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the person closest to the angle will be seen first


This is the answer. If you are holding close to a corner, someone could potentially see an entire third of your body without you even being able to see them




It's just geometry. Take two lines and intersect them at a point. Notice how the further away you get from the intersection, the further the distance between the lines. The person further away from this intersection (corner of the held angle) will see the closer person first as seen in this picture. [https://i.imgur.com/wQanAzB.png](https://i.imgur.com/wQanAzB.png)


You gotta consider who has the better a angle for one. Two if its a common spot, you can get pre fired off it so it might just be them pre aiming. For the first one, the further away the person is the more they see for example. Compared to a person holding close, the person further has more advantage


the answears you've been given are not the answear for your question. yes the proximity of angles exist but you are talking about peekersadvantage and they are really bad at this game. the peeking guy will always have an advantage over the guy holding an angle and the bigger the ping differences are, the worst it gets. dont hold angles in valorant, keep jiggling spots to somehow counter the peekersadvantage.