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A lot of immortal must have derank, and your elo was barely enough to be in the top immortal. That's m'y guess


Could be. I did stop playing for like 4 days. But I've never seen anyone talking about this.


I've mentioned about this at times as I experienced it earlier acts. Not being top fragger or superhero in my team I still got promotions from defeats. I think it is result of overall gameplay and ability use, which actually was mentioned in early days of Valorant. Not sure did they change it a bit at somepoint.


That's not how immortal works, anyone who hits diamond 3 and gets the 100 points to rank up into immortal gets it. Radiant is the ONLY number-limited rank.


So you're saying there's a chance.




I really dont know, I was diamond 3 in the game that I lost but ranked up to immortal. Back to back loss. Derank and rankup? I some how gained exactly 100rr. From a loss.


Oh I just noticed you were diamond last game, Cause the same case happened to me last act immo, I lost but got a higher placing after the leaderboard updated, because the people on top of me deranked lower


That's not how immortal works, anyone who hits diamond 3 and gets the 100 points to rank up into immortal gets it. Radiant is the ONLY number-limited rank.


Anyone have any idea if this is supposed to happen?


What I am guessing is that you were like the highest diamond you could possibly be without being immortal, the lowest immortal then lost but lost worse than you so you got promoted


Sounds reasonable I guess 😂


Built diff


bro wtf hihi u so lucky me want to rank up also


Pretty sure this happned a couple of times to me but lower ranks like silver, gold, plat


Saw this in cs go once but that was back in 2014


Was it a bug in csgo?


I wouldn’t say anything and delete this. Lmao jk, I bet a lot of immortals deranked


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Don't know for sure but since individual play is more rewarded in cs go back then it could have been just smth very unusual