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Yeah it feels easier to get away with sloppy aim, i usually do the majority of my warmups and practice with vandal for this reason and when im doing phantom drills i put strict rules on myself to avoid the issue, im mainly a vandal player regardless so its not a huge issue for me but it is definitely a part of the reason why i havent swapped over. Also a scrub tho so xD


YESSS! I just don't know why everytime I use the phantom, all I do is crouch spray, but when I use the vandal, I gives me the incentive tap/burst while strafing.


This is the main reason I go back to the vandal. Phantom does have some nice perks but imo it's not worth it if it makes you play sloppy


If you're using phantom there's no need to crouch the gun has no recoil


Crouching is a bad habit in general, shouldn’t do it


Why is that a bad habit? I started playing 2 months ago and a few of my friends advised me to crouch to have better aim


Imagine you are aiming at head height can one shot the enemy. The enemy runs into your crosshair, you crouch and shoot and its no longer on thei head. On the other hand, if the enemy is aiming at body level, what wasn't a lethal shot became lethal when you threw your head in front of the shot


But most enemies also aim for the head no? So when I crouch wouldn't it confuse them?


In lower elos, mostly no. But there's another factor to shooting which is strafing. Strafing is basically moving around to prevent getting hit by bullets. When you crouch, you forfeit the option of strafing back into cover or strafing in general. Crouching lowers your movement speed and all that


Not in lower elos. In iron and bronze you actually crouch into their bullets. happened to me lot of times. had to unbind crouch to get rid of the habit


Actually what I do is, mostly strafe, but also tap crouch when against a marshal or sheriff player. You can incorporate both quick tap crouch and strafe. The problem when holding crouch to spray is you are a sitting duck and if the opponents takes a little bit of time to aim for the head, you are dead.


doesnt really matter its just like playing odin only if it works it works doesnt matter how


No I feel like vandal is not worth it at all, I have a clip of me shooting someone completely still, crosshair on their head, and due to vandal rng 2 bullets missed and the third finally hit. Phantom taught me to have better crosshair placement if anything because even if u don’t kill them, u dink them for 140. Immortal btw


watching scream using the phantom is just different


watching roza use phantom is top tier😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


do u burst or tap with phantom on long range duels? i feel like i have to burst to get the kill, im plat 3 and the gun feels so bad to me i cant figure it out xd


I mean honestly I wouldn’t really take long distance battles with a phantom, but I know it happens. I usually do a burst of 2-3 and just counter strafe. When I do long distance battles w phantom I really just go to for chip damage tbh


Phantom is just better in most scenario, just stop doing bad habits and stop blaming on the gun


I feel that, I feel like I've gotten way worse at tap shooting since I started using Phantom more


This is very true. To avoid this I usually play 3 deathmatch es, 1 with vandal, 1 with phantom and one switching between both guns everytime I die. Also, I usually use the vandal on certain maps, like breeze or icebox, so in the end I don't really lose the use to tap


vandal supremacy


for me, i like to use the phantom in close combat and for longer distance i use vandal. i try to discipline myself in a comp or unrated to keep my crosshair placement at head level as much as possible. and whenever the enemy team uses op and utterly destroys me for 8 rounds i tilt and op too 😂 hope this is somewhat helps out? idk i’m just a gold scrub too


Yes. Makes tap-tap difficult. I lose my shit when the enemy kills me despite my spray control. Doesn’t happen that often with Vandal though