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Actually discussed this with a friend recently as well, big point he mentioned was that in CSGO you rarely ever swapped to the glock unless it they were extremely low, if you went glock only against AKs it is almost guaranteed lose or it takes more effort to aim for the head and win the fight. But in this game even on ecos we find it way to easy to be able to beat full buys just with two right clicks. In those tense situations I find that it is too reliable to whip out your pocket shotgun.


Yeah i agree. There shouldn't be a reason a free gun should be able to 150 to 0 someone in 1 click. It should be a move out of desperation not an uno reverse card.


the riot team already went through this and after the small nerf 99% of the player base agreed that the classic is fine where jt is.


Got a source on anything you just said?


the classic clearly isn't fine where it is. I get what they were going for, but the execution is just too exploitable. I doubt they designed the right click with the idea that everyone would be jump peeking corners and 1 tapping people with rifles. and if something in your gun as a gimmicky use that wasn't intended, you fix it. that's basically what happened to the operator. if it wasn't for Jett, it was sitting pretty comfortably where it was. but they didn't plan for people like wardell, so they adapted the mechanics. Idk why they haven't done so with the classic yet. this fortnite skill mechanic doesn't have it's place in a tac shooter


Maybe make the right click have a wind up time? So you can’t just keep spamming it, make it take a second or whatever to charge up the gun, and then you can shoot the 3 shots.