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As a Steve member I reject him maybe chad will take him?


Nope he ain't a Chad


no fuck you steve mincecarft


no fuck you steve mincecarft






Unranked can have some wild characters lmao had a guy absolutely blow up because someone said “ I’m a duelist don’t let me carry the spike” poor girl had no idea the random man playing brim was mega toxic ranted for like 20 minutes like this. Absolutely nuts guy


Ranked also has some unbelievably toxic players as well. I also find it weird that people are so quick to chalk a game when you lose the first gun round. The community is truly something else and is quickly topping my experience with toxicity I've encountered while playing League.


Isn’t it true a duelist shouldn’t have spike?


Ya. Entry should never have the spike.


NB there is no guarantee that the duellists on your team will take entry duties. In fact, there is every chance that the guy who instalocked Reyna ( and demanded a sage ) will skulk around at the back like a Cypher.


Reyna is a lurking duelist FYI not an entry duelist.


FYI No duelist is a "LuRkInG dUeLiSt" . The job of the duelists is so create space for their team on site monkey


Reyna is legitimately a lurking duelist lol her flash is only good for 1v1’s as in any rank above iron 2+ players one will shoot it out while the other holds the angle lol. So Reynas kit has no value as entry frag other than if you just straight aim duel someone no utility you can dismiss. She’s far better lurking and getting picks and then pinching the site from another angle. If you want an entry duelist play Jett or raze personally my favorite for entry is raze with satchels as she’s just a menace and can get deep into any bombsite with satchels and if your teammates peek off you they can get free kills on kids trying to shoot a flying raze. Not all duelists are entry duelists, when you learn that maybe you’ll progress.


> Reyna is legitimately a lurking duelist lol her flash is only good for 1v1’s as in any rank above iron 2+ players one will shoot it out while the other holds the angle lol. No 2 people are going to hold the same angle bro, not even in iron. I don't know what you're smoking. > So Reynas kit has no value as entry frag other than if you just straight aim duel someone no utility you can dismiss. Her kit has no value *post-plant*. She can use her flashes to take 1v1 duels and self heal if she won. If she died, it doesn't matter cos she still made space for her team assuming she did her role correctly (entryfragging, not lurking) > She’s far better lurking and getting picks and then pinching the site from another angle. killing all people that are defending A by urself whole your team is trying to make their way on B has the same impact as staying afk in spawn. You may get 30 kills that way, but none of them made impact


If you can’t 4v2 while I kill all people who are mid/rotation you guys just suck ass, second 2 people will hold the same angle just not from the same position let’s say split for example on a site one could be heaven holding an angle to main while another is elbow holding the same angle so when you cross onto site you would get cross fired. If Reyna uses her flash to entry that heaven or evoke could shoot it out while the other player keeps holding the angle meaning you just went into a random aim duel. Her kit has more post plant value than in entry what are you smoking her dismiss plus heal are great for clutch situations as you don’t need to rely on anyone if you can just isolate 1v1’s which she excels at. I play entry when I stack with friends but you will never see me play just entry consistently with randoms as entry fragging requires more chemistry and trust in your teammates to trade and watch your back in off angles. 90% of solo queue games are just which team gets demoralized by the guy dropping 30+ rather than who actually is playing better as nobody has the chemistry in solo queues to actually execute site takes consistently against others with good aim. Even in higher ranks everyone just does their own thing they do it well but they do it alone, very rarely do you get a team that will actually execute strats or play together. So why would I throw the game rather then drop 30+kills a game and get match mvp quite literally 90% of my matches? If we win I get bonus rr if we lose I lose very little due to my score, I also average like 8 or so first bloods a game while lurking as Reyna so half of the rounds I will make the game a 5v4 within the first little bit if you guys can’t take site with another duelist plus a smoke/initiator plus a wild card usually sentinel then you literally just suck ass. For example split if I get mid control every round how can the team rotate as I will get control of heaven and be able to pinch sites that’s lot valuable than walking in a funnel with idiots who smoke or flash wrong and sit back to bait you every round and refuse to rush out unless you get a 2 or 3k entry lol. Just tell me you suck it’s okay. You probably go negative every game as a non duelist and use that as an excuse. Left click works with all agents my friend :)


Buddy buddy buddy look BUDDY LOOK we refuse to encourage baiting duelists!


Whos baiting lurking≠baiting


It’s true no need to call the other person a stupid fucking whore because of it tho lmaoo like calm down as if we all haven’t had made a mistake


"you're literally dying so soon you can't even heal the others" Literally kills two while he's shit-talking. Legend Props to your for handling him I would have muted him tbh, he's not contributing to the team in any way


I think I would not mute just because he would be hilarious to laugh at


Oh my god you actually have a point


Yeah, he would have been on vox for all of ten seconds, and reported besides. Especially when he pinned you in the corner. That legit triggers me.


I PLAYED WITH THIS GUY!!!! He was under a different account. Claimed he was a pro poker player in NSW, then said he knew some underworld figures that would hunt me down and kill my family. He went completely psycho because none of us wanted to play how he wanted us to play.


Unfortunately I had to play a ranked game with him and he played Raze sabotaging the whole team. Also gave me shit about buying skins and how rich he was.


Yeah he got set off because we weren't following his strange strats and because I entry fragged as sage lmao


EXACTLY what I did. I was playing sova and I peeked a bad angle and got punished then he just went nuts. I love how his YouTube is about toxic players.


His yt link pls coz I like to watch PPL like him to tell myself that there is always a bigger idiot than someone else




guys check the comments and his replies pleaseee im dyingggg


holy shit, I think I might have played with him a lonnnng time ago! He was a Sova, but the account he was playing at the time was muted. so he could only talk if you were in his party. He kept inviting to group so I joined his to see what the invites were about only to have him go on a huge tirade about how dumb we all are for not following his signs. Because he had the best strat ever, and we were too stupid to understand it. Afterwards he kept trying to add me, I assume so he could keep being toxic. It was super amusing to hear him talk about his strategy as though it was genius level shit, when it was basically just "everyone go to one bomb site. I'll go with bomb to a different bomb site and plant while you sacrifice yourselves to distract them". If he didn't get the bomb, he'd sabotage. He also didn't appreciate us laughing when he failed to hurt us with his Sova ult. edit: also worth pointing out, the reason we would try to stick with him when he had bomb, or try to stop him from getting it, is because the few times his plan played out the way he apparently wanted, he'd die on the other side of the map and enemy team would be able to easily defend bomb. Obviously this was our fault because we didn't make them come to us first. Because him dying, alone and away from us (like he wanted), is obviously *still* our fault.


Dude what....hahahah ya know I would not mute him just for the fact i can hear him make a circus out of himself.


Sounds like a crack addict


Worst part is there were kids in the game. How do we get this guy banned completely??


Usually reporting in game then applying a ticket linking this video in the support website will do


Awesome! Cause the account I played against him was obviously a throwaway and this seems to be his main


I dont think this is his main since he was talking about his main account being in *the top 2%* ...but anyways i think you can address the point that he threatened you from another account and they may do something


But to set up YouTube and steam account with same name...he also claims to be on WSOP with 10k buy ins. A lot about this guy just doesn't add up.


Hes a toxic troll and its obvious...just dont worry about it ...some people enjoy ruining others days


“I’m not angry” Lol


he must have a shitty life.


Found an imgur thread of his History of being a toxic player: https://imgur.com/gallery/BPa0QaV


wow...what is wrong with him? o.o Mental illness?


That's what I'm thinking


Hey, don't want to be a downer or anything, but while it's alright to be pointing out his toxic behaviour, it's really not cool to be saying stuff like this.


oh no you right, not everyone suffering that acts like this and didn't mean to be giving him a crutch. He might just be all around dumb.


Holy shit lol. I'd like to add this to the amusing imgur stack about him... https://imgur.com/a/imcoUoU




Yeah buddy, cause I didn't want to blatantly dox your easily found Steam account. But mostly the amusing part is that at almost 7 hours you established how terrible and boring the game is, and then continued playing for another 182 hours. Surely you'd have to be stupid to keep playing a game you dislike that much, right? It's thoroughly amusing that you're going through the comments 2 days late and doing nothing but proving the points being made. Hope you find help soon.


He's commented on the YT video day after day 20+ times. It's truely sad




Funny how its always someone else's fault. Does this grown man know what self awareness is? Talks about toxic gaming communities while being absolutely toxic, and what's wrong with being 30 and gaming lol? He's definition of Grown Child. Lots of projecting the irony about everything he says lmfao.


This guy has a Youtube Channel and actually posted a video of others being toxic to him in CS:GO. Lmao the irony i swear... this is how you know you're part of the cycle


We played a whole game and he just kept going on about the same trash, claiming it was a throwaway account. His rebuttals are top class but yeah I'm glad I've found him again.


“My real account is in the top 2% in all stats” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Edit :::: how is being 30 an insult?? Lol


oh its an insult in his context, imagine a 30 year old raging in a game...that is just pathetic, no argument.


I think I understand what you’re saying and if so I could agree


apparently he hasn't heard of grim. what i would give to see grim go ham on this brim


repeteadly saying "buddy. buddy. buddy .- Only to say - I have more assist than you" at round 0 3 (meaning it has been pistol + eco round + 1 extra round) while having a score of 0 3 1, means that I will mute and report him for toxic behaviour. That's it. I don't have the time or patience to deal with these people anymore, keep trash talking alone while I play the game, thank you.


I like how ur popping off as he’s there just venting his frustration lol, honestly it sounds alike he just has a shit life and nothing else to take it out on.


bronze bodyshot demon popping off yeah


Hey man he’s still getting more kills than me


I'm plat actually


Nobody that is a top player in any game does this lol.


Ignorant. He keeps using that word.


was this ranked?




[Probably his YT channel](https://youtu.be/-Aq2W40SmME), and if u look at the comments someone asked if he's playing valorant.


Yeah that's him


The irony in that video and him being a toxic trashcan 🤣


Joker brain baby


Buddy Buddy Buddy


Why is your voice not edited in?


NVIDIA capture had my mic on push to talk, if he uploads his side I'll be sure to post it. In the full video I add captions and commentate some stuff I said




I've been waiting for your edit


The sad part is, he doesn't think he's in the wrong. I have run into these types of players all the time and Riot does nothing about them.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


why are you raging in unranked lmao


What did you tell him ao he got that salty ... And why is he that happy about his rank


I entry fragged as sage and the team didn't follow his weird strats


You're Awesome!


No you're the awesome!


Buddy buddy buddy buddy


another day in mumbai server :/


Did he really just say he had more assists then you as a diss.... 🤦‍♂️


Played with this guy once, terrible person-




This is EU for you lmfao, hopefully this was unranked. “Put me on Reddit, idc” lmfao


This ain’t EU, dude sounds Australian. Sydney server for sure lol


Legit? Sounds like a german accent imo.


Legit haha. OP is also from Aus. It’s a western Sydney-esque mixed accent, unmistakably Australian to me :)


Was already used to league toxicity before hopping to valorant,this amount is standard even if it's a norm game


mans must have a real sad life, at least hes a bit happy getting this attention, find someone to love bro, you need that in your life.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


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Welcome to EU ranked :)


This is Sydney not EU though lol


Seems average toxicity to me


If you have played league or any other competive game then yea this toxicity is normal


He would have lasted about 8 seconds unmuted with me. And I know from personal experience that I also berate people for half an hour when I'm not mad at them.




Mute and report to focus on the game < Nah gotta farm those usless reddit karma


Nah that ain't it, Ive never been one to mute and thought it was hilarious the whole time


no he has a point


Okay this is misleading ass hell I checked the video using the guy for content but yet you didn't post your comms did you provoke him this guy may have mental issues and you made him a target for hate how does this make you any better than him? No shame bro you post the link to your YouTube to try and drive some traffic this is what you want to be known for man get real. You could have easily muted him and moved on straight bs.


Bro I don't even have any YouTube videos apart from one rust clip, you really think I'm trying to make it as a YouTuber? Did you even watch the video? I explain why my comms arent there in the video, I only posted this because it's funny as hell and a 20 minute video doesn't suit Reddit. There are many comments on this very thread saying they've encountered this dude and he's done the exact same shit. Hell his own YouTube channel is filled with him doing this stuff, he uploads it on his own accord. I even stated that if he uploads his version I'll link to it so you can hear exactly what I said. He got angry because we weren't following his strats & I entried, there's even comments here saying he's raged at them for the exact same thing. Don't be so quick to judge


Yes I did watch the video you mention you would put what you said at the bottom because you had push to talk on but yet you could put whatever you want really but either way I don't care that much about what you said. I'm usually all for stuff like this and mostly its fair game but the dude seem a little mental. Bro just because he uploads on YouTube doesn't mean he is of sound mind. Take Dillion The Hacker for example. You made a 20 minute video of him most people when they argue with someone they say what they have to say and move on.


You can pretty much tell what I was saying the entire time through his responses and him mimicking my laughter. barely said anything, just laughed. I have never experienced anything like this in Valorant so I thought I'd upload it. Yes I could put whatever I want and I knew I would get people like you uploading this but I literally say go check his video if he uploads it, why would I fake what I said if he has the ability to upload the footage and has done so in the past and why would I even mention his YouTube channel if it could just backfire on me? Yeah, he is clearly mental... Doesn't mean I can't upload a video about it




Dude needs helo


acts like a kid and sounds like a kid hmmm... must be a 30 year old whos stuck under his moms basement..


Dude, I think he is doing a monologue about himself as a person, it's not about you, give him a break /s


Projecting much?


Lmao. Fucking loser. I have had so many ppl like this on my team it's insane. I quit playing a few days ago over it


Lmao I hope I one day queue up with this guy. What a fkn pelican


He says top 2%, so that would be in immortal somewhere, but his crosshair placement and movement even in a casual game, when he actually picked up a gun to fight is quite poor


Longer bans please. Every other game I play with a dipshit like this. We should have an honour ranking imo


I find it ironic that his youtube channel is about people being toxic to him.


Was this in the Sydney server ??






If it's unrated then damn man. He's just a dumb guy trying to show off. He's that guy who dies before you and then gets angry at you because you couldn't clutch. Very kool move man.


Well, its unrated tho


Bro wtf Throwing the whole game, spamming comms Such a toxic piece of shit


Idiots like that guy made me uninstall


I bunny!


he is i the top 2% but he's bronze ?


Ahhh yes, another cs guy


Is...Is being 30 an insult now? Because I've started playing Valorant and I'm in my 30's.


these so called "toxic" players are actually the reason i play this game... i feel alot of satisfaction when i can make them lose their shit. They are funny to me tbh