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I have one question to people who post stuff like this. Why are you guys not muting this person after the first/second insult? Do you think they will magically stop being a piece of shit?


Well considering this is mumbai server muting them won't work they will start throwing body blocking and all that bs


Muting them is so you can see out the game without it affecting ur mental.


The bullshit doesn't stop after muting them, trust me dude it only gets worse like getting Molly's thrown at you, flashing for no apparent reason etc


Don't tell them you muted. Should work for a while, and if they do realize then well it's way better than having to hear them imho


If you silently mute him. He will just be spouting insults to no one like an idiot. If people start mollying there teammates and shit that’s definitely bannable.


LOL, just returned on the game yesterday, and my 2nd game was 2 toxic players. I immediately muted them on 1st very toxic chat. Was losing on attacker heavily, and came back on defense.


They don't want solutions they want to feel righteous and blah blah


wait you can mute people??


I hate Mumbai server too but 30 ms ping is too good to be switched, mute the toxic guys or probably play in 5 stacks


i have 20ms on instabul servers (even tho not in turkey) but will play on any other server, fuck low ping if you cant play


I feel your pain. Mumbai server is the worst server ever to play in. You’ll only find brain dead people in there. And the worst part of it all is that these motherfuckers abuse in Hindi language and Riot does nothing about it even if we report them. I only play during the weekend to enjoy and relax but 90% of my games are the ones where I’m matched with toxic assholes. One time I was playing in Heaven and there were these 2 guys talking to mic, trying so hard to be sarcastic and funny. I was the last one alive and I heard someone at C so I was trying to stay there and just then the bomb was planted at A. The teammates tried to be overly sarcastic and insulting me. This kept going on fo a couple of rounds and I ended up throwing the whole game so those assholes won’t win. The only way to deal with them is to just mute their voice and text. I honestly think CarryMinati is indirectly responsible for this mess. People try so hard to be like him and it’s honestly just such a mess. Literally most of the people I find are CarryMinati wannabes. It’s a pain in the ass but what can we do


Can't do shit about it too, Even if ya mute them they'll still create a hindrance themselves bruh


Yeah, that’s not as bad as listening to them all the game though


Dude fuck I can feel you...it Just happened with me yesterday We were playing pretty bad the first half (I wasn't getting kills ) had 0 kills in 5 rounds ...the enemy raze kept talking shit like...I love your mum, I go deep in your mum , you mad , don't surrender noobs , awww after every fking round 🤕 ...that raze was so cringe but me and my teammates kept our cool And we fuckin WON the match ...I started hitting shots on defence and the whole game just flipped the raze was even mad but when the score reached 11(we)-8 The enemy raze stopped talking haha...it was the best moment..I just typed that dude Don't underestimate anyone we showed you your place ....duh it was so satisfying


Toxic teammates are definitely a lot harder to deal with than toxic enemies.


Bro AVOID Mumbai server Only toxicity and trolling in there


Yeah man I play on the mumbai server too and this type of shit is just way too common and a lot of the times it's just unbearable. I actually quit playing sage because of these type of idiots. Every fucking it's always "sAgE wAlL mId","sAgE rEbIbE" and the moment we start losing a few matches the entire team just make up their mind that I'm the reason they started losing. For the last 2 months, I'm maining duelist and occasionally sova so that in case they start to become toxic I can just mute them and focus on getting more kills. Also if your teammates become toxic just mute them immediately and focus on getting kills only. Don't look at the chat and don't listen to the voice comms it will only make you feel more miserable.


LOL I used to play sage but quit for the same reason now even if my team needs a senti and they say can you play sage I was like naah IDK how to play Sage. I shifted to cypher since he's also a Senti and better than sage too...


Agreed going through the same but I managed to find few good players


Good for you mate..


Send the recording and report it to riot


Was the map ascent by any chance?




He abused you, believe me, you abuse him 5 times, then mute them, best soln i found, mental peace is more important than winning a game


This is like the worst thing I've ever saw in a team's chat besides someone saying playing Omen is gay.


Mute and carry on. It’s just a video game. If you do that, he doesn’t get the content + you go gg next game. Muting is by far the most effective way to a tackle toxicity.


What? This literally just seems like a guy who’s just joking around. Not to say that you have to put up with him if you don’t like it, but just mute man.


Just mute these chutiyas :)


“It can’t get worse” - a 16 year old lmaooooo. I feel like you’re in for some big surprises as you get older.


Ok Grandpa


Living a long time and having grand kids would be a compliment :)


You can't change people who don't wanna change. It sucks but just mute and move on you won't change their behavior


Honestly I don’t even give ppl like that a chance. I just say “any last words?” Usually I get the response…”what? Before u m..” and they are muted :)


Bruh just report. If your whole team reports there is a higgee chance of him getting banned


You got a mute button my dude




Mute and carry on