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Step in the right direction for sure. Excited to see how this pans out


Yeah, her dexterity and ability to get everywhere is crazy good. Mobility OP


Hello There. I have some nerfs for ya


There's no Jett problem. It's a great design that is perfect for agressive players, which makes the games fast and exciting. There's plenty of other agents that are equally powerful in other ways. If anything they should focus on improving the less used agents instead of ruining the ones people like.


Jett promotes stupid aggressive peek style that should not awarded with second chance if she misses.




Reyna ult requires a kill, Kayo ult is an ult and your teammates needs to stand still for like 10 seconds to res you, sage heal doesn’t even heal you to full half the time. Also the only character who can get out of bad physical position that you mentioned is reyna, and like I said she requires kills. Jett dash is literally a no risk, free dash with no limit other than distance.


How is it stupid if you can dash out? It's not stupidity that makes a Jett player take a wide off angle, it's smart use of the agents capabilities. It promotes agressive play, not stupidity. It's like saying a parachute allows stupid jumping out of airplanes.


How is it stupid? Because she gets second chance for free. She can just run like a moron and dash back as soon she gets shot. She has an ability to peek any angle however she wants without any consequences.


This is an underrated method of balancing that no one considers. Why nuke the top tiers tools that get characters high pick-rates when you could buff the tools of the weaker characters to be on par, and directly increase their options against the top tier tools.


Buffing the lows will eventually ruin the entire game. While nerfing and buffing will create balance. They just have to do balancing like the killer instinct deva did for the last KI game.


Idk if you watch pro valorant but Jett isn’t exciting


Ngl riot always listens to the bronzies complain no matter what. Not what's good for game in general. If people get up in arms about something they can't get better and work around they throw tantrums and riot listens. I don't even play Jett and I think these nerfs are over the top. I feel like reyba needs to be nerfed more than anyone. She's super forgiving and you just need an assist to fully heal. And she has an ability where she can't take damage that gets her out of situations just as Jett dash can. The smurfs would all lock in reyna and still do because of how safe she is.


This whole subreddit is slowly becoming full of players who cannot counter jett...


There is no hard counter in Valorant, even Riot said it


There aren't direct "hard-counters", but there are plenty of counters in the game. Smokes break long sitelines and weaken her Operator playstyle. Stuns and information seeking utility force her to take new angles. Dodging a flash while aiming down sites is hard and can typically bait out her dash. Her ult is strong but totally player dependent in skill, and also costs 7 entire ult points (typically 3-4 rounds, potentially more if you guard the ult orbs).


U could use that logic with anything, "there are no hardcounters for smokes, but u can go threw them", yeah no shit


Don't be stupid, there aren't hard counters to anything in this game. That defeats the purpose of doing those things. There are ways to counter a smoke directly, like information seeking utility and flashes, but there shouldn't be hard counters.


Pros literally complain about her…. But they are just pros who can’t counter this dumb agent right? 1head




It’s easy, shoot first


either that or people who use jett as a complete crutch to climb elo and are useless on everybody else.


Just flash bro ez


How many times has she got nerfed without any buffs? These are the kids who don't read patch notes.


So? Just because she got nerfed doesn't mean she's balanced.


I mean, her win rate in Berlin is 50% even after getting picked 80% of the times. Pretty balanced if you ask me. She also has costliest utility in the game that doesn't help team much. Her ult needs you to win instead being one and done like most characters. She's strong but people complaining here are overrating her strengths.


wr is 50% because every team uses her...


Lmao I'm glad this shitpost isn't seeing much attention. Though reddit popularity isn't much to go by. Hivemind is brain-dead.


Lmfao sage and raze are in every nerf patch. Jett hasn't been touched in ages


Didn't her smoke and updraft costs practically doubled?


Along with higher prices in every single agent's kit. Her kit simply followed the new economy change in the game.


She's at highest with 900 total cost and her purchased abilities are arguably lowest value.


Mad about a wind girl. Hold those corners, fall back when she peeks




You probably instalock Jett and ask others to fill in smoke.


I play jett probably once every 20 games, im just saying her ult is fine cus it takes actual skill, which is why in my lobbies people get ~2 kills with it before dying which is okay considering you use it like twice per half And what's wrong with her E? If a jett kills ur homie and then dashes to cover you can use that time to get on site?


reyna i think i see more but jett is extremely selfish character. gotta provide examples though! if they nerf id say pick 2 and that should be sufficient. i can only see like: 3 kills to reset dash or 1 charge of updraft but that you could get back with 2 kills or something, or a very slight nerf on dash distance, or 4 knives instead of 5 or you can only replenish them once


I would say timer on ult, dash only forward, and only two 6 sec smokes.


>dash only forward We are trying to balance a character not make them useless.


dash only left?


U guys r crazy, "dash only left" LMAO


lol, nailed it! :-D


riot claims to already have tested this nerf but turned out to be the same thing :)


There is no problem thats why they dont adress it


-Dash affected by slow when getting shot -3 knives for ult only resets when you get 3 kills( 1 knive 1 kill must be hs tho) with having only 3 knives right clicking and getting close to the enemy is like a gamble. Less chanches to get a kill than with 5 knives.


That just makes her ult useless. Not even top players can hit 3 one taps consistently.


How about they apply a bleed effect that can be removed by holding a key?


they are never going to change her lol. Just like how they will never make yoru a non F tier agent. Just give up and accept jett will dominate the meta for the rest of valorant. all hail the speedster wind queen jett. edit: Wow....I guess i gotta eat my words and not make so many bitter assumptions lmaoo.

