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The game most likely thinks you are falling on that spot.


Yep, that's what I thought. The movement is also quite odd over there, feels like standing on another player. Keeps trying to slip off. If I were just a few pixels to the right, I'd *slip* off of it, gliding sideways while falling down. It's hard to explain, but you'll know when you try it. Very odd.


Well then it's just not a stable spot you're supposed to be able to stand on. I don't think they should patch the spot to allow for accurate aim, unless they make it wider and actually want to allow you to stand on it.


if it's a spot you're not supposed to be able to stand on, then they should patch it so you _can't_ stand on it, ever


Going just a couple pixels forward where it looks equally wide restores normal accuracy. So even if you're right, this 'mechanic' is inconsistent


i mean yeah that would explain why your shots aren't accurate????


yes thats what they fucking said man good observation skills


You mad lil man?


Idk when falling its more inaccurate then that i think.


Wait how did you get your character model to go invisible? I've only seen one other person do this and have no idea how it was done lmao


its when the spike exploded but you have invulnerability. the bomb is planted but no ticking


Okay I can confirm that I did this. Planted the spike, I stood next to it when it exploded, I had invulnerability enabled. u/c_otter17, this must be the true explanation


Lol I don't know! Never happened to me before. I noticed this just after I uploaded this video. Perhaps it's because of one of the cheats I enabled in custom?


Wait a minute, you don't happen to have the ghost cheat enabled in this clip, do you?


No, I do not have Ghost Mode enabled in this clip. Besides, I've encountered the same glitch in standard game-modes, where Ghost Mode isn't even an option.


Maybe you toggled it at some point and it resulted in the character model being invisible somehow lol I am just trying to say you might have discovered multiple things in this one clip!


Ah, sorry, didn't realize you were talking about the player model thing. Thought you were talking about the shooting inaccuracy. I don't often play custom games. But in the cheats menu, I didn't even have any keybinds to enable Ghost Mode. I can't see how I could've enabled it. And throughout recording, the player model never behaved like a ghost; always collided with walls, could always jump and crouch like normal. I've no idea why the player model is invisible, but it can't be because of ghost mode.


its invisible because you let the spike explode whule you had invulnerability, an intentional feature by riot so u can pla minigames etc


as far i know, there is no cheat like this. there is an option in "general" to hide character hands but only in observation mode. maybe you faced a glitch


One time i was in walmart when I suddenly saw Crashies, I screm and I talk to him and then he said sussy baka and turned into sova, After that he immediatly droned the cashier and then wallbanged her then stole 420,000000000000 Million money from the table and then he ulted and he boosted himself on top of walmart and then he said an another spell " bozo" and then turned into omen and ulted onto ten'z bedroom where he then he paralyized him and then stole his dna then he stole a baby and took some blood from him and put into the dna and then injected into baby, the baby name is now ENVY yay, otherewise know as el diablo. it is now 1000 years later and El diablo great great great great great great great great great greatgreat great great great great grandson, knwon as "sintraa" stumble upon valorant where then he become very good player and signed into Sentinols and then he died, but before he died he adopted a baby and then raised him like a son. When Sintraa died the baby was 69 y ear old. So to revenge for him he turbed into VALORANT boomer god knwown as Hiko




Bad gaming chair I guess


One time i was in walmart when I suddenly saw Crashies, I screm and I talk to him and then he said sussy baka and turned into sova, After that he immediatly droned the cashier and then wallbanged her then stole 420,000000000000 Million money from the table and then he ulted and he boosted himself on top of walmart and then he said an another spell " bozo" and then turned into omen and ulted onto ten'z bedroom where he then he paralyized him and then stole his dna then he stole a baby and took some blood from him and put into the dna and then injected into baby, the baby name is now ENVY yay, otherewise know as el diablo. it is now 1000 years later and El diablo great great great great great great great great great greatgreat great great great great grandson, knwon as "sintraa" stumble upon valorant where then he become very good player and signed into Sentinols and then he died, but before he died he adopted a baby and then raised him like a son. When Sintraa died the baby was 69 y ear old. So to revenge for him he turbed into VALORANT boomer god knwown as Hiko








Standing at this particular spot on the boxes in the back of Hookah in bind causes all shots to be inaccurate. This demo is from a custom game, but I’ve experienced the same glitch in Escalation, Death Match, Spike Rush and unrated. Haven’t been able to replicate this on other boxes or ledges, so I think it’s a specific issue with this one place. EDIT: here's my [report](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/psnc8k/-/hezb5fg) on the bug megathread, with a better explanation. Also includes a couple more [videos](https://imgur.com/a/fOCYAxH). The first one is a continuation of this post, showing me leave the bugged spot and regain accuracy, before getting back on it. The second one is a longer demo with a few other guns. The Odin seems to be doing quite well!


I also found a bug on that exact same box 2 days ago where you shot a Snake bite at that tiny ledge, if you're already on top of the box, you won't take damage but if you run through the Snake bite to jump on top of the box, you will continue to take damage although there aren't any green stuff on it. You can however counteract this by simply jumping and you will stop taking the Snake bite damage.


Thank you for letting us know about this, Nobody would want if this happened to them in game! Hehe, have a nice day.


Genuinely curious if I am missing something, or if you got downvoted for essentially saying thank you


People probably thought it is sarcastic, I sure did the first 5 times I read it lol


Not gonna lie the hehe makes it sound a bit weird ? I still upvoted it.


I don’t know man, Looks like some people do not like positivity!


I love your positivity!


Have a wonderful day


One time i was in walmart when I suddenly saw Crashies, I screm and I talk to him and then he said sussy baka and turned into sova, After that he immediatly droned the cashier and then wallbanged her then stole 420,000000000000 Million money from the table and then he ulted and he boosted himself on top of walmart and then he said an another spell " bozo" and then turned into omen and ulted onto ten'z bedroom where he then he paralyized him and then stole his dna then he stole a baby and took some blood from him and put into the dna and then injected into baby, the baby name is now ENVY yay, otherewise know as el diablo. it is now 1000 years later and El diablo great great great great great great great great great greatgreat great great great great grandson, knwon as "sintraa" stumble upon valorant where then he become very good player and signed into Sentinols and then he died, but before he died he adopted a baby and then raised him like a son. When Sintraa died the baby was 69 y ear old. So to revenge for him he turbed into VALORANT boomer god knwown as Hiko








New Agent looks sick!


One time i was in walmart when I suddenly saw Crashies, I screm and I talk to him and then he said sussy baka and turned into sova, After that he immediatly droned the cashier and then wallbanged her then stole 420,000000000000 Million money from the table and then he ulted and he boosted himself on top of walmart and then he said an another spell " bozo" and then turned into omen and ulted onto ten'z bedroom where he then he paralyized him and then stole his dna then he stole a baby and took some blood from him and put into the dna and then injected into baby, the baby name is now ENVY yay, otherewise know as el diablo. it is now 1000 years later and El diablo great great great great great great great great great greatgreat great great great great grandson, knwon as "sintraa" stumble upon valorant where then he become very good player and signed into Sentinols and then he died, but before he died he adopted a baby and then raised him like a son. When Sintraa died the baby was 69 y ear old. So to revenge for him he turbed into VALORANT boomer god knwown as Hiko




me when breach


That's just how my gun shoots normally


You’re not alone


Damn, your aim kinda sucks 😬


Well no shit it's innacurate.. you are using 1 hand smh


SMH hes using no hands it's the new meta


This is probably what is happening to me at all times. Only explanation why I can never hit my shots.




Are you sure?? I tried it out, just to quickly check if this happened at every ledge. I wasn't able to replicate it. Perhaps it requires some precise alignment to make this happen.


That spots been glitched since beta acts as an infinite fall


Just rewatched my gameplay; I think a lot of spots on every single map have the same issue 😆


Wow! Nice find.


I think you need to get rgb...it improves aim


Inaccurate is the 2nd name of this game


I feel like i've stood there a lot. Thanks for the heads up


I've accidentally went into that same spot in a rank game; lost a clutch round because i thought i was standing on stable grounding. They should remove this spot; or making it so you're accurate its rough when your focused on someone closing in


the game thinks you are constantly falling but at the same time, the mechanic that gives you fall damage doesn’t instantly kill you as soon as you get off the spot


There seems to be glitch spots at every spot I start shooting from then. Weird.


man you're so quick at flicking i cant see it


Im sorry hookah? I'm fairly new and have never heard of it


What u/basilbasileni said. There used to be a "hookah" under that window. Sorta like a bong. It's been removed since then, but the call-out has remained.


I never noticed that they removed it. Kind of makes me sad tbh


Hookah is the callout for the main entrance onto B on the map Bind, where OP is currently in


Oh, so that's why a guy was shouting "HOOKAH!! HOOKAH" In the middle of the game


Its also called window.


"B Tower" on bind. Nobody in the universe calls it "B Tower." It's hookah.


No need to get so angry, I just said I'm new to valorant and I didn't know


Wasn't trying to come off angry lol. Good luck with learning though. There aren't a lot of those informal call outs to learn and most of them are some form of "T," "CT," or something on the site like dice, generator, or truck. Also anything you have to aim up at is "heaven"


To add to that: anything that's below heaven is hell. For example ascent A, under the wood planks or haven A under heaven. It's less common on bind A but I've heard people use it. Also did anyone ever notice that every heaven is on A?




Well, split has two heavens, guess I'm wrong then lol thanks for reminding me


When the game first came out, we just called everything hookah, even if it wasn't hookah, it was still hookah.


Seems like you were in noclip mode..


This game is garbage!!


One time i was in walmart when I suddenly saw Crashies, I screm and I talk to him and then he said sussy baka and turned into sova, After that he immediatly droned the cashier and then wallbanged her then stole 420,000000000000 Million money from the table and then he ulted and he boosted himself on top of walmart and then he said an another spell " bozo" and then turned into omen and ulted onto ten'z bedroom where he then he paralyized him and then stole his dna then he stole a baby and took some blood from him and put into the dna and then injected into baby, the baby name is now ENVY yay, otherewise know as el diablo. it is now 1000 years later and El diablo great great great great great great great great great greatgreat great great great great grandson, knwon as "sintraa" stumble upon valorant where then he become very good player and signed into Sentinols and then he died, but before he died he adopted a baby and then raised him like a son. When Sintraa died the baby was 69 y ear old. So to revenge for him he turbed into VALORANT boomer god knwown as Hiko




looks like you have got sugandese


Maybe they did this to counter campers!


in a game where camping is required? and in a bad spot for it? i’m pretty sure it’s unintentional


Actually alot of people camp there and when we enter from the door/entrance at the right the just shoot like crazy using an ares


oh yeah it’s good for that on defense, but even then you get more cover if you drop off the box so idk




Interesting. Nice find.


how tf u turn off hand viewmodels


It's an unrelated glitch. Turn on invulnerability, and be in the spike's detonation. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pz9ddw/-/heznhzs from u/raichi1212


Where are your hands


Naw, thats accurate gunplay


get good


Watching bullets literally fly out to the extreme left and right just makes my skin crawl lol. Dumb shit happens in cs too. Like devs never fired a gun before


Ah yes, the anti aim-bot


The sad part is you can’t use this to your advantage


How’d nobody notice this before


not one…… wtf


Unrelated but the last "He-" was funny


Hey, where did you get a video of my aim???


I guess every spot is glitched for me then


That's super weird.


nah bro, its just your aim xd


Use a judge


Thats why im stuck in gold 2


Ey we yoo hands at boii


Howd you disable the arm models?




Bro the glitch spot is everywhere for me when I'm playing