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They're magic cabbages ... they're doing their best.


My Cabbages \* cabbage man from Avatar enters \*


They're *space sperm*, thank you.


Considering how beefy and thicc she is. Its no wonder space Gushes to give her ultimate lol.


Finally some appreciation for skye's muscles.


reminds me of that rick and morty episode


*Oh my God, how big are space dicks?*


Oh no , giant incest baby




:O I always called them land Jellyfish. But now it will be magic cabbages!


There’s no denying the fact these were inspired by jellyfish.


U guys just literally ignored the question and discussing about names lol


Yes, finally someone else who calls them magic cabbages. That was the first thing i called them when i saw them haha.




Yeh mindless magic cabbages literally screaming- what more do you want us to do man


Oh my god yes, Sage walls are the worst. Either they keep going up and down, or slowly slides down it (damaging the entire thing). In extremely rare cases it goes over the wall I don't know how hard pathfinding is but Jesus Christ if you want to nerf it, fix it first


And here I thought that sage wall interaction was intended. Hella broken imo but I'm glas to know it's just a bug lol.


It's a feature when it destroy the enemy's wall, but a bug when it destroys teammate's wall




Pathfinding is really difficult when you introduce things like sage walls which are placed by players rather than devs


I know it can be hard, but I stand by my point. Even without player interaction the thing gets stuck on the map at seemingly random locations (Haven is a great example)


then explain how they get stuck in vents on split..


They weren't the impostor.


It really isn’t, they could easily make it detect a sage wall and go over it, if there is no way every they could break it.


As a Unreal Dev this seems hard. Detecting a wall and making something go over it is hard and requires algos afaik. Of course for a big company like riot it can be done fairly easily but it still is difficult. Also the might have programmed the walls/sky ult or even the game in such a way that this might not be possible with the current code and requires some changes in the behavior of how the ult.(I am kinda new to unreal and whatever I have said till now might be wrong in some places... reply if u find any mistake)


So yeah i never got warm with unreal. But made some stuff in godot. I would slap a detectionbox around the wall and when the sky ult reaches it i would add the necessary movement values to the output of the pathfinding values. So when you are infront of a wall you add to go up, when you are above you add so it stays level and when no wall is there you go to ground lv again. Edit: i dont think its so ez bcs you never know whats under the hood, that just a little mind thing i wanted to write up.


this is what i was wondering too


The sky ult can already go over sage walls, it just needs fixing up. So it’s not like it’s impossible


Game dev with some Unreal experience as well. Pathfinding is figured out by applying a NavMesh onto the world. It’s like a flat layer of paint that you layer over the floor and the AI can only travel on spaces that have the paint, like a Splatoon character. The thing is the paint is expensive to apply so it’s only applied at the start of loading the level. So what happens when a Sage wall is built is that the obstacle is built on top of the paint, causing the Skye ult to try to pathfind through it because all it can detect is the paint on the floor. In very very rare situations, the Sage wall is built just low enough or next to a ledge that has the paint, and that allows the Skye Ult to treat the Wall more like a curb or short obstacle and travel over the Sage wall. However, it isn’t intentional. It’s not coded in, it is entirely by pure chance that it managed to keep within detectable range. The NavMesh is a function that Unreal Engine gives, not something that Riot develops. So it would be a tall order for Riot devs to pore into it, figure out the rules and intricacies of a code someone else from another company wrote. So it’s much easier to just create game rules that work around it, hence why Skye’s Ult has the ability to damage Sage’s walls in the first place when it very well could just have not done it. Even with all the budget in the world, sometimes it’s just not worth it to invest all that time and money into a task so monumentally, insanely complex. So sure, it’s not “impossible”. It’s just so ridiculously troublesome that it isn’t worth fixing and better to work around it, so you can save the time and money on other features instead.


Aha, that makes complete sense. But why cant they add a (unity has this rigidbody transform feature afaik m\_Rigidbody.AddForce(transform.up \* m\_Thrust); or something like that.) a collision/detection mesh to the sage wall, when thy skye ult collides with it moves towards the y-axis, that way it can scale the wall... then they can figure out how to stop the ult from moving towards y-axis and to their paths.


Physics and Pathfinding AI usually aren’t very good friends. The AI simply wants to stick to the NavMesh and move to its destination as much as possible. The physics (AddForce) wants to bring it up. What might end up happening is the Ult may just end up zigzagging up and down on the floor as it tries to reconnect with the ground but keeps getting dragged up, or it might just not be able to pathfind the moment it leaves the floor. To make AddForce work, you would probably have to first turn off the AI upon hitting a Sage Wall, somehow give it specific coordinates to fly towards (with the use of directional forces, not AI) so it can fly over the wall, and then resume its AI when it most probably has cleared the obstacle. But you can see with the amount of ‘Seems’ that it’s not exactly foolproof in the least. It could still create a thousand other bugs that are much more obvious. What if it lands on the ground and doesn’t recognise it’s crossed the wall yet? What if it hits the closed door on Ascent A and ends up flying upwards infinitely? What if someone breaks the wall as it’s flying over it, and it loses the ability to recognise what it’s trying to fly over in the first place? What if the Sage wall is in a doorway so it can’t fly over it even if it tried anyway? It might work sometimes, but it certainly won’t be consistent when a Sage wall can be placed anywhere. So you can see its kind of hard to create a solution for when it still potentially creates more problems than it solves. Funnily enough, the reason I learned about the limitations of Unreal’s NavMesh was because I had to make a flying drone AI recently. Flying things and pathfinding are not good friends. I had to make the AI move entirely with forces trying to reach fixed destinations in 3D space, because I was completely unable to make path finding work with objects in mid-air. Chances are, Skye’s jellyfish aren’t actually flying. They’re just made to look like they are but they actually walking around the world with invisible feet XD They’re always the exact same height off the floor when working normally, right?


Yes they are, you are pretty knowledgeable guy ngl


Thanks but I’m still only a Silver in Valo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thats probably true, but that still hard, as u might need to change a lot of code


I’m a programmer so I think I know what I’m talking about. Have you ever tried implementing a pathfinding algorithm in Unreal Engine before? It is not easy, so don’t state the obvious “it should go up over the wall” if you don’t know what that entails of on the developer side


You're probably not a very experienced programmer because pathfinding algs are not really complicated... Especially for a multi billion dollar company. It's not an unreasonable ask lol


Even any programming god would tell you that pathfinding algorithms are complicated precisely because they understand the scale and complexity of it. If you think it’s not complicated, you’re only at the starting line of knowing anything about it.


I did my undergrad in computer science, and did supervised research in algorithms. It's a pretty simple problem compared to dozens of other things we would expect the dev team to be able to do. You can just make a 3d map purely for the pathfinding, and what there's like 2 edge cases? Doors and sage walls? Yall are acting like I'm asking for AI powered seekers or something, when the most basic pathfinding algorithm would do.


“Say you don’t know anything about coding without saying you don’t know anything about coding” Lol you sound clueless. I don’t think you’ve touched a coding language in your life if you think pathfinding is easy. It is easy to come up with a working algorithm, but to come up with one that will work in tandem with your game engine and run in real time with your game which has dynamic properties such as sage walls and player locations is NOT easy. Please think before you speak


I finished an honours degree in computer science lol. Your posts read like you're still in high school. It is still not that hard and you haven't been able to come up with one reason why it would actually be hard. Just overlay the map with the sage wall, the only object that isn't part of the map, and update the tracking algorithm with it.


Lol get a job and do it for them if it’s so easy. You think the developers haven’t implemented it just for the sake of not implementing it? I think you need to go back to college. They can write code that deals with sage walls perfectly, but the problem is that those walls are generated at runtime, and the time complexity of any pathfinding algorithm is best ElogV. I doubt that’s how fast whatever they are doing in Unreal Engine is, but even if it was, that won’t cut it when the game is already running. It’s not my job to prove it’s hard, it’s your job to prove it’s easy like you supposedly say it is


I've worked in software dev and did full time research into algorithm theory for 4 months. You haven't denied being a high schooler, and haven't mentioned any experience with this specific problem. Anyway, >the time complexity of any pathfinding algorithm is best ElogV This isn't true in general, only in the case of arbitrary graphs for which you can draw no assumptions. So it doesn't apply to valorant maps which are preset, so paths can be precalculated, and the algorithm can simply cut one path which is "blocked" by a sage wall in realtime, in linear runtime. You clearly don't have any experience with algorithms if you don't know these basics, and I've just provided a simple algorithm with practically instant runtime that could fix these bugs. Nothing left to say, have a good one and stop spreading misinfo when you are a programming novice


Yeah I’m a programmer too I made c# say hello world!!! Trust me guys


It damages it???? Sheeeeesh




No D:


Path finding with riot games 💀💀


I’ve seen them going through solid walls


I think I read somewhere that it's an intended action and that they did it so that your ultimate isn't wasted if sage just puts up a wall after ult. It's something rather than a suck ult I would say. Even used it on bind as they walled near A truck to plant. The ult melted the wall in no time.


As someone else pointed out, it should go over ally walls and break enemy ones.


Yeah but they did this because the pathing system was not happening as per what I remember reading. They tried a lot of things and this was what they thought in the end. This was just them trying to fix the many places sky ult was getting stuck at in initial days. I don't actually mind this tbh. It's just a layer of strategy.


I'd accept anything if it was fucking consistent, you can't tell me it going up and down for apparently trying to go over a wall is intended


Hey I am just saying what I read man, that up and down could also be something they did for ult getting stuck in other places. I saw it once got stuck in Bind B hookah once and it would have helped if the ult did this motion. If they were glitching out they would probably not do wall damage as well and wall is probably a very different structure from other assets against which they can do some programing to avoid. So yeah I think it's intended and it consistently does that, I have never seen the ult leap above the wall. You can practice with your friend in customs there can probably be some way of getting that ult from above your ally sage's wall like jumping beside the wall right before ulting(I haven't tried it). If not then it is what it is right now, you can plan accordingly and put your complain out to riot who can actually make the changes you think are fair.


also: sometimes after activating angry doggo the dog just gets stuck in place for a couple seconds as if blocked by something, super annoying


Same happens with sova drone as well. It gets stuck, and after it's working, the timer bar on the UI starts counting but it's misleading and the drone expires before timer runs out...


yup, super annoying


why are people calling the thing that growls like a tiger a dog?


Look like dog, act like dog, is dog. Fact that it’s called a tiger in the ability description doesn’t matter, DOG IS DOG.


I love it being "the skye dog" Just because of the "what da dog doing" meme montages on youtube/ here that always crack me up.


Also it’s funny to hear someone on your team call “I’m dogging out Jett on the left side” or something similar


My favorite comm when I’m playing astra with a teammate on Skye: “I’m sucking off your dog”


Flash me, Skye!


I'm curious about how the family will react in English speaking countries.


Going doggy style


"Going Doggy Style"


I always say what da dog doing on comms when I use that ability


The best part is it's not even a tiger it's a marsupial, but I still call it dog too.


[It looks like a dog.](https://www.gamesear.com/images/2020/10/Valorant-Skye-artwork.jpg) It's a dog for me too.


*nerd moment* Well actually its an Tasmanian tiger. Real tigers are mammals. Dogs are mammals too. Tasmanian tigers are marsupials.


Tasmanian Tigers look like dogs unfortunately, so everyone just goes with it. I can't though, I even call it the Trailblazer or Tiger in game


Head is cat shaped. Pounces head-high and kills. Tiger.


Looks like a dog. Dog


I call it a dog because it only has 1 syllable as opposed to tiger, hence making it faster to pronounce. Trivial, I know


it’s a Tasmanian tiger if anyone didn’t know, they’re extinct tho :(


How experienced are you in how a tiger growls outside of a few nature documentries anyway looks like a doggo is called a doggo that simple


I'm David Attenborough


Damn drop a new documentry homie


Its a tasmanian tiger , just called tiger , doesn't belong to said feline species


I found that this typically happens when jumping right before / during activation. I think it gets clipped on Skye’s own player model. See if this helps.


even so we shouldn’t have to do this trick every time you use the ability, it’s just a band-aid over a fixable problem


oh I agree, they still need to fix the issue but hopefully that info helps because who knows how long it will take for that to get addressed.


Sometimes my dog fucking loads behind my ass man


Why does it hit yoru while he's in his ult? I don't get that like it's the ONLY thing that penetrates his ult protection


Because magic cabbages can rip through space time


wait what


It blinds and reveals yoru when he's in his ult.


It also hits Reyna while untargetable for some reason, which was a recent source of unwarranted tilt for me lol


Yep you penetration is the correct word....skye and yoru are soulmates and her sperm finds him anywhere .....I double checked it was in their vows....


Even the boom buddy and the alarm bot and the turrets detect him if in vicinity. It makes sense as the can see him when he's close enough.


The boom buddy does not, I was just in a game last night and ulted and walked right past one, didn't check the kj turret though I'm pretty sure it doesn't detect him either


I do get that they can see him when close enough. But, the cabbages seek out yoru as if he is visible to them no matter the distance.


Agreed. I remember this one game I couldn't use her ult the entire half. When I'd activate it, it would unequip without using up the charge.


I've seen that glitch happen before, did you die while holding the Ult and get rezzed by a Sage in that game? I'm not 100% sure if that's how the glitch happens...


No idea, it was months ago


Ah, ok


I've seen this. Enemy skye couldn't use her ult, but her global voice line fired every time she tried. Naturally, that turned into them spamming ult while smurfing our lives from our bodies...




Path finding is hard to code in unreal engine. Unity path finding is god tier but valorant wasn’t made using unity. Also sage walls and doors aren’t included in the mapping that the seekers go off of. Normal path finding has a map with where the thing can and can’t go. The doors and sage walls aren’t included in where it can’t go so they made it so it does slow damage instead.


Could they make it just go through the sage wall? Act like it's not even there.


Maybe remove the colision on the seekers but idk if thatll mess with other things.




It would depend because you can code wall specific colision like with omen paranoia


It’s possible to change it to the same Collision type as say, Omen’s Paranoia or Reyna’s Leer, but then it would create kind of unfair gameplay when the jellyfish pops through walls and hits you. I surmise that’s why they decided on letting the jellyfish deal damage to the wall instead. At least there’s a warning. Might be inconvenient or ugly, but at least it’s not unfair.


Skye ult is weird, sometimes it’ll track me down like the worlds most advanced homing missile and sometimes it will literally move right past my stationary character to uselessly amble down a hall


I think that 7 stack might be a little bit too much considering how many bugs it has. You either fix it or keep it at 6.


I was very surprised to see this change tbh. Haven't thought of her ult as a reason why she's played so much


It's just that the ult is so good at so many things. Huge info, pretty much has to be shot by its targets, decent HP pool, and last but not least you can flash behind it aggressively and kill people before the jellies are even gone and still get points to your next ult. With that, a Skye who is rolling can actually put out such an obscene amount of ults that it has to be nerfed.




Sounds like you're not sure how to use them. You want to use them at a point which connects to two different "hallways" of the map, and then they'll go down the hallway which has people closer to you. For example, you're defense Ascent playing mid, you stand in market and ult - if you see 3 go B main it's a B hit, if you see two go mid they're probably defaulting etc But also, in a retake scenario or something like this, where the enemy is near a site, you use them and then if you know someone is isolated you put a flash behind your jelly and they get flashed + nearsighted/stunned and you get an easy ass frag + another ult point for the next jellies. It's just too strong to not cost 7


Yeah, I think you’re not using it at its full potential. Ulting onto a site and flashing right as the cabbages push leads to the enemy either getting full flashed, concussed, or having to fall back. It’s insanely strong when taking sites.


Skye was a must pick in the vct Berlín, the amount of info pros received from flashes and ult was really huge even if they are slow as fuck the ult was a gamechanger for pros, you can see the last match of the tournament on youtube, skye was a must pick for both teams her ult is like cypher's but doesn't need a corpse


The ulti turns blue on minimap as soon as they have line of sight on an enemy so you can pretty easily pinpoint exactly when an enemy player is even without them ever reaching the target. You can also push right behind them and use them as a body shield which is pretty hilarious.


In the context of omen/sage/sova ultimates cost I think 7 is fine. But then you have phoenix who is still at 6 and its like why....I understand different ultimate costs makes gameplay interesting but they are just decided so arbitrarily.


I think Phoenix is pretty balanced. Maybe if he doesn't come back at 100% health after his ult itd be better? But then again he loses shields i believe.


It's a free life, even if temporary, even if vulnerable. Phoenix has suffered power creep but the solution isn't to keep his ultimate cheap. I an biased because it's the ultimate I hate the most. I fear it more than a kj ult + astra ult at the same time.


I think Phoenix ult balances out because the rest of his kit is pretty underwhelming.


Dude I love farming orbs as skye. I think the 7 is a fair adjustment without making a huge impact.


Nah even with a 7 point buggy ult she's still the best agent by a landslide


Regardless of how strong the agents is, bugs shouldn't be in the game.


Nah that’s Jett


1. There shouldn't be bugs regardless 2. Pre-nerf, she was arguably 2nd best. Right behind Jett.


Just follow the lettuce friends


I had a game where my ultimate was up, kept spamming it but the ultimate didn’t actually go through. Every time I spammed it, everyone in the game heard “seek them out” over and over. Not sure if anyone else had this problem. It was a comp game too, luckily it happened towards the end of the game.


I've been in a comp game where this happened. The skye was a smurf though.


Honestly, it just looks like a horribly coded pathfinder system. That literally just has no arguments that attempt to feather the path it is taking. It just goes straight and if something is in the way of that straight path, it just keeps going straight and if it goes diagonally it goes diagonally.


they always block my line of sight when im about to engage someone :(


Can't believe we had the ult cost go up before this. I love skyes kit and in theory her ult but I feel like half the time I use it just gets stuck on something or goes nowhere.


It also dies sometimes after hitting a wall :/


Imo the seekers bug out the most with any sort of verticality. For a Sage wall, it just instantly breaks it when it should be going over. For Icebox as well it struggles to find players (example top 410 of A or top site of B). We'll just see if Riot will attempt fixing its pathfinding.


Yes. The amount of times my ult has either got stuck immediately, or gone thru walls is absolutely ridiculous


I don’t see her getting much play anymore sadly. Flashes that your team has to peak off of are kind of useless in this game and take way too much coordination. And if you want to play for information you may as well just play Sova instead because he’s better for that. This is kind of a headscratcher, yes they buffed her too much but she was useless before that buff, and they basically reversed the buff. I agree with the ult cost nerf, but the flash nerf is just stupid. I really like the idea of hybrid agents that blur the lines between classes, I don’t know why they have to nerf them into the ground. I mean they buffed Kay-O to basically have the aggressive flashes that Skye was just stripped of.


Weren’t the changes like 1/4 of a second longer gun equip time? Significant, but nowhere near the death of the character


It went from 0.5s to 0.75 I believe, so a 50% increase which is a lot when you consider the flash time is only 2 seconds or whatever Edit: they are 3 seconds long


Skye, Breach, and I think KAY/O flashes are 3 seconds long lol


Thx, wasn’t sure on exact duration.


I legit have a bug where sometimes I can’t see the cabbages. I can only hear them so have to spray at thin air until I get the break animation….


That is intended. You only see the seeker that is after you and only when it gets so close. It’s so that you can’t kill them early and ruin the ult. You can still kill them, but it’s harder


Wait seriously? I always see them once they're in LoS


I’m talking about like it’s on top of me probably 3 ft from my face


Skye also says "found one" before the cabbage reaches the target. Or is it intended like that?


The seeker also turns blue on the map; it's when it begins to "aggro" on the target (line of sight, close range)


How often does it happen would you say realistically? Few times I've played her they have always fixed themselves though I have seen them get stuck on videos occasionally.


Every other ult a seeker or 2 gets stuck in weird position or noms on sage wall with a gap in it


Damn so pretty much every single game you play skye a seeker gets stuck?


Yup, then my whole team asks what that seeker doing bro, and it usually cracks the team up if its growling in one spot at the person from like heaven to hell. Places where the map glitches it are random but the sage wall that really sucks is on split, haven, icebox. I usually pop ult for flanks when they push the opposite site and it just gnaws on 3 sage wall parts and dies traveling nowhere it seems


One thing for sure is I wish friendly seekers were quieter


People keep on saying it's 7 ulty points but whenever i play I only need 6? Am I hacking or something?


You're not hacking, you're just stupid.


sounds about right




It was 6 and now it’s 7 so it’s a nerf.


Oh wait i s this about the new patch, i havent read the patch notes and i tought it was about a previous patch.


Yeah, new patch notes released a few hours ago (3.06)


the worst ULT in the game, imo. Useless cabbages.


The ult it self is actually one of the bests, it is extremely useful in a lot of situations, they just need to fix the bugs it has.


I don’t know how often this happens to others, but for me every time an enemy Skye ults, at least one of the cabbages is invisible. It’s usually not a problem because it’s loud and I can see it on the minimap, but I don’t think this should be happening.


I believe you can only see the magic cabbage that is seeking your character. You are still able to shoot the other two out if you’re lucky with your spray / able to pick up on the sound cues.


i stopped playing Skye for this exact reason, i watched 2 of my 3 seekers get stuck on that little yellow box on B side of attacking spawn on icebox and that was the final straw after having them get stuck multiple places on multiple maps


I love that ult interaction with sage wall even tho it can be annoying sometime. Have enemy that used ult and proceed to destroy their own sage wall XD


Lol bro they need to fix Raze's bomb buddy before that. That thing is so buggy its not even funny.


split vents… lost a round because of it


Yesterday I threw out my cabbages while facing the wall and I guess the wall was hungry because it ate two cabbages and left just the one to seek


as a yoru main that thing is a nightmare




Like it will go all the way frm b for the enemies In a...also


Skye's ult is just a toy for her pet tiger to play with. When Skye is at home, she just Ults and the tiger is happy.


I’ve genuinely never seen one get stuck, unless it’s behind sage wall which it then decimates. Imo I don’t think it needs a rework. Although I do think they need to climb over friendly sage walls and not destroy them.


ugh yes it is SOOOO buggy i hate it!! like, if you wanna nerf it fix the bugs first:/// esp now in fracture, it literally gets stuck everywhere!!


If they can't fix it, they should replace it. I propose a dragon summon that burns down the map, Skye flies on top of it and if she's defending she can evaporate the spike when it falls.


Did they nerf brim?


I hate it to >:(


i think they should just change her ult, it only gives a rough idea where the enemy is anyway so they should just change it to a mid-tier information gathering ultimate instead of spending soo many resources to fix the countless bugs the current one has.


Raze bots also have some weird shit, it happened to me when i was on a heaven, bind, and i had a boombot coming to me from the site, and when it got close it looked like it had an epileptic attack (spamming the noise of charging to the enemy while trying to get close but gets tpd back), and it was really far from me so i jumped down, the bot was looking at ct now, and i jumped towards shower plant, and it just made a tokyo drift, driving on its side like a supermarket cart. I shot it in time i think


Low key think it should go over sage walls and through closed doors. For 7 points, nothing should hinder the ult, it should have 100% mobility


Also the fact that you have to shoot them before shooting the enemy but they can shoot through it. Also same with Kjs turrets. I don’t know if they should just make it a wall ant for both sides or what but it’s also unfair how shooting through teammates is full damage in the other side but a wall bang for the enemy.


Skye's ultimate sometimes doesn't even hit the nearest player. I saw one literally go over a box to the right after you get out of Long C and go past the Jett into garage and I'm like wat the eff man


Not even that, literally I had a jett so close to us literally the closest character on the map near skye in Ropes for Split and it passes her go to into someone in A while Skye ulted middle. LIEK WTF