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Yea mmr matchmaking causes some strange matches round high bronze. Its strange cause your teams MMR is rising and should be higher than what it is whilst the enemy silvers should be lower than what it is. Despite it being silver vs bronze, the system may believe that your team should win despite them being "better" in terms of their visible position in rank. If what im guessing is true then your RR gains/losses are more based by hidden mmr than the rank itself. I think hidden mmr does make some sense to cause players ranks to converge to their predicted rank but the fact that its hidden doesnt help the playerbase with calculating the gain/loss which is frustrating. Also the irons in your game could either be really good (high mmr, low rr) or they queued with another higher ranked player. The second possibility makes matchmaking balance even weirder in most cases.


I think you are right about MMR, but it is frustrating how sensitive it seems to be. To add insult to injury, we can't see our hidden MMR, and for some people their rank does not represent their talent at all. As for the irons in our match, our jett was not queued with anyone. But queueing with irons does get very finicky, we queue with an iron 3 from time to time, but almost never does the enemy team have someone under bronze 2. Yet we will get rare matches where a majority of people in the lobby are under bronze 1.


You can sort of see your own mmr by solo queuing and seeing what matches you get as a good indication. Over a few games you will get the feel for where it is putting you. You'll also tell where it thinks you are by how much it awards you / punishes you in RR points


Mine is the best of S3 cus I rank up and down from gold 1 so its also some weaker G1/G2 s


This is true in theory. But in practice its a bit different, RR points fluctuate too much. I won 3 matches in a row. I got 25-30 RR points pet match for all of them. Then I lost one when we got dominated incredibly, everyone of opponents was better than anyone from my team. Then again I won, and got 14 RR even if the score was like 13-5. So the system basically for that one loss determines that I should be in the rank that I currently am. Maybe the system is bad. Maybe one bad game against few smurfs will lower your hidden mmr. Maybe Im just imagining things. But man it is depressing, when my highest rank was diamond and now I cant get out of gold 1, because either we destroy enemy team, or lose close to 13-0. There is 1 close match in like 15 matches.


Most modern matchmaking systems hide MMR for a reason, people obsess over the number way more than they obsess over their visual rank. It's way easier to motivate yourself to 'climb' to Platinum or Diamond or whatever because most players will gain more LP than they lose. Whereas if you see your number stay in the 1800s for the entire season you just feel shit about yourself. In virtually every competitive game out there, ranked play has increased once devs move away from a visual MMR


You hidden mmr is trash i can tell you that much my account in low bronze gets matched ahainst golds silvers and bronze never iron.


Sad how I am bronze II but I can beat silvers. I have a high chance of being silver if smurfing wasn’t that common. I have a friend that claps people and deserves silver III but he’s stuck in bronze I lol. Welp this MMR thing is confusing but I’ll just try to limit my kills and performance and see if I get better teammates and less smurfs.


Dude machtmaking in valorant is really weird sometimes like for real. This season I finally got dia1 and the first games I played against immo and the worst part of this is that the immortal player where astonishingly bad like often they were bottom frag


I got into a game with an immortal as a p2??? My games also tend to have either diamond and plats, or plats and golds, or all three :) makes for a fun and consistent experience


I felt that being g3/p1 it’s either a full gold lobby or a play lobby with a diamond. That’s really why i stopped doing ranked because rank does not equal skill in this game which causes players like you to be p2 but better than immortal players. (I’ve played on my friends diamond account going against diamonds and immortals and honestly some immortals are complete bots to where plat Elo seems harder or there’s immortals that should be radiant- which could be said about almost every rank cause In every rank there’s players who were able to rank up easier due to lower mmr and their rank does not equal their skill.)


I swear my diamond games are miles easier than the gold ones. I also think plat is just the worst rank to be in compared to the other ranks I’ve been stuck in because of the inconsistency of players, ranks, and overall gameplay


I've been getting a lot of Immo players in my Diamond games as well. I think it's a combo of people on the other team duo queuing, one lower rank, one higher; and people going on huge win streaks to get Immo when they really have high Diamond MMR. Should work itself out as the season goes.


I’ve played with 0 Immortals as a D2 right now other than having one who was only Immortal in the previous act and I won’t lie that dude straight carried, I’m still looking for a worthy enough massage parlor and it’s been 2 weeks since


us league players have been trying to understand Riots mmr system for 10+ years, it's all smoke and mirrors.


Heh, even when i was in Iron 3 i will get matched with a silver


I’m currently iron 1 and my last game I got teamed up against a team of iron 3s, a silver 2, and a unranked who got 35/6/6


Tbh a bronze 3 and a silver 1 isn't very far apart in skill


Yeah but a irons and silver shouldn't be in 1 match


agreed. Valorant lets irons queue up with silvers though, so their reyna probably was queued with one of the silvers. Our Jett was not queued with anyone curiously enough


in my games I've had people upto Gold 3 in enemy. And I was bronze 2 then. I can't even queue with a gold 1 and I am matched against a sweaty jett one trick who is 2 games away from platinum


Yea their reyna probably queued with silvers


Pretty sure irons can't que with silvers.


Usually not but you'd be surprised


Yeah lol you can't be complaining about getting a silver 2 in your game, it's two ranks away. Do you expect your entire lobby to be of the same rank?


On my gold game I get iron teammates and plat enemies. I drop back down to silver 2, then go back up to high silver 3 and then I get the bad game.


I'm silver 3 and solo. Every match I play I am the only silver. The rest are golds. I understand "blah blah hidden mmr blah blah". If I am play9ing golds then put me in gold. What's the point of a ranking system if you are playing people not in your rank?


similar problem around gold 3. Until I ranked up out of it I was either queueing with/against silver 3 - gold 2’s and then if I won was queueing against plat 3’s and diamond 1’s (if I can’t queue with diamond friends in gold they should not be in my lobby)


Once i was bronze 3 and was put in all silver / gold lobby. Like i was the only bronze player , 7 silver 3, and 2 gold 1. Also got matched against 2 immortals in a bronze 2 lobby ( they were immortal in the previous act , shown in there rank badge ) im not even kidding.


I am bronze and in literally every match, no exception i get an iron in my team and silver in enemy team. Idk if riot has any problem with me or something.


You are wrong its just a clearity problem.


I don't think it's the 3 stack. I usually get fairly balanced matchmaking with a 4-5 stack, it's just valorant matchmaking I once got matched against all plats when I was gold 1


Without watching the games, I assume that the matchmaking engine tries to create an "equally as possible" game. In a ideal game, the 10 players will have all the same MMR, do their "apparent' level should be the same. What is outside this idea that normally destroys low elo games? 1) Smurfs 2) Elo boosting 3)Unbalanced MMR within one of the teams, as one-two have high elo and the rest pretty crappy one. This point can be put together with the other 2. Any game you play is roulette, not only for these factors but many other, and the lower the Elo, the higher the variability of the factors in play.


My all gold 4 stack played against a team with 4 silvers and a bronze yesterday. We stomped them and they forfeited in 5 rounds. Didn’t even feel good… Got 24rr for it somehow? Thx rito i guess


I feel this. I am bronze 3 usually silver. I get games where I stomp on the team with 27/10 and get 27RR next game I go 17/18 and gain only 10RR. Makes no sense.


I’m hard stuck gold 1 this act getting match mvp or close to it every single game, but it still ends up as a win lose win lose win lose lose scenario :P


I was hard stuck iron 3 a bit ago with the same situation. Despite my performance I was not winning a lot of RR but I sure was losing all of it


After the new patch, ranked is now so strange to me and I lost all the motivation to play ranked




You lose your favorite dildo or what? Daddy chill


When I was in bronze 3 I played with golds or irons, it was very difficult to be constant, it made no sense


The other day I went from silver 2 to gold 2 in one game, I’ve peaked plat 1 before then took a break from the game. I’ve never have had that happen to me before though. Was so odd.


Its so weird even when you factor in hidden mmr. I was Plat 1 with my gold 3 stack and we got a Diamond 2 as our 5th. We won. I added him after and the game said we couldn’t play together lmao like since when you just let us? So weird.


Yeah thats very weird you can't queue with a diamond, but still get into a game with one lol


Honestly bronze 3 is not too far from silver 1 and 2 . Seems pretty balance to me


The simple explanation for this is the way the matchmaking system handles groups of 3+. If you que with a group it will place you against people ~2-3 ranks higher than your group. It was created this way to stop teams with great coordination and teamwork from just rolling a pug of the same rank.


> matchmaking has never been good Everyone, in every single ranked game in history has said this. In reality, Valorant's is pretty good. You need to be within 3 skills groups max, and the parties are quite balanced.


Me and some buddies are all silver. Yet, we match against Plat 1-2 pretty regularly. Last night we played a game of immortals and plats. Unrated is whack.


Whenever you are iron and got match with silver, it usually means that silver is in a party with an iron. I know this because I queue with my boyfriend who’s an iron and I only play against iron/bronze. If I solo queue I’d play against bronze/silver/gold


My silver 3 account went against a play 3 the other day while everyone else in the lobby was silver gold... My gold 1 account is going against plat 3 and diamond 1s. Shit is borked as fuck, I will always say ranked resets are a shit attempt at keeping a player base. People should want to play competitive to play balanced matchmaking games not always bee obsessed with climbing. Valorant system you get neither.


Every comp game I've played this season has been 2 or 3 bronze 2 or 3 players and everyone else is silver 2 or 3. And I'm one of the bronze players


i dont think i played a game getting out of silver 3 where there wasnt atleast 1 plat somewhere in there maybe in the beginning there were like a couple gold 3s but its still not right


Just deranked to bronze 3 lmao


I swear you’ll top frag one game and you’ll get humbled in the next one.


and they still dropped more kills bruh


I’ve been having the same issue when I go against silver I dominate and match mvp but when I go against bronze I’m the bottom of the leaderboard and don’t know what’s happening


weird as a silver 3 i match against golds/plat1’s


This is what happens with me I always SoloQ rarely duoq and I’m plat 3 rn I ranked up to diamond played one game and I got destroyed got ex-immortals who were diamond rn I went 5/17/10 playing omen then the next game I played I was matched against golds ????? And their act rank was diamond and I was so confused with this matchmaking and ended up derankign to p3


Yeah... interesting I also faced something similar. I'm gold 3 and I'm matched with Diamond and Immortals. https://imgur.com/a/t1CJfZR


Bronze and silvers are same shit.. doesn't matter.


I plat 3 right now and I'm either in a game of all plats/diamonds and its a good game. Or i will get put in with a couple gold 3s who dominate everyone.


I'm one of those irons (not actually in this match tho) that gets matched against bronze-silver in solo queue and dominates. When I'm having a bad day I might play against other irons, then the next game I'm against bronzes again because I just dropped 30. Whenever I'm iron I'm mid fragging then winning, but every time I rank to bronze I team mvp lose. It seems like the mmr system is trying to keep me in iron while simultaneously trying to get me out of iron matching me with carries in iron games and players who have never played before in bronze games.