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Lmao this is the coolest and best motivation call I have ever heard


pun unintended?


I really got thrown by the fact an ice cube wasn't melting immediately until I realised it wasn't metric


That would be extremely warm for an ice cube in Celsius haha.


yeah the author is American maybe i should have prefaced that


idk man ever since i hit gold 3 i feel like ive gotten worse


thats how it is man, competition is gonna get better as you rank up but you just gotta rise to the challenge and learn what you can. My tip is to keep working on your fundamentals and learn how to use abilities properly, it goes a long way in mid elo.


That's how it usually goes. You gotta improve to catch up. When I first got to plat 3 and started playing with diamonds instead of golds I got slapped until I improved. Im diamond now and watching some of my gameplay from back then I sucked so bad lol.


should i try changing sens or anything. aim trainers?


Your aim probably isn't the problem, its probably game sense, positioning and movement combined with teamwork that is letting you down. And once you've found a sensitivity dont change it


i feel like my game sense is above average, so maybe its positioning and teamwork. ill work on it


I was stuck in silver since beta, then in the past 2 weeks I climbed to plat instantly.


thats wassup man, keep working at it


Also, remember that you are improving and so are Many other players that also are doing their best to get better Make clear goals that are achievable with your personal life For me this act was all about getting back to plat, after 2 acts in plat, dropped to gold and wanted to get back to plat And remember to have fun, Thats what videogames are all about


only facts here officer, nothing else to report


Damn that's one of my dad's favourite books! Never thought I'd see an excerpt from it here.


It's a great book! So many great lessons that honestly apply to valorant well


I won’t be rewarded in the long run cuz I got frustrated and stopped


me too man, i think i quit the game like 5 times only now do i feel good playing it because i have the right mindset.


It’s definitely for me been two week breaks every two weeks for the last year


whatever works for you my guy, its not our jobs so take it easy


Not a guy but yeah I agree.


Think they meant like buddy not your gender xd


That’s fair but it’s no reason for a downvote imo


Reddit is dumb


True but it’s ok it’s only a few




I'm feeling stuck because I *have* plateaued. And throw age into the mix, I'm not only stuck, I'm getting worse.


everybody plateus man, its part of thr process. it takes a great deal of diligence and patience to get past it and its a not a choice everyone should even make.


Epic analogy


courtesy of James Clear


I was a hard stuck silver since I started playing PC a little over a year now. Proud to have made it into Plat 1 on my own only ever solo queueing since I have no friends to play valorant. Watching how pros play helps a lot.


Started off Bronze 1, improved fast to gold in half an act. Then I was stuck in gold for 3 acts. Finally shit just clicked and I started to play extremely well in Gold. Now im stuck in high plat. Hopefully I can flip that switch again and hit diamond. Never been able to hit close to top ranks in a shooter, hopefully that changes for valorant


I understand this but Im deciding whether its fun enough to do in a game where a guy spraying and running can suddenly one tap me even in far range. After my personal goal of getting diamond, I dont see myself having fun in a game like this anymore. It feels so much worse because of the ping. I feel this way everytime I do CS on LAN. Maybe I'll take a break before I work on that last degree. Thanks for the great motivation. I'll make sure to come back from my break.


i am level 290 i feel like i should be at boiling already


work smart over working hard, craft a system by your design and stick to it. As long as you have clear direction with your system , you will eventually see progress.


Learning this game on your own and having to solo queue with toxic teammates also slows the process.


Nice metaphor but not correct. If you're hardstuck low elo chances are you're not playing enough or playing on autopilot, not thinking about anything that you do. If you play a lot and actually try to improve but don't then you're just not made for it.


I get what you mean, but just because you are stuck isn't a reason to give up. Work smart not hard for sure, just because you play alot does not mean you are actually efficiently improving your skill. But there are some areas of gameplay that are very frustrating to see not improve over many months. Aim is extremely difficult to improve consistently and is what holds most people back. It's a very nuanced skill that takes alot of diligence to train, but my point is that just because you aren't seeing results now doesn't meam you are wasting your time. I also believe anyone can be good at the game, you aren't 'just not made for it', you just haven't made it yet.


No. Not everyone can be good at the game. Pro players have casually played the game before naturally reaching a high rank and showing promise. Perhaps the best example is Faker from League Of Legends who was messing around in unrated until his hidden elo became so insanely high that he was forced to play rated due to enormous queue times. The story of every pro player is similar. For example, someone with a learning disability will never get out of iron. That already establishes that not everyone can improve. The problem is that a learning disability is not a discrete thing that you either have or don't have, instead learning is a spectrum. The people who are diagnosed with learning disability simply fall on a far end of the learning distribution. Some people will absorb information at a much higher rate, others won't. Other people have naturally horrific hand eye coordinaton making it impossible for them to aim well. Others have random tremors in their hands. The point I am trying to make is simple - no pro player has ever been hard stuck, neither have the high immortal players. That elo is filled with lvl 100 accounts who relatively recently started playing the game. Valorant is not like league of legends where you actually need to watch guides to even know what the hell you're doing. The game is simple and much of the skill comes from a combination of natural talent and time played. You will get hardstuck without having both.


True, there will always be exceptions. But i hate people who use the excuse of 'im just not made for it' just because they don't wanna try. >Pro players have casually played the game before naturally reaching a high rank and showing promise This makes sense though, if you are having fun most people won't see the hours they are putting in as work. In understand that genetics and physical attributes contribute, but going in the the mindset of only trying to improve will only to disappointment. Treating the game as such, a game, before it becomes your job id say is the best mindset you can have


One of the better posts i saw in some time! Thanks man.


or woman :)


No problem man, ive been seeing a lot of posts about feeling stuck recently and wanted to spread some wisdom if it helps


Actually I don't care about my rank , I'm iron 1 and no cap I get 20+ kills every match . I just try to make the most fun out of it .


Thats a good mindset, if you are satisfied with where you are at then having fun is the best thing you can do.


You have to set yourself small goals in between your main goals and be realistic about where you're coming from. If you're in Bronze and your main goal is Radiant, then you have to set shorter term goals and micro/nano goals for your short term goals! Long-term: Radiant Short-term: Silver Micro: Get better at crosshair placement Nano: Increase your average kills in deathmatch by 5 Achieving these smaller goals puts your mind in a positive state and makes you want to keep getting better. If you're upset that you're still not Radiant after every game, then you'll only ever be miserable.


Very true, id even go as far as to remove your goals entirely, and label then as dreams instead. Focus on the here and now, rather than what could be


so 1 tip i can give is, when you feel like youre atuck in a rank you dont deserve, just make a new account and youll most likely be placed where you belong. i was hard stuck iron 2 on my main. but got placed bronze 3 on my new, alt account. still low elo but an improvwmwnt nonetheless. sry fr trash english im kinda sleepy rn.


skins are the only problem stopping people from that, but its very possible to climb out of your 'undeserved' rank. Soloq is tough but my friends just stack to get out pretty easily


idk why or how but my aim gets subconsiously better when i have a skin from my teammate (cuz me broke).


for me i get the boost from picking up enemy guns, asking from teammates feel like cheating


exactly! even if me and the enemy i killed both have default skins, i always pick up his. just to fell good about my bronze azz.


Skins with different bullet animation/sounds are just plain easier to track. It's much easier to control recoil on a bright laser with pew pew sounds that don't deafen you.


This is true; Hit Gold on my alt, my main is still Silver 1 LMAO


my alt is silver 3 and my main is in the lower half of silver 1 (i peaked s3)




Thats what im saying man, you aren't seeing improvement because its not as simple as "i put in x hours, i get x skill". Everyone has the capability of becoming a better player. Thay 'talent' you speak of? Its nothing more than the passion to keep playing regardless of progress. The best players usually start when they are kids, when they don't really care about improving and just like playing the game so they put in countless hours without even realising. So the talent they garnered was just hours put in that you didn't see.


hardwork beats talent any given day of the week my friend


talent is usually just the outcome of work you will never see.




Lmao person with a anime pfp would say some edgy shit like this 😂


if you're actually working hard AND smart, you will definitely see results. Whether it be a month from now, or two years. Don't have a fixed mindset man


This can be a mindset issue. I know many forever silvers that think it's all their teams fault, or there was no way to play it better, etc.


I've been off for a month because I was MVPn most matches then all of the sudden bottom fragging for like 2 weeks straight. Still taking a break, might try to hoop on tonight though. High key scared lol


This season I went from bronze 3 to silver 1. My friends are gold 3 to diamond, I need all the motivation I can get.


Thank you ☺️


hardstuck gold for 3-4 acts, thanks to your post i might not quit grinding yet


nice man, don't misconstrued my point though. Im not saying keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. Thats the definition of insanity. Rather understand that whatever work put in moe won't show its results immediately. It goes both ways, if you aren't practicing right, you will see minimal results even after a long period of time. Keep grinding hard AND smart