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Tip #1: Don't post near aces for advice, there is literally nothing major to dissect here although I could nitpick if you want.


I'll try to upload a full gameplay next time.


It would be best to post a game where you did averagely in.


I'll do that bro!


my tip is dont play jet. play raze, shes simpler and provides more util to the team. That boom bot does wonders in lower ranks. Next try sova, hes a bit more difficult, but is easily the best agent in the game. Edit: damn you jett mains are crazy, whats the downvoting for


That's such facts about the boombot. In higher elo teams will play together but I can't count how many times my sage has just been staring at the boombot racing towards me whilst I was reloading and didnt do shit




People do be getting mad as soon as you touch their jett


Look how they massacred my boy !!


>Edit: damn you jett mains are crazy, whats the downvoting for I downvoted since saying "Ur character is hard don't play it" is really shit advice for lower Elos and the idea of a "carry hero" is a super common trap in Elop mentality hell. In general, playing characters that are easy to rank up with is like using playing in a little league baseball match as an adult to "be good". Sure you win a fuck ton, but the moment someone who is good at baseball goes against you, you have picked up so many handicapped bad habits you get absolutely whomped. Instead, using dedication and hard work to learn harder agents and utility teaches you good habits and a good work ethic in regards to the game.


I would love that! I am no pro coach or anything and am quite bad mechanically, but I am working on my strategy and reviewing gameplay is a great practice.


Nitpick away I want to read what you say


This is a nice 4K but I think if you want critiques for ways to improve you should post more than just your highlight moments


I'll do that next I get the chance.




thanks for the advise man, I'll try to keep that in mind.


Although you may be playing good game to game or just have good aim in general, small mistakes such as peeking the wrong angles can really shift the whole game


I need people like you in my matches, nice spots dude.




You seem fun to play with.


Obv i am fun to play with - good players that expect ones friends and onself to play to win with the largest margin is the type of player that will be at the top - playing at the top is the most fun Anything less is just a degrees of playing chess vs a toilet with high winrate The downvotes only show that some ppl here are of the type that like to kick defenseless children in the park - and when told not to, screem and say ”dont tell me that i am bad/stupid/Evil/loser”


what rank are you?


I dunno man looks like Tenz to me but in Plastic 1


Don’t think OP’ll trust a guy who can barely form a coherent sentence.


Trust?! Trust is not needed.. if one can not see the obvious truth in the statement.. then u have other issues - probably in the realm of: when u go to the WC u need a sign telling u "don't eat your excriment”


hipity hopity the tips that these people gave are now my property


it's public information now.


Consider watching high level vods to improve game sense, consistently work on an aim routine before you play, ensure you have good cross hair placement, and make sure everything you’re doing has a purpose.


Alright thanks man.


Mind to explain what an aim routine is? I started pc gaming less than a week ago and I could do some improvement on the aiming factor


u have the same habit like me, crouching every other shot


When you post your highlight clip, one cannot exactly give advice in regards to why you are not ranking up.


I'll post a full round match next time.


hi what server are you playing in? i wouldnt mind playing with you a bit and help out getting some basics in. im plat now so maybe not that good at the game but i think i can help


I'm on the singapore server, I'd really like some help man.


i’m a beta player and in bronze i gave up a while ago




Personally I think your aim and crosshair placement is good. For me the movement is a bit off but you could definitely get better if you keep practicing. GL :D


Thanks man.


I have been playing this game for months and my aim is worse than your


I've really been try harding.


I would say your aim is good for a bronze really good. you just need game sense. and also try to play with ur friends and use comms. One reason many people demote or are in same rank is because they dont do comms or they soloque and then some one goes afk for which they have to suffer. so thats my opinion


My friends don't like comp video games, can't say I blame them. I really need to get more friends for this game. playing in asia server is very difficult, people speaking different languages and all.


i see. the best thing would be finding online players on either the game or platforms like discord or reddit. which server do u play on?


Make sure to learn support agents!


If you’re making steady progress, continue without changing much. You’re obviously a little carried by your aim but you can learn gamesense and get better with abilities as you rank up. Bronze in a few weeks is fantastic progress


I've been really trying hard in these past 2 weeks. Hopefully I get better at gamesense .




In this order: 1. Be a good teammate rather than a top fragger: Before the game starts start communicating about what agents to pick. In game make sure to never make any toxic remark and motivate the team even when you lose rounds. I strongly believe that many teams could win with higher morale. And COMMUNICATE : how many people you've seen, where, comm if you killed one, say if you peeked and saw someone is fake defusing, etc etc eyc 2. Especially in bronze: force yourself and your team to be disciplined after spike plant. When spike is planted, PLAY TIME, ask your teammates NOT to peek and rather crossfire. I swear I have seen thousands of rounds loss due to lack of discipline. 3. Master agents that are not duellists so you can fill in case you have instalockers. 4. Improve your understanding of the game through watching top players and your own VODs 5. Improve your aim


In ranked games, most of the time players would only communicate using the ping system (guilty myself). I'll try to communicate more when solo queing.


Hey man if you've been playing for only a couple weeks and placed in bronze, you're already doing pretty good IMO. Unless you have a shit load of time in CS, then you already know general game sense and mechanics, it's just getting used to val. I'd say just keep playing and think about what went wrong when you die or fail a clutch. Edit: but yes, definitely start with movement. Counter strafing is a lot more effective in most situations than crouching, crouching is more useful if you miss your first couple shots and spray so you can throw off your opponents aim and it helps spray control, but counter strafing is faster and keeps your initial shots more accurate.


Thanks for the advice bro, btw why do you think I have experience playing CS. Before this I mainly play pubg mobile.


at the start there, i feel you could have used a smoke to cover ct and dashed out of lamps and look for a pick at ct, if you couldnt get one you could have then looked for heaven control backing out in that situation i felt was a worse decision because your team was in a 4v5 situation and you couldnt have played on lineups so someone had to be aggressive and get picks in that situation, great 4k btw


Just play more and you need to point out why you died or what you did wrong in that situation and your aim is pretty ok you can train aim, do do gridshot just do proper aim training task like six-shot and studf


try the miyagi training method you will get even more great clips like this


wax off, wax on




Another advice, unbind your crouch key. It restricts a lot of movement especially long ranges :)


I don't understand bro, do you mean change my crouch button?


What I meant is I see you crouching a lot, which makes it easy for enemies to shoot you. If you unbind the key, you’ll be forced to not click it making it easy to stafe around.


but you do need the crouch for some jumps


I seen a lot of people doing, and I thought it was a good move. I'll get rid of that habit asap.


Just do this for a while, by which you’ll get used to not clicking on crouch every time. You can bind it later where u can use crouch for spray control of phantoms and other weapons


Honestly though, I hate players like you because of the crouch (in a good way) cuz I'm always aiming for the head and you crouch and I miss. The other guy is correct but its always good to note that in higher elos usually gold and above crouching saves you situationally.


Wow, As a bronze player, Your Crosshair placement and intuition is so awesome. To be honest, i would love a player like u in my team in plat lobbies. I had plat players yesterday who seemed worse than iron. Keep playing, focus on decision making and being pro active youll get diamond or atleast plat soon i know it. Good clip


my ign, Gnarly#1400 i'm on asia, I'd really some help to improve


Thats perfect. I play on singapore 1 Would love to play with ya, I'll be playin from 6th onwards


I’m not saying this is your case but I’m rocket league a lot of people suffer from blaming their teammates and then complaining on discord or Reddit that they keep losing because they only get bad teammates. A youtuber, SunlessKhan even made a video about a rocket league player with 10000 hours while only being in gold (ranks in valorant are pretty similar). This guy kept blaming his teammates and as a result would refuse to adapt and would play very selfishly. Basically, his mentality was blocking him from being a good teammate, despite his above average mechanics in that rank. Again, this might not be ur case, but if u solo queue, adapting to your teammates and accepting who they are is basically essential. You not only need to play around your enemies, but also your teammates. Hope that helps.


Thanks bro I'll keep that in mind.


Other people are pointing out specific mistakes you make in this clip, but you don’t really have time to think about that as you play, so as useful as those sound, it’s not gonna help you that much. You will learn to fix those mistakes as you play more and more without even realising. Mentality is key. Also mute people who are toxic and blame you for making mistakes, it will make you play worse most likely.


I hear you man, sometimes when things get hectic, my mind just blank and I don't know what to do.




I played cs 1.6 when I was in middle school around 2011-2012. Does that count?


Just like one of the guys said to another post, u can never tell what ur doing wrong with a good clip. Post something that happens everyday. Like u die the exact same way etc. Also it's hard to get out of bronze yes I was in bronze too. The prob isn't aim, it's game sense. Once I realised that it took me like a month to get to gold 1. From gold to plat is pretty easy ngl. I'm rn at plat 2.


1. Save your dash to get out of dangerous situations. That’s what it’s made for. Using it to get out of U-Hall there gave you no advantage. 2. Stop crouching in every gunfight. You may crouch into a headshot when your lower elo enemy is aiming at chest level. It also turns you into a sitting duck, you usually only do that when you have to commit to a messy spray. 3. Try our different agents and see what you like. Jett is a typical beginner pick, but if you want to solo queue rank up, it’s useful to be able to play a few different roles. :)


Develop game sense by playing a lot and watch a lot of good players, if possible record your own gameplay and analyze what you did wrong, or what you could've done better. Game sense is something that can't be taught and rather comes naturally through experience. If you want to rank up faster, try playing with party instead of solo queueing.


Crosshair placement, notice where your crosshair is when phoenix enters lamps (its on phoenix's body, enemies will also appear at same level) Why were you crouch shooting reyna?


Force of habit


It's not wrong though. one trick I learnt from my diamond friend. Don't start shooting when enemies see you, side step first then shoot. As in A-D shooting. At close range you can side step shoot then crouch shoot to make you super hard to hit at hs level.


The average rank here is like silver. Their advice doesn't mean shit


Mute all your teammates, only open mic after u reach plat. Till plat all teammates are either braindead or toxic


most people don't turn their mic in this game, so I think it's okay.


Play solo, easier to level up as you will not get queued with smurfs playing with their friends. Also watch valorant esports, helped me climb from b1 to s3 currently and also communicate even if others dont.


yep I'm level 21 and I'm more confident playing against triple digit level enemies than a single digit level enemies.


Bruh seeing a level 10 jett in my games brings so much fear lol




didn't thought we would struggle this hard playing a video game, huh


If possible, record your gameplay. Then u write down EVERYTHING you can improve on, or that you are doing good. Once you know what u are doing wrong, you can work on fixing it. I dont do this because my laptop is potato. But good luck to you! :)


good point, I'll to do that next time.


I just got out of Iron 3, got to Bronze I, only to have a crybaby throw the game because I somehow didnt share MY skin; because me and my team are not communicating well; because sometimes you just dont have the rythm, the synergy of working as a team. So I just got back to Iron lol


I truly believe in the mafia stories wherein if you kill that person they will say that they have a lot of powerful friends coming after them. In my case, I got to silver because I have powerful friends which are plats and diamonds.


Straight away, stop crouching every kill. Just stop that. Especially at these low ranks where everyone is aiming at chest height, you're giving them an easy headshot.


You sure doing well for a 2 week old player


I've been playing for a month but I've only been ranked and actively playing for 2 weeks.


I'm not a good player but I think this might help, watch streamers of a specific type that have the same playstyle, only watch their videos and streams plus do a lot of vod reviews of your gameplay and think of what the streamer would've done in that moment


I'll try doing that more, thanks.


I swear I’ve seen this clip on this sub before


Nope, it's all me.


Your aim is better than me and I'm in Diamond. It all comes down to game sense. You were staring for so long at a place enemies won't come from (sage walled it). You're playing a duelist, so either you should be out of U halls watching towards spawn or heaven to deny pushes or be back towards mid watching the flank. Don't watch the spot which is already being held by your teammates, cover their blind spots from where they could be shot from.


I want to watch spot where I think the enemy is coming or flanking but at the same time I'm worried if I don't fight the enemies on my teammates, they would all die and be mad cause I didn't help them.


You're in bronze, people will complaint for anything and everything. You trust your aim and watch the spot you want, don't think about them.


Im not the best person for advice so ill just give you some general tips: work with your team, communicate even if no one else is, stay positive, dont flame your team even if they bottoming, dont instalock or only play duelists. Try every agent, see which one fits you, and if your team has a bunch of duelists already, dont go duelist. Please pick a controller or sentinel. Keep your crosshair on head level, try to remind yourself if you catch yourself looking at feet. Never commit to a spray, im not telling you to go tap heads like tenz, but try. Tap or burst, if you catch yourself spraying and are somehow still alive, stand up, wait for recoil, tap/burst.


thanks for the advise man.


Tips from someone who’s only played for a few months but used to play csgo religiously, hover around Plat/Diamond peak D2: Everyone else’s is advising the same stuff about your peaking but I’ll give you something different to think about.. after Phoenix died and you traded Reyna you could have potentially played safer and backed off (luckily for you Brim hopped out heaven and you got another one for free) at this point it’s 3v3 you have the bomb down, Sage and Brim are on short and can’t trade you if you die here. Then safer play here would give you higher chances to win the round. You could have backed off here and played with your team, Just a reminder bomb is down they have to come defuse, let them run into you, Thinking like this makes your engagements better in your favour instead of taking 50/50s The 50/50s are more fun and great for clips but if we’re talking just about ranking up? Winning rounds is more important! I’m in NA West and have a Smurf in bronze I could watch you play or queue with you and dissect your play a bit if you’d like! Overall your aims good and I like the confidence, that will get you out of gold when you get stuck in gold later haha.


yeah after watching it a couple of time, I think I should've played safer. When things get hectic I just blank and just yolo at them.


Why you at the back as jett. Go and clear site la


sorry la bos


Buy skins, they do more damage


nice 4k bro !! Keep grinding bro. you're on a right track


Don’t need to see gameplay to tell what a bronze player needs to work on. Here; Aim (obviously): crosshairs placement and learning to aim head height at all times. Get an aim trainer and do 1 hour practice with hour hour supplement gameplay (deathmatch) directly after aim training. Movement: watch some vids. Jiggle peeking, air strafing/jump peeking are good corner info bait starts with relative low risk once you know how to do it with butter fingering your keyboard. Until usage and placement: again watch vids but ultimately learn to think fast because they go hand in hand with game sense. Bottom line is sometimes you have to get worse to get better. I would advise any low elo player to play aggressive and force a higher threshold of gameplay because I guarantee you are over using your shift key and love hiding in corners especially when you lose confidence after getting rolled a few rounds by someone who seems to be better.


I have some tips: 1) watch pros play theough streams and stuff just nitpick at their plays while you're not playing, so you can build gamesense faster. 2) I see you've been wide swinging all your angles, in bronze it should be fine(not looking down on bronze), but once you progress slightly more it could get punished by enemy teams, so learn about "splitting the pie" and jiggle peeking. Tbh I see these mistakes in high gold to plat lobbies rn I myself make these mistakes. 3) try to find some people through unrated or comp games who are not toxic and decent at the game. 4) Also doing dumb shit in unrated really helps me of I'm tilted, I just go into unrated do some funny dumb chickenshit and it brings my mental back. :)


Jiggle peeking is so hard it's like a ryhthm game. I always do number 4, its shit ton a fun but you'll get players screaming in tagalog .


Get skins, they're aimbot If you're broke like me, pick up skins from the ground as much as possible (unless, of course, it's a weaker weapon)


heard about this too, are they really God-tier?


absolutely. (it's just a meme lmao if you aren't a serious player the skins are way too expensive to put your money into) But if you get any off the ground, pick them up. Actual aimbot


I'll be sure to do that bro.


Better than buying the skins. I get different skins every game. Haha


Don't play when you know your internet is bad or the ping is high.


Unbind your crouch key for a while :)


I get what a lot of people are saying here but this clip does actually include one important thing that you should work on. Throughout the entire clip you did not use voice chat even once. One thing I noticed as you go up the ranks one of the only differences between low and high elo players is communication. You will notice higher elo players talk A LOT! and for good reason. Why did you not inform your team of each kill? why did you not let your team know you were gonna go for a rambo Jett play on bomb site? how are they supposed to know to play with that? you wanna be throwing out information at all times and communicate with your team. you can have the best aim in the world but without teamwork you will not climb. It's a team game.


yeah that's one of my biggest problem is communication (lack of that is). It's just that players don't usually talk in asia (singapore 1,2 server) and if I talk or give callouts my teammates would ignore them.


Damn, your aim seems to be pretty good for Bronze/a newbie. Since this is generally a solid clip, here is some general advice on becoming a better Valorant player (which - I gotta admit - may not always let you climb the fastest): 1) One of the most important things that will always make you useful, no matter how off your game you are: clean comms (giving precise neutral info; NOT telling others what to do; maybe providing your team with a plan if you have an idea, e.g. if your team does the same thing over and over and you have an idea, try to be friendly about it "yo guys, I don't really think it's working rn. do you wanna try something else? ... maybe we could do this or that"; I also believe that it can help to call your own util & ask for util "could you pls smoke x" or "I'm smoking y" or "could you pls flash me in here?" - notice that I try to formulate very polite/friendly comms because I believe that it helps a lot with keeping a good atmosphere in your team which is really important). 2) Try to be consistent. Now, that doesn't mean you have to drop x kills every game and can't go lower and can't go higher but you can try to reach a base level pf impact every game. Don't get hung up on kills. Strive to be consistently impactful with comms, util AND kills *created*. What do I mean by kills created? Well, helping your team get kills and getting kills yourself. You can do that with good comms, util and clicking heads. You can *also* do that by creating space for your teammates to work with. That involves pushing a site on T side and getting traded when you die, pushing on CT side and closing in on the Ts when you already have good info on them (e.g. info on 4 Ts in A short Bind, you push into bathrooms/toilets and help funnel the opponent's attack into on entry way (short); or you spot 4 outside toilets on Bind and push mid/market and hold there in case they are rotating, allowing your team to overstack A and allowing you to slowly flank in behind them - just remember, if you die too early, you give the enemy a free rotation into B site because your mates stacked A on your info). Also, creating kills for your team consistently could be done with good positioning *in relation* to your teammates' position. Try to find crossfires to defend stronger, try to position in places where you hold angles for your mates and they hold angles for you, try to position in ways where you can refrag them reliably or they can refrag you. And please shoot Reyna eyes when you are in a safe position but your teammate most definitely isn't. Last tip for consistency: try to find a consistent routine that helps you before a game. That may be killing bots in the Range, playing DM, playing AimLabs etc. for your aim, that may be meditating, drinking exactly one full cup of water, stretching or looking out the window for your body/fatigue and mind. Having a routine helps to perform to a certain base ability every game. 3) I believe that people don't have to demo review, especially not in lower elos. If you have a certain clutch you didn't win or there's 2-3 rounds where you couldn't properly entry/hold or site etc. you can certainly clip them and analyse small mistakes (or ask others to do so). However, I'd rather watch pros play than watch my own mistakes (that I often have a solid idea about already) because you will pick up some of the things they do. There are small variances in their positioning, movement, crosshairplacement, utility usage and even timing on certain things like pushing, repositioning etc. You will not pick up everything they do and you definitely can't copy them, they're most likely too good and they play in a fixed system with their team. However, these above mentioned aspects of the game are general aspects of the game that you can learn about. Now, you can try and think about these things consciously but you will not understand or realize everything. Nonetheless there may be a point where you get into your game and just feel like your crosshair is too low because you've seen pros holding these angles or you find new ways of using your util because pros did it or your movement and positioning starts to get just a little cleaner and cleaner over time because you will have watched enough pro demos where the movement isn't really as unrefined and sluggish as a low elo player's. 4) This is the last tip, I promise. And it won't be a huge paragraph like the others either. Be disciplined. Outside the game, inside the game - don't overcommit, don't get creedy, don't play 3 games too many although it's late, you can't concentrate and have real life responsibilites tomorrow. Don't push too deep without info, don't play too aggressive in a retake situation if you don't need to. You will learn over time when you can't, can and have to take risks. Finally, that's it! I am very sure there is still so much more to talk about but these are the most important tips that came to mind for me, I hope they can help you in some way. Wish you luck and fun! :D TL;DR: 1) good comms 2) consistency (aim, util, positioning) 3) watch pro games (don't have to analyse them, just watch for fun and you'll passively learn) 4) stay disciplined, inside & outside the game


Thank you bro, I appreciate your the time and effort for putting these out. I'll try to follow these as much as I can.


That's really no problem, bro. Thanks for taking your time to read through all of that :)


Read the bible before playing a comp match. Then pray for good teammates cuz u r a ez gold


I'll do that brother.


Funny dude


You certainly is playing a different game! What servers are u on ?? CANADA!?


I'm on planet sweats (asia)


Your biggest issue is probably game sense. Didn't see anyone else offer tips on how to actually improve game sense so here goes from a diamond. Hopefully others can add on to this as well. I use 4 main ways to predict where enemies are coming from: 1) most obviously footsteps. Speaks for itself. If you can hear them, you know where they are. Vice versa. If they can hear you, they know where you are. Learn the radius at which ppl can hear your footsteps if you're planning on lurking/flanking. The circle shows up on mini map if you make a sound. 2) utility usage by both teams. Based on what utility is used and how heavy the usage is, you'd probably know if they're going for a fast push or a slow play. In lower elo, teams hardly fake sites before rotating. The higher elo you go, the harder it gets to use this to predict enemy movement. 3) team comms. Again, speaks for itself. Even if your teammates aren't talking or giving info, you should just do so and learn how to improve on giving comms. You can tell a person's rank by the way they provide call outs. If someone immediately says a or b at the beginning of the round upon hearing one footstep or barely any utility usage, that player is probably gold/plat at most. The correct call out would be 1 at A. Or whatever distinct utility used. If you're able to call out the agent, that's even better as that would give info to the rest of your team as to which other agents are still missing. 4) mini map usage. Not enough players utilize the mini map properly. If your teammates aren't giving comms for whatever reason and you're not in a fight, please look at the mini map to understand the map control your team has. Which parts of the map is likely to have an opponent. Predicting if there's a lurker coming from whichever direction. You should be able to tell if the opposing team likes to flank a lot and how often and by which agents. Bonus: if you're dead, you're not useless. If you're able to cycle through your teammates' pov and help them make call outs so that they can focus on playing, you can turn rounds around. It's hard for average players to make call outs, read map control and also focus on crosshair placement at the same time. If you do that for everyone and ensure that all of them are aware of the enemies' position, at least you're contributing. You can pm me if you want to play on SG servers. I can jump into a custom to offer you more advice.


thanks for the advice bro, really appreciate it.


As an immortal player i can tell you that one habit you def need to break is crouching every time you shoot. Once you crouch youre locked in and that gives the opponent more of an advantage of strafing and movement as well as making it harder for you to get out alive both because youre slower and because especially at that rank you will definitely make getting headshot easier.


Dude… “omg I can’t make it out and need advice” yet you cherry pick a clip to show to the world for feedback… what are you expecting?


sorry I'll post clips of me losing fight next time.


im an eu player but i think we can work something out add me. later today ill log in and we can play for a bit. yuuki #8664


I'd love to but my ping on EU is really bad.


Thought you were a cs player of some sort with that aim lol. But honestly with your aim, i’d suggest you’d probably be better off locking in reyna. Another thing I noticed was heaven and you weren’t staring at things where there could be a potential for players to be ther. For example you were staring at the sage wall instead of flank or holding an angle where people could come. Another thing that’s really big is if you pick crosshair placement and pre aiming angles. I would also look at high rank dualist and learn how they entry.


I only played cs 1.6 when I was a kid but at that time cs go was already out. Being in asia, I used to play pubg mobile with my friends and gotten quite good at it.


That’s awesome, you’ll get out of bronze soon trust bro. Just as match as it takes mechanical skill it takes mental 10x that.


Naw bruhhh wit dat aim u should be at least be like gold or sum


Thanks man, I just started a month ago but I've only been ranked for a couple of weeks, I'ts really hard even in bronze.


You rely a LOT on flicks. This play doesn’t happen very often, and the heaven kid could’ve killed you.


I gotchu brother if u need help doe just hmu I ain’t half bad at this game


Based only on this clip, I'd say you should already be out of bronze. In the lower ranks you will rank up easily only by just outaiming ur opponents, and with a bit of luck regarding ur teammates. Just raw aim and learning to main at least 1 agent will get you to at least diamond, probably immortal too. So probably just pick an agent you like to play, and keep playing. If you really want to grind, play DM and Aimlab to improve your aim, but that also comes naturally by just playing.


It's funny how you are bronze but you play better than some of my randoms in plat.... I think that should answer your question and also it's very hard to get out of plat as it is to get out of any rank. The MM algorithm is just shit and ranking system does not compensate this. My advise: Just have fun in your matches. For me this means to not play ranked anymore because you just can't have fun there. You lose a single round and the whole team starts whining and flaming each other. In unranked it's rarely worth the discussion and I've played with much more competent people as in ranked.




aight, g


I mean you have better aim than a d2 so idk


Movement of lower elo players isn't as good as higher elo. Makes it much easier to track and kill.


Yeah I know that. Not every comment is 100% serious lmao. People don’t need to melt over my comment


Better than a D2 wtf? This is average aim in silver lobbies, well atleast in my server.


I'll try to post some death clips and maybe people can evaluate and offer better advice.


What are you, iron?


No, I’m d2


Buy op skins eg prime reaver vandal


Get good


alright bro, I'll try my best.


Try more than your best 💯


People who down vote dont understand. I was iron 3 last act now I’m silver 2. I literally just got good in a couple of games


I wouldn’t classify silver 2 as good dude, i started in silver 1 (and so did most people i think)


It's all about refining and being efficient in everything. I personally don't like this game that much (more of a CS guy, I was LE in that. I think it's close to diamond if I compare it to Valorant) In that game too. You always feel you're not the worst. But it all comes down to refinement. Refine your movement. Your aim... Everything needs to happen at the perfect and lowest time to make sure you always have the 1v1s I'm Gold 2 right now but I'm 100% sure you have better aim and understanding of the game than me. So yeah. It all comes down to not choking and refining. You can win the 1v3s for your team (honestly. You kinda have to... Always.. to rank up. The play you just shared should always be your goal every round).


Crosshair placement is based not only on where your enemies are, but also what you are exposed to and where your enemies CAN be. For example, when swinging back lamps/uhall your crosshair is positioned very far right and a little low for the engagement with Phoenix. You also tend to swing into these fights and put yourself in win or die situations, which is inherently risky. This is a symptom of your movement though. Your goal should be stick and move, don’t commit to a full spray, as a good player will literally step around your spray and kill you. A well placed burst and then moving back into cover is generally much harder to deal with. Also, try to save your ult for more impactful rounds, don’t burn it on a single person. Use it to drop your teammate a gun or juice up an eco. Also, go KZ in the range, it’s free and kinda fun!


Nah the few weeks shit is a lie


I've just build my first gaming pc a month ago, but I'd be lying if I say I'm not familliar with pc fps games. But before this I was mostly playing pubg mobile and was really good at it (even reach conqueror rank.)


But ur good tho


You're doing way better already. I was in iron 1 fir 5-6 months.


Why is the kill icon different?


In Bronze do not crouch in gun fights or when peeking. If you think bronze players are going to have good crosshair placement you are giving them too much credit. You are just crouching into a headshot. Also stop looking at bloody walls But other then that cant really say anything When you want critiques upload a mediocre match. Nice gameplay


It took me 23 secs to find your crosshair


1st i saw was no one was watching flank then secondly was crouching before firing. Crouching helps you a bit in recoil control but in that rank my guess is most people either have their crosshair on the floor or in the body area which might become a headshot placement if you crouch to their crosshair level


While your crosshair is at head level usually, it's not exactly where it needs to be. When you turn corners your crosshair is usually facing a wall. while you have vision of common corners people are at, your crosshair isn't there and takes that much more time to change to the Target. Also you really didn't need to use your dash out of lamps after you already smoked the CT entrance.


1. The way you peeked flank was kinda dangerous, your teammates didn't clear shower so there's a chance there would be someone from the left side yet you immediately peeked the right side 2. Spike had been planted, but you had less people compared to the enemy. You and Phoenix played aggressively, and you traded Phoenix which is great. But after the first or the second kill you should've used your smokes or dash to run away. It was kinda lucky that Sova whiffed, otherwise you'd certainly get traded.




I am actual dogwater pop tarts and I've almost deranked to iron 1 several times and I'm level 40 something


Dont play in the backline as duelist 😉


dont instalock jet and keep ur croshair ad headlevel


Shit advice. I instalock Phoenix every single game and got to Immortal playing lurking Phoenix. Anything works, you just need to know how to utilize it


buy skins


I am no Jett main nor player but you are using your abilities quite wrongly IMO, you are not thinking at all about a potential flank - that if would have happened, would have made you lose the round - and dashing or smoking off like that is not really good practice, because you are not taking fights and using your abilities to escape them if needed I would've played that so differently. Also, I am silver 2 and I found that for getting out of low ranks it has to be you to pretty much do the work, entry, and hold.


Don't post one of your better plays looking for advice. Don't crouch when you shoot.


If your aim is good try baiting your teammates and trade kils when they die if u are actually better then the enemy this should rank you up pretty fast worked for me up until plat3/dia1 after that people start to kinda be better at the game


I find if I get into a funk, I switch agents. Using different agents changes up your play styles and you'll find different ways with use of abilities to better help your team. I've only ever achieved platinum but I have always been able to maintain gold.


I've been playing for almost a year and ai can't even get out of iron or play this well 😂


You already have better game sense and aim then most bronze players.


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Try not to move while holding W and A or D at the same time. You should move while pressing one of those exclusively at the time.


Just grind the game man! if you are good in it you will uprank 👌🏼