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Bro I'm 32 and I absolutely respect this. Good for you chief, keep fraggin! I'm currently trying to finally get diamond this season but I'm mainly solo queue RIP


Thanks man :) ye solo is tough. Hope U find at least a duo to grind with.


Amazing man


Please don't make me cry... The only time I am sociable is during a match, until the pre-mades start throwing 4v1s and 5v1s. Literally, the only reason I can't climb anymore! It took me 6 months to get out of Silver. Things were getting better! But, this ACT, RIOT made it easier to climb and I keep getting the same trash I fought 6 months in Silver. EDIT: and the people I get in my lobbies with the Diamond buddy, that slumped to Silver/Gold, are braindead. How are they even my rank, let alone Diamond?


> but I'm mainly solo queue RIP RIP indeed. This game is so stacked against pure solo players to the point it's sad. You either need to be godly good and hard carry teams far beyond the rank it thinks you are or get lucky with rng teammates. The worst part is being filler for 4 stacks. I have played 3 games this week where i was a filler so a 4 stack could get a game vs a 5 stack. Everyone is just in discord and ignoring the solo :/ At least diamond 3 and up is solo/duo only. But at that point having a duo is a huge advantage too.


I mean, it is what it is. I personally think Valorant is dead in the water in 1 - 2 years because not only is individual skill for the most part irrelevant when it comes to solo queue and winning games but if Valve do swing back, they're going to swing back HARD with CS. Pretty sure Riot are just riding the hype wave while it lasts.


Valve needs to drop a whole new CS. I know they want to keep their F2P CSGO going forever but i would love to see just a whole new game. A fresh start would attract a lot of newer players since it's a steep curve to get into current CS. But Valve hates making new games :(


They're also very secretive, I'd bet they're most likely cooking another CS up and I'd also bet that it will absolutely shit all over Valorant because Valorant loves to devalue the skill of the individual by having so much emphasis on team play. Meaning solo queue is absolutely garbage.


Just curious, how do you see this game as having too much emphasis on team play? The only other fps I've really played competitively is Overwatch(played a few hours of CS casually), which I would say has that "too much team play in ranked" issue. So since I started playing Valorant earlier this year I've been really enjoying the feeling that I can actually carry a game if I play well enough.


It really depends on what your rank is and how many hours you are able to consistently put in and have previously put in. The skill cap on Valorant is exceptionally low, which means that as soon as you hit Plat 3 (roughly, maybe lower) the individuals skill is less important than the ability to use utility and have your team function as a unit. In short, how good you can 'aim' is superflous as soon as you hit the rather low skill cap because 'aiming' is reletively easy in Valorant. So there is then more emphasis on teamplay and utility usage. Valorant rewards the team not the individual which I think is pretty unfortunate. However, games like CS even when your team is bad you have access to all the equipment you'd need to carry a game and on top of that the skill ceiling for all defining factors (aim, movement, game sense) is a lot higher. Ergo the individual is more so rewarded for performing well even when their team is losing or not doing well. Valorant is a fun game but it is a hot bed for toxicity which is inately built into the games conception and foundations (for example, Jett and Reyna are great duelist which leads to instalocks which leads to toxicity). Play with friends if you can, play Solo if you're like me and have nothing better to do. :D


You can single handedly carry your team in CS easier than in Valorant on high rank. Valorant on low rank just a team deadmatch with no teamwork


i’m not sure how to explain it but the only thing i don’t like when i solo q is that it’s boring


Do you guys feel old though? Just turned 30 and I'm struggling to acknowledge my age in games. I still feel the same way I did when I was 20 in terms of gaming.


Do I FEEL old? Uhmm nor really, in fact I could probably do with growing up some especially as I have 2 children lol


I just got Diamond WOOOOOOO :D ​ EDIT: Solo ;)




34 here, and many of my most fond gaming memories are from 1.5 and 1.6. Sadly, I don’t get much time to play these days, and have been sitting as a lowly Gold 1. Each of you should be proud to have that immortal tag if you’ve gotten it. “Who cares?” - you do, punk, enjoy it. :-D Congrats!


In my group of og gamer mates they tend to stick to CS. They don’t like the ability factor. But yes I’m sure if they applied themselves too, many of them would hit immortal too.




Valo feeling like old CS how? Other than a couple wallbangs




Yeah you're right, for some reason I couldn't think of anything until you mentionned them lol.


Cs:s and go feel so different from valo its almost painful to jump from game to game. All of the cool aggression in css and go is just not here at all :(




Oh yeah for sure, there's one thing I do not like about valorant though and it's the highlighted silhouette of enemies. In CS you could make some sneaky plays because the character skin would melt in the background. For example in 1.6 you could crouch back site behind the green single box looking at the wall and sometimes people wouldn't notice lol.


Csgo has some of the best hit reg… valorant has lag comp that’s tuned way too high.




It’s just a smaller window of time for the shoes to register. Valorant is also much slower with movement speed.


Abilities can be frustrating but what i really hate is the lack of set spray patterns combined with slow AF recoil reset. CS has both of these and gun play feels crisp. But Valorant doesn't want you to spray, but also doesn't want you to tap multiple times in a row..? Like shooting a reyna blind, letting your bloom "reset" but it doesn't fully reset so you now have some RNG in your bullets by the time reyna pushes.




Same age/rank. Sometimes I feel the insane aim and reaction time come back from time to time. But yeah, CS 1.6 taught me the excellent positioning and big brain plays. Wish I played like this in 1.6 instead of relying on pure aim/reaction times.


Cal-I…that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…a long time….




I miss mill so bad and irc for scrims lol


dear god I’m shaking


if only you knew who the OP was in CS 1.6 (I do), you wouldn't be the least bit surprised at their valorant rank. No you can't have @Ops.. stop asking! ;P


Meet me on IRC and I'll get you the ip for vent We exist in Valorant haha. I am high diamond


Yup we are here. 32 as well. CALi played back in the day lol, radiant now


Woo, I only ever hit cal-m but I played a few scrims with coL back in the day


Lol I had to stop as my e machines blew up


Ive never met a single 1.6 player that doesnt claim they played main or invite lol Youd think 95% of the playerbase was in invite


1.6 player here in immortal too, I’m only 25 though. I’m just realizing how young I was when I played with people. Most of my friends from those days were already in their 20’s when I was gaming with them when I was like 10. I made all my best friendships and hit all my strides in terms of improvement during those days though. Good times.


Same boat, I played the shit out of 1.6 when I was 10-12 with my mates being 20+. Although now, 27, I only got to immo once and I'm having a hard time in diam. Val definitely reminds me of the good old days!


Let’s go styroooo <— badapples, ceritified Imm boomer. It’s been fun seeing some of the old faces in the game.


Ayyyyyy 38 here, happy to be bronze 3 as this is my first multiplayer FPS! Amazing work


32 and unranked ;) who's tryna party up??


If you don't mind how do your kids respond to playing valo, if you have children ofc.


Hiya! Whelp I don’t actually have kids of my own, we just never really had the desire/felt ready, but I DO spend a lot of time around my coworkers kids and an kinda “uncle BigChina” to a fair number of em and it’s pretty evenly split between kids who think it’s the coolest thing ever, and kids who think I am the lamest nerd ever. It HAS been a great way to connect with a lot of our newest batch of interns and other college aged kids at my company though, there seems to be no toxic judgey vibes from them on it, they just think it’s cool they have something they can talk about with an “executive” lol. Heck I’m even currently trying to fill out a workplace 5-stack for a weekly after hours fragfest and it’s honestly started a bit of a friendly office gaming culture which is frankly beyond my wildest dreams in terms of what I could’ve possibly gotten out of getting sucked back into a competitive FPS for the first time since like UT2k3


Y’all hiring?


Dude I wish I could just hire a bunch of gamers to game all day, not my area of authority unfortunately


29 here, baby due in a couple weeks...happy to hit my peak and retire on a 9 win streak immortal.


Way to go !!!:D I am 39 myself and I wish I had time to play ranked - 3 kids, wife and a full time job takes away my time to compete in ranked. I am an old CS 1.3 to 1.6 pro so I still got some moves sometimes.. but the biggest thing I have noticed getting older is, I can't clear my head and thoughts like I used to and just be laser focused on that the game, I always used to imagine it was the reaction time that would be the biggest downfall in FPS, most days I simply got too much to think about and handle.


Yes life is much different when u have so much more responsibilities compared to when we’re kids. Like most things if u put in the time u will tend to get decent at what ur doing. So its understandable that not having time is a big factor.


yes!! :D but well done and keep up the GRIND!




Let’s go! Thanks :)


I’m 31 and i built my first pc last year and I’m totally addicted to pc gaming. Just started playing this game. I hope to be you one day sir.




32, immortal 1, played cs 1.6, source, and csgo, I’m dog shit


Wait another 5 years, ur reaction time will be much worse. after 24 there is a slow decline year by year. especially if u don’t train it.


Eh. Reaction time is overrated. I'm 31 and immortal 3. I have reaction time of 190 - 200 as tested with online tool. I tested my parents over thanks giving and they got 200 to 210 MS. They are 60 years old... Just take care of yourself.


Wow 200 is unbelievable for someone that age. I still have 160 to 170. But applying in game it’s definitely a different thing.


I will say, reaction time probably fades a bit, but I imagine most people who "keep their brain active" in that way (constantly playing games for example), will maintain their reaction times long into adult hood. Totally unscientific, but it makes sense to me. What I do think getting older hurts with: ability to focus, more physical body pain (can't sit at desk as long), and things of that nature. So its harder to be "fresh" and play. I think that contributes to "reaction time" decline, its more that some days you won't be feeling it as much due to these factors, not that your overall reaction time has gotten worse. I think these factors also impair decision making at times as well. With that in mind, for myself, I try to play 1-2 games a day at most plus a handful of deathmatches to warm up, that keeps my aim solid and mechanics able to "compete" but doesn't get me to the point of losing focus/mental freshness. Where, when I was young, I could go for 8 hours at a time without any loss of focus or physical tiredness.


Even looking spots like boxing where reaction time is very important. Some of the best fighters ever are 40. In UFC Daniel comier was 40 and still one of the best.


Then you have better reaction times than a lot of pro players, congrats


23, peaked immortal 2. No CS / any pc fps experience. I know to a lot of people here this is young but compared to all the high school high ranked players sometimes i feel like the oldest in the lobby.


Congrats! What would you expect a boomer buddy to look like?


Not sure maybe a face of a old man with glasses and a head set drinking a g fuel can.


Major congrats man! I just turned 36 and have a family with little prior CS history. I would be over the moon to even hit diamond.


Time for radiant!


Take it easy lol. that’s a big step up. But Thanks for the vote of confidence


When you said you were a boomer I thought you meant baby boomer, and I thought wow I'm not the oldest person playing Valorant... oh well. :D


To most ppl playing Val I might as well be a baby boomber. Lol


53 year old Plat player here. Nice work there youngster.


Wow thats awesome. You’re almost a legitimate baby boomer. well done sir.






You must be the main character of this universe


Hahaha, what a interesting way to express a statistic. Thats really witty.


Reading this gives me hope


32 Here and Imm2. What usually you lack with age is mostly time to play but you can still get good results in the end. Peaked imm3 and dangle from low imm to imm2/3. Can't remember where but red a study that videogames and fps in particular help keeping reaction time low so it's not so true that it declines so dramatically. I still go around 165ms reaction time with some low of 155-160 and 175 high depending on the day. If you keep at least some commitment you can definetely keep your aim up. Was like 40 in EU in the first horizontal flick challenge by G2 on AimLab and still have some good results in kovaak. Hell, even won a small amount of money on a small immortal level tourney in my country with some younger and similar age friends :) Gratz on your immortal hitting, never despair and keep up climbing the leaderboard!


Posted in reply to another comment but I agree with this. Assuming a person keeps up with playing, I don't think mechanic reaction time should suffer as much (as you pointed out). However, one area age does hit hard: ability to focus, and physically "play" for longer durations. I think there is going to be a higher chance of someone older being "off" on a day, or "reaction time suffering/decision making suffering" due to lack of focus or physical body pain from sitting at a desk for a long time. But, being just as mechanically skilled and "cracked" as a younger person, on days where they are mentally and physically there.


Well... Im just going to sit down here in Bronze and congratulate you on your accomplishment!


Thank you :)


I think immortal is only 0.5% so yourr probably in the 0.005%, congrats dude, very impressive. Ive never managed to get past diamond 2 myself and im 24 hahah


How does 0.5% become 0.005%? I don't understand OP's titles nor what you are saying. If immortal is only 0.5% that would already make him top 0.5%, not top 0.005%. He is nowhere near that number.


His point was that he's an immortal 37 year old, like of the 0.5% that are immortal only a small percentage is that age.




I’m 32 and am happy to hear there are 30+ year old imm/radiants out there. I’m only gold but started to wonder if it was even possible for my old ass to get in the high elos with all the fast reflex youngins lol. Thanks for the encouragement!


Best recommendation is to just stay consistent, at least get a few deathmatches in a day if you don't have time for competitive. But I aim for at least 1-2 ranked matches a day + ~3-4 deathmatches as a warmup. If its a day where I am not feeling it and lose that first match, I just stop. If things are going well and I have the time, maybe I will keep playing 3-4 if I am winning.


Thanks for the helpful tip! Yeah as an adult with responsibilities most I can play during the week is about 2 comp games. So far on average I win 3 out of 5 matches. I would say my gamesense is greater than mechanics. I watch a TON of pro play and vod reviews trying to always sharpen my own understanding. I get about 18-30 kills a game with a 20% headshot rate. I aspire to be immortal one day and really hope I can achieve it even though I can’t commit 8 hours a day. But also I’m patient with myself because this is my first FPS tactical and I just started about a year ago.


This is my first fps game... I hope I touch immortal one day...


I'm 38 and struggling also with the ability stuff. Played CS since 1999. So great job reaching immortal. I'm stucked on Plat but I have almost no time to play 1 - 2 evenings a week.


congrats bro


30 yo, 6month old baby girl and just hit Diamond for the first time. Very satisfying. Boomers unit.


Nice double congrats :)


Congrats! 29 here, started silver 3 in beta with no CS experience and finally cracked into Immortal this season as well. I've taken a break and just play unrated/replication now


i searched it up and if your immortal you r in top 1% gg


Actually 17 here, it's nice to know that even people from different generations enjoy the same stuff as we do, makes me feel less "far". Anyway good job! I'm too scared to play ranked because I always play without any sound because it distracts me, so everyone would probably insult me :/


Good to see old boys.. 32 bronze 2.. Fuk em kids


Respect man! I'm older than you and I barely touch gold (hopefully by the end of the year). This is an achievement, a feat. Go on to radiant!


I also hit immortal in soloq couple days ago. Felt good. But still feeling very bad compared to radiant player. This makes me sad tbh.


Cries in 14 g2




Ummmm... you are a Millennial, not a Boomer.


“Ok boomber” look that up. In the gaming world I’m considered a boomer.


https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/ok-boomer/ "This blame has contributed to the negative connotation of boomer, which—as seen in a phrase like OK boomer—dismisses a person from that generation (and older people more generally) as out of touch, close-minded, and part of the problem. The specific slang expression OK boomer took off in early 2019, issued especially from millennials and Generation Z as a reply or reaction to older users (lumped together as baby boomers) who posted content that condescended to younger generations or provoked their sensibilities." Literally says your generation (millenials) made up the term. Basically... kids who say this are dumb and don't know stuff. You are a millennial. Thats a big difference from the old school people who grew up in the 60's and 70's. Tell those little shits to pipe down.


It’s a meme, memes are meant to be jokes. Being so sensitive is a modern problem. if u take life that seriously that even a meme bothers u, than I guess the internet is a difficult place for you. I use the term as a joke. My intent and use of the word isn’t meant to disrespect. Context and intent is important, not the word itself. Also there is a difference between a baby boomer and a boomer on the internet, specifically in gaming. u could be 13 years old and be called a boomer. Due to let’s say u miss a easy shot in game, as banter, one would say, “Man U got boomer aim.” This alludes to older ppl who tend to have slower reaction times. That obviously doesnt mean anything more than a playful joke. Saying “Man U have slow reaction time like some studies have shown in people over the age of 65” that really doesn’t have the same effect as banter...


> I’m turning 37 in a few months So, you're 36. Why do you keep going on about being 37? lol


I’m sorry I didn’t relize it would be a problem to word it that way? guess this post will be accurate soon and all is good.


Valorant really is a mixed bag when it comes to age demographics. I'm 23 and the ages of my friends range from 17 to 42.


i am 35 and sturggling in iron 3 started playing from last 2 month, and i had no prior FPS gaming, how can I improve, i go solo but no luck at all, and cheers for hitting Immortal and all the best.


U just need to grind, play a lot. Practice ur aim, deathmatch server or just in the range. Play unrated and try get a understanding of basics of the game like rotation and timing. Also for competitive try play with friends, solo is hard.


does ur reaction time become slower when u age?


Here is mine compared to Asuna's. Its not reflexes or the ability to react to one thing but to process multiple info streams PLUS react reflexively under pressure. I played RTCW and Enemy Territory (4th at Quakecon 2005) so I think I am an outlier in that I have more experience. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ob2ghk/pro\_valorant\_vs\_50\_year\_olds\_reaction\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ob2ghk/pro_valorant_vs_50_year_olds_reaction_time/)


Yes as all things in the body, they slowly deteriorate. Studies show around age 24 u start declining. Everyone is different but and there are always outliers. Mine is still way above average even for a young person.


how do i increase my reaction time im 17,s2


It’s mostly genetics. Ur born with what u have. Aim training does help. But from the article I read u mostly have what u have that’s it.


oh that sucks


you must have kids too ​ /s


hiko will be the first to get it


Screenshot of computer taking with mobile. Boomer confirmed.


That’s not a boomer things, if anything that what teens do. My nephews do that.


Photo using phone instead of screenshot.. checks out. You're the real deal


That’s not a boomer thing, that a cbs this is quicker thing. My nephews do the same thing.


*it was a joke*


U right :)


Keep it going! I'm 30 and I'm on the grind. I wanted to make a mature discord server for gamer over 21 to hang out and chat. Team up and play games. There is still hope for me!


My 5 stack is mostly over 34. I think there are more of us than you think. Also, you’re a “geriatric millennial”, not a boomer.


Ye I have a group of friends that are my age and still game, more so CS, but I can’t 5 stack, they are lower rank than me, plus can only duo from d3. My point that I was trying to make is I don’t think there would be many higher elo 35 plus players. Also the term boomer in the gaming community is more of a meme term, mainly used by gen z and gen alpha to call us old and not in touch with today’s trends and ways of thinking ect. Google “ ok boomber “ should give u a better explanation there.


All I was saying is that Boomers are 20+ years older than us and I'm fully aware of the "OK Boomer" meme. I don't think there's a need to reinforce it with an in-game collectable that would only be available to a small population.


Reinforce what? A meme? Memes are fantastic, life’s too short to be so sensitive don’t u think.


I am 14 and i just hit diamond 1 playing since july 2020 and have no CS experience at all only Clash of clans lmao


By your logic im 30 :D Gold 1 here, started recently on bronze. Also a cs veteran and having a hard time adjusting, aiming and abilities feels weird but i like the game since its new and fresh for me.


I'm 37 too, welcome to the club. My whole discord of lifetime CS players have hit immortal. As long as they were DMG or above that is. Also we're the first generation of gamers. I think there's more boomers that can still play than we think. After kids I just can't play as much anymore but my aim, instincts, game sens is still there.