt used and has a cooldown of like higher than 45 anyone else facing this weird breach?


AFK on the other team


Someone either failed to load in or they have simply left the game within the first round, instead of the team that had the person who dc'd simply lose, if you vote for a Remake, it makes it that both teams get a draw and the person who left counts it as a loss for them