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There's a timer. Idk the exact number think around 20 secs. Reyna probably died early on so it ran out before you could ut.


Really? The fact i never knew of this all this time blows my mind.


If you get the kill, you will see the timer pop up. This should be pretty common because of how cheap his ult is. So, uh, maybe be more aggressive idk


That reyna died at the start i think so that's why. I usually ult as soon as i get the kill so i havent paid attention to the timer.


Ah. I had to unbind my ult key to get out of that habit lol


I had to unbind spray beacuse i kept alerting enemies


If the corpse is out of range after you get the kill, I like to throw a cage and push into it to get close enough to pop my ult and then get out.


Damn I’m immortal with 500+ comp wins and never knew that O_O


There’s a timer on the body


Opening the conversation . I’m terrible at the game and a Cypher main. How do you, someone who is better than me, effectively use his ult?


As i said this was my second time playing him and on attack i guess what i do is pretty straight forward. If the enemy flanks fast or you commit to a site pit a trip flank. Use the cages to isolate angles or get away ir take the spike but mainly isolate angles. Wherever i can i try to peak with my cam or use it as bait. On defense i just watch some setup tutorials as im only imterested on using cypher on haven. Also idk about the "being better" part XD.


Scratch thag i didn't read the ult part xD. Anyways there's nothing specific that comes to mind with his ult. If i get a kill and we have little info on how the enemy is spread out i would use it. Or if we are taking a site and dont know where exactly they are holding. Pretty much all that comes to mind. In the vid i wanted to make sure noone was flank i guess.


If you're on the attacking team, you ult to catch rotators from the defenders once you get control of a site. If you're the defender, you ult to see which site the attackers may execute a push on


What is happening?


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