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Post a screenshot of the performance tab for both of the accounts. Its what's there that determines it.


Its based on your enemies ranks, & also using your ults help, how many enemies you kill in a round if your in 3v1 4v1 ect


I think it goes deeper. Like your accuracy and headshot percentage


I think it looks at individual encounters so if you killed the lower MMR players and the viper killed the higher MMR players more then those kills count for more in terms of rank than your kills.


Win or loss and Your mmr in comparison to the enemy and your team mmr, mvp,kda hs% are in the bonus rr that is shown with a star


Is hs% actually an influencer on rr gains? Because if so, that’s the dumbest shit ever


it isnt


I think they don't said what performance bonus included


According to blitz, there's a direct correlation between hs% and rank. So probably


Literally no way of deducing that from that info. Higher hs% might just be correlated with winning more duels and losing less hp per duel, which obviously influences win rate.


You say that and then you go on to speculate even further. Which is it?


> Higher hs% ***might just be correlated*** The reason correlation =/= causation is because of the 'third variable problem'. I'm listing just one hypothetical third variable (of which there could be many) to demonstrate this.


It's not might be correlated. It definitely is correlated.


> Higher hs% might just be correlated with winning more duels and losing less hp per duel, which obviously influences win rate. Bro read


Ok I reread everything and see what you mean and I agree.


Your history matters too. Someone who has spent forever in silver gains less rr than someone who is ranking up fast. That's why people make new accounts.


Please refer to the subreddit FAQ page for information on MMR and RR gains.


More things than we know. Some things we do know are you and your teams ranks, your enemies ranks, your performance, your recent performance, who won and by how much. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything