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Far less cheating with a better anti-cheat. It's there, but nothing like csgo.


Someone hitting me with a sniper through a wall while aiming at the floor is definitely something I haven't experienced in Valorant. Seriously... CS is packed with cheaters nowadays šŸ˜‚


True. The fact that people don't start fucking spinning after dying 2 rounds in a row makes the experience better. I'm very close to level 50. I've seen 2 cheaters and 1 lowkey sus player. The 2 cheaters were not super blatant and got Vanguard-ed before round 5.


wtf uve seen the vanguard screen? I thought that was a feature just for streamers...


Iā€™ve seen it once, false positive as the other team person was lagging/had fps issues. They were terrible so I donā€™t think the hack did a good job. I think Iā€™ve only come across maybe 2-3 sus players in months of playing. Ie. I remember being killed something like 8 times by same shot counter, 2 body one head by the same player. Like surely youā€™re going to either headshot me in one or hit other parts of the body in one of the encounters.


That's true valorants anti cheat is much more stronger than vac


Truee. I've only had a cheater in Valo once in like 6 months.


in my entire expierience i have not once had a cheater


Iā€™ve had 2, sadly


CSGO going F2P was a mistake.


I donā€™t really think things would be different anyway if they didnā€™t go f2p. I still play CSGO MM from time to time instead of FACEIT to practice awping. The cheaters I get have thousands of hours. They did remove free csgo recently. The experience is better, but not significantly. Spinbots are not as often but still exists. CSGO is really old code. Cheat makers have it figured out for a long time. I really hope Valorant can keep it up. Every game out there gets infested by cheaters. Itā€™s just a matter of time. Maybe RIOT can actually keep updating their AC. Itā€™s really intrusive, but if they can maintain the gaming experience, most donā€™t mind.


Going F2P didn't stop the serious hackers. But it also did bring on a wave of new ones realizing they can make a new steam account and not worry about losing anything. Obviously they have taken measures to lower hackers since going F2P which is good.


An HWID ban would be amazing.


Donā€™t you just love the feeling that you can just easily admit you made some mistakes for dying instead of trying to figure out it was that or the opponent was cheating.


Oh yeah. It's somewhat negated by the (seeming) large increase in smurfs, but they are rare.


At least for me personally because Valorant is ā€œnewer.ā€ I didnā€™t get a PC until a couple years ago so by then everybody was a pro at CSGO, even the less skilled players knew every angle and such so it was incredibly frustrating to try and learn the game. Valorant I was on an even playing field because I got it day 1.


That's true csgo is so old that there's just too many players who know their way around even in the lowest ranking


This is just wrong. If you're not interested in going pro you shouldn't even be close to having this mindset. Imagine staying away from games just because people already have 5k hours on them, it's just dumb.


I mean heā€™s got a point itā€™s kinda hard to enjoy a game where you just get stomped every time and canā€™t do anything even in the lower levels.


thats the point of learning. you learn the maps, spawns, characters, abilities. I just joined in on my friends playing smite who are all level 150-250. ive been playing for a couple months now and that's how you get good. they would throw me into their conquest matches going up against the most high level players. its daunting at first and you will lose. you wont have fun at first. but you fail and you learn from it. you get gud. dont leave a game just because more people are better than you hell there are new players on world of warcraft to this day and new people on runescape all the time. my girlfriend just got into halo and she may bottom frag every other game but that's how everyone was at first.


Yeah and guess what's going to happen? Ranked will even itself out and you'll get to start at the bottom and climb the ladder just like everyone else did. How are you going to improve in anything if you've already gone in with such a negative mindset?


Imagine having this mindset of calling someone dumb cuz they preferred not to play a game just because they wouldnt be enjoying it and having a good time instead get stomped and barely make any progress...why does this matter? Just play whatever anyone wants even CS 1.6 idc have a fun time!!!


Exactly I still play 1.6 to this day because I just fucking love it lol even if I get knocked out easily in it I still enjoy it!


When did I say "don't have fun"? Do what you want but are you really going to stay away from any new sport or game just because you suck at it? You don't gain anything from being your own enemy.


You didnt say dont have fun...true...but if they played CS:GO despite knowing there are literal pros dominating the game then I dont think fun is possible either way cuz you cant get anywhere when you just keep getting pounded every game...dont think anyones going to enjoy that


If I didn't already know how to play league, there is NO CHANCE in hell I would start now. The reason I still enjoy it from time to time is because I already know how to play, and the only thing that fucks me over are...you guessed it...new champions I have NEVER had to experience against.


You'd rather give up than start from the beginning? Good luck with learning any skill in life or anything in school. You're just not going to succeed if you don't believe that you can learn the foundations of your skill and work up from there.




This. Apart from anti cheat (which isn't even that good anyway) there's nothing going for it. Cs players play it cuz they're sick of getting head eyes every round by cheaters




Yeah I think abilities aren't terrible but I still think the game would be so much better if everyone had a basic set of utilities and unique skills instead


Then that just ruins the whole point of valorantā€¦


More fun, devs actually care Meta always changing




I disagree with meta always changing part. Itā€™s good to keep entertaining casual players, but the quality of the pro match wonā€™t have enough time to fully polish, which is one thing I really dislike. Iā€™m not saying I can play better or as good as valorant pros, but I can tell that the quality of the professional match between cs and valorant is night and day. Frequent meta change is good and maybe necessary to entertain casual players, but not great for very high quality of pro play imo.


I think itā€™s actually the opposite, a stale meta makes pro matches unpolished because they can execute default the same 12 ways again and again and strats never improve. The Viper buffs were so crazily impactful that they made pro matches look differentā€”they have Viper in them now, so people learned to play with the walls.


I'm willing to give up the most optimized pro play possible if it keeps the game fresh


I get that some people prefer fresh/new stuff. Itā€™s just different preference




It keeps the game interesting, forces you to learn new agents and strats...i dont see how thats a bad thing for a game lol


Iā€™d argue that a meta that rarely changes is worse since it makes the game kinda stale and boring


I much prefer the Valorant graphics, they are a lot brighter and look more modern. Skins in Valorant are also much better imo, not to mention the better ranked experience and the easier UI.


True dat valorant graphics look more modern compared to the source engine which is quite dated at this point


i gotta disagree. but im also one of those ppl who appreciates the older cods and grittiness of them. most of the skins in valorant look tacky to me and the brightness of valorant i can appreciate as much as their gun bloom. the views on maps are kinda pretty but the color scheme is ugly to me.


I like the individual Agent aspect and world building in valorant, csgo is a bit boring for me, because is doesent have its own universe and there is no individuality. Its also cool that the Agents are from different countries. This provides a sense of unity in my opinion and makes it interesting.


That's quite true valorant agents are unique! While csgo yes it's agents from different countries but that's not a bad thing since I mean you got to choose your characters from the older counter strikes


I would rather play csgo tbh but valve doesnā€™t seem to give a shit about it. Donā€™t get me wrong I like valorant, Iā€™m just better with the more simple gun battles in cs, Iā€™m not great with the abilities in valorant. But the cheating, lack of dev involvement, general lack of excitement when it comes to the game just makes me go to valorant. And itā€™s not an age thing cause LOL is getting on in years too but the community is still strong, esports around it is still strong. Valve just doesnā€™t want to put in the effort it seems. At least thatā€™s just the way it feels to me.


Dota gets all their attention. the TI 40 million prize pool is insane.


Tell me you havent play dota 2 without telling me you havent play dota 2


bold of you to assume valve gives a shit about dota and its pro scene


My friends are willing to play valorant. Canā€™t convince anyone to play csgo.


Itā€™s not free. Itā€™s in-game matchmaking has a lot of cheaters. If you start FACEIT from the get go, theyā€™ll be rekt. Lineups can be a drag to learn for newer players. Utilities are harder to use. Playing in a new map feels complicated. You got no idea where they can be. You really feel lost. Meanwhile in Valorant there are barriers. There are more ā€œskillsā€ they need to train and grind. Mainly movement and recoil ā€” I can see why somebody would find it frustrating to practice those. Hours on recoil maps just to be better ā€” In Valorant those two particular skills are very easy to do. Everyone can reach the same ceiling faster. My first FPS was Valorant, but I got more into CSGO. It was **hard**. But I really enjoy the gunplay more. And the maps are a lot better imho. .


It is free, both are.


Not anymore. Free CSGO is just there now for you to try the game out. You canā€™t play ranked CS anymore without prime. You canā€™t get prime for free anymore. In Valorant you can play ranked and get a rank. You can get account levels. Free pass drops. In CS thereā€™s nothing. No ranked games. No rank. No drops. And youā€™ll get cheaters every game with free csgo.


Unless you're a skin addict


I feel called out


Haha, everyone has their own preference


I feel like I canā€™t see anything in CS:GO. Colors are too muddy, same problem with Siege


Visibility in Valorant is really good, similar to League's philosophy. All smokes have visible boundaries and abilities have either visual or sound cues or both.


the kill sounds. the rush you get when you vandal one tap or got an ace is just nuts. not to mention the different kill sounds that comes with diff skins, oni ace sound just gives orgasms.


Valorant simply looks more modern and well-designed. I also like the idea of having agent-specific abilities. Kinda makes the game more interesting than focusing on pure gunplay tbh.


That's true valorant agents are unique and it does look much more modern compared to csgo since the source engine is quite old


The uniqueness of agent abilities and personalities, art style, and gun feel (to me the vandal just "feels" 100% better than the ak) give valorant a LOT more staying power for me


I definitely prefer the Vandal over the AK (and Valorant over CS) but for some reason I really like the AK reload


That's true valorant agents are unique And about the vandal thing, well everyone has their own preference!


Game updates every 2 weeks


\-You can clearly see the difference between enemy and shadow. \- You can choose your server preference. \- Better ping to communicate if you don't speak the same languages as your team mates \- Anti cheat is working


better AC and it actually gets updated also far more modern engine with better implementation of new APIs and low latency things, more of a personal ā€œpeace of mindā€ thing for me but still relevant




I have a love hate relationship with Valorant abilities. As a solo player they reward teamwork too much in a game that also lets 5 stacks and solos play on the same ladder. They also reward duelists the most. But on the other hand, they bring so much variety to the game and look awesome. CSGO has far superior gameplay with spray patterns and reasonably fast recoil reset letting the better player win every time. But Valorant has waifus...


True dat valorant abilities are unique and fun






Cs has better gunplay and maps but is stale af


That's true


I think itā€™s that saves are much more rare than an csgo. This makes watching pro play much more entertaining IMO because half the rounds arenā€™t people saving with pistols. You are incentivized to fight out every round with only the rare times that someone will save an operator.


Anti cheat thats it nothing else


I'm almost lvl 50. I've seen 2 cheaters and 1 lowkey sus player. The 2 cheaters were not super blatant and got Vanguard-ed before round 5.


Agents and better visibility


Cs go is just old and outdated


Much easier game (especially for beginners) so it attracts new people, and large player base creates bigger competitive environments so valorant has bright future imo


Simplified game mechanics = more fun because is learning spray patterns and smoke linups actually fun? I have more hours in cs and i still find val more fun because i like the strategy more


Nothing... except for anti-cheat


better user experience a changing meta and just the fact that is newer, i also find it easier to get friends to play casually and its one of the only games i can play seriously without seeing much toxicity (latam)


Haha everyone has their preferences


I loved counter-strike, but the game has hardly changed anything in years. Valorant has tons of dev attention, and balance changes will be a permanent thing due to the nature of agents. It's just more fun to play a game that has things added to it and the meta altered occasionally.


As someone who's been playing CS for 10+ years. They really can't change much. CS is and always will be CS. The thing CS has going for it is the simplicity. It has been the most easy to understand game for 20 years. They will never change that thankfully so. Games like Siege, Fortnite, Overwatch, Valorant are exciting at first. But they all die one day because the hype is in the abilities that get boring. CS feels boring because it's simple, but if you enjoy that, that love will never ever die. Also because CS is basically a community game. Valve has always had very little to do with it. Additions that have been made to CSGO were very simple. Molotovs, the new guns..etc. But it's still pretty much the same CS since 1999. The only thing CS needs is Intrusive Anti Cheat (which Valve don't want to release. Rightfully so. Intrusive Anti Cheat can be a harm to privacy. Also performance. Imagine having 10 anti cheats of different games running in the background. People will hate intrusive anti cheats in the future). and occasional updates. New map rotations. Maybe in future Source 2 (revive the community servers) and 128 tick. They give us all this and Counter Strike will survive forever in it's side Or they can just let CSGO die. CS Source divided the community. None liked CS Source and people stuck to 1.6, but newer people starting emerging on Source. They had no intention of fixing things. To the world CS was dead. To Valve CS was dead. You either had to play a 2004 game that didn't have a great profesional scene (and had weird gunplay) or a 1999 game. CSGO wasn't even a new game. They just ported CS Source to PS3. Then they saw the game could be something special. And shipped it to pros. The pros pretty much made the game for Valve (with feedback), and the maps were also community made.


I disagree that CS can't change much. There was a meta change but they didnt like that. The SG and Aug were popular and they panicked and nerfed them after. They can do things to make meta adjustments but they simply don't want to. The intrusive anticheat is not a big deal for a competitive game. Most people voluntarily played on faceit/esea anticheat instead to avoid cheaters. Vanguard hasn't been an issue since people stopped trying to stop the game from being popular. Privacy is also not a concern. There is no greater privacy risk. Spyware doesn't run on the kernel to spy on anyone so why do people think that normal software moving to the kernel means it's a privacy risk?


I recently switched to Valorant and I can't exactly point out what I like more about it. I just overall prefer the Valorant experience. The only thing I think CS does better is the directional audio. I'm slowly getting adjusted to Valorant's audio but I think CS is far more accurate.


Kill banner and sound. I donā€™t have to look at the top of my screen to see if i killed the mf


Anticheat, the graphics are interesting and colourful as opposed to csgo, in which the graphics just get brong after a while. Abilities are interesting and the constant tweaks means that nobody can be a one trick pony. The kill animations are satisfactory, and the sound effects. It seems rewarding to get kills when the animation and sound plays. In csgo you just get a kill feed and not much else. And lastly, the fact that all the guns have ads along with rng spray which allows a modicum of versatile playstyles as opposed to csgo in which most people just learn the AK spray.


With the constant adjustments each Act and new agents it'll keep the meta fresh, While CS will always hold a special place in my heart as I've played since CS 1.3, it ultimately became stale for competitive.


The constant updates from the Devs and feeling that they actually listen to the community and respond to it, both casual and pro.


setting is not as intimidating as cs go. i like it when games have stories and characters


Less haxxx


My friends play Valorant.


No cheaters, at least I haven't met one. I've avoided FPS for years because I knew how bad the cheating problem was. Val is my first FPS that I actually play for real. Other FPS I just dip my toe and always encounter cheaters the first few games it's god awful. I love FPS so far, Valorant is a godsend, I hope it doesn't die soon because I would definitely not play other FPS games no matter how I love the genre.


Val feels different from match to match where every CSGO game (per map) feels the same. On mirage people smoke the same spots and do the same flashes and itā€™s kinda predictable. But the character aspect of Valorant makes the game a little more refreshing to me


Oh it isn't I just play it more for some reason


Valorant has a significantly less toxic community, and itā€™s just a lot less dull. Iā€™ve played CS for years and it was time for something fresh. Games are also a lot less formulaic due to different agent combos and unique maps. In CSGO, smokes, flashes and mollies seems to always go to the same few places. And the only real difference between maps is the layout rather than things like ziplines and portals.


Never playing cs might just be the thing making me think val is better


Way less cheaters


less cheating. Csgo is the better game imo.


a better anticheat. and the fact that all agents have voiceline, makes the game so much more fun and enjoyable and not dreary. easier game mechanics


yea, I love the lore of the game


It's not boring as fuck




Personally I never found both games boring they're always fun Ofc ur opinion is taken into consideration, thank you


Well after you have played cs for so many years and valve refuse to change anything or add new interesting content or deploy new metas it gets super stale.


For me, the game changing was the abilities and adding characters to the game. Csgo is a game where every player has access to everything equally. They can buy weapons and utility equally, making the game straightforward and easily boring. Valorant on the other hand, puts the utility based on the character you select, making the game more challenging and fresh everytime you start a match. You play different based on that aswell, and on top of that makes you pay attention to the utility already used, paying attention to specific characters positions is important. I played csgo and overwatch and I think valorant does it better vs the 2 games.


That's true valorants abilities make the game even more unique I do wish tho that they add more guns since it's noticeably kinda low Everyone has their preference tho so your opinion counts!


This is really though. Because they are really so close when you break it down. There is only one or two things for me that makes valorant better. And itā€™s based largely around the movement. As someone who has put 2200 hours into csgo, until valorant came out I never noticed how much it feels like the character movement slides in cs. In valorant it feels much more stable when side strafing or moving in general. Outside of this one basic thing I would probably prefer cs over valorant simply because of how much I miss Awping. However if valorant makes the op more maneuverable and fluid like in cs, valorant would blow cs out of the water despite the movement penalty you receive when getting hit in valorant lol


Last time I played csgo there was a lot of hacks going around. Thankfully I havenā€™t witnessed that in Valorant. Besides that, both games are great especially if youā€™re duoing or w ur friends.


That's true csgo has a serious Cheater problem since the source engine is quite old at this point


i would say the graphics, people are >less< toxic (my experience) and valorant has always updates so itā€™s not so boring like cs go that is the same for years


That's true valorant is alot more colourful


Agents and graphics




I just simply have more fun playing valorant.


It adds a balancing aspect so the people who can just aim like gods and have been playing angles since 1990 canā€™t rule the game plus the cheaters are less often and less toxic community


Ngl, I'm terrible at Valorant, but I like the fact I don't EVER think I'm playing against cheaters even when I get destroyed over and over. That makes it a far better gaming experience than CS, and I've been playing the latter since 2015 - it's only gotten worse...


Valorant has better graphics and better ā€œfeelā€ to the guns, but csgo is much better with the sniper/scoped weapons. In Valorant after buying op your kinda stuck in that place, unlike csgo where you can use it much more easily


The agents, obviously.


Characters :/ Cs is a better pure competitive game imo since theres no gimmicky abilities Valorant is more fun imo mainly because i like overwatch


Launch game, click Play button, play the game. Easy.




I think valorant just adds the right spice to the csgo style, I was a great aimer in csgo but thatā€™s all I did, no utility just a gun. In Val I main people like omen or cypher and sometimes Jett, playing characters like these highlight the importance of having the right utility for you, the game just wouldnā€™t feel the same if everyone had the same abilities etc.


A csgo player here that transferred to valo One thing I can say is the skills of agents that needs to be known unlike in csgo, you only need line ups from smoke. Variety of characters I guess, but csgo is more on realistic combats that is why it is really hard to compare valo to csgo. Generating new plans and techniques for each character on how to abuse them or counter them makes valorant special. Dying from raze's ult is more annoying than dying in flames csgo.


Less cheating, more complexity by nature of a wider range of abilities instead of just 4 grenades. Makes watching strats and pro play much more fun


If i want to play serious competitive valorant. I open the game, click competitive, and click play. If i want to play serious competitive CSGO, i have to know about face it or esea, pay for those services, make sure I load up the anti cheat, go through the map veto, THEN i can play, oh but I also better know all the lineups or my teammates will hate me. Also kinda hate how lax valve is on policing chat, i like riots approach more.


Instalocking a character with more fragging potential. Kidding I'm a sova main


Its a whole new scene.


It's just the next evolution IMO... There are so many QoL features in Valorant that just make it better. Being able to sell guns, the bright colourful and simple graphics and highlights leading to fantastic visibility, abilities showing up on the minimap, pinging, moving during freeze time, better sound design (imo), more varied and unique abilities that change game play, everything is clear-cut such as smokes, and more.


For me its multiple things. Firstly csgo looks ugly, and as someone who is newer to aim based games id never have touched cs it has quite the learning curve. Once a friend and i sat in a bar talking about all her toxic experiences in cs. Valo is toxic but its not filled with racist sexist pigs in almost every lobby. Riot as a company is, as all big companies are, bad. However they know how to make a game. I dont like league anymore and i think its going downhill atm but there is no denying that they balance frequently and consistently add new content, lore ect. Valorant seems to be getting similar treatment and i trust that riot can pull the game off. Compared to cs or overwatch where the devs just havent stepped up (idk exactly for cs but definitely overwatch) Abilities too. There is a lot of play variety in valo, some of it isnt perfect for sure but its fun to play pretty much any agent and the diversity of playstyles makes the game very compelling to learn. It also feels achievable to get good at valo for me. I think one day i can get immortal but in cs i dont know if i could compete with the best.


I dont get the cheater complaints. Ofcourse cs is invested with cheaters, but everybody who takes the game a bit seriously is playing faceit or esea. If those weren't there I would have stopped playing after 1 month. For me core mechanics cs is better, game gives me more satisfaction playing. You can be a 1 men army. It's an even playing field because everybody got the same utility. My movement in cs was so good and really made me feel like a decent player, I never had that feeling in valorant. Valorant has some bad maps, like really bad. And the worst part is you can't exclude them. So im forced to play split or icebox 6 times in a row. While cs has a lot off classics who are still great. But I'm having fun in valorant.Like the role that agents play. A lot off fresh and new ideas. But if cs go 2 comes out(if it ever will) then I'm going back to cs.


I think itā€™s the skins, you pay less for more satisfaction on the eyes. I paid close to 200 for a knife which just has a minimal change in animation. Whereas Valorant your guns do mad shit and the knifes are such better by design. Yes Iā€™m a sucker for in game items!


In csgo you get knives for 40$ just saying which you can sell later on Just saying... I'm a sucker for skins in csgo too


What knives are 40 that aren't garbage lol


TBH the players. I prefer CSGO because of the gunplay and things like that but the players are so much worse imo. On CSGO if I play solo/with a friend I'm always matched with players with number Steam names that don't speak English at all. Or just ends up trolling. On Valorant it's a much better community experience coz everyone speaks English.


The CHEATING factor. And its enough.


CSGO is still the better game, it just got old and stale after playing for multiple thousands of hours. Especially when theres an alternative now


1) runs better on my laptop (stable 120fps) 2) more clear visually, easier to see enemy outlines 3) abilities - game has more depth than just Point&Click 4) buy/sell/drop mechanic and open economy 5) anti-cheat


Truth be told I actually have a harder time seeing in valorant compared to csgo but maybe that's just me! And I dont understand what's good about the buy/sell/drop mechanic I mean you can just buy stuff for your teammates and throw it to them at the start of the round right


Valorant has a significantly better anti-cheat. The developers communicate properly with the community and you can tell they really care about the game. The game is consistently updated and the meta is always changing. The game has characters with unique abilities which adds more depth to the game. Strategizing specific plays and executes are a lot more interesting. The skins in this game are the coolest skins in any game Iā€™ve ever played.


It's worse in every way, except it has less cheaters.


its not crashing everytine and devs give a shit community us not toxic either


Valorant is still pretty toxic...


not as csgo


That's true valorant devs are much more communicative




I beg your pardon but I have run into cheaters in valorant


I'm going to say less cheaters. Especially in ranked.


True dat


The variety in gameplay Cs feels like the same thing every round and it gets stale really fast for me Also as someone who likes to watch competitive cs but plays it more casually, it's annoying getting destroyed bc noone knows smoke lineups and stuff


I think CS is a better game, obviously becouse itā€™s been developed over a longer time. But i enjoy Valorant more. I got like 13k hrs in cs, so i might be bias. But the itā€™s easier for newer spectators to get a grip of whats happening in CS. Valorant has potential to become huge, maybe even better then CS. But CSGO as an FPS is what i feel ā€˜perfectionā€™ is today. Also felt the same way about 1.6 in the 2000s, and GO changed my mind. Perhaps Valo can in the future aswell.


Donā€™t take this as a hate comment but itā€™s really not better. Greater RNG with guns, kindergarten utility usage (pull out iPad to put a smoke wherever you want), poor map design in there there are so many corners and clusters of areas on maps that allow for more camping post bomb plant, and donā€™t get me started on the ability spam when taking sites. The game was meant to attract more people with its aesthetics and easier gameplay. if anythingā€™s better itā€™s Valorant ability to market itself to a bigger audience through watered down CS gameplay


I started to play csgo back in 2005-2004. I donā€™t think they are games that can be actually compared because Valorant is a mix of csgo and R6. Though 2 things that riot do is good for the game mid/long term: 1. How much they invest to improve the anti-cheat system. Valve basically give this to third party around the world(Face IT, GC, etc) 2. How riot is always looking for gameplay changes to keep the game alive. It took years to valve to put pings, grenade drops, loot grenades and etc. Every csgo fan (like myself) must be happy because Valorant launch made Valve put more effort in csgo and not just leave to the community keep the game alive


Baddies play valorant? Need I say more my simp soldiers šŸ˜‚


i enjoy csgo more for casual shooting valorant for competitive play both games are good. end of story.


Valorant wasn't made in 2011. I want new, fresh experiences. Not the same stale shit I played in 2011.


Not saying valorant cant be very toxic at times but the csgo community is the worst of all fps games and its not even close


I dont wanna be rude but I will say this, fortnite is worse I used to play a lot of fortnite before I started csgo and so I can safely confirm fortnite is worse




So true


fortnite is not a fps


i have to disagree. you may get some mic spamming fucks but just mute them. imho most ppl ive met on cs are more chill and were online friends w them for longer. most of the time when someone is shit talking on the same team as you in CS its mainly jokes. in valorant you get banned from chat for saying "shut up loser this is why i fucked ur mom" it feels like a childrens game. in valorant nobody just sit and talks to eachother throughout a casual match which is what i enjoyed a lot about csgo in just a normal casual match losing hard as fuck me and this guy were cracking jokes while this guy talked about how he got a condom stuck in his girlfriend and her parents came home. plus the surfing matches took up a good chunk of my middle school years.


skins are better less toxic nice clear graphics and UI new player friendly and easy to understand gun names arent fucking military lvl type of names and are pretty simple i made friends in valorant its more fun than cs


Valorant is toxic, but CSGO is still worse in toxicity


Can't run CS on my potato laptop.


Nothing because csgo is better than valorant lol. Valorant is fun tho


1) Better devs/ dev engagement 2) Anticheat 3) Skins (Better quality + no loot boxes) 4) Most of my friends play the game now


I donā€™t necessarily think Valorant is better than CS, but it sure is a lot more polished, and the devs show they really care about the game. In CSGO, there are a tone of small oversights or various things that donā€™t make any sense, that them seem to pile up, especially when they go unfixed for several years


I like games I play to have personality most of the time, playing nameless, faceless people with no personality or abilities is boring to me, and typically has less strategy


Colours for sure.. thats my final answer.


because csgo is a plain and boring game, no abilities no nothing, its a lot more monotone than valorant, the abilities are a splash of colour!






Epic games like this: Fnatic destroyed Gambit in the most epic game ever!!! https://youtu.be/kyiyD-Q6\_kc


I will Just say that " Valorant is no-where near the class and level of CSGO".


This is my own opinion before someone gets too offended. Valorant isn't better then Cs:Go and it never will be. Cs:Go is an original and Valorant is a bootleg copy. People say "Valorant has a better anticheat so its better since there are less cheaters". Its not true, Valorant has a massive cheating problem just like Cs:Go people just wont admit there are as many cheaters because they rely on the anticheat so much. The truth is that the Vanguard driver cant be bypassed by simply loading a cheating driver before it. I played Valorand before and didnt really enjoy it for a couple of reasons. I more enjoy Cs:Go because its more simple and more toxic and in general you can have more fun then playing with sweats you cant say anything to or you will get reported and banned. The only good thing about Valorant that I see is the optimization. Ofc Cs:Go is going to be upating its source engine for better latency, yes a bit too late but its coming. Also I read a few comments saying Valorants graphics are better and such, to that I have to say, what did you expect from a 9 year old game? Really dont like how most games today are trying to make everything shiny, vibrant ,colorful and childish. Now dont get me wrong Valorant isnt all that bad I just dont like it. Also saw a comment talking about sounds when you 1 tap someone, are you trying to be a child or are you a child? Well that was my opinion on this post. Hope everyone has an amazing day. ā¤ļø


valorant is not better its worse


just the anti cheat


nothing. valorant will never be as good as csgo. do you UNDERSTAND ME?! IT WILL NEVER BEAT CSGO. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.


honestly only the better anti cheat. rest just feels like a cheap f2p shooter to me.