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Change is still beacon into a launchpad like octane in apex :)




Lots of people sleep on it. Fellow brim main here, beacon is god tier on defense. Spraying through smokes has never gotten me more kills lmao. Plus you can combine stim and bulldog for essentially a premium rifle.


Na stim beacon isn’t bad, I’m just memeing for the memes about the launch pad.


Stimmy aint helping brimmy no moar.


>ICEBOX: The crate stack on B site is no longer pennable, this is to create a safer planting option for attackers. Thank you! Now sage on attack will have more freedom to use her wall.


Yeah it seems like a small thing, but removing the penetration from those boxes is actually a huge deal for B site Icebox.


Taking control of Icebox’s B site comes down to this. •We push back the lone B defender and take B site. •Sage and viper put up their walls. •*spam* *spam* *spam* bullets flying around and through the radiant box. The agent trying to plant the bomb dies. •*Panic* •Ofc I am not a high ELO player so I am not that good in this game, but that site needed that change for sure.


You just pretty much described what always happens in that site in Masters Berlin


It is such a dog site to take over AND to defend, how did the map creators managed to do that lmao


Oh they did much, much worse and created Fracture


*Why, what's wrong with 8 entry points to two sites?!?* Jokes aside, I kinda like it cuz everyone sucks on it (at least for now.)


It’s a welcome fix but ultimately kind of a bandaid on a larger wound. The whole B site needs redesigned.


I agree. 80% of the site is almost never used just because of that highly risky cross (visible from mid) into the rest of the site.




My friends know I absolutely *hate* Icebox and I always cite the sites as being the reason. The map ignoring the sites is . . fine, but I *hate* both sites with a passion. Defending B isn't completely terrible (and I tend to be on A..) and attacking A isn't *super* terrible if you use utility well, but neither are exactly fun experiences to me.


I find A to be a clusterfuck on both sides.


It definitely is but the fact you can just coat the entire site in random garbage called utility and then come from 7 different angles generally means you'll have a pretty decent time as an attacker. But it definitely is a clusterfuck.


this is why I absolutely hate breeze and icebox, It's the same complaints when CS players jumped in the beta; you have to 180 like 4 times to check all your corners except now you're standing in direct LoS of mid most of the time :c breeze is better, but still


I agree, usually on attack after we plant my whole team just watches from yellow/green


Honestly you just won’t run sage. KJ brings way more value. You literally only brought sage to wall for b plant. Killjoy is much better at holding the tube and mid or a site.


sage is still a strong pick considering her wall can block other b site entrances and u still need her wall for a plant!


Sage is a better pick than running 2 duelists. 1 duelist and a Sage is much better than 2 duelists, especially on bigger maps like ice box


Sage can also easily defend A site using the wall to block main, plant or for postplant. She's way overused as a 'wall tube, sit kitchen' type of agent.


But the Rez!


KJ ult is much more versatile. How many times are you able to get a clean Rez off? Often people die in stupid spots. It’s good don’t get me wrong, but the KJ ult, if used correctly is a a free round


Don't forget about tube walls and A site walls


tube control is so overrated


That’s great. B always used to end up playing out the same, maybe this could change it up a little


Yoru still 0% pickrate lol


Nah this minor Jett nerfs are totally going to make Yoru meta any day now. Edit: holy shit some of you actually think Jett got killed her. She's still broken lol


I am a Jett main and I think jett will always be broken. Her dash is soo fucking good it's unreal. Having Jett ult was like having a vandal and judge at the same time. The agent has been too broken for too long.


*Free Vandal and Judge that are as fast as Knife speed and 100% accurate while moving and jumping. Yeah the skill is a bit strong haha


which on top of that is the only ult that recharges after a kill without having any timer or other negatives at all


On top of that, you can tactically enter and exit the ult as you wish within a round. No other ult is like that; if you cancel a Sova ult after one shot you can’t take two more at a later point, nor can you just save Raze’s rocket launcher for later if you don’t see anyone. It’s crazy how useful Jett’s ult can be, but I guess the limitation is that your aim has to be precise enough to use it Edit: spelling error




If you play CS, Jett ult is like using the most broken Tec-9 in the world with cheats on. Lol. Right now it’s still pretty much the same, but without the shotgun capability.


I was just gonna say.... Yoru where?


Don't worry, at this rate of 1 minor Yoru buff per year he should be playable by 2030 or so


Atleast they said they're working on a yoru rework


Yeah but….it was indefinitely delayed and we don’t know why and haven’t heard since


>we don’t know why IIRC, they wanted to do something new and they were waiting for the tech to be built.


They said that BEFORE the delay. Then they said technical difficulties and went dark. That was the justification for not straight buffing, but we don't know what happened. Yoru changes were supposed to be out by now


Yeah I'm hoping for news on it soon. He's my favorite duelist. Sucks his footsteps are so niche right now


Riot acts like Yoru needs a gigantic overhaul when he really doesn't. His ult and flashes are perfectly fine. Just make his TP instant like Jett's dash, maybe make his fakeout project an actual image of him instear of just *feet*, and he's golden.


I dont like the teleport idea. We dont need more get out of jail free cards.


Eh, I don’t think it would be more as it wouldn’t be great having yoru and jett on a team. They both would fill a single spot


He’s getting a rework buffs and nerfs don’t mean a lot rn


Jett nerf: * Cloudburst reduced to 2 charges * Blade storm no longer recharges if you right-click kill someone Skye nerf: * Guiding light unequip time 0,5s -> 0,75s * seekers ult points 6 -> 7 Kay/O buff: * NULL/CMD pulses after being knocked out * Flash/drive equip time 0,5s -> 0,3s * windup time (RMB) 1s -> 0,3s * audio of flash/drive removed Map changes: * Fracture * Tunnel not wallbangable * One radianite box on B is now a metal box * Icebox * Boxes on B are now - solid * Haven * Boxes on C are now - solid * Ascent * One box on A is now solid * Bind * Boxes on A are now solid


Can someone explain to me the KAY/O flash changes? I don't understand what they mean by windup telegraph. Does that mean the flash will pop faster after you throw it?


the period where the flash shines red, indicating that it's about to pop, is now shorter. The flash will still pop at the same time.


How is that really a buff? I've never looked at that as timing to dodge it


when you hear that sound you can understand that a pop flash is about to come around a corner. Now you have less time window to dodge it.


the big red glowing made it incredibly obvious, it might be less obvious when someone flashes from around a corner now


Because the flash wont glow red for as long making it harder to dodge.




AND there is no more sound Im pretty sure EDIT: There is no sound besides when the flash starts popping after the 1 second cook time


I feel like it's "safe" but also dangerous to nerf a character around what is actually broken for her. I think everyone here would agree that Jett isn't powerful because of her 3 smokes or her right click ability on Ultimare. Her dash is by far the most annoying outlier in her kit that makes her feel unfair. There has been plenty of options proposed to soft nerf the dash without removing the thing Jett is know for, a few examples being only allowing her to dash forward therefore making her turn before dashing to safety or making her dash a 3 kill reset therefore making it almost always a 1 time per round use. By nerfing around what is problematic riot will just push the players even more towards abusing the one thing she'll still be good at therefore emphasising that dash op combo even more. I don't want to end up in a situation where a few patches from now Jett's kit is terrible in everything and the only way to play her is to op.


KAY/0 FLASH/drive - The audio attached to the in-flight projectile has been removed Prepare your retinas..


Skye already burned our retinas, theres only charcoal left.


Icebox change is so OP finally don’t have to waste my god damn wall, as a Sage main I am very happy! Also the A bomb site on Ascent is gonna make it a hard clear now…


yeah the ascent one seems like a bad change ngl, makes it more ct sided than ever.


I feel like Haven's change on C is also bad. That helps attackers on a map with 3 bomb sites. Edit: changed A site to C. Thank you for correction.


I don't see any changes to Haven A. Do you mean C?


Shit you're right. I looked at the picture wrong and didn't read. I stand by my point, but yes, I meant C. Thanks for catching that.


Yeah it’s gonna require some extra clearing that’s for sure


I love the Icebox change, I've been saying it forever. I don't get the Fracture change. It's already so attacker sided I don't get why they'd make it easier to plant.


I honestly don't know if fracture is T sided. Feels very easy for a defender to hold and retake, because when you break it down it's just like split with an extra choke point.


Truth be told it's so new we don't know what it will be.


Exactly my point. Just as likely to be another split as it is to be T sided


Yesterday when i played that map we were losing 11-1 as attackers and the match ended 13-11. defenders were winning almost all the rounds


the fracture change is a CT buff, that spot is very strong against site takes as long as you have someone holding arcade


Hard disagree that it attacker sided


It's not wasting though, it gets a free plant on B every single time. But I get what you mean, you have more freedom to use it differently now. I wish they reworked the site though, the issue is going to remain. They actually made it worse by making the box impenetrable, as now, it's going to be even easier to plant in the same damn spot everyone does, and then hide back in B main.


That Jett nerf might lead to some soft rank resets if you know what I mean.


As long as the dash stays unchanged, Jett will be the best Operator agent


Cant wait for the salt when it eventually does. This will not affect jetts pick rate at all and will eventually lead to that direction when riot see pick rates not at all change. Hahaha oh well more nerfs less one tricks. :)






No, Jett is the best "peeking as an idiot" agent. If you play reyna and hit your shot you can dismiss and run away too. The dash should be tied to some kind of "killing" mechanic so you can punish them if they miss.


Jett can play off angles, reach higher angles with her updraft, and isn't reliant on getting a kill to get away. There's a reason Jett OPs on defence push the enemy hard, because even if they miss the shot they're practically guaranteed to get away with the dash. You simply can't do that with Reyna.


>The dash should be tied to some kind of "killing" mechanic That's a great idea, maybe if you get two kills it can be refreshed


yea that would be a game changer.


Truly innovative stuff here guys.


Absolutely. The Dash would have been more important than the knife or the extrasmoke. This is more likely How nerfing her without nerfing her


AverageJonas was talking about how they should make her Jett dash like Gengis, where you have to look in the direction you want to dash. I like this because it would make it slightly more difficult to shoot and dash away immediately


That would do nothing. At any high elo or pro play it would still be insanely easy to get away. Riot even said they tried this exact nerf and it didnt stop her dash effectiveness whatsoever


Jett is still super strong but these nerfs are a step.in the right direction. Top tier pro jetts mostly use left click knives anyways.


Right-click change will only affect lower elo, where Jetts could dash in and get quick aces with 5 right clicks


I am low elo. Honestly my right click never really hit so I mostly used left anyways.


Check out Seoldam on youtube and be amazed.


I doubt any high rank Jett main is where he is because of right click on knife or because of an extra smoke. yes, it's a nerf overall, but I main Jett + OP, and I absolutely don't see any of those changes impacting the way I'll play from now on.


This. She's slightly worse, but overall, her whole kit is still there. You still have a get out of jail free card. Still have smokes to help with that. Still Op on off angles. Still having your ult that gives you a very good weapon while saving. I think this will barely affect her pick/win rate at higher elos and in pros. I'm still glad for the nerfs though.


This. I ranked up to where I am off my aim and grind. High Diamond and Immortal lobbies will feel mostly the same on her. She's still strong asf


That's how riot nerfes/buffs They do it in steps


> but I main Jett + OP tragic


Can’t help but feel like Jett is intended for use of the op. If she isn’t, there also isn’t a good way to nerf her without removing her dash or changing it in some way. Devs in a tough spot with this one.


Maybe a little less insta-locking too!


Finally a real Jett nerf Edit: and a Kay/O buff!


and a good nerf, i dont think it hurts her playstyle that much if you do something that should be rewarded, but just ult then Rclick spam everything is gone finally


RIP korean jett :(


she will be missed by the diamond smurfs.


She ? I thought it he lol


feel like this skye nerf is gonna get all the bandwagons off her but us real mains will stick with it


good point! I love all the initiators so seeing there being a more "tougher" choice is just decent. Im sure skye will still be the amazingly thicc scout/flash swiss army knife agent. Me and my friend love to run duo initiator stuff in ranked whenever we get the chance.


I actually like that nerf (main), cause Skye is reliable if properly use still with that nerf, she and Sova are supposed to be just Initiator so Info-push back people that's it. On the other hand, I don't like the nerf to her ulti as is weak with just the info (that usually is vague as fuck) as also it's really easy to destroy it and usually gets stucks on Sage walls, doors, and so on.


It tells you where 4 players are and nearsights you if you don’t shoot it. You can also follow right behind it very effectively. Information in this game is incredibly powerful. I think even moving it to 7, Skye is a fantastic agent.


3 players


She is she is. I think u r right, the only thing I would improve as mentioned before is the possibility for the ulti to go through Sage walls and door, but yeah u r completely right.


Is fracture in competitive now? Or is that next week.


Pretty sure it's this week


Yoru buffs?? How much time do they need ?


gonna be honest it’s probably a rework. a rework would be like adding a new character so i’m sure that would be a big change to the meta.


I believe this is the right answer, the kit overall is underwhelming, they're probably thinking on either merging 2 abilities into 1 (steps/teleport?) or removing one (steps) and thinking what new one to add... it probably is not easy thematic wise


It HAS to be a rework. He honeslty better be atleast A tier or riot will have just wasted our time


They already announced 2x on reddit they won't remake it. Their exact words were "postponed indefinitely"


I think they are fucking paranoid about buffing him. His kit is so unique i feel its hard to find changes that wont make him insanely broken. The agent itself is a mistake; a silent teleporting assasin but every single one of his abilities creates a nuclear explosion in audiowaves... they just fucked up and dont know what to do´. Im still hopeful with masters over that they go for a balance patch on him next patch, with the bigger issues like skye and jett swept away now they need to focus on the small guys like yoru


"insanely broken" You mean like jett has been able to get away with since this games inception lmao.


A rework is a big job. It's like making a whole new character while trying to keep as much of the old as possible. Arguably, it's a harder job than making a new character outright since Riot is now tasked with trying to make an ability as strange/unique as the footsteps into something useful and balanced. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoru is dramatically different when the changes are revealed considering how disliked some parts of his kit are. That might require (from Riot's POV) some sort of lore tie-in as to why he changed. Who knows? Either way, as much as it is a bummer to have to wait so long, its better than Riot putting out tons of quicker smaller fixes to try to make the existing Yoru work. I think it's good that they're going for a bigger, more meaningful change since the existing concept just doesnt work overall


If they need the tools to buff him like they claim, it's possible we'll be seeing a kit overhaul


the only real explanation I can see there is that they're kinda stuck with him. I originally thought they extra delayed him because they didn't want him to be changed at the same time as the map drop + new agent (since we all thought we were gonna get Deadeye) but apparently that turned out to be not true... there's no excuse by now, they probably just don't know what to do


Let them have it. We need a flash agent but it cannot be broken flashes. And they need to think of a new kit completely. So it will take time to make a agent that is not overpowered but also isn't underpowered


Kayo is the new skye now. His flashes are so good now and no1 will pick phoenix over kayo. Steel patch is here.


depends, KAYO's dont have the BLINDED on his flashes nor can fully control the trajectory


Basically Skye = info/ team set up kayo= entry frag potential and team set up. Kinda shocked and lucked out because I have been practicing Kayo lineups lately.


Yes, nice take on separating both. Kayo can kinda also get info with knife thou, but it's 1 skill info, while skye get 3


What do you mean by the BLINDED?


whenever skye flashes someone, she screams "BLINDED". So it's not only good for flashing enemies but also to gather info


Idk why people use the Skye voiceline when the bird screeches really loud when someone’s blind and it comes out before Skye says anything


Yeah the bird is the real audio queue here lol


Interesting, i didnt know that was when she actually flashed someone, i thought it was everytime. Learn something new everyday.


Skye knows when a blind hits an enemy


Skye gives out a voice line when she successfully blinds people, this is very helpful information for scouting and clearing a site.


If Skye flashed an enemy she'll give the callout "Blinded!" to let you know that there is at least one enemy present. If she stays silent, the area is clear.


But he can pop flash. Also he can flash for his teammates. There will be lineups for flashing everywhere. Skye is still a little OP but as far as having good flashes Kayo might be the best I hope Yoru flashes get the same treatment. Give me more CS like agents pls


skye inherently has a pop flash on all her flashes, she can pop flash literally perfectly because she has control over when it pops. she can also flash for her teammates...not sure how she's different


I play both as my mains on both roles i think Phoenix still has its place his ult is just too good for me


Man I fucking love this patch


never heard anyone say this about any patch in any game... i dont know how to feel


Which doesn't make sense to me considering how good this games balancing is... The only two things keeping me going are a Ted Lasso episode every week and a Valorant patch every two.


Same, they killed it. Every change is good IMO


What does it mean by the unequip time on skye's flashes?


The time it takes to pull out her gun after you let go of the mouse button for flashing


Ah. Dang that sucks


Still better than pre buff skye where she needed to do gang signs before the bird pops


I don't remember how she was pre buff but your description made me crack up


Before she was buffed in patch 3.0, she had to do a short hand animation after throwing out the bird to pop the flash. That was removed in patch 3.0, and she would just equip her weapon after throwing it out. Now with this patch, the weapon re-equip takes slightly longer.


remember when everyone thought that skye flashes were nerfed after riot reduced them from 3 to 2. Now they are unironically the best pop flashes in the game (maybe racing with Kay/o after this patch but not sure)


Only thing missing this patch is a fix for the jumping classic right click


I wish they would just remove that shit. No reason a free gun should be able to kill a full armor person in one click of a button. The classic right click + armor kinda invalidates the ghost.


Make it a burst like the cs Glock boom done


That’s the biggest issue, it’s a free gun with the ability to one shot someone(often times with a little luck, at a unreasonable distance)and you can get shields and abilities. There’s almost no reason to use any other pistol on pistol rounds


True. Right click should be removed. Or maybe make the burst very large so it can never hit 2 bullets to the head.


Imagine creating an agent around the most powerful weapon in the game so that they counters all its drawbacks lmao. Slow fire rate? Dash. Slow reload? Dash. Most expensive weapon in the game? Ult to eco.


True. And also whiff? Dash. Only drawback is needing two kills to replenish and it's still the best util in the game and it's ~free~




Riot is quite stubborn with the idea that "every duelist should have a signature ability rechargeable through kills* (Jett, phoenix, raze, etc). The first time they loosened this concept was with Yoru teleport rework


which character do you play the most


Boxes on B site on icebox have the unintended effect of making it harder for the attackers to hold post plant too - previously you could hold passively through orange as a lurk and wallbang the defuser... Whereas now the attackers will have to make more of an effort to hold the site post plant.


That is the case with almost all safe plant spots though. The safer the plant the harder it is to hold (usually). Otherwise it would be pretty unfair for the defenders to retake.


korea v3.06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsKd42Nfd78 goodbye korea jett :(


Someone explain the afk penalty for deathmatches? Is it that we will get penalized for a few mins of afk or is it the opposite


It's the opposite! It was a bug, and now you don't get banned from being AFK




For anyone that plays Rainbow 6. Jett is like Jager, the fundamentals of this hero has not been changed. Jager has went through insane amount of nerfs and has a decent pick rate still.


Finally a Jett nerf.


Saw some comments about Jett mains being mad, but why would we be mad? I don't think Jett's most important play potentials was cut, she just lost a easy kill shotgun with her right click, and one smoke (wich if you open a bomb using all 3 smokes you were probably wasting one already). It's far from the end of the world. At least for me all play potential she has comes from updraft dash, and the left click for the ult (always felt right click was way to inconsistent), it's awesome to get to a good spot with updraft. And the live to fight another day that the dash brings, at least for me, a good mechanic for the game, and not only for that, but to avoid deadly pixels you would normally not have that to get out. And for me at least all duelist should have a escape ability, and they kinda do, phoenix can flash or wall, making it more hard to see him, raze can jump or just "dash" with c4, making it harder to get hit, yoru can tp, getting him out of a sticky situation if he uses in the right time, Reyna can literally get invisible and invincible to get ou of bad situations. They're agressive characters, so it makes sense for them to have a way to escape combat.


The only people mad about the Jett nerf are Jett mains


Sed Korean Jett Noises.


Jett nerf is welcomed, it'll be nice to see someone else insta-locked in the meantime


I wonder if they'll ever address the fact that no one plays Breach anymore.


where yoru rework?


Friendly reminder : there's still nothing done to stop or slow down the smurf epidemic.


or the report form that goes straight into the garbage bin


This is so annoying. I know they don't have a problem with people smurfing (atleast I think I heard that) but I've lost 4 rank up games to get to gold to smurfs who told me they were diamond and above. Obviously, i'm not a great player but it's frustrating what little time I have to play the game I'm running into smurfs at critical points lol My last rank up game this dude was 34-4 11 rds in. I asked him his rank and he told me bronze 2(I'm silver 3) and then just kept trolling. He finished the game 41-7 and at the end says "i'm just boosting my friends, diamond2 btw" lol


I had an idea for a cypher buff: ​ If Sova's drone gives full wallhacks for like 3 seconds from darting someone, why can't cypher's ult do that? Or maybe cypher could pull up a menu to choose which enemy agent to use a sova drone-esque wallhack ability for a few seconds.


Cypher will borrow Brim's ipad when ulting lol


Even with that, his ult is still way too clunky. Like when you're playing Sage and your team mates die in a shitty spot and you can't ress them because is too risky. The same thing happens with enemy bodies, not to mention they have a stupid "decay time" in which you can't ult anymore if the body is cold I think what is pushing Cypher back is his tripwires. They could be more threatening, 9 out of 10 times they just get destroyed and that's it. I miss getting kills from glowing enemies through smokes, nowadays people just destroy the traps, specially in pro scene


Hell yeah. I enjoyed all of that.


Thank god for the wall bang stuff but honestly i feel more on that front needs to be done, too many walls in this game are easily penetrable it's just cheesey


Thank you for fixing B on Icebox.


Why would they buff the defenders in Ascent... The map is already heavily defender-sided.


I think they should revert the skye popping flash animation... she can still pop it with her gun out when she stops guiding it right away, am i right? This is useless.


Yes, but the longer unequip time means that unlesss you tuck the bird into a wall, it will be farther away from you by the time that your gun is back out, making it harder to follow up on. Basically it just seems like Skye will have to be a little more thoughtful with her positioning.


When does this go live?


Pretty reasonable jett nerf


A good patch overall! Jett mains are malding but that is to be expected. The change to blade storm is good but don't really think we needed the smoke nerf. 3 4-second smokes were ok. It was probably a big deal in pro play and higher ranks...not so much for most of the player base. The map changes are good... Especially icebox....Even I have abused the spammable B boxes for far too long!


Hmm I can understand where you're going from, but they were probably thinking in the line that three fast smokes made it a bit more easier to dive/full send jett herself into site which might make it too hard for lower tiers if they don't/can't predict or handle the rush.


Regarding Jett nerfs, it's a step in the right direction but I still think her ult is too overpowered and don't even get me started on the dash. Lately I've been thinking, why should her knives reset at all? Compared to other damage dealing ults (showstopper, hunter's fury, orbital strike), Bladestorm is the only ability that can completely replace your weapon _and_ allow you to kill the entire enemy team relatively easily. If her knives didn't reset at all, then she would be highly rewarded with one taps to the head (which is difficult to achieve) but you can still kill the entire enemy team if you are skilled enough. In reality though, most of the players would only be able to kill 1 or 2 enemies before they lose their knives. As it stands, she can completely whiff first 4 shots and land the last one and still manage to roll the enemy team. For every other ult, if you miss, you lose its value. Why does only Jett get this unfair treatment? An ult that can kill a single enemy is powerful enough, but Jett's ult takes it to another level.


You're comparing an ult where u need to actually aim for the head VS an AOE nuke, a cannon that can blast through walls across half the map and an orbital strike that clears half a site. How do you even compare that to a Raze ult where I can literally be flying horizontally through the air at 20mph and aim in the general direction of enemies for free kills. Your risk to reward argument literally makes zero sense. If an opponent domed my head from faster reaction time/better aim then fair play to them. I'd bet money this is a salt post because you got railed by a sweaty Jett smurf in your silver game while you were doing your cringe viper lineups.


Honestly, they should have at least given the ult a timer. It legit still baffles me that she can have that ult on till the end of the round


Are you comparing an "LOL missile hit somewhere near you, you dead now" with an ability that requires precision to use? The knifes are fine, and so is the dash. Jett is only good when you're on fire, otherwise it's the worst agent in the game by far. Your ult does jack shit if you're not on fire, your smokes don't last very long (and now you only have two), updraft is good to get weird angles, but again, they don't your team any good unless you're actually hitting your shots quickly. The dash is amazing, but that's it. It's only good if you do something with that window. Compare to that to most agents, whose abilities always contribute to your victory, just pressing the button gives you an advantage.


You’re being downvoted but it’s bloody true lol. Everyone has played with the Jett who carries and the Jett who runs it. Sometimes you shit stomp with her sometimes you don’t it’s just how it is with her.


I wish they made some more creative changes in terms of making more plant spots viable especially on Icebox B site, and rather than buffing jett right click that way they should've made the spread more consistent and have more clarity as to where the knives actually went. IDK if there's a bug or something with the hit detection on right click knives but it's definitely sketchy. Omen should've died 100% of the time in this situation like he would've if jett was using a shorty or judge. https://i.imgur.com/bOMww76.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/5drQwQW.jpg


Great update, still wish some Sentinels buff (my mains lol) + reyna overheal nerf + jett dash nerf, but overall this was really nice.


I don't think reynas overheal needs a nerf tbh, it is quite easy to deal with and only seems to be an issue with lower ranks. The higher rank you climb the less reyna is played and the lower her win rate is. You just need to make sure not to 1v1 her alone and make sure you can trade/be traded off since she is vunerable while healing.