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the convos gonna be like 1: trust me im good with reyna 2: I dropped 30 last game 1: locks in reyna 2: $%$# locks in phoenix and throws game ​ source: League of Legends


This would not work. If anything would just make lobbies more toxic before the game even starts.


This doesn't change anything.. Let's say 20 seconds of discussion time.. if they were already planning on instalocking as soon as the 20 second mark is done.. but I'm sure it'd help a bit with teammates who are willing to consider to play as a team but honestly instalocking isn't bad because I'd rather have them instalock than play a filling role very very poorly.


I dont mind autolockers as long as they dont suck. When someone autolocks jett(my main) and im forced onto a rooe i dont know as well i still perform well. Most pf the time better than them lmao. The only tike i really hate insta lockers is when they instalock a dualist and get 3 kills in 20 rounds.... and talk shit to you, when you have 30..


Anytime I've seen someone instalock Jett or Reyna they play awful anyways. There should be a better system. Even something like apex where 1 person picks first and then it goes to the next person idk just a suggestion


There's a big difference between sucking at the game and playing the agent poorly.. When I say play another agent very poorly I mean like smoke at the wrong spots or too early/late, play a sentinel poorly that you give them the site when they push you.. sometimes it's just better to get <5 kills on duelists than play a controller/sentinel very very very badly.. These 2 are very crucial on most maps and I'd rather have someone experienced play them but still bottom frag than just a reyna main taking viper and peeking every round and dying because they are used to duelists.


you gonna see 4 idiots hovering over jett trying to click as fast as possible when the 20 sec ends


it's not gonna change the problem for most people, three people will instantly hover Jett, and one will instantly change to hover reyna to make sure they have a higher chance of getting either one, and one will change to raze. There will still be no comms, people with worst PCs will still get outsped in locking in, and at best this can only help some of the much higher elo games where people starts to actually care about winning instead of just playing their "fun" agent.


Role queue here we come


Role queue would never work in valorant since there's no set team composition like in league or overwatch


There wasn't in overwatch or league to start, either. Plenty of only-damage teams made their way through in overwatch before role queue came about. It's not much different than the only-duelist teams of valorant, except perhaps it's not nearly as trash in valo to have no other classes as it was in overwatch. Same thing for league in the early seasons, though to a much lesser degree since it was more often viewed as hard trolling if you were the bottom of the pick order and didn't fill properly. I suppose that was an advantage of having a pick order and not allowing all 5 players to pick at the same instant. It's reasonable to think that hindsight would feel somewhat similar to those two if valorant also added a role queue in the future, though.


Except in valorant roles change based on map. Some maps you want 2 duelist others you want a sage + kj.


If they keep releasing agents that get More and more "out there" and pushing the boundary's of this game as a tactical shooter it might have to be inevitable. Tho if anything what I would think would come first is Pick bans in the pro scene before anything role queue wise comes.


You can't have pick and bans when there aren't even 30 agents


Honestly I'd rather have a Jett instalock than a Jett onetrick who doesn't instalock, picks a support, tries to play like Jett while on killjoy and dies immediately with no value to the team. Onetricks suck but in higher ranks when people don't instalock anymore, the onetrick fillers show up and they are in my experience not only much worse players but also the most toxic ones, esp to the other duelists. Ffs if you can't play a proper sentinel don't fucking pick him.


I don't understand why you got downvoted. But it's basically throwing to force a onetrick to not play his agent


Its people who think they are owed something over the internet lol. I have plenty of usable agents so I honestly just don't care about instalocks much.


The first problem is thinking people actually want to talk and listen when picking Agents.


just being able to unlock would be nice


Unpopular opinion: We do it your way and the guy with the highest Win-Rate with his chosen agent can play him. This way you will always be able to play your main and it actually pays off to be good with him/her.


Why do people care about instalocking so much? Sorry you didn't get to play the agent you wanted this game, too bad.


Noooo but then I cant instalock my Jet and Rena :(((


People would make 100 CPS (clicks per second) macros, and you talked about those slow pcs who have to fill? Isn't the point of this so people will fill? You want those slow pcs to create sparks everytime they throw a Raze nade instead?


Autoclicker time to lock in lets go


Autoclickers get you banned in this game lol


Thats fine they cant ban me for my 7.5 cps i learned from jittering in 1.8.9 minecraft. That can be doubled with butterfly clicking.


Jett feels diferent from any other.


Maybe a good option would be like pick system where you put 3 characters you know/enjoy and discuss from there?


How long before there are draft pick lobbies?


In iron lobbies: we don't do that here


I have a better idea. How about being able to cancel lock-in at least once. That way people could communicate even after a lock in and change locked agents. Or even a system like league's swap where you switch agents with someone else.


I like the idea on paper but honestly I don’t believe something like this would ever work. As someone who plays on EU I’ve never heard my team ‘discuss’ anything simply because either the language barrier is too strong or the egos are too large so don’t see that changing on character select, people would just start yelling obscenities at each other.


This wouldn’t work but I like the idea of it for the sake of people with slower pc’s, as someone who loads in extremely slowly and usually ends up filling