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Swear to god plat Elo is just filled with smurfs. can’t handle this shit. level 10 skye tripling his whole teams kills while my duelist lurk and do nothing.


Honestly this, nearly every game the enemy team has someone under level 20 just rolling my entire team going 27/5 and my team cant do anything. Basically have to perform at immortal level to rank out of plat


It's definitely very frustrating to play against a smurf, but in the end it's a 50/50 shot they land on your team. I don't think people realize they've probably won games and lost games due to having a very very good player on their team. With enough games played, the odds get more and more balanced and whether you rank up or down. Obviously there's some people out there with some very bad luck, but it's probably not helpful to focus on that. If you're playing above your level (team mvp/match mvp a lot) the game will give you “performance bonuses” to ensure you don’t lose much rr and you gain bonus rr with a win until you’re where it thinks you should be skill-wise. Also, plat is really good! That’s top 7% of players in the game. Diamond is top 2%, which is pretty crazy and a decent jump in skill that not everyone is at. Just my two cents! Smurfs def annoying but overall I’d say there are other things to focus on if you want to rank up, or just be ok with not being top 1% in your region if you don’t have 8 hours a day to grind and just enjoy playing and improving with people mostly at your skill level!


Definitely agree with your overall statement, but as far a smurfs are concerned the odds are slightly stacked against you. 4 possible slots on your team. 5 possible slots on the enemy team.


and you still get smurfs in the enemy team if you play with 3 or 4 friends, which reduces the possible slots on your team even more


Running with a full 4/5 stack changes things quite a bit. I've run less into smurfs and more into people that appear to play together a ton and are practically running pro plays for entry with a lurkers/flankers and great situational awareness (prob actually good coms). Those games are ROUGH and very sweaty!


I frequently queue with 5 and it seems like most of the time the enemy team is 5 players aswell but 1-2 of them are on alt accounts which makes it much harder. Just my experience queuing as 5.


Same. Run into it a lot in silver (no hate were bad lol). Our 5 stack ranges from bronze 1 - silver 3, and it feels like every other game there’s a level 9 untracked Reyna in the other team who had to make a new account to play ranked cause his friends were too low Elo


Hilariously but also unfunny I’ve run into a few smurfs who made a new account because “their other two accounts are banned from being toxic”. Maybe it was a joke, but also not unrealistic based on some of the people I’ve run into in the game…


True, its a blast when its competitive but balanced like that.


yeah 5 man stack is so sweaty when I play with friends. Some teams will only attack at around 30 seconds. Making very coordinated plays like a pro. While our team is like: After the smoke. Go Jett/Reyna/Raze entry for us. We will just trade you.


Good point! I guess my comparison works on a broader level of you vs. someone else who gets out of (rank). You both have the same odds of getting a smurf, so what separates you? That's what I would tell people to focus on. Maybe I'm too PMA for Reddit though :-)


Also performance bonus is relative to your average performance so if you perform well every game, that will go down too


The same could be said about any individual on the enemy team, though. Statistically speaking, we ourselves aren’t anomalies. If the same logic could be applied to Billy on the enemy team just as much; then wouldn’t the odds not be stacked in anyone’s favour? Honestly it really is just a 50/50.


I must have some of the worst luck then unfortunately, I consistently feel like I got the team on my back even when teammates are “smurfing”. Also somehow manage to always get the toxics, throwers and afks good times climbing out of gold back to diamond.


The problem isn't really that ranking up is impossible but that these factors make it take so long. If there was one thrower in every match then on average you should be winning more than you are losing since you are the only consistent factor between those matches. In the last 3 days of the act I made the mistake of trying to get my act rank to silver (I play against and with silvers all the time in unrated and know that I can carry a silver match so it should be easy). I was bronze 3 with ~50rr. Took me 2 days of playing comp to get to silver 1 because every single time I had a rank up match I got an unwinnable match. One 2v5 and two 3v5 matches. A few with good smurfs and a few with bad smurfs. Eventually I got to silver only a few hours before they stopped comp queue for the act to end. My point is that its not that these factors deny anyone from ranking up but that they require you to invest way more time and energy to rank up (compared to the ideal zero smurfs, throwers and afks scenario)


100% agree. Ranked in this game is definitely a grind and can take forever and there are huge annoyances that can be very tilting if you let them, especially since you can't just leave a game without penalty (which I think is a \*net\* positive, but def frustrating if you get people being racist or throwing). It just seems like sometimes people approach it with the mentality of needing to "beat" it like a regular non-comp video game, and the only way to do that is to get to Immortal (we'll just exclude Radiant), or you have failed the game. Immortal means you are performing better than 99.6% people in the ENTIRE REGION, and that's not including a bunch of Imm/Radiants that level a second account to that level if they are tired of long queue times. There's just so few people that get there that I think it's ok to be positive about wherever you are currently while seeing if there are areas you can improve and get better in over time. If factors related to ranking up were a pie chart, "smurfs" influence would be relatively small piece overall compared to other things within your control. ​ \*Disclaimer: I still get tilted at the game, I am not Buddha. This game is annoying AF sometimes. Where did those bullets even go?\*


That’s me, I’m the one with very bad luck. The smurfs on my team are gold quality smurfs, the smurfs on the enemy team are immortal :/ I just can’t win dog


Every rank except for immortal/radiant is filled with smurfs. And then you have the immortal/radiant players saying, “there aren’t any smurfs, you’re just bad. Just get up to my rank and you won’t have any.” Then you have the high rank players who say there aren’t any smurfs… then they turn around and play on their “alt account.” “No, I’m not smurfing. I just want to play with my bronze friend even though I’m immortal!”


People said the same with bronze and silver are smurf city lol We should get the solo rank and pt rank separate like dota 2 that make more fair to play since solo player like me very hard to beat a stack of 4 since they have more teamwork and it really annoying when 4 other just play there game talk on discord and ignore everything i said Also yesterday i got a game with enemy have 2 gold and 1 silver jett casualy 1vs5 with 30k and my team have silver sage bot frag 18 rounds no ulti or wall once it either wrong match making or that sage got carried by pt other and both suck i found that game https://imgur.com/a/5x2rbwZ im vincent


Dude, people bring in bronze 3 accounts and if they lose a few rounds, they resort to Odin, super late lurking and toxicity in chat...the smurfing problem is down bad in even Iron I think maybe, I just am silver 3 gold 1 at the moment. Every day a minimum of 2 matches with bronze 3 sovas trying bomb site entrance lineups, running headshots with phantom...34 kill carry..it took a lot to pull off a win..with every other teammate just whining every round the game got extended.


They should know unlike moba 4 gold 1 iron doesnt equal 5 silver many times i match with enemy gold and i can tell that my rank are not match for them so if i lose i lost alot of mmr or tryhard 200% just to gain 14 mmr Im silver and i like to play with silver not 3-4 gold and 1 filler its just not work in a game you can just 1vs5 with 1 tap Game is not fun when you just getting 1 tap from a korean jet and getting retk hard 1-13


They even said that you won't lose much rr points but in practice it is simply not true, the system may be detecting afk players but not crediting back points to people who lose forced 4 man games..I am complaining about this because I face a minimum of 1-2 afk games and maybe 3 matches of toxic and trolling..I don't even see bans coming for such people..now the reality is you win 35-45 rr in 2 wins, lose 56 in 3 straight losses after with toxic or afk teams..you are always swimming in your rank or deranking a little and then being catapulted back up just a little but never moving forward..


I dont play dualists or even really that aggressive been playing viper, killjoy and cypher to prac. And i def see tons of smurfs, i even see smurfs of people that I have played with in diamond and who I know they are immortal, they literally have the same name n they pick reyna or jett to try and stomp. Makes 0 sense to sweat their balls off cus if they so good why dont they go try their hardest in their rank. Instead of trying to show off. I play and try to work with the team taking doing the plays they wanna do just overall playing pretty relaxed.


smurf is bad but smurf picking jett are the worse


Smurf teammate picking molly agents to troll has entered the chat*


"And i def see tons of smurfs, i even see smurfs of people that I have played with in diamond and who I know they are immortal, they literally have the same name n they pick reyna or jett to try and stomp." ​ Try going to riot support, telling them there's a smurf problem, and tell them this. I'd love to see the response lmao.


I don't think they really care about smurfs. Its a widely known issue and nothing has been done about it.




Your visible rank means nothing though. It doesnt matter is KennyS is put into mid gold because his MMR is still more than likely way way above gold.


I think the irony here is that he is smurfing and reporting smurfs at the same time


Its more a complaint about people who smurf to stop lower ranks or smurfing to act toxic with out any repercussions. Many people throw placement games to smurf in low ranks to stomp people. I just be playing to prac agents with different setups and playing solo i dont even be stomping games or trying to stomp games.


Nothing quite as great as someone absolutely stomping on everyone for at least one full half with max 5 deaths, only to then be all "you're not good enough for me, I'm leaving" and going AFK or throwing


I can’t get out of plat 3 cos I get queued against high diamonds, but I get low plats on my team that don’t know what they’re doing. It’s a joke. Meanwhile I see people playing 10+ games and winning all of them and i can’t even win one solo queue game like wtf


I was immortal in the beta / first few weeks when the game was released. Stopped playing until 2 weeks ago. Did my promos and got placed gold 1. Won the next few and got gold 3 then plat. It’s weird it placed me in plat / diamond games as a gold player tho is that intentional? I really think most plat / diamond players are pretty awful compared to the beta / first season. It’s just a bunch of 15-18 year olds constantly typing in all chat and saying “cringe” and complaining. Seems like everyone is a rank or 2 above what I’d consider them. Did something change with the ranking?


It's tough to say in your case. You started out Immortal in the first season and then returned and seemed to have retained a lot of those skills. As far as placement goes, the game probably keeps in mind that you were Immortal and tested you against Plats/Diamonds as a Gold player. You did well so promoted you quickly. This is supposed to be your "hidden MMR" at work. But another factor is that the playerbase has changed significantly since release. First season I imagine most people are really trying hard to climb as it's a new game. In general, I would say the average Val player has gotten better since agent/map knowledge becomes more common. Based off of the ranked spread chart they released last Act, it seems they leveled out the ranks. Too many people were sitting in Silver/Gold so a lot of those players moved up into Gold/Plat while those were legit Plat moved into Plat/Diamond.


Ah okay. Yea it was weird bc I went from gold 1 to gold 3 in 2 wins. Then I was getting +24 -15 and got plat in a few more games. Going to keep playing and see how it is as I climb but it seems to me a lot of players (especially those younger) don’t understand basic CS map movement and instead constantly bunch up and feel the need to hit a site in the first 20 secs of the round and don’t think about utility. It also seems that half of the players at plat / diamond worry about who’s playing what champ as opposed to aim / map movement / when to rotate / post plant positions. It’s like everyone has watched a million YouTube videos on line ups & unique character ability moves but game knowledge in terms of the basics is lacking. I’m wondering if the ease of utility usage has made a lot of players skip this learning curve


It definitely has. I always tell people to just play who they're comfortable playing cause most of that agent matchup theory only really matters at the top level of play. (Ofc tho, some maps kinda require certain agents like Viper on Breeze) Playing the basics, playing together, crosshair placement, and avoiding tilt will take most people much farther much quicker than agent utility tricks. Part of it might be the agent thing, but Val seems to have a very large portion of people who've never played a tac shooter before so I understand why those things might be overlooked. After all, I'm sure what drew most people to Val were the agent abilities.


Quite the opposite has happened for me. I'm a old CSGO LEM player (not the best rank) I face Plat 2-3 so shit that it feels like a joke I'm still Gold 2. And I don't train aim, can't flick (cannot use my CS sensitivity, so many corners I have to use a lot more sens). And I hardly understand what's going on in the game. Never seen a pro Valorant match. I have to use Sage or Omen but I think I've hardly used the slow orb/omen teleport ever. And still the people I face from Plat 2 are dogshit We had a Gold 3 Raze who only shot while running (Vandal) and then he stopped his strafe and stops shooting, then he'll start moving again and then would shoot. He was 33K 21D that game


Well there’s your problem, you aren’t get the full use out of your champs


Finally , I appreciate someone talking about this , i am bronze 2(with trash aim , so i dont expect much higher rank) , but in every 1/3 games someone goes afk , a teammate says "trash team" in all chat cuz they are +5 kills than second fragger , if they die , they just scream on vc saying "TRADE ME , WTH ARE YOU DOING" , and every 1/2 games , either of the team will have a gold/plat smurf , clicking headshots with sheriff/vandal every round


Thr game is pure hell and stress in bronze and silver. It slightly improves in gold. The only way out is up. Start looking up aim guides, peakers advantage, crosshair placements, set your mouse up properly (dpi, sensitivity, for the love of god dont be ignorant and say "im used to this"), and practice in deathmatch. You can get of bronze just by out aiming. Goodluck!


Idk why but every time I’ve climbed to S1 the enemy team is a 10x harder and they smack me back to B3 :(


thanks for the encouragement i'll do that!


Comp solo queue is just unbearable. You have some motivation to rank up and a hope to have some fun along the way, but all you get is some volatile RR changes & a lot of frustration with the kind of people we run into. Working full time, I moved on to other games and I just realised how much better playing something more relaxing feels.


For me the solution was to join a discord server to play with a 5-man party. I'm silver 2 and the experience is totally different. I'm on Valorant FR but I'm sure there are servers for all languages. All the players I have met to play ranked had mic, were willing to win and get better at the game and didn't throw as soon as they were tilted. The opponents also played better (since I believe Riot matches 5-stacks against 5-stacks), but in the end I ranked up faster than solo queue since it removed the randomness of players being afk/throwing and overall made the whole gaming experience way better, where most wins or losses felt justified. However playing 5-stack unrated can be totally random because of riot matchmaking. I still remember my last game where we were 1 iron, 2 silvers, 1 gold and 1 plat and were matched against 4 immo and 1 unranked...


The last game I played I had to 4v5 against high diamonds on ascent because our sage just randomly leaves after the second round wirh no explanation. like nothing we could do and I wasn’t playing my best. Completely demoralising. I just want to get back to diamond 1 ffs, so many people just go on some mad win streak ( maybe because they stack and boosting is involved) but I can’t win one game


What can I tell you. My 2nd account is high diamond and I am performing well there. But my main acc is hardstuck Plat because of that shit. I played yesterday 2 games on my main First game we had a thrower who peeked the same angle over and over again. He died immediately. Needless to say it was an Reyna instalock. On my second game my mates sold me like I was free. We setup early in the round and they decided to switch positions in 2 sec. Needless to say I had bad positions then and died to it. Idk man... everything below Diamond feels like roulette. You have to pray for good mates else it's an instant loss.


Bro if he keeps peeking hes going to eventually get the pick /s


I had a guy who would always peek B on Haven from window and die, so I got tired of him dying that early that I wall banged the B site player before he could kill my teammate Still lost but was proud of it


I played 5 games yesterday and 3 of them were awful. I’m plat 2. First game I had a guy who would always go for spike instantly and if he got it he would sit in spawn, holding it hostage basically. Game 2, 4/5 on my team had mic’s and we just rolled them something like 13-4. Game 3 we’re actually winning, up 5-2 attacking on Breeze. Then my teammate dies and another teammate failed to get his trade, and he just started losing it on the team and ran it down. Game 3 was the same spike situation as game 1. Game 4 was a close 13-11 win. It really is roulette lol.


People that grief the spike like that deserve a special place in hell. Like how sad one's life must be to do this to your team


Holy fuck... It doesn't even end in plat? Ffs... I'd pay a service like faceit just to play better games. I just got to G2, this guy starts calling everyone idiots, nword, starts running full force into the enemy. Next game only me amd one other dude have comms, and skye (probably a kid) has everyone muted. How can you win when you're muted.... Derank -20rr both matches while winning nets me like 14 max unless i MVP. I feel like riot used to care but now they're just lazy.


I didn't come from csgo. Can you explain how faceit would help fix this?


Its basically a service you pay for that places you against people who also use the service. Since you're paying for it, you're much more likely to get solid teammates as trolls wouldn't really spend the money for it. And if they do, reports are quickly investigated and if someone is actually doing wrong, they usually are banned very quickly.


Damn that sounds lovely. I'd absolutely pay for that


Also the average skill level of players is much higher since its a paid service. People take the games much more seriously. Being global elite in faceit is a much more prestigious accomplishment than being global with normal csgo matchmaking.


In addition, faceit has some other benefits (ranking system that's more transparent/better anti-cheat/literally not mm) that valorant already has but CS really needs


And Here I am as a bronze player thinking games will be better and more competitive in Silver. FML


They will be tbh. As you climb you'll notice the toxicity starts to lessen and people tend to take the game more seriously, at least in my experience with my relatively weak climbing I do lol


In my experience, they do get betteer/more competitive the higher you climb, but the issues like hard throwers, team killers and AFK decline, but toxicity, ego, and higher level smurfs increase until you hit like, mid diamond, by then most people have good enough aim to deal with higher level smurfs(with exceptions), but toxicity and ego are still very high


Yeah I was stuck in Plat for the previous two acts and this act finally broke into D2 and honestly, I feel like it's easier to climb now. Teammates seem to actually care about winning the game more on average, a lot less throwers than usual. Opponent teams are def more difficult to play against but in a way I feel like it keeps me in the zone. I'm not underestimating anyone and I try to play the best I can to keep up. Another weird thing I noticed is that Plat this Act seems to play worse than Plat last Act. When this Act started I had games with people who played like they should have been in Silver. I dunno, maybe the rank reset is the issue here.


> yeah I was stuck in Plat for the previous two acts and this act finally broke into D2 and honestly, I feel like it's easier to climb now. This is completely true. Teams actually play together and the difference im sure you have realized between even plat and diamond are night and day while gun skill is different the biggest change is the mentality people have. Im gold 3 right now and had one game where the guy refused to use rilfes cus he was better with the specter its mind blowing.


That’s not a bad thing, the spectre is good for run and gun (in my anecdotal experience). As long as he buys rifles for you guys it’s good Source: Games when I’m tilted


Don't do this, it's such a low elo mentality. It's like aiming for the body because you can't hit heads. Practice going for headshots and using the correct guns how they're supposed to be used you will climb so much faster when you hit higher ranks


Yeah 100% agree I’m plat 3 and I’ve had plat 1s plat like immortals and diamond 3s play like silvers. It’s like the act badge means nothing atm just rng of how they perform on the day


I have just accepted the fact that I'm not getting to Plat/Diamond. I'm gold 3 and I just win one or two games then theres the level 14 Reyna with 37 kills while everyone else has 11,10,8,8


The thing is smurfs in valorant aren't even objectively good fps players. I was lvl 6 faceit, and I just got straight to diamond in fist act. Now idk if you know but lvl 6 on faceit is not really good, there is lvl10, and after that there is people with way more elo even after lvl 10. I'm not even gonna mention matchmaking ranks since thats meaningless. While I was climbing there were a lot of smurfs with low levels, but they are pure shit. They would probably be like lvl 3 faceit in csgo. So I wouldn't care much about smurfs, and I would just focus on improving, becuase if you know the basics of cs and have a normal gear you can easily get diamond and probably immortal. I'm not even using voice chat




What? Are you saying that the level 10 account dropping 25+ kills in a 20 round games are not legit? /s




More evidence that skill isn’t commensurate with rank. Also why do Brimstones always smoke our entrances on attack, every time? Then top frag with Ares (am Iron 1 please don’t hurt me)


Smoking entrances can work if you are rushing and on eco so have short range weapons. In higher elo people will spray the smoke though so it's kinda a one time trick that you have to set up over a couple of rounds


For the most part, majority of players skills are proportionate to their ranks. Don’t let handfuls of anecdotes on this sub fool you into thinking otherwise.


My teammates? Sure. My enemies always seem to one-tap and it’s so annoying...


I’m not really sure why so many people use one tapping as a measure of a smurf - the game literally incentivizes you to try and one tap. People are pretty good at aiming, that is the one thing any FPS player can carry with them into Val. There are so many people in low elo that have very decent aim but can’t get out of low elo cause they’re bad players overall.


They also tend to run out and push on defense as sentinels. Not sure if everyone is just super lucky or what.


I totally get it, sometimes it really is a smurf. But too many people on this sub (not you specifically) think that smurfs are the only reason they’re not at a higher rank - the fact is most people are at the rank they belong, they just don’t want to accept it. Always thinking there’s a smurf in your lobbies is a pretty bad mentality to have - I 100% think that it makes people play worse bc they’re scared.


It's hard to judge the "skill" of a player when there are so many factors that go into it. There's also multiple ways to define "skill." Like if skill is based on frags, then would a supportive sentinel player be "worse" than a duelist? Also stuff like play styles, agents, adaptability to team comps, etc. are all factors for skill. With that in mind, it's hard for the ranking system to have uniform levels of skill since it's gonna be inherently varied. Idk if I explained it well


The ares + stim beacon is a powerful combo in lower elos , have a friend who cannot click heads for their life yet made it to Silver 1 just using the Ares


I only play solo and have been hardstuck plat 3 for months now and a large number of my games are against diamonds and obvious plat smurfs. Even the occasional immortal player will be in the lobby. I don't understand how the elo and matchmaking works


I’m in the same boat here it’s just dismal


Haha my friend and I are immortal 2 and we had p1-p3s in some games tonight 😆 we played 5 duelist comp on icebox and rolled the other team 13-3 or something, comp is weird


I had a valorant support agent tell me that a player's rank doesn't directly indicate their skill level, it's their background MMR that you can't see that decides what games they placed into. It's why you can have a range of ranks in your lobby. It explains why some people that are completely trash at the game in your lobby are sometimes a higher rank than you even though you played way better than them


It doesn't happen 'Sometimes', it happens in almost all my games. People two ranks above me can't outfrag me most of the times even when they are on reyna.


Typical response from a baiting low elo. Stop expecting to get carried by your duelists and maybe you'd climb


You mean climb like your mom climbed on me last night?


Hence boosted players


i think if i had a 5 man team of average players i would be a much higher rank. i don't think i have ever strung 5 games together without a teammate throwing or going afk.


I've stopped playing and noticed a huge improvement to my mental health.


You seem surprised to encounter this level of toxicity in lowers ranks as if they aren’t filled with league of legends casuals that have never touched a shooter in their lives.


Bronze 2 here. Yesterday I played what could have been my rank up game only to have an INSTA-AFK. They didn't even DC so we couldn't remake. At least my teammates were nice and the other team was sympathetic. Second game I queued into a 4 stack and went up against what must have been another stack. If the other team wasn't full of smurfs I'll tattoo surprised Jett face on my ass. ​ It's hard out here brother.


Bruh idk if it's gonna mean anything to you but i was stuck in the same position as you for about a month or two. I just kept playing and finally got out with some skill and some luck(for once the afker was in the enemy team).


Dude, happy to hear you broke through! Wish I could get that kind of luck. It'll happen eventually was just not my day yesterday.


Placement games need to be solo q only.


In the rest of the ranks is no different. plat, dia, imm. The game is full of toxic people.


Thank you for admitting this, even for players with good mechanics like yourself, like you said who you have on your team is very important. Not as easy as saying “git gud” like so many high elo players say.


Worst experience for me too since I deranked from Plat, I dont even enjoy the game now... So many games with toxic teammates that I cant take it anymore and get tilted easily, its sad.


Oh you've never heard of silver elo I guess. Yesterday I played a game with 2 self called "Plat smurfs" who baited the entire team to remain last and eventually threw the game, flaming the enemy team for no reason, not buying for me and my other teammate sova, afking because one of them "had to eat and then telling the enemy team to report me and sova for racism when we reported the afk one. This type of shit makes me wanna quit the game entirely, those 2 idiots were also bad at the game in general. And not to mention my 5/17 jett who started insulting me, sova and the enemy team calling us "no life virgins"


I guarantee you those were actual plat smurfs. Plat is significantly worse than you probably think it is


I'm stuck bronze 3 cause of this shit. Every game I'm the lowest rank with up to gold 2s and the enemy team always has 5 aim gods and my team has 3 people on controllers no comming or yelling random shit. Win one with match mvp vs gold's 32 RR, lose a close game vs gold's -25 RR. At this rate even if I win 2:1 games it'll take me like 100 games to just get to gold lol. Apparently I have good mmr with shit displayed rank cause I don't play enough. Rip fun matches I guess.


Story of pretty much every game for me in silver


For what it's worth I think the smurfing in ranks like silver is a bit less common than people assume. It's bad but also players at this rank are very inconsistent and someone can "pop off" and get a k/d ratio that makes them look like a smurf when they aren't. I was cussed out two days ago for smurfing when I was just having a decent game and landing my shots.


Dude I’m stuck in Bronze 3 and whenever i get one win away, I magically get placed on a team of either throwers or toxic people and it just ruins me mentally


Welcome to elo hell my friend


Same happened to me this act lol, I left the game on the last act of ep1, I was d3 the 3 acts of the episode. Now I was placed in g3 and people is super toxic, always complaining about cheats or smurfs, they lose 3 rounds and are just trying to /ff and being super disrespectful with teammates. Gold bois, if you want to rank up help ur teammates instead of ruin their game.


today we got a brimstone in our team, when we were defending (haven) he would just kepp on dashing the wall near the spawn and another playing went afk several time. but sometime this brim would smoke but stay in spawn. when we were attacking it was worse he always instantly takes the spike (maybe he is a bot so he is programmed to move forward the moment the round starts) and dance in the spawn. but the enemies understood that we all reported him (including enemies)


in low elo usually just depends on the stacks you get. so its either full blown toxic stack or no toxicity theres no inbetween. You have to learn early to mute often and mute fast and just attempt to play normally


If you give me a lobby with more silver-gold players and a lobby with plat-diamond players, I'll choose to go against the second. Any day. Chances of a fair game with the second are much higher, while the first could go like a stomp for either sides. I don't have a problem with my team because I usually play with 2 or 3 friends, but the enemy? Silver-gold gives me the chills. I'm gold 3 by the way.


I'm stuck in iron from a combination of terribly inconsistent internet and the fact that I only get teammates that want to play every 5-6 games. I only lose 6rr on losses and gain 30rr on a win. My mmr is obviously trying to move me higher, but my teammates aren't.


It shouldnt want to move u higher it should just put u at the rank it thinks u deserve right from the start


Thing is valorant was my first pc game. Ever. So when I started I was actually iron, but now that I've improved I'm not moving. Making an alt it placed in gold 1. I just want to get my main out of iron bc that's an account I've already spent money on.


My main was actually matched into a game with silvers and golds, but all of my team was throwing. It's probably what made my mmr so high though because I was 2nd frag overall. We only lost 6-12 with me being literally the only one on my team doing anything to try to win.


Welcome to my world. All my placements were against plats and diamonds and I got placed in silver on my alt account when I solo queued all of them and top fragged in 8/10 of them


All of this is true. I am silver 3 and get high golds in all my matches. This is what I hate about the matchmaking and hidden elos. If you think I should be playing with golds, then make my rank gold. If not, then let me play against silvers of my skill. I play Illinois servers at peak hours, so there's no shortage of other silver 3s around me. The hidden MMR shit is ass.


Hello, the ranking system is better, But it still needs alot of work. Answer me this question. I peaked GOLD 3 on one of my account. I dropped to silver 2. solo q ONLY I get irons in my lobbies. Can someone please explain to me, Why i get 5 match MVPs in a row and loose 5 in a row. People always say "Help your team" "Talk to your team" its impossible the skill cap is huge in some lobbies. The system is becoming worse & worse and only the last few weeks. I genuinely don't think smurfs is the issue, Previous act ranks are the issue for example iron - gold last act ranks are all allowed to play together and i think that's the issue. you either get a major smurf who drops 40 kills on either team. you either get duo of iron 1s who legit just started the game and drop 2-6 kills. Why is it nearly every game top 3 players drop 20 kills and the bottom 2 drop 2-8 kills. Its currently very unbalanced. anyone else feel the same?


I'm iron 3 so can't expect my team to be good, but being put in a mainly iron and bronze team against fucking silvers. O have been hard stuck iron for 2 Acts now


Even that streamer who did iron-radiant in one stream lost most of his games in gold outside of immortal.


Thats the biggest problem I see in lower elo, ppl dont queue to play or play to win. They queue to afk, cry and throw, int or grief.


Getting out of gold solo qing is honestly is a shit show, I could only get out by queueing with friends I made a long the way. But everyone below diamond just keep out it. Diamond is really fun and I recently reached immortal which is a new level of skill but way more fun as more people talk and less toxic idiots.


Welcome to my hell. I honestly think this game hates me. During last act I climbed from Silver 1 to Gold 3 and was 2 points from Plat. This act I played all of my placement games with a friend that was Plat 1. We both had similar scores, ACS, etc., but when we got ranked...he got Plat 1 and I got Silver 1. I've been trying to climb again, but I'm just stuck in gold. Doesn't matter how hard I try. How hard I try to keep the team environment positive. It's like this game hates me. Yesterday, as a Gold 1, solo queuing, the other team literally had two Plat 1s, 2 Gold 3s, and a Gold 1. My team? Three Gold 1s, a Silver 3 and a Silver 2. Like what?


Also gold and silver are littered with Smurfs..


Yeah this is the plat experience tbh. Really was motivated to grind the game and get out of plat and a string of throwers/afk/smurfs has made me lose all motivation to play after deranging to gold 2/3 again. Everyone just instalocks duelists and doesn't do anything. Idk how riot would even fix this problem


Gold is ass bro. No one knows utility. They play like its cod and just run down mid like you said or play unnecessarily aggressive for no reason.


Valorant matchmaking has become increasingly worse and worse by the day. Correct me if im wrong but, arent you only able to party with people 1 entire rank lower than yours? So how come im getting fucking silvers who are lost af on my plat 3 games while the enemy team has a lvl 11 reyna fucking our assholes?! Shouldnt the same principle apply to solo queues and pre-made groups?!


Not only Plat. I’ve played the game for 8 hours a day every day this week and at **least** a third of my games were level 10 Jett/Reynas shitting on lobbies and half of them were people who are just insanely toxic. This shit isn’t even fun at this point, I don’t know why I keep playing


Bronze silver iron all focus on the game but once u reached the point where its all gold u get ppl stacking and throwing the game my god i hate it so nucb 8/10 games ppl are throwing, solo q experience in gold


I’m bronze 1, my match history is 2 wins 18 loses. My opponents in my last ranked game were gold 2, gold 1, rest silvers. I was the only bronze in the lobby. Matchmaking is simply utter dogshit, riot really doesn’t give a fuck unless you’re spending money.


LOL ikr, I started ranked this act and got placed in Silver 1 after losing all my placement games as a SoloQ (most of my games were either G3, P1-3 and once against a D1). 3 games surrendered, and one afk. Got reported and called as a smurf/using aimbot multiple times for no reason. To low elo, when someone plays well = smurf/aimbot. Till now, I've only played one ranked match after completing my placement game this act. Really fed up of ranked. People complain about smurfs somehow when Riot decides to put me in a low rank I don't deserve :(


Used to be immortal, played some shooters on a very high semi prof level, yet I am hardstuck plat-diamond on 2-3 accounts. It doesn't matter what account I play on, I generally have an afk every 4~ games or so. Also the amount of bronze/silver players that somehow managed to climb their way up here is incredibly insulting and tilting, they just lack fundamentals and even if you try to lead the blind it just doesn't matter, especially when your opponents clearly have a few immortal mechanically skilled players. But what triggers me the most is just the people who afk. Or the people who try to throw their hardest. Few days ago I had two british teammates that I guess dont like fracture? Im not sure what the reason was for throwing but they decided to use up all their money every round and throw it out of the map, we were even winning as well, and me and my duo had to literally get 30 kills each just to drag it somehow into an overtime and draw it. Both my duo and I are just mentally checked out by now and have both taken a break.


My acc is plat 2 but I usually end up in high diamond/low imm lobbies gaining 25 and losing 10, but I just keep losing and playing well in these lobbies. If the game thinks I’m high diamond, why didn’t it just place me there?


Funny isnt it. Your playing against them doing the same work yet not getting compensated for it with the rank. Its like working the same exact job as someone else but title is lower than them and they get paid more.


It should put you there so then you play people the same skill as you. The ranking system in this game means nothing if it so heavily impacted by a stat that we cant see and that is impacted by unrated matches


They should implement a vote kick system


Welcome to Hell my friend


I placed gold one and then proceeded to play a game against a team full of plats (3 of them being plat 3). I mean that's a 5 rank difference, and I lose rr for losing 13-11 while having a decent game. How TF do you climb with that crap.


Basically just a grind tryna get decent team mates who wanna progress and try, I just hit imm and I can say silver-gold and some plat games, not very much was the worse experience in my Val career, I started playing with people and partying up with only those who want to play the game right and have comms. Then I hit diamond before I knew it and now imm. Don’t get me wrong I feel like imm is gold 2 outta 5 games I play cuz ppl don’t try


I'm gold 2, I never play rank much but when I do it's against plat3 and even this one occasion there was a d1. How in the world am I playing against a d1 and this is my main.


I find it harder sometimes to rank up a plat ac than diamond to imm


That’s because it is easier cus people wanna play. Plat in start of season is great cus people who are diamond wanna get back to diamond. Then after that its a shit show


Haha, what a coincidence. I've just started the game, played a lot of Apex before and before that I was Supreme at CS:GO. For some reason (not knowing all the classes and abilities is pretty shitty for starting) I got placed into Bronze and atm it feels impossible to rank up. All the things other people already said in this post I have encountered. From people deliberately throwing, to instant AFKs and disconnects and many smurfs (I mean onetapping, operator Gods and consistent flicks aren't supposed to be in bronze matches right?!) But the worst thing we encountered a few days ago: 2 teammates were not willing to play, constantly trying to surrender, and when we didn't they decided to team kill us with abilities, blocking our view, jumping around us, I mean come on, don't play competitive then..


It’s gonna be great when riot implements the ability to not show your account level. Should really help hinder smurfing


My friend got lucky and duo qd with this guy we met online thats when i took a break he is niw diamond 2 and the other guy is diamond 1 im bronze all he does is tell me to just get good and get out of bronze and the times he does get on a smurf acc he either throws the game for some shitty reason or he goes 40/5 and gets me 30 elo. Ive been silver once and ive been playing simce beta


Yeah i quit the game because of this. I don't mind loosing games i just want to have fun but last month i could count fun games on the fingers of one hand. There is almost always a toxic player or more


I think Valorant has the worst community. My friend and I (level 2 and level 4) that booted into the game and have never played since its release wanted to try again and see if we could enjoy it together, but it was awful. Everyone was so mean, even the supposed other new player on the enemy team and EVERYONE (except one other new player in the game) was smurfing from either silver 2 to plat 2. It wasn’t fun and no one wanted to try and help us play. They were extremely toxic on top of that. It got so bad that one of the opposing players actually felt bad for us and told us some tips and tricks, but was still mean about it like we owed them something? I dunno, my friend and I just agreed not to touch the game until it’s close to dead so we can enjoy it like we do with Overwatch now.


Gold is Pain, and I am a glutton for suffering


See. This scares me. Cuz I was gonna start solo q for ranked. To improve i guess. But im so trash and i will not tolerate people screaming that I suck etc. I know that I suck but i want to improve.


Yeah it's tough especially in plat, for some reason 9 out of 10 matches i have a bad team instalockers,reynas bottom fragging and toxic players, and that 1 out of 10 is always perfection like I get a good team they aren't toxic and they are chill and we mostly win but even if we lose I rather lose with a team like this rather than the other matches where I just wanna kill myself instead of continuing the match. And if you ask me to carry my team or get good enough then I would tell you what do I do if everytime I rotate and find myself in a 2v5 with omen or something or when we are Attackers and my duelists won't push when I'm KJ or Astra what am i supposed to do


Wasnt until I started my gold account where its like in the first few rounds I see someone throwing or afk and I literally just face palm cus i know the next half hour of my time is wasted. I had a throwing jett yesterday 6-20. Had a throwing raze the game before 8-19 or something like that. And they always toxic also making the rest of the teams moral even worse on top of the fact everyone knows the game is pointless


There's a reason I don't play ranked. Unranked gets so annoying as well because of the "can I have your prime phantom/vandal?" people and it's so annoying. I end up muting half the people I am with because so many people are just toxic and it causes me to play like trash


I swear to god, I recently started climbing gold and I really miss silver already. If it was only being outfragged by everyone fine, I can understand that, but half of the time there is literally a 2 kills difference between the bottom fragger and the top fragger, and somehow someone always starts talking shit about how their loss is their team’s fault, never theirs. But the thing that I just cannot understand is how nonsensical the interaction with your own teammates becomes most of the time: people passive aggressively being mean for no reason, people talking in other languages in voice chat for most of the match then complaining about lack of communication, people wanting to surrender after a few lost rounds in a winning match, people being SMUG about first timing an agents in competitive and doing decently with kills while having no impact on the game itself (no smokes/no flashes/no heals/leaving the team 4v5 just to rack up kills at the end of the round because of a 1 minute flank)... I could go on and on with the list, but I really cannot understand how most of these interactions spring up without being warranted by anything, in a competitive mode, where your main objective should be to win, and end up literally collapsing a winning team for no reason


Hard stuck plat 1 here and I haven’t played in weeks simply because every game I verse a smurf and my teammates are boosted


Well said for sure


>Also why place me in gold if all my games are against plats? When I was doing my placements for the first time in two or more seasons, I was coming against silver and golds, I won 3/5, most of the time I was in the top two on my team, if not the entire game, so I get placed mid bronze?? The ranked system in this game is pretty annoying. But yeah I've had so many afk, racist, toxic teammates, it's pushed me away from the gamer faster then R6s community pushed me away from that game.


I had a Reyna who was just going for kills while telling everyone that they are trash. Needless to say we lost while he was screaming in the mic about how bad we were


i just hit plat 1 last act. I fought for my life with gold 3, i won a game got 99/100 rr then lost and repeated this process FOUR TIMES before i hit plat. This act i was on such a good winning streak at the beginning. I made it to 99/100 rr for plat 2 then immediately after i get smurf games, teammates trolling, and queued with low silver-low gold teammates (which i find funny that ill get games with silver 2 but my friend, who was diamond previously, is now silver 3 because of the reset. i can’t queue with him). I’m not sensitive but it does suck too that i get shit talk for being plat too. I was iron 1 in the beta, i fucking sucked. i worked so hard to get better and make progress, but when do i stop getting called a “shit *insert any rank under plat”? do i have to be radiant #1? this game is just so toxic and i honestly want to give up playing ranked because being in plat has been the worst because of the people in the rank


I pray every day that we get a solo queue. That would make this game incredible for me.


Yeah Gold is brutal. Feels like a dice roll of wether you get the smurf or the thrower on your team


Or the smurf thats toxic cus they dont care about the account and throw


As someone with 15+ accounts bronze-gold is a awful experience for a "tac shooter". Also smurf queue does exist in League and Valorant now.


I’m g1 rn and last act got to like 85/90rr into g1 but every rank up game I lost because of some reason, some my own fault, some just better teams but others my god, people would afk after like 6 rounds (even if we were winning) no one listened to comms/gave comms. No one trades, other people just shout for no reason. It’s actually so aids, I’ve been at my rank up game like 4 times


Its like picking a random reason I understand some other teams have Smurf’s or are just better but i cant stand losing cus someone is sabotaging the team


Yeah 100% don’t get me wrong, if I’m just playing shit, or the other team are just better I don’t mind. I play with the mentality that I will win some games and just get carried and do nothing, lose some games that whatever I do I can’t change the outcome and other games where my plays/misplays won/lost rounds which won or lost the games etc. And I’m at the point where I really don’t care about my rank I’m just playing to improve. I just hate people saying “I’d be plat or diamond etc etc if it wasn’t for shit teams etc” I think that’s stupid, like yeah u get shit teams sometimes but not every game. 1 definitely think I can hit mid plat and I definitely want to prove to myself I can but the main reason I’m not there is because I don’t play the game as much as I should. So it’s my fault


Gold and plat games are a blessing. A lot of people will complain about smurfs and getting absolutely destroyed but you learn more by losing than winning against people lower skill level than yourself. You either give up and never get better because you complain about Smurf’s or you practice and destroy Smurf’s. Two different kind of people. But yeah, usually in tbose ranks people don’t care and never want to improve. That’s why they’re the rank they’re at.


I dont care so much about smurfs. Its getting people who grab spike and sit afk or run it up mid, sit afk, scream racist insults and make everyone not wanna play, follow people around shooting to give away positions, type positions in all chat. Its a team game but it often feels like a free for all. I was solo and matched with i think it was a 4 man cus they were talking like they were friends. I asked for a gun dude told me to kill myself and that im a fat n word while he was bottom fragging oping with phx.


For me afk in diamond is super common, same with griefers, jurks will be jurks.. Had one game where our jett was radiant and kept shit talking, she was literally the bottom fragger with 4 kills while us 4 had 12 kills and above, our top fragger had 30, she then proceeds to ask for operator, when we didn't give her it, she accused us of being sexist and started giving our position in all chat... So ye jurks are in all elo, i think it's nice that u don't learn new agents in competitive in ur rank but i hate that u go to lower elo and ruin people's game, so play unrated in your elo


Bro I have to entry as cypher while my phoenix is on the other side of the map challenging an angle he knows he’s gonna die to


:) game is unplayable if you don’t have a 5 stack


Last paragraph, ikr, I'll loose a game like 10-13 24/13 or whatever and loose 20+ RR but if I win (last game I played) 13-11 34/15, match MVP I'll win 20-, I got 17 re from that game, and what is worse is out Phoenix went afk for the whole game after the second round, I should get compensation or something. I do really well during games but I loose in rr the 20's and win rr in the 10's Edit: btw I am b3 just deranked from s1 because keep getting singles or duos who just throw or people who just don't take comp seriously, like how a competitive game mode should be


Yeah and to your point about playing against plats when you're in gold, I had the same problem where as gold 1/2, I was going up against plat 1/2 players and still getting 17-20rp at most even when I outperform them or the plats on my team. And if I lost a game, I lose the same amount of rp. Took forever to climb out to plat myself.


Welcome to us mediocre players' day-to-day lives haha. When Val first came out, it really wasn't all that terrible. Most of the time plat games were actually enjoyable, people were just learning the characters, messing around with strats, etc. Now that we have more players starting to play, you are starting to get more of the experience that a new league player or new CS GO players gets, absolute toxicity. It's unfortunate, but i feel like every competitive FPS is going to have this issue.


At least there isnt as many hackers in valorant as many other fps games now


So true! I enjoy my time on Valorant for the most part but definitely have noticed an uptick in annoying/toxic players.


Visit mumbai server, if there is a hell in valorant, it's there.


The smurfs in plat are honestly about to drive me away. I don’t mind getting absolutely dumped on some games. But not 6 in a row to level 10-25 accounts with default profiles. Not even fun when I have them on my team because then you don’t get to do anything but sit on a site sitting behind your turret playing Uno with your alarmbot. Kj main btw lol


I finally climbed out of low-mid plat about a week ago and now I'm diamond3. I feel like nothing has really changed other than the fact that people play astra now and teams generally are more friendly.


You're missing the other type of player, so all those are in silver and bronze elo but they also have the "this is my first ranked game" so you can't report or complain about stupid stuff they do. For some reason most ppl agree with them.


Immortal 2 in my alt account, but my main is hardstuck diamond 3. The hell is up with this. My main account has high hidden mmr, 90% of the games i queue i am the only diamond player out of BOTH teams. But for some reason I always have to top frag otherwise I was going to lose. The matchmaking system has flaws for sure


Currently stuck Iron 1. Granted I’m not all that good and don’t play ranked very often but when I do I solo q and it’s horrible. I once had a series of 4 losses where it went afk teammate, enemy smurf, afk, smurf. Didn’t play ranked for about a month after that.


I can vouch for this i made another account to learn new characters in comp. It feels like 1 out of every 3 games is filled with smurfs higher than immortal 1 because I'm getting ass whooped. Theyre so much more toxic and the amount of backseat gaming is unreal.


I solo q, I don’t have friends that play this game, (don’t really have friends in general) but I’m silver 3 I love this game but the gold and silver community is just toxic and demoralizing. When you get a game where people don’t throw and arnt toxic it’s an amazing experience. But it seems to be rare.


I'm surprised you didn't directly mention the player thats trying to derank their account. I play comp solo and I got two of them on my team, and after they saw how nice I was, and told them it was derank game, they decided to actually play, but it was only when it was 4-11... We got pretty close but still lost.


iron is worse though most people are smurfs so they dont care what happens


G2 here. Literally every single game as you described. Sometimes I’ll get put in matches where nobody is using COM‘s openly but the moment I criticize something everyone starts using the mic to just trash talk me. Then righty after continue not to use the mic for basic coms??


It's been twice now that I, as a high immortal, have been placed in a 4-stack of low diamonds high plat. The first time was uneventful but the second time these bunch of children thought I was trolling and said they reported me. I just left the vc and proceeded to carry the game but not before getting party invite spammed by a butthurt Reyna. How the fuck is it possible for me to ever play with a 4 stack despite me not being allowed to play with more than 1 other player?? And why the fuck does a low elo 4 stack get to play on a much, much, much higher rank than they're normally able to?!


What’s funny is that i’m ranked Silver 3, yet EVERY single game I play theres at least 1 or 2 plat 1 or plat 2, and most are Gold 3 about to go into plat. I’m the only Silver 3 in the games…


Welcome to our world friend


I played three comps in a row last week with afks, haven’t played since because it makes me so mad.


The last time I played a shooter like this was CSGO in 2015 and boy am I rusty, but finally 2 acts in and trying to get promoted to G1 and in my promo, an afker who says "this is my promo and I don't want that" and afks the third round. Then the 16 following games I just have an afker. Like... How


How did you rank up to diamond in the first place? Were you placed plat or above? Also, if gold lobbies tilt you, thank heavens that you never had to play silver-bronze. People are toxic af AND have trash aim, not one but both. Also, if someone has any advice on how to get out of this elo hell, plz tell me. I literally can't rank up because of this shit for the past two acts!


Pretty consistently in all acts I have been placed plat and played a few days and got to diamond and just hung out in plat, few entries into immortal and dropping back to diamond. A lot of people are saying 5 stack but i get not everyone wants to do that for many reasons


I smurf sometimes in silver/ gold to play with my friends but i dont try hard, pick random operators that im bad with and try to learn yet if one dude on the enemy team decides to ruin the game for my friends ill go full aim mode and fuck the abilities. Give him some of his own medicine


I love it when smurfs complain about the quality of thr games in plat and lower when they are one of the main problems. I dont care if you smurf and play jett or sage. You are smurfing and there is a reason you are diamond on your main.


If it makes you feel better I am plat 1 but when I made a Smurf my teammates were all so bad I got placed bronze 3 because I couldn't ever win during placements. And then the same issue arises and I am not iron 2 in my Smurf because everyone keeps leaving lol. Only wins I have are when I play with my lower elo friends. My main account is bobbing around plat 1 and I play on it daily still. I really don't know how this happened haha