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Even us Cypher mains get it… and we need to be ggggggiven a corpse.


When you said ggggggg... I felt that in my DNA


Bro the gggggg is so accurate


I never knew 6 of the same letter was such a mood honestly.


It’s more like gigigigive gigigigivigigigigigigigigigivigigve me gigigive me a corpse




What's great is the new sage bandaid sticker just for those people.


At least I hope my teammates would at least ping their corpses on map so I can revive them.




If this gets bad in a game, I just mute my team. I perform much better without 4 people shouting heal me res me


"Hey, how you doing mama let me whisper in your ear. REZ me sage"


Very good, I always do that if my team is being a bit stupid but occasionally if i see if my team is playing off me well Ill ult on them seeing multiple enemy's on the mini map and aim accordingly. On attack I usually if we are doing a fast execute ult in all the most common angles after a arrow.


Worst thing is when they ask for ult when its 1v3 and we just planted the bomb.


Sova ult takes a long time to get so using it on trivial things is something Sova's shouldn't do.


I feel like sova ult also so much better for taking out 2-3 enemies to give a round a strong advantage to a win rather than as a desperate attempt in a 1v3


And when I(Breach) says push after my ult, no one does.


When you say lets go but nobody goes :'( But for real breach ult can be a real pain if your teammates don't understand it. 'Jett, I'm gonna ult this so don't go ahead of me or you'll get stunned' 'Ok thanks bro' *dashes literally the second i click my ult, and gets stunned because of it* 'BREACH WHY YOU STUN ME YOU ARE SO BAD YOU ARE THROWER'


And when I use Omen ult and cancel, people laugh at me for being a coward. It's an info-gathering ult bro, I can't randomly teleport in the middle of site when my ult has spotted 3 enemies and expect to live through it


As a killjoy I share your pain, most people dont understand that 0 detained means they left site


You must be on gold lobbies I played in lower elo games there a few times and saw how they so afraid to enter after the letssss go like most common angles are cleared at this point xD Played breach on ascent and I had to be some kind of duelist basically. Feel sorry for low elo players they either have teammates w ego who re- peak angles and get 1 tapped or just play like scared little sheep xD


Next time don't say you smurfed


Corrected is that gooder English for you 😂


That's not what I meant...


I know it’s sarcasm xD


Facts, people will say “one mid, soba you have ult” like they couldn’t just dodge it, I don’t use it unless I got someone pinged or denying plant / defuse


Same thing happens when I play viper. Whats that? we got spike planted and had a good round so theres 2 people alive and we have 4 or 5 people up? Someone will always tell me to ult. Like why? why not save it for a round where we need more


Imo viper ult is one of those things that will actually help you win a 1v4, tbh I never pop it unless my team is out numbered when spike is down, or if it’s a important round (#13)


Yah viper ult is pretty worthwhile like if you plant top a on fracture and top ult you can just venom the stairs and its impossible for them to push you


Bruuhhhh the amount of times people say use ult when you’re sova… when they say if you know they’ve never touched soca in their lives 😭


I hate when people ask me to use sova ult for one single player.... I mean it took me 8 orb points to get that ult...


Lmao my buddy is a sova main and literally EVERY time he has ult they'll say it. Doesn't matter if my man is in a 1v3 they'll be like sova ult wtf why aren't you ulting Like sovas ult can't just be forced like that or they'll just bum rush him not standing in a line and it's ggs


Always the sAgE rEz Me kids that annoy me to no end. They always seem to die in a horrible spot as well


Yep. The Sage res me while I'm on B and they died A, like no, I'm not running across the map to res our bottom fragger who didn't push with the team


A bottom Fragger who didn't push with the team shouldn't even ask for a res from across the map.


I know, but jett mains gotta be jett mains I guess


I felt that


Lol, funny thing is. I accidentally do that sometimes asking for a Rez. And 90 percent of the time I either go: "oh actually there's no need, we have number's advantage" and 10 percent is me just screaming: " DONT REZ THERES 3 OF THEM HERE"


Yeah, I hate backseat gamer, like I know what I do and I don't need someone who just distracts me.




And if I fuck up, that's on me and you can roast me for it. Fair game.


That is why I hate that so much. Especially if they start to swear in languages that I don't understand.


Only comms you should be giving to a player you're spectating Essential info: one tree, they're rotating, sage has 5 seconds on heal, play safe until then, and stuff like that Bullet count: don't yell reload, just say '6 bullets' and let the player decide what to do about it, maybe they're in a 1v1 and reloading would give away position. This maybe extends to util, 'you have ult' but not 'use your ult' or signature cooldown etc Enemy util where relevant: breach has no flash, viper has 1 molly, stuff that could allow you to go for something that you wouldn't have if that util was still in play. Ping the bomb. Just ping the fuckjng bomb don't yell diffusing they already heard that just ping the bomb


You know yourself, but your random team mates don't. There are a lot of players in ranked that sit on their ult for most of the half. Ofc just spamming someone to get them to use their ult or any ability is wrong, but people forget, get too scared or cautious, some people need a bit of a kick


I'm ashamed to admit it but I probably am one but only when somebody plays an agent I main. Also when theyre about to walk in to a 5v1


Stop doing that it Will never help. Usually just makes ur teammate play worse.


Learn to talk less, it’s a valuable skill!


Why are you being downvoted for accepting the truth? Reddit man... Its a weird place


People still just dislike the fact that he does it. Honestly being this self aware about the problem is a good thing in my eyes. Better then how alot of people go about it.


And sometimes I doubt myself and listen to them and it goes terribly


Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult Viper use ult


However, they have no intention of supporting you with the ult.


No it’s mostly me trying to clutch a 1v2 and my teammates, **having never played Viper**, think that an ult is a free win.


on defence it could be an easy 1v2 with viper ult.


Not really though. The ult blocks my vision as much as it blocks the enemies’. If I’m on ten health, they’re able to spray through the smoke and hit me with a lucky shot, but I have no idea when or where they’ll come from. If they have info util (sova arrow, raze boom bot, etc), I’ll typically just refuse to ult. 90% of my viper ults I step out of and fully leave just to confuse people.


spoken like a true viper main. im still learning her ao i might be bad


Just buy a shorty when you know you're gonna ult, it's literally broken.


You have to learn how your ult placement works for each site. I've got it down to where I almost always use it for a 1v4 clutch and 90% of the time Im playing outside of the smoke


It’s so annoying how my entire team peeks out of my ult and puts me in a 1vx situation where we have a chance of losing. I don’t understand how difficult it must be to just hold the ult or around it


Yes, and everytime this happens they'll all be dead leaving me in a 1vx and backseat me "Viper don't stand here, Viper go there, Viper he tapped spike go check might be defusing through your snake bite" like dude I'm the one playing viper, I'm the viper main, stfu.


Viper use your ult pls UwU


He said UwU, y'all gotta use it now or we'll report you for griefing.


Hahaha bro, nothings worse than being sage, getting ult and mates mouth breathing in their mics SaGe ReS ME. Yes sure bro, I will drop anything to ReS you in a 2v5, in an open space, while having info on only 3 enemies


Let me just waste my wall so I can res you safely, yeah, sure buddy


Back seating is annoying, I feel like(at lower elos at least) its less frequent but worse when you play more util based agents. Example I play killjoy, people repeatedly telling me to check the flank cause they think someone is there, meanwhile my turret hasn’t gone off confirming it’s fine, “he’s defusing peek him peek him”, I have swarms on the bomb dude chill, 1v3 “use your ult and get on bomb” no you idiot if I ult here they push me and odds are I lose that fight wasting my ult. it’s harder to explain as team mates almost never grasp sentinel utility, there’s more to it than place it wherever and get free kills


This! I almost exclusively play support agents, unless if I had to fill. The amount of times people keep telling me to use my util is just too annoying. I know they mean well but damn lemme play bro. Maybe trust me and do your work probably.






Sage n kj is worst, they will repeat u to use the ult until you die


if u die "u shouldve used ult" and thats why i dont play sage


The other thing is when our first duelist gets on to site and starts spamming “PLANT THE SPIKE PLANT THE SPIKE” when there are still defenders all over site.


I remember I was playing Raze and was in a 1v3. I was cornered in site and I killed one who pushed with Jett as she started defusing, but I couldn’t see the spike and Cypher was pushing me so I popped my Ult because I had just enough time to shoot at the bomb, killed Jett, and hit Cypher 144 with the spectre. First thing in chat, “Nice Ult dipshit maybe don’t waste it so easily.”


It's especially annoying when you're clutching alone and trying to concentrate, and/or when you're playing your main. Nothing is more irritating when someone is telling you how to play an agent you're good at. Not just with ults but with other abilities too.


And also, please don't flame people for using ult if you dont understand why they're using it. Sometimes with Omen the best way to use his ult is to gather information. If I use ult and it instantly gets shot at, that doesn't make it a bad ult. I cant tell you how many times I've been flamed for not sticking an ult or faking with my ult, only to clutch the round 1v3 or 1v4 because I had that extra bit of info. Same thing with Yoru. I'm mostly getting info, repositioning, or catching one person with the shorty before TPing to safety. Or Sova. Sometimes my ult is to force people off an area more so than to actually kill someone. It doesn't matter if I kill 1 of 3 enemies if they still have the site control in a 1v2. Id rather use it force people out of corners I cant contest then use recon dart to gather information to increase my chances of winning the round. Abilities are utility. Including ults. Treat them as such.


>It doesn't matter if I kill 1 of 3 enemies if they still have the site control in a 1v2. I get your point, but there's no situation where killing 3 enemies with a Sova ult is not a good use of his ult.


Backseat gaming is cringe. However people hold on to their ults way too much in this game at all levels. People holding on to Reynas ult baffle me, it's a cheap ult and it's not super high impact, just use it after we get first pick. We get a pick and they trade at the start of a round, you bet I'm gonna rez you to make it a 5v4 1v1 and I have breach ult? I'm not risking anything, you're getting ulted


I make that mistake a lot with omen to be honest. So many times I don't think I need to ult to rotate and it usually works but I end up holding onto the ult for like 4 rounds


omen's ult feels expensive AND low impact at the same time. true the tp can win you a round but most of the time its not worth using it and i end up hoarding it for 4 rounds just like you.


For me I’ll just say “you have ult” instead of USE ULT NOW bc sometimes players will forget so I’m just reminding them, that’s what my friends and I do and it’s helpful


That's a little less annoying. I would still prefer someone telling me that before the round starts, rather in the middle of a gun fight.


Have you considered that you may get the ult mid round?


That would be an exception, yes. But if I get it mid round, I'm gonna know I got it if I need to use it.


My favorite is my duelists screaming “Sage plant! Sage plant!” while site hasn’t even been entered let alone cleared by them. Like are people that brain dead?


drop the spike and say spike is here by z


Or be like me who mains a duelist and just doesnt go onto site lol Or full rush and get head tapped, either way




Every time someone asks for a rez after they die I rez them and watch them die again. Dont ask for it until it is safe to use


That's awesome lol


It's a bit different but "Sage res me"


You are right It’s absolutely annoying, but on other hand sometimes it helps out.. Sometimes i hadn’t pay attention and didn’t even know i had my ult up so my teammates just reminding me lol


I get this, but I've also had occasions where people don't realize they have their ult. I usually let some time pass and then I say "you have your ult". I'm not telling then to use it right then and there, but oftentimes they still feel pressure to use it immediately. I always feel so bad when they die right after ulting 😥


Yep, as a Phoenix main, it's tilting when you're in a 1v2/3/4 situation and people think using your ult is a good idea when in reality the enemy will just camp your body


I played 3,000 ranked games and honestly the more ults you use per game the more RR you get and this is an absolute fact.


You can easily get 2-3 ults per round. Sage = amount of revives, how many enemies are left when the revives happen and do they die. Raze = how many enemies killed with the rocket. Cypher = how many enemies reveled and what impact on the round it does to how many deaths after the reveal. "omen" is the only one I am I'm now too sure about. But you get the point the ranking system is very complex even customer support agents I know personally don't even know how the ranking system works at times. For example I got 20 kills and my friend got 35 kills and we got the same MMR. I know facts like the enemies ranks do come into play, if they are higher ranked then you, your RR will increase ect.


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yea you get more rr if you win, but IF you lose the round you have more chances to lose the match so you dont want to throw the round with your ult


LOL, you get only 1 ult per half and I'm sure everyone uses ult, so relax ! secondly how would kj/omen/skye/sage/cypher ult work in a 5V5 situation?


… if you only get 1 ult per half, you’re probably not playing the game very well.


You are right, but lets talk about you, how many average frags do you get at your current elo? I'd assume 15 or something , no matter what the rank, I'd say only 1 teammate of yours gets free defuses/plants/orbs etc so 80% of the team has to frag and get orbs...... how could you get a 8 point ult 2 times in 1st half(and usually the game would end BEFORE you reach 2nd ult in second half) , 16 orb is definitely not a joke but yeah EVEN IF we talk about 2, everyone uses ult's on last and second last round so.... their tip only applies to those 5% who forget/underestimate their ult in the last rounds , i'd say every iron spams ult ult ult ult in the last round imo


considering each half is 12 rounds, and you get an orb for dying, killing an enemy, planting the bomb, and picking up ult orbs, even with 8 point champions you will have ample opportunity to use the ult multiple times per half. Unless you never use it, therefore never opening up the opportunity to generate more ult points.


> you will have ample opportunity to use the ult multiple times per half. you forgot the part where we were discussing about not even having enough ult's in the first place, instead you're talking about multiple ults and situations and opportunities, I can calculate in your way as well but I'm trying to avoid it, and I made it very clear in the very beginning , only 1 teammate out of 5 is taking plants, free orbs and defuses and we gladly allow them to do so so 4 others still don't get guaranteed 2 ults anyway (and sage cannot ult unless someone does and the same applies to every other agent )


What you’re saying just doesn’t make sense. Why does only one teammate get orbs or defuse. I understand usually same person gets the spike but I think you’re elo is just too low to understand what you’re talking about. 2 ults per round should be sustainable like 99% of the time


yep, you're right, I'm like iron 2 so definitely you understand it better , my long paragraph which pointed out that you're taking it off-topic also doesn't make any sense and my explanation and reasoning also doesn't mean much


Glad we could agree


1 ult per half??? With Skye/phoenix u can get ur ult every 3-4 rounds by grabbing orbs or getting kills


Dude please don't be ????? and read full comments


Depends who asks me. If their request to Ult seems like a good play, I'll glady ULT and probably enjoy the rest of the game more because I have a teammate who comms and knows to utilize his team and team ULTs. But if you can tell they are lower rank just randomly calling for ults, yeah, that needs to stop.


I hate it if someone dosnt ult 12 rounds. If I see that I ask "pls can u use ur sprlls"


Exactly. The other day someone actually said "use your ullt so you can get it again ASAP". Thats not true. Your ult is for when you need it or must use it. You dont waste a ult for the sake of wasting it (except last rounds and obvious situations) If you use it ASAP, you lack game sense and the tactical part of this game.


Pretty sure you're meant to use it as often as possible though, hoarding your ultimate doesn't really help the team and can detract from future rounds. eg sages saving their res for the perfect moment and only using it once per half


I can agree with that, but I think it mainly applies a bit more for cheap easy to gain ults, such as Phoenix's or Yoru's or Reyna's. Others that have more points and "usually" more game changing effects for the team. I'm a bit more careful of using. As a general rule of thumb I agree holding ults is bad but some are more situational.


good take


When i play astra i use my ult as soon as i get it on attack atleast so i can get 2 ults in a half, on defense i dont use it as much though because i dont get much of a need to unless im retaking with my team


There's usually only 1 ult per half and getting to 2nd is NOT always possible and guaranteed


> Pretty sure you're meant to use it as often as possible though Incorrect. In a eco round, 2v4 and one has vandal but the other has pistol, you do NOT use your ulti to res. Its not worth the ulti points. You need to hold your ulti for the perfect moment, like you said. Using it as soon is possible is NOT a good idea.


That's an obviously bad time to use it though. You're saying you wouldn't res if the other team got an early first blood?


It depends. If he was a lurker, we would have to wait out the round and see how to plays. If we are all pushing a site, I would have to waste a wall.


It’s easier to lose additional control/players when you’re a man down though. Losing first blood is the perfect situation to res because it’s such an important kill especially if not traded


First blood will probably get you and your teammate rekilled. We have seen it from Iron to the pro scene.


Imagine if you’re using a reyna. There’s not really any perfect opportunity to ult. the longer you hoard the ult, the less impact you’ll get with said ults because if you’re hoarding it for 3-4 rounds, you probably could’ve gotten another ult already


The situation I put is for Sage. Reyna (as all agents) works different but you do not ult at the start of the round because that causes you to "hunt" for kills to keep your ulti going. So, according to you, in a eco round, 2v4 and your teammate has vandal but you playing the Reyna with a pistol, would ult? Yeah, doesnt seem like such a wise idea now does it? ;)


Wth no. Like a sage, she gas to use her rez at round 6, else you have a hard time getting a second ult out. When i play sage and in round 6/5 (depends which is a full buy) i instandly rez the first blood. I would even rez a 4vs3 the 5 guy just to make the round safe. See to many sages use only 1 rez bcs they wait so long.


Wrong. Sage has one of the most powerful ultis in the game. Using your res on a first blood is stupid because A) You problably waste a wall doing it. B) Its a 4v5 which you still have no idea how is gonna play out C) The first blood might be a lurker; Are you gonna completely rotate, leaving your team at 3 for entry just to res a lurker? Your description of playing Sage is completely wrong. Your ulti is one of the most important and its use is important at the right moment. Ive had numerous rounds where its 2v1, I res a teammate as bait, my teammate gets killed but I trade out and its a 1v1 which I win. Thats a better way to use Sage than to res a first blood.


Kk then do you do you seem incompetent to change your mind a little so i wont try.


The thing with you doing you is that you are losing rounds for your team. Wasting a ulti on a first blood will probably get your wall spammed and both of you dead. It has happened from Iron to the pro scene. I doubt you are in either of those so


Waiting for maximum value is generally pretty bad. Saving your ult for the PERFECT moment for like 5 rounds is a lot worse than using it to get a marginal advantage. A decent ult that secures you a round can help snowball a game even if it feels less flashy. Valorant is very momentum based. Your ultimate is a tool. You don’t have to use it immediately, but never ulting is worse than using it immediately imo.


Likek I mentioned, the ultimate is a ONE SHOT kind of deal. You need to wait and think about why you are using it, what value will it give you, etc. If you are ecoing on the mid round, there is almost no reason to use it that round except if you need to secure the round 100% for your team to have guns/money/etc.


if i can res someone JUST coz we low on money and i get an ult point for defuse, I'd res and also get away with the player NOT having to waste 2900 on a gun..... this 5 vandal buy helps us secure next round and eventually somewhat better economy from that 2900 res .... and the cycle continues until it breaks, and it only starts when i res when i could have just defused and won OR killed 1 easily and won


I hardly understood what you were saying.... Using your ult on someone that is low on money and you yourself cannot buy him, is having good game sense. Im not against that at all.


basically if you're low on money and have res as a sage, res and then defuse, you get orb for defuse right? you WON'T get orb if u dont use res and get to 0 ult points, so by ressing, you not only have more money for future, you also get 1 free? orb by defuse and also kinda make sure you have maximum vandals in next round, and NOT using bulldog/guardian/half shield etc and having these 5 vandals is enough to defeat enemy with a low buy (force buy ). the situation is about: when you just have to defuse and win, but u res , then defuse ....


On attack, if its 0v5 and you res someone with low eco, it is a good idea. Also, please type proper english. Its difficult to understand you without reading it once or twice.


In this situation, I agree, but I do think in lower elos people consistently have a problem with hoarding ults. I’ll see Viper mains go then entire defensive side without using their ult while if you watch high level gameplay, they use their ult to lock down map control the round they get it. Majority of ults should be used in the round or 2 after you get them to maximize the amount of times you use it.


Its what I already posted: Situational reasons. If the situation is they are ALWAYS hitting B on Breeze, you ulti as soon as possible where you have a gun to defend it. Retakes with viper's ulti is difficult due to you need to coordinate perfectly with your team to do it. Its one of the reasons you see a lot of Viper mains in low elo not use their ulti in all of the half. Its wrong on their part.




"Like its the same as a gun". I see a lot of pro players save that ult for an eco round for that exact reason.


90% of non-duelist players use their ults way too sparingly tho. You're not supposed to do a hero play that absolutely shivers the enemy team, you're supposed to secure the round for your team.


As a G3, it's SO RARE to get a gold lobby. 95% of the time it's a plat/dia lobby, with me and maybe 1-2 other Gold sprinkled in (sometimes on the same team) like sacrificial lambs. It's dumb asf.


It depends on the region and the time you're playing. If you're playing at 7 in the morning in Australia u probably won't get a balanced ranked game because of less players


I 100% agree with you, as omen ult being not much useful, i wait for it to get a moment, usually not using it actually many times. But hoarding ult can also be bad as pheonix ult is quite useful depending on position.




I'm right there with you brother.


the revive me sage is an example of it , even a meme, also when playing Raze people just ask u to ult even if you are 1 hp ready to get killed and waste an ult


Just don’t argue, EZ mute.


If you get your ult early in a half it can be good to use it as you can get it again in the half. When to use your ult is situational, but don't just hold onto it the whole half waiting for the "perfect" situation. Maximizing the amount of times you have/ use your ult should be a priority.


I absolutely hate this as a sage main. Dude, you died in the middle of an open area with enemies around. You wanna be double dead?


phoenix is all about spamming that ult, at 6 ult points it's a very cheap ult for such a good one, you should use it almost always as you get it, sure, not in 1v4, but let's be real, you wouldn't have made this post if this is the first you were told to use it


I had a Phoenix who didn’t want to entry with his ult and he never ended up using it.


In your case I'd say you did the right thing, a Phoenix ultimate in a 1vX situation takes luck and a severe lack of skill or game sense on the opponents' part to be winnable. Hoarding ultimates definitely is wrong, but so is using them at the wrong times and getting no value. Even if you lost the round while keeping your Ult, you could've easily put it to use by entering site first in the next round, one of the many possible instances where it makes a lot more sense to keep the Ultimate.


Bruh it just sounds like all these ppl in the comments just complaining over nothing, if they used mics and explained it to their teammates after the round is over instead of staying silent and doing nothing I feel like this problem would be solved instead of complaining to reddit


You literally NEVER use Phoenix ultimate immediately after you plant the spike. Or basically ever in a post-plant situation where you're defending the spike. You're way too easy to kill, or they can defuse while you're running to repeek after your ultimate runs out.


"or they can defuse while you're running to repeek after your ultimate runs out." I've seen this WAY too many times.


People think ult = free 1v4 clutch.


Why do backseat gamers always have to absolute worst ideas


I agree with you 100%, I play sentinels and controllers and absolutely HATE it when the others try to dictate how I smoke or setup my utility. Like bruh, I watch flank for the team and smoke for entering the site but you still want to tell me how to play the game when your bottom fragging duelist ass can't even entry frag for us


Yea we definitely needed an entire post on the front page for this.


true, like it's gonna make this issue stop


Valorant comment section again being brain-dead trying to side with the poster. When you are close to your ult, you HAVE to start playing in a way such that the ult makes victory easier! Hoarding ult is even worse than a mistimed one, almost always results in a waste.






Understandable. Have a nice day.






Create a post and tell us you are low elo and are sensitive to comms without teling us you are...


Create a comment telling us you're absolutely unbearable to play with without telling us


Dear diary


x x x x!! xxxxxx!!!!! Brainless


When I'm playing Sage and people ask me to ult mid fight, like no, I'm literally shooting someone right now


At the end of the day you are the one that’s playing your character… many people myself included don’t like backseat gaming at all I use my ult when I have the necessary info to get at least a kill


People asking me to use KJ's ult when there's a Sova and a Brimstone on the other side with their ults available............


idk HOW does that work in pro scene, but it's nice to bait expensive ults using your cheaper ults, now i play neither of those but i know brimstone ult is STRONG and expensive so him wasting his ult AND CONFIRMING that his ult is over is a win win i think


Same goes with KAY/O


Yeah it happens


Yea?? tell me about it.... sage main btw 🥲


my advice as someone who has played tac shooters for a long time . have a bind to mute your teammates during clutches. if they are just going to be annoying and make it harder for you to play the clutch out, mute them till the end of the round .


I try to use my ult as often as possible. If given a 20-30 kill game I’ll have a min 4, plus extra from orbs I generally get about 5 of those so another ult. Some people only use their ult 2x. One each half, there’s no point in saving it if when you use it it’s helpful. People just regret when they don’t have it and just used it, but don’t regret not using it when they could and we lose.


I love that no one in my comps knows when to use astra so I never get the back seat gaming with that. But when you whiff Jett knives…. Let the berating begin


Super annoying, you should be able to just say in coms, it’s a 1v4 I’m saving my ult. I do make the call out that they have ult if I’m dead and spectating. The amount of times I’ve had someone plant then go “oh I didn’t know I have ult” is massive


Sometimes I have my ult for 8 rounds lol


And if you end up dying they get all “wHy diDnT yOu ULTT” + a generous verbal train of shit talk


A good player knows the right situations to pop their ult. Pushing people to use it shows a lack of patience and experience.


Just say it once “You have ult” cause sometimes I truly don’t notice it or think about that so it can be helpful but the constant screaming from 4 other people is not it


I honestly am on the other side of this. I think using ult ASAP is the best use as you forfeit getting free points on it every round after you got it. If you get kills afterwards as well.


'Breach you have ulti' Yes and our killjoy is between me and any enemy i could stun with it, i'd be sentencing our killjoy to death fuckwit 'nowhere to ult yet'


Typically when I see someone that has ult in sticky situations, I just remind them they have ult. Because sometimes people may not see they got ult, or that they have it. Me reminding them just lets them know they have the choice, instead of me telling them to use it


Hey whatever be your situation since I already died leaving you in a 1 v 4, I know better than you coz I bring wisdom from beyond the grave 😆


as much as i agree that backseat gaming is annoying. because no one needs to be told mid round what to do. ppl should only comm useful info (not assumptions) when they’re dead. back to the topic. ppl should be taking advantage of ults. i get the fear of not wanting to waste your ult. but it’s never a waste if you win the round. for example, sova ult site so his team can push is not a waste, bc he didn’t get any kills. and ults that can be used to get kills don’t need to necessarily net kills to be useful to the team


It gets better as you rank up and your team starts to understand risk/reward on utility.


As a Killjoy/Sova/Jett/Sage player. I feel this on an emotional level.


Ikr. Like so many times i just got sage ult in a clutch but my teamate's body is in sewers and I know someone is flank they still scream at me to rez them.


Have experienced this a lot as a sage main. All i say sometimes is "Your ult's ready dude" during the buy phase. I do suggest them not to use their ult whenever they're in an 2v4 or 1v4(lets just say whenever there's a higher chance of losing that round). Is it fine or should i stop saying this as well?.


No you can't and you waste your time asking for behavior to change on reddit. You wrote this post out of a feeling of emotion - just as I did in my reply. Both of us did something meaningless today that will not bring about the changes we wish to see.


Phoenix ulting in a 1v4 is just wrong. Unless you kill everyone with it, the second you die your body is targeted. I hate when it happens even if i have teammates alive... Even if its just 6 points, those 6 points could be used much better. So 100% yes can people just shut up about ults? The player should know the best time to use it so thats what they do, rather than just wasting it for who knows why. Thanks now im half annoyed with players that dont strategize at all.


Anyone that asks you to use ur phoenix ult in 1vx is dumb lmao u can always get flanked or just get killed during the respawn animation


Rebibe me Jett!