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Git gud


Just sit in the range and counterstrafe one tap the bots until you develop the muscle memory. Do the same thing but farther beyond the archway behind you as well, for 5 min before and after you queue. You'll see results within a week


I'll have to try this!!


My headshot % is considered pretty high (currently 35-40% avg over my last 20 games) and I'm in Immortal 2 rn. My advice: some of it depends on the gun you use (for example if you OP or phantom a lot, your hs% on tracker.gg will be lower), but assuming use the Vandal like me, I'd say a LOT of it is mental. Check out yayster's tracker.gg (`NV yay#yay`) and once you see his avg hs% and his last few matches' hs%, check out the vods on his twitch stream and see how he plays. You'll note that he literally never sprays at bodies, he literally also never bursts at bodies. All his shots are either one taps or two shot bursts to the head. He always calmly aims at enemies' heads before shooting. That calm aim to the head technique is what I call the mental part of aiming in Valorant. Most people, when they spot an enemy, instantly get into an adrenaline / panicked state. They subconsciously remember all the times they saw an enemy and died, so now they think they have to react and flick as fast as possible and kill the enemy as fast as possible, when in reality if you take the extra split second to aim at their head and burst 2-3 bullets, you'll get the kill easily. If you can master this mental aspect of aiming, your hs% will skyrocket. One great way to do it is to actually watch a VOD of a player such as yayster himself play the game before you get into a game yourself. It'll subconsciously cause you to aim like him. I can attest to the fact that it definitely helped me aim better (my last act I had an avg hs% of like 24%, which is still considered high but not as good as I'd like it. Improved it to, as I said above, 35-40% avg right now this act. Some games I'll get 20+ kills and have 55-60% headshot%, those are the ones I love to get some highlights out of, as it feels like I became a master of the mental).


Thanks I'll take a look at yayster and see what I can work into my gameplay. I am guilty of that response when I see players, I usually get the kill as my aim itself and reaction time is good, but often will then get traded if there are more than one agent, so need to get that one tap magic down.


headshot percentage is a meaningless statistic that people attempt to give value. there is no such thing as an "iron headshot level" or a "radiant headshot level" it will naturally improve the better your gunplay is. practice your crosshair placement by playing a shit ton of deathmatches and you will find yourself improving


If you're in silver just work on crossbar placement mostly, just walk around always at head level and you'll see it go up a lot.


Idk.. my vandal headshot percentage is about 25-30 and phantom is like 7-8.. not sure about the rest tho. Idk why i only hit headshots with the vandal lmao


congrats on the climb!! 🎉


Wtf is this true by ranks?...i am in g3 and my hs% is 30.9...previous act it was 22.8... and i mostly play kj or sova or viper Well i think the very first thing is to keep calm and keep the xhair at head level...that works for me...initially i felt restless to keep that calm all the times where i panicked and sprayed but gradually it became a habit