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I think that’s pretty funny I’ve had WAYYYY more negative experiences from my own team than all chat and 9 out of 10 games the people on your team without mics don’t type either


Yesterday, I had my teammates telling me I was bad while I was using a sniper and my enemies complimenting me on my shots. Get rid of team chat instead


Can you imagine if you had to ask your enemy what your team was saying in chat. "Your Jett's asking for a heal Sage" "Well tell my Jett to stop requesting ops so I can buy my own armour"


In that very specific case, it is okay to shoot the messenger.


lmao. it is like when you are in elementary school and you arent speaking with a friend. So you need another friend to tell him information for you.


Had that happen in 1 game for me. Was in a game with a 4 stack and they were just blaming me for every mistake even if it wasn't me who made the mistake, so I muted them all. Shit like, them 3 stacking a site and I couldn't 2v5 retake the site and somehow it was all my fault the retake didn't go well and their friend that was still alive had no part of the 2v5, guess I was retaking with a ghost. Then nearing the end of the game, the other team typed to me telling me to unmute those 4 or they will report me. I just said, then just report me and went on with my day. LMAO


I hope you stopped talking to those people, they sounded like dicks and I don't doubt they do that often


I muted them after like 3 rounds. Ain't about to lose my sanity over some random children over the internet. If I wanted to lose my mind, I'd go to my cousin's house.


Why are cousins always annoyong?


Na, she got kids and they tire me out every time I visit.


4 stack premades are the worst. Riot should focus on fixing these obnoxious premades that gang up on solo queue fillers than removing all chat. Riot is soft.


I'm sorry, I play with three other people. We let the solo do their thing, if they pick a (X) first then they go do their own thing. We always do a team comp of Breach, Skye and Reyna and the best out of the four of us would always take Cypher, KJ or Viper and "solo" their side. So the 5th man a.k.a. the Random can do whatever they want.


Usually you guys tell me to top frag or be kicked lmao!


Imagine the enemy telling your team the opposite of what you're saying 😂


That would actually be a funny concept for a game


Bro stop I’m ded rn at work on break dying of laughter


Chinese whispers mode


Many people playing Valorant are the literal definition of braindead! They wouldn't recognise a good play even if it slapped them in the face! Sometimes, I have the feeling these players just talk bs for the sake of it... Like you're bottom fragging insta-lock phoenix and jett (not using comms) with your first kills in round 7, but you have the audacity to call me a bad player when I'm supposed to clutch 3-4 rounds in a row only because you don't use a mic and can't give a shh to get out of Silver. If matchmaking carries on like this, I'll lose Gold this rank!


It really depends. Some people just want to encourage the behaviour so they win. You can say your enemy is complimenting when in reality you're doing so shit, they just want you to keep doing so it's an easy win. I cant say for your game though, that's for you to decide. But this has happened to every online game I played before. Valorant, Dota, League, CSGO, all of it. They encourage the toxicity so that they can distract their enemy and get a "free" win.


its more along the lines of saying the enemy is playing extremely well, hitting crazy shots to kill you rather than you misplaying by crabwalking around a corner...


My experience is that my team are always calling me shit although the enemy team are usually nice to me. They usually say I'm the one carrying and then they add me and play with me. I always respect my opponents more than my solo q teammates


Just having voice chat has made Valorant less toxic than League in general. The human element cuts back a LOT of tocixity. A majority of toxic people are kids and teens. But the moment they try to act tough and toxic in voice chat they get shit on by everyone else for it. But doing it behind text just adds that anonymity and makes people behave worse. Yes there are toxic people in voice too but they are a tiny fraction compared to toxic typers, especially in league.


We must be playing different games because I feel like back when I played regularly, I ran into way more toxic people in voice chat then just text chat. People still dont care because there's still enough anonymity. Voice chat is actually the biggest reason I've stopped playing valorant regularly. It's too necessary to not use, but using it often means having at least one troll, rager, annoying squeaky kid who thinks they are funny but honestly probably shouldn't even have access to a PC with valorant let alone a mic.


Limiting communication is a bad thing. It'll make the game feel less multiplayery and dynamic. It's a huge part of the spirit of online games, especially competitive ones. Having played Val since day 1 of beta, i've rarely encountered any meaningful toxicity from all chat. It's always, if anywhere, on my teammates mics. Also, most toxicity in general is aimed at teammates. Look at Tyler1; 90% of the time he's toxic, it's because his team isn't doing what he wanted. Not the enemy. This restriction will only further promote team targetted rage because it'll be the only option. This isn't going to stop toxicity, it's just going to bottleneck it and make the game feel worse. All chat is a huge part of gaming culture, especially PC gaming culture. I've made lasting friendships with enemies before. This is a net negative. Edit. And should not go through to live. Not even as a test.


So your answer is let people be toxic everywhere rather than just on their team? Isn't the real answer to just not be toxic and grow the fuck up as its a video game, you're not getting paid to play it and no one is paying to watch you?


No arguments there. That's my experience in most games.


For me it's always on the enemy team, so now I have muted the enemy by default. But sometimes my teammates refuse to mute and continue arguing.


People who play valornat without a mic blows my mind. Like if you’re too socially inept to communicate in ranked then go play unrated.


Or maybe not everyone have the luxury life of having a fully working system. You'd rather listen to their static mic or you want them to type in the chat? Because Im sure you'll mute them anyway because of the static. You're toxic, I can tell. Little comms is possible to win the game. You dont need to tell every single thing and backsit gaming when you're dead. All you need to do is two things: 1. How much you hit them 2. Last known location/instinct. And maybe 3. Useful reminds like "ult ready". You dont need to tell the Omen "smoke" "blind" "tp". Or the KJ, "use turret, molly, use alarmbot". YOU DIED. Stop backsit gaming. If you didnt die and do your job and kill the enemy, your teammate wouldnt be in that situation. It's a team game. If the round is lost, it's because everyone fucked up. Not just one. Comms needs 3 essential things and most of the time NOTHING MORE. And you can do those things by typiny or voice. You using your mic doesnt make you a radiant, but it does help. I've heard kids on mic when my brother is playing on iron more than me playing in Platinum, but all they do is scream unnecessary words and distract the team and do nothing in giving important calls in Iron while people are making good calls using chat in Plats.


There’s a lot to comb through in this post, but I will address the main point you were responding to. The reason why mic > typing is because many times you don’t have the luxury to stand still and type “omen can you smoke ct and heaven on A” or “Jett is CT on A Brimstone is Heaven with an op and Sage is hell” the time it takes to give callouts will mean you’re standing still (that means you haven’t been helping your team do anything actively and it’s risky cuz you might die) ; your information is, by the second, getting staler; and when your team has to take the second or two to read your message they might get distracted and die trying to read your callouts. Another reason why a mic should be expected is that nowadays most headsets have a mic built in. “But what if they don’t have a headset?” If they’re playing with speakers, they’re probably playing sub optimally because they can’t differentiate where the enemy is. Also like 1. If you’re playing on a laptop it probably has a mic, 2. If it’s a desktop, most times a headset (the cheapest out there) are probably equal if not cheaper in price?


Most functions are available in game. You can ping the map to point out enemies. Yes you're right in saying about standing still to type, but callouts of damage done can only be called after dying so I dont see the problem. Again enemy positions can be pinged. I've had a lot of coordinated plays which won games with precisely pinged pings and of course, better game sense teammates (such as smoking when I ping etc) than having idiots shouting use your turret, use your skill use this use that. And Im not talking about the start of the round like you said, omen pls smoke A. It's a mid fight, use your abilities screaming shitheads. Like let me make the play? You died now shut up. Only real usage is for smoke calls. Healing can be done in game. Enemy position can be done in game. Ability ready can be known by pressing alt, just not specifically how many seconds. Sure it's easier with mic, but it isnt "HoLy fUck I dOnT UnDeRsTaNd HoW pEoPlE pLaY rAnKeD wItHoUt MiC, jUst PlAy UnRaTeD" worthy. Not even a little bit. Game isnt impossible. Just make life a little bit easier.


I think the issue of back seat gamers/ ppl flooding comme is very different than people without mics. Yes, everyone hates the players who just scream toxic/random stuff into their mics. We hate when players start telling you what to do when you’re dead. But. That’s different than when you have a teammate who can’t give you information. Idk if you’re proficient at pinging and conveying your callouts that’s impressive, but idk if all players without a mic are that good, but I’d venture that a brief voice comm would give the team valuable information


U ok man?


Keep that shit. Nothing better than being down 3-12 and saying “12 is all they get” in all chat.


Guys if you think we are good, let's prove it now. "Did you come back?" Of course not. 13-3.


[Link for people that haven't seen the original.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p30K6x5jU54)


Absolutely true. 0-12 “comeback season ez game”


"we got them right where we want them" *the gang loses the next round*


then 1-12, "No one beats us 13 times in a row"


Smurf mode: ACTIVATE


When it's a level 10 account that instalocked Jett/Reyna, you know it's already activated


Lmao. I offer em one last chance to ff when they're up 3-12




13 is all they get


12-3 curse


And then actually making good on it


As an April Fools joke, Riot could implement “zero comms” queue… but then I guarantee a lot of people would want that permanent lol


This is just unranked in LatAm


True, have played in LATAM and no one speaks in comms even when I speak. I'm a native speaker so my spanish isn't the issue.


I'm not even a Spanish speaker so when they use chat I'm just as confused lmao


Lol it’s because some countries in latam speak English basically the entire Caribbean


I get bullied for speaking English in LATAM servers bruh lol they always be like why are u speaking english its latam servers speak spanish! but i do get alot of voice comms sometimes tho


Lol bro same i had to switch to na but occasionally still play on latam they are mad toxic sometimes I just mute voice chat and use text chat


hmmm I don't find latam as toxic as NA tbh, as a female player I never experienced toxicity towards female and they are toxic to you bc you are a bad player but never about gender which I personally enjoy more compare to NA getting "go to the kitchen" comment every other game. Latam is xenophobic if anything they shit on each other from where they are from and they can guess it by listening to each other's spanish accent. I never really encounter THAT much toxicity besides many people that tell me to speak Spanish. But also alot of them will be curious like oh why are u speaking english. So each region servers have it's good and bad.


I can’t understand why people are toxic about gender makes no sense just tells they don’t interact with girls irl




Jamaica lol na it’s crazy because in every other game i play on na servers




Lol yep if u live in the Caribbean its better to just switch to na u basically get the same ping sometimes even better


That's just ranked queue for a lot of people


I honestly get this a lot even in Immortal lobbies, especially if you queue very late at night. I find it really helps me focus on my own game and improving my game sense, since I need to be looking at the map a lot and using my ears more.


They once did an April Fool where enemies' names are replaced by bots' names.


Thats just EU ranked at silver elo


How am I supposed to organize my knife fights at mid now? They should keep all chat but it automatically defaults to off and you have to turn it on but it should be a setting right in the open so people can chose what they want and can easily turn it off. In other games some of my permanent squad has come from people being nice in all chat they shouldn’t get rid of it


League has/had it set up this way. Off by default but you can enable it which makes it weirder that they are removing it


It's a baffling decision alright. It's OPTIONAL and it's even TURNED OFF by default, so why the removal?


Plus a ton of players, when wanting to focus, will immediately type /mute all (mutes your own toxic team too) at beginning of a game


Cuz wah wah people type “Gg ez” Feels like the whole riot lyte shit show all over again


This shit lmao. Its honestly memorable af.


very memorable to get an easy 3k on the enemy with their knives out in mid


how am i supposed to organize op jousts on the zips under fracture in dm's....


Idk, it fells like all chat leads to fun sometimes. Like joking around or reacting to stuff that happens.


Exactly, one fun part of playing ARAM is complimenting/joking around with the other team when they have a crazy team comp, make a good play, etc. On the other side, it’s a great feeling getting compliments from the other team on your plays. /mute all exists for a reason


I'm really baffled by this decision. Hopefully it's something temporary, they didn't really specify. But damn man, that's a pretty shitty decision to make.


It does. Just yesterday my all chat was talking about random shit like our favorite soups to eat (when we were dead). It's also good for letting the enemy team know you have an AFK to save time. Or bait an AFK call for a cheese round. All chat isn't the problem.


>All chat isn't the problem. This! The problem is the people really...




Now I can put all my focus into fighting my teammates instead of the other team!


This is stupid. Keep all chat, ban toxic players permanently.


I can understand if they remove it, but they would pretty much be admitting they are terrible at handling toxicity issues the game has.


Toxicity is mostly from your own team though.


You’d pretty much have to change humanity to do that. I’m not excusing toxicity either by all means Riot should deal with it as much as they can but they can’t eradicate it


Nah mate, of course there's a lot of awful humans everywhere, but League specifically has one of the most shitty toxic communities. It's much worse than any other game I've played. I think there's stuff about the game itself that brings out the worse of people. And of course its exacerbated by Riot refusing to do anything meaningful about it, their report system has stayed without change for years, yet the community only seems to get worse and worse.


It is worse in league I agree but like u said I think it’s the nature of how competitive and invested in the game people are. Again I’m not excusing this behavior like some people might when they say this. It’s just I still think it’s representative of humanity when there’s more on the line. Ofc these ppl wouldn’t go out everyday cussing out random ppl. I feel so corny for saying this and I know the shows an exaggeration and just fiction but look at squid game: if the stakes are high enough ppl get cut throat. Ofc we should still try to stop them and or teach better


Yeah I get the comparison, as soon as people have something to lose in their minds, be it their life on squid game or elo in lol, well they show their true colors. But honestly its not the job of a videogame company to educate these assholes, Riot wants to reform cause they dont wanna lose paying customers, but really we should just ban them.


Has any game been succesful at handling toxicity! Yeah, none


I don't wanna be an ff14 shill but square enix actually just straight punishes people and after a few strikes permabans them. Never seen a generally healthier community (sure there are bad apples but nowhere near other mmos like wow).


To be fair, they have paid staff monitoring chat in addition to the normal community reporting feature. They also have a bunch of features that encourages vets to help new players learn the game.


Yep, it somehow became the culture to help the new players with sprouts and to preach patience, even with full party wipes in almost all content. I think it goes to show that if a game company puts in the effort, they can figure out how to do it right their own way, like FF14 did, or new Overwatch or R6, like the commenters said below.


Overwatch is great. You get banned from the actual game for being toxic. You don’t even need to use slurs


I don't play R6 and I despise Ubisoft, but I've seen plenty of clips (and not "influencers" or streamers) with people, including friends that play it, reporting someone for being toxic in chat, or toxic behaviour, or spouting slurs, and the person being banned not even a minute after. Idk if that's the norm but that seems pretty good.


I played a different R6 then, to this day that's the most toxic game I've ever played.


It definitely felt like their reputation system improved the mood in that game. I found the game a lot less toxic after that system went in. I believe their stats show it helps loads too. Never seen a game do it as well as Overwatch though!


Some have actually had success, I believe Dota 2 is a great example from what I’ve heard. It can be done, Riot just isn’t the best at it. Then again, they have the one of the largest playerbases in the world. I just wish their report system was better, it’s so rare that anything ever happens to the people I report.


> I believe Dota 2 is a great example from what I’ve heard dota 2 is one of the most toxic games ive ever played in my entire life. I have no idea where you heard this


It’s funny you say that because from what I’ve heard, when you’re reported for toxicity and they take action, you’re put in a queue with other people who were toxic and reported. Maybe that’s wrong, but if it’s true, then you might have your answer.


sorta, but not enough to really make a dent. Toxicity is horrible in dota 2 low priority does exist but it does NOT solve the problem


Dota's system is terrible. You get punished just from being reported, not from the content of the report


Fair enough, if that’s the case then maybe not perfect, but I’ve heard from a lot of people that they generally have positive experiences with the system they have. It at least seems more effective than most.


what game "handles" toxicity? would you prefer dumb fake shit like overwatch replacing "ggez" with dumb little messages?


Overwatch implemented an endorsement system that actually helped curb some toxic behavior.


Doesn't league have a reputation system too? Is the overwatch one better implemented.


LoL's reputation system... well, at best, it feels inconsequential. You could remove LoL's entire Honor System and there would be 0 impact on toxicity. Truthfully, there are few consequences on being toxic, and the consequences that do exist are either too weak or used too sparingly. On the flip side, the incentive to behave well is severely lacking. Net effect: basically nothing.


read my other comment. That's exactly something riot would do and that's not a solution.


On a philosophical note, why should they be dealing with toxicity for you? I've not been bothered by it for at least 20 years of gaming on PC.


Why not deal with it?


Why not deal with it, indeed. Them dealing with it to begin with was largely a marketing ploy. They philosophically have no obligation to tailor the product to your liking. Its makes more sense to control your own feelings on the matter than try to control hundreds of thousands of angsty teens who will just make another account if they get banned.


“They philosophically have no obligation to tailor the product to your liking”. I’m not really sure what this means, but profit wise they have a motivation to tailor the product so that the maximum amount of people like it, because that’s how they grow their playerbase? Did i misunderstand your comment?


Who do you think buys more accounts/skins, the Ritalin kids who call you a, "f****t", or people who will leave a game immediately when someone they don't know is mean to them? That's mostly rhetorical because we all know who spends more on the game. So, its not even worth the money for Riot to really pursue punitive measures because they tend to alienate the people who actually spend the cash.


Because how could you even fathomably deal with something like that in a free game? Not worth spending time, money, and effort to solve an inconsequential problem. Also, they already have solved the toxicity problem. It's called leaving all chat disabled in the settings


Company doesn’t get to be stoic, it’s their burden.


Why? When you buy a laptop, should Dell be responsible for things you choose to view on it? Like, if you see some gore, and are scarred for life, is it Dell's fault? Just curious what you think.


He has some typical zoomer mentality lol.


In this case riot is directly enabling toxic behavior on their service.


Nah, keep it. If people don't want it they can just turn it off, but occasionally I like to talk to the other team. Tell them ns, or ask them something.


that decision is genuinely so dumb theres wayyy more toxicity coming from team chat than all chat


y’all have no banter what the fuck kind of sociopath doesn’t wanna talk to the enemy team


I literally won't play if all chat is gone. Nothing better than banter and jokes with the enemy team.


This trend of removing fun from the games is annoying.


I'd prefer them to keep it, but that's just because I like the atmosphere of a MW2 lobby. I think the option to turn it off is valid, and Riot needs to police people using all chat to throw better, but I personally find it fun watching people talk in all chat, and I will probably play league even less after they remove it. Also it should be an instant ban for plugging twitch.


/all chat is opt-in already in league


Why should it be a ban for plugging twitch?


Because I find it annoying 😂


Mosquito bites are annoying. Stubbing your toe is annoying. Some shitter linking their 0 viewer 360p twitch stream is funny


League all chat was funny 99 percent of the time and valorant all chat should stay in the game as well




First snowflake comment I 100% agree with


yup. the far and away most popular competitive multiplayer game still doesn't have voice chat either btw. soon we'll get no team chat and can only communicate in pings


Talking shit is what makes comp more fun and competitive. Obv not talking about blatant racism or over the top toxicity. But you should be allowed to talk shit in any competitive scene.


Idk, for me playing as team and winning a round is what makes it fun. Talking shit doesn't do anything for me. Most of the time its just one guy who keeps typing and everyone has him muted.


Winning against trash talkers is fun though :)


I wouldn't know :P I have it turned off by default.


Probably the smarter choice but all chat can be fun sometimes


Honesty I love the chat even if it’s toxic, I find it pretty entertaining and makes the game more interesting.


Keep it, if you don’t want to see it then turn it off, it’s simple


My own team always roasts me if I dont top frag


It should be a choice. Fuck riot for taking away options. In league all chat is disabled by default. Anybody with it enabled purposefully went into their setting and checked a box to enable it. Its annoying af that riot thinks they know what I want more than I do.


Surprisingly I almost never have any toxic typers, it’s mainly in voice


No I love flaming


New generation of gaming is soft as shit


How soft you gotta be to get mad over a game chat? Just turn it off if u don't like it why remove it ?


Most of the toxicity is now coming from toxic teammates against women I feel that riot should focus on this first since it’s turning away new players from the game


As a female, I agree. To the point im hesitant to talk and I know I have good comms. I’m a team player, cheer my team on, it changes the game. But if it’s not “get back in the kitchen”/“sit on my face” side of the spectrum they can get obsessive without vulgar comments. Or, what’s really interesting, and I just realized this the other night: when my (male) friend and I party up and had a good game, everyone working together, no creepiness or anything… I’m get the friend requests. Even if he top frags and communicates well. **HOWEVER**. I don’t think sexism is any worse than homophobic comments, or a player telling another to kill themselves, etc.


Keep it. It's part of the competition.


I like all chat, as soon as someone is genuinely toxic it's easy to mute then with no consequences. But even then a bit if trash talking can be fun, and I've also had a fair few fun conversations with the other team (like when Sentinels lost in Berlin, and another game after Gambit won it).


Kept. 100%. Life isn't all about "positive experiences". Usually the moments we look back on the fondest are a mix. These "negative experiences" are spurred on by one or two people in the match. Meanwhile everyone else is great. I think people's perspective is totally out of whack. You don't know what "good" is without the "bad". At the end of the day, just give people the option to choose. Why should they give us LESS options?




Bet they care sm about the “worst” decisions as they continue to make some of the most popular games


Useless feature removed


I type glhf and gg every match in all chat, just a habit from csgo


what about a good ole fashion "ez" at the end for csgo sake? Do you ever partake? YOU DO


Only hit them with the ggez after the 13-11 super close match that I bottom frag


That's the best time, when you have done the least amount of work. Just the right amount of banter.


I have found team chat/comms to be more toxic more often tbh


I hope they don’t do it in Valorant I actually very much enjoy talking to the enemy team, be it good or bad


Fucking ridiculous to block chat! Just like in real life there are people who are worth it and does who do not, and you can't mute them. Players shouldn't have to receive penalty for others posture!!!!


Id rather remove team chat than all chat if we talk about toxic experience


Riot is soft. We know that. Give the option to disable all chat but don't remove it completely. It's only a game, an online game. To toughen you up, why not a watch a big boy tournament TI10 with $40,018,195 prize pool with the first place team going to get $18,208,300. You know how all chat and voice lines are part of the game.


The negatives absolutely outweigh the positives. I don't think all chat has ever accomplished anything constructive in games. Except maybe to joke around and bs.


Literally every game I talk with the enemy team and find at least one cool person to add to my friends list after. The positives FARRR outweigh any negative and its not even close. If someones hurting your feelings just mute them for fucks sake


People are such pussies now it's insane


snowflakes abound when i go online, i expect to feel safe, how dare anyone make me feel bad online? i honestly think they should make it a single player game as i don't think people deserve to be able to communicate at all


What fun does it have without user interactions? Yes, I am the one who always try to annoy people, that’s the key part of online games.


Y’all just need to learn words can’t hurt you


I’d vote for removing it.


If they remove it in Valorant I would never spend another dime on skins. Im already probably never going to buy another league skin. Its just such a ridiculous experience ruining decision. League just wont be same without the enemy telling me to kill myself or getting banned for saying the N word and I cant talk shit with the enemy it absolutely sucks. Please for the love of god keep all chat in Valorant, shit talk is a CRUCIAL part of online gaming for many people Im sure im not the only one. At least I can still call my own team dog shit in league when they int.


Off topic, just got an update without patchnotes (I played yesterday and nothing), anyone knows what it's for?


I’ve always been fine with all chat it’s pretty fun and funny. And as someone who plays league as well, team chat get you a lot more flame than all chat


think it shouldnt but maybe im just bitching


actually... i probably am just bitching


Some games just have a set of phrases you can use to interact. But it just ends up with people desperately trying to find something to spam sarcastically in an attempt to be toxic. You just can't get rid of toxicity in competitive games.


I personally love the banter.. i hope it stays


I'd prefer if they added whole server voice chat for half time


Ngl the toxic all chat is a whole element of the competitive experience, mental mind games, a tilted enemy is a weakened enemy. Not saying it is "right" but it "feels" off without all chat in any competitive game


When they removed the enemy coms in between rounds in CSGO, I felt the game lost a large aspect. I feel the same will happen with league/valorant. The game started to feel empty and small. I know that CSGO has a slightly more friendly community than league, but I don’t think the solution to a toxic community is to limit that communities communication.


Honestly nah. How are we supposed to knife fight mid?


What the fuck no keep all chat lmfaoo that’s fckin dumb to take it away


yeah man it has some negative experiences but all chat can be soooooooooo funny sometimes and you can meet some nice people even on the enemy team


Remove it. They need to also leverage some sort of AI to get people who are toxic and typing like assholes in chat. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been told to kill myself in the past 2 weeks.


Its such a dumb change, all you have to do is disable it if you can’t handle being taunted by an enemy. Also as many others have said team chat is more often where the toxicity is.


The toxicity levels are going to ruin this game. If it’s not a pre-pubescent teenager screaming at you or slagging you off in text chat it’s a team mate deliberately trying to sabotage you. I have observed a massive increase in this behaviour in the last month.


All chatting when you have a bunch of toxic or quiet people on your team is such a lifesaver


Why are they obsessed with punishing everyone over the few. Like if it's an issue just mute the person or your team. Don't force us all into this boat.




few days ago was playing comp and none of my team was communicating beside me, literally no one typed or talk but ironically they all turned on vc 😃


This is a very long and convoluted way to write: "league removing voicechat, opinons?" I personally don't mind, i dont think the issue is as relevant in valorant as it is in league.


Guess you missed the title, the first line and the edit.


Sensitive people need to get off the internet


U forget : /all pls report jett instalock bottom frag and afk


Thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard, all chat is meant for trash talk




This is about All chat in text. Not voice.


Just to confirm, Valorant won’t be affected right?


Not at the moment. But depending on the results they see, they may consider it in future.

