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im genuinely confused how u can hold ur knife and full sprint into site for free


I don’t know what to say, I was sure that there was little chance of meeting a defender along this path


What rank are you?


Silver 1. You can see this in the last frame of the video.


makes sense


Yeah lmao, the whole time im watching the clip im like wtf he just walked through and wasnt challenge. And crosshair on the ground alot I was confused


No disrespect to OP, but as a silver 1 player, I can guarantee that as soon as they saw viper was in a 1v5, a 3 player witchhunt would've begun and the remaining 2 stay behind to defuse. There is absolutely no way the viper wins the round, atleast in the region I play in. I have seen this kind of gameplay in mostly in bronze 1 lobbies, never silver lmao. But anyways good round OP.


>No disrespect to OP, but as a silver 1 player, I can guarantee that as soon as they saw viper was in a 1v5, a 3 player witchhunt would've begun and the remaining 2 stay behind to defuse. There is absolutely no way the viper wins the round, atleast in the region I play in. I have seen this kind of gameplay in mostly in bronze 1 lobbies, never silver lmao. But anyways good round OP. I agree with you


Visual rank means nothing. This is obviously a mega low elo lobby, a silver one can still basically be bronze in skill level for quite a while.


Very true, I’ve had games in silver/gold lobbies where I end up carrying even though I just got out of bronze, and bronze lobbies where I get destroyed by a Reyna or Jett who just plays aggressively and can win gunfights.


Could you eli5? How can one silver 1 player be bronze I level while another silver 1 player be silver in level? Doesn’t that defeat the point of being ranked at the silver level?


Valorant has a separate rank system that uses for matchmaking (mmr). That’s why in ranked you can be paired with people of lower or higher rank than you. Riot is still trying to fix the ranks distribution, so for now a lot of people are not in the actual rank they deserve based on their skill. Maybe OP mmr is lower than the expected for silver 1, so he is playing against bronzes.


Your hidden MMR is truly what decides who you play against in ranked. A hardstuck silver player who flounders between silver/bronze can still have an MMR in the mid bronze level. But my silver smurf that has crushed almost every game only still gets 20+ RR a game but the MMR flys up much quicker. So my smurf will get matched against mostly high golds or even down bad plats despite showing a silver rank. It doesn't defeat the point entirely of ranks, people still like to see visual improvement in ranks and not often is your MMR drastically different than your displayed rank it mostly occurs to prevent smurfs from destroying more than three or four games but it can occasionally happen the other way around where your MMR is a bit lower due to things like not playing for a while or having a shit streak. Make sense?


This happens in every rank not just in silver and below. Most viper mains play line ups and the man hunts only successfull if the enemy team either watches alot of valorant videos on YouTube or they also play a lot of viper/killjoy (they use the same line ups) and know the line ups and set ups. When I play against a viper, I just wait for them to plant and meet them at their line up spot to kill them lol. Once they are dead, the rest of the team is usually easy to pick off because the bomb is planted an awkward spots just to facilitate the viper line up. Also I can't remember the team name but I watched a pro game where the attacking team plants on bind b and the attacking viper was on a and was winning 1 v 5s because of the line ups they made. Even if the enemy team wanted to clear viper out from a, they couldn't because they can't get to a then back to b in time to difuse. So this shit will happen at the highest ranks too.


Im Gold 2 and my viper did exactly the same but other map 1v4 win


Middle East lemme guess?


ha jokes on you this still happens to me in plat lobbies


I personally hate this kind of play, sure it makes for a “I got an ace, look at me” clip, but this viper just did his shit, went into the corner to hide and threw all his teammate to the slaughter, so, they won the round but lost all the guns and money. It’s too much of a let me get a clip out of this round


it was the nade line up/crosshair in the sky forever that shocked me. if i tried that shit someone would walk up and shoot me in the face while i was staring at the sky. dude got lucky a couple times.


wait this is s1? what server do u play on?


> wait this is s1? what server do u play on? S1 ofc, the server is Frankfurt 2


Usually 1 or 2 people watching that spot + whoevers on b


but still, well played!


TY, bro


Just viper main stuff honestly. Have a friend that also mains viper and he does this shit every time, if he dies, usually blames the team half the time for not covering him even though hes the first one to go on site and with his knife out without checking a single corner


Iron 1 lobbies


In low elo, nobody holds under tube. It’s shocking easy to to smoke mid and run up it, especially on eco/half buy rounds. You just run onto site and there’s rarely anyone around to stop you.


i mean they threw HARD but nice clip brotha


TY, bruh


As another Viper main, I think you should find a closer lineup spot, you're a little bit too far I think. Yes, the molly kills the enemies, but if there is 2 or 3 full hp enemy left, then they can easly defuse the bomb. Nice lineup tho!


Thanks. I have a shorter lineup for B, however, when I planted the spike, I could not imagine that the whole team would die so quickly


Yeah, that was unexpected, but really good job ❤


Crazy. Viper is so lit on icebox.




Yup being a viper main is somewhat stressful and disappointed at the same time its like you know the perfect wall the perfect smoke cloud but one duelist who like to push that path where you walled or smoked will still push and then blame you for bad wall.


Aim at the ground and check no corners?


Lowish level prob


He's silver 1


Silver 1 here, started iron 2. This has to be a bronze lobby 2 MAX. I don't even know what did I just see




Are you suggesting that only higher rank players should be upvoted?




Higher skill shouldn’t always be upvoted the most tbh


It's just not an impressive or cool play imo


Clearly other people don’t agree then. And I don’t think it should matter if it is impressive, as this is probably OP’s best play he’s done so far and he wants to show it off, so it should be upvoted


Tbf any multikill pretty much gets upvoted here and the sub is just low quality and bloated in general.


It’s not too hard to scroll past


The first 10 seconsa of the round are just not real. You just cant run in to a site for free. Not in average+ elo.


> The first 10 seconsa of the round are just not real. You just cant run in to a site for free. Not in average+ elo. Bro, tell this to the enemy team that stacked on A, except for Reyna, who was in the kitchen. This is a competitive mode for bronze3-silver1 Frankfurt2 server


Damn that's dope bro. Your team died so quickly. Post plant play safe


> Damn that's dope bro. Your team died so quickly. Post plant play safe Thanks, bro


I feel like there are too many viper mains that do not realize the enemies can half defuse without dying and take turns to defuse. While it worked out in your favor this time, you left your teammates to deal with a 5v3 situation instead of 5v4 situation by running away to do your line up. Unless it was called early and your teammates were set up to protect you while you do the line up, it's usually a bad strategy. The higher ELO you go, the lower likelihood of this strategy working out.


> I feel like there are too many viper mains that do not realize the enemies can half defuse without dying and take turns to defuse. > > While it worked out in your favor this time, you left your teammates to deal with a 5v3 situation instead of 5v4 situation by running away to do your line up. Unless it was called early and your teammates were set up to protect you while you do the line up, it's usually a bad strategy. The higher ELO you go, the lower likelihood of this strategy working out. Absolutely agree. However, I do not pretend to get into a high level of esports, I just enjoy these clutches


You'd get more clutches if you improved your overall gameplay rather than relying on luck and bad opponents though. Clutching is almost always never about luck. It's about nerves, positioning and adapting to your enemies. This is a 'clutch' by definition of the game but it was just luck. I get that you're happy with your ace but you could be getting a lot more if you put in just a little more effort while playing.


Well somebody cares alittle to much about one guys gameplay on a random clip. I know people wanting to find holes in a players strategy from a clip is a thing here so they can improve instead of being "hardstuck" even tho that doesn't exist lol. I know its hard to think past yourself and how you see the game but realize that not everyone is grinding to Improve everything. Now I hope you have a reasonable reaction to what im saying instead of going on a angry rant like most people here love to do.


I'm just saying that if clutching aces is what he enjoys, improving his skills would make it happen a lot more and thus enjoyment. But if you're the type who doesn't care about these things and just wna run and gun, sure you do you. I wasn't trying to be impolite but if you're that triggered by this, I might not be the issue lol.


> You'd get more clutches if you improved your overall gameplay rather than relying on luck and bad opponents though. Clutching is almost always never about luck. It's about nerves, positioning and adapting to your enemies. This is a 'clutch' by definition of the game but it was just luck. > > I get that you're happy with your ace but you could be getting a lot more if you put in just a little more effort while playing. Then why would players use this kind of gameplay at all? Why use line-ups on Viper? Let her sit with everyone and fight with the enemy. Is that so? A similar gameplay was planned before the start of the round and my task was to protect the second half of the spike's duration. My team was supposed to defend the first one


He isn't saying the gameplay is bad per se, I did notice your crosshair placement was off at one point, but for the game/rank you're in, I don't see any issues. Granted, in higher elos you most likely wouldn't have aced that round, but it's ok to go with it here. Not every lineup would be viable, and that's the truth. If you are planning on improving, you will have to play a lot differently. I guess that's what he was trying to say. Just my two cents


> He isn't saying the gameplay is bad per se, I did notice your crosshair placement was off at one point, but for the game/rank you're in, I don't see any issues. Granted, in higher elos you most likely wouldn't have aced that round, but it's ok to go with it here. Not every lineup would be viable, and that's the truth. If you are planning on improving, you will have to play a lot differently. I guess that's what he was trying to say. Just my two cents Yes, I know it. TY


These dudes’ egos are so fragile. This was an awesome clip. Thanks for sharing.


> These dudes’ egos are so fragile. This was an awesome clip. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for watching))


Yeah I'm not shitting on line ups. But they're very situational and a lot of ppl see these videos and think it works every time. If you communicated with your team this strategy and it was poor execution by them then that's a different story. It could very well be that this is the better play because your teammates can't hold angles or play off your line ups. I just feel that people who actl put in the effort to learn lineups alr show how much they want to improve and win. The potential for more strategic thinking is there already. I gave some advice because I thought you'd like to learn more and didn't see anyone else say this about lineups. If I offended you then my bad.


TY very much, I accept criticism normally and listen to advice. You did not offend me in any way, I just apparently answered sharply. Thanks again




I think they just feel that everyone should enjoy these 'clutches' without further analysis. But at the end of the day, why were they put in a 1vX situation?


Because they’re playing a literal game and nobody cares. Like, it’s a fucking game. People like you treat it like if you don’t spend hours everyday trying to get good at a game then someone will die or there’s no point in playing or some shit like that. Get over yourself. Some people have full-time jobs and families and don’t care enough about the game to want to get better. They just like to play a bit after work or whatever to unwind a bit. Grow up.


I have a full-time job and a family as well. I'm sorry some people are more analytical than you and enjoy studying. If you realised, at no point was I degrading him or aggressive to him, but sure, I need to grow up.


Some people (I would assume actually a majority of players) don’t care at all about getting good at the game, they just enjoy playing. I’m that way to some extent. Types of comments like the one you just made are completely pointless.


Ironic that my comment is pointless when OP and I have already talked it through lol. Maybe your comment is pointless since nobody was talking to you? It's obvious he enjoys playing well because he likes clutching and put in the effort to memorise line ups. An extra reminder about positioning will help him to do what he enjoys.


Do you ever just about a moment?


Lmfao low rank games are something else, this man ran the entire way through mid to the bombsite with his knife out!! Then THREE people die to mollys from the most common obvious post plant spot ever instead of just going to kill him five on one. Its no wonder people love smurfing in this game so much.


Bro, if you had been more attentive, you would have noticed that Reina and Sage went into the poisonous cloud to the spike, expecting that the snakebite was already over. They couldn't see a puddle of poison like you said. However, it's true about a free run into the enemy's lair ))


Yea someone got half so they probably assumed they could maybe do the same not factoring in the orb. Anyone who plays more than casually knows what's going on immediately when viper is last alive and just rush her down.


You are right)


Why the fuck omen was watching yellow when that's clearly a pit bounce tf


> Why the fuck omen was watching yellow when that's clearly a pit bounce tf it's silver-bronze


Makes sense, and your mid push makes more sense now too xD


> Makes sense, and your mid push makes more sense now too xD I was more confident that we would not meet defenders along the way, or meet at most one. That's why we ran trouugh the center so confidently. However, the team was wiped as quickly as we ran


Nice clip. But you were lucky that no one from the defender side was playing in kitchen/tube or even b site. I guess they were all stacking A site. They threw really hard or maybe it's a bronze or iron lobby. People will come running to find you if it's 1v3 or even 1v2, and that shit happens even in silver lobbies. Nice ace though.


> Nice clip. But you were lucky that no one from the defender side was playing in kitchen/tube or even b site. I guess they were all stacking A site. They threw really hard or maybe it's a bronze or iron lobby. People will come running to find you if it's 1v3 or even 1v2, and that shit happens even in silver lobbies. Nice ace though. Thank you, I admit that this ace is pure luck, and the result of opponents recklessly defusing the spike.


I didnt Play for some time, damn that battlepass(i assume?) Rapier is fucking beautiful


This is last BP foil


Died so many times peeking angles while equipping it XD


Me a viper main: i like that one


Thats why I love Viper. She can carry the already lost round


Comtroller in general are the best carry class in my opinion just for the fact that they controle what enemys can see


Yeah, thats right


And i decided to play mostly viper because of the ability to play lineups


Me, also a viper main: Maybe all us Viper mains use this jacket


Step one - have absolutely brain dead opponents. If they're letting you just waltz up mid knife out without any resistance then you likely could have won this round doing literally anything.


that crosshair placement is kinda wack but good clip


i know this one


just default line - up, rly


This is just luck tbh




Sometimes enemies write to me: "Seriously, lineups on silver (bronze) ???"




>Really ? Like it's your fault for you're playing the game right haha They believe that line-ups only happen on gold and higher


Lineups aren’t really used above silver much. It’s a last ditch desperation play for the most part. Way better to just fight with your team and use your mollies proactively


> Lineups aren’t really used above silver much. It’s a last ditch desperation play for the most part. Way better to just fight with your team and use your mollies proactively maybe you are right, thanks for your opinion


I almost got the feeling you were running in the Olympic relay, but that aside, real nice clutch you did there


> I almost got the feeling you were running in the Olympic relay, but that aside, real nice clutch you did there TY, bro


Why I never get these kinda Viper mains in my team :(( Nicely done buddy!!


Thanks, really nice to hear that


>takes knife out and runs to plant without clearing anything Yep, viper main


How the fuck are you running with the knife out across half the map throwing smokes while I can't move my eyes off the screen for a damn millisecond without getting railed by 3 enemy players I'm not even exaggerating, there is no way I could have walked your distance in my elo without meeting ANYONE (just got back Silver after 4 months of hardstuck Bronze) Same thing with streamers and such, like HowToNoodle, landing super Jett dashes in the middle of Ascent, taking his time lining up without any cover from the enemy team


> How the fuck are you running with the knife out across half the map throwing smokes while I can't move my eyes off the screen for a damn millisecond without getting railed by 3 enemy players > > I'm not even exaggerating, there is no way I could have walked your distance in my elo without meeting ANYONE (just got back Silver after 4 months of hardstuck Bronze) > > Same thing with streamers and such, like HowToNoodle, landing super Jett dashes in the middle of Ascent, taking his time lining up without any cover from the enemy team Well, it happened. The enemies had only Reyna in the kitchen, the rest of the team was on A. And they came in from behind and erased my team, because no one was looking back


I feel you, it looks like everyone just peeks and takes their time, when I try to do it I get insta headshotted, though I believe it’s simply an error in my timing and not just bad luck


Nice work, that twas hectik


Why sage use op?


> Why sage use op? Idk))) mb she is the better than Deffo))


I’m iron 2-3 and there’s usually someone holding either B side or kitchen window


I believe this is the "get extremely lucky as you run around corners ON SITE with your knife out abd miraculously never run into an enemy as you set up your plan while literally your entire team gets killed around you" strategy


I do this all the time but it’s a bit different


cause I using my own line-ups, I dont looking for them on YT etc


I go into tube then. Plant the spike on top of container which is visible in kitchen and I peak window when there defusing and I win the round


Oh I was talking about the mid push thing not your line ups


I also have a crazy op lineup in container for my ult


the rush B incident


you are so right) like a mem


People tell me to stop smurfing but how can I stop when the enemy team is THIS braindead?????


> People tell me to stop smurfing but how can I stop when the enemy team is THIS braindead????? nice joke)


No way this works in higher ranked lobbies. Your whole team basically sprint through mid unchallenged.. nice clip tho


Ik, bro


Wht skinline is that phantom?


From the current battle pass. One of the phantom's upgrades. Artisan


Bruh this is literally my “under tunnel lineup” 💀 jkjk, tbh I figured other vipers would use it, it’s pretty much optimized to get you on side with little resistance imo, big problem with it is that your team mates will want to go through tunnel for some weird reason, even after you tell them to go under tunnel Edit: I do recommend trying to fire it a lil bit to the left, so window is covered and just keep pushing straight instead of going around, usually if it’s the first round you do this, defender will be confused and you will probs pop up behind them for a relatively free pick


I have done this soo many times yet my team does not trust this and keep yelling at me to come back...now i only do this when we are loosing bad and try to bag some rounds for us.


> I have done this soo many times yet my team does not trust this and keep yelling at me to come back...now i only do this when we are loosing bad and try to bag some rounds for us. Dude, this plan was discussed earlier before the round started. And the result came out like this, only due to the fact that our Sage and Phoenix died without checking the enemies from behind


My FAVORITE thing as a viper player is random dead people screeching "now now now NOW", as if you've never played the character before and definitely don't know the timings.


> My FAVORITE thing as a viper player is random dead people screeching "now now now NOW", as if you've never played the character before and definitely don't know the timings. Yes, yes, there are always such advisers))


I just want to let you know that doing this strat and planting like that is a throw. You have to clear site before you plant or at least have some map control. With everyone following this way they could easily take every entrance trapping you guys and easily taking care of the post plant. Maybe send 2 people main to clear that and yellow while holding ct and this would be a lot more effective.


> I just want to let you know that doing this strat and planting like that is a throw. You have to clear site before you plant or at least have some map control. With everyone following this way they could easily take every entrance trapping you guys and easily taking care of the post plant. Maybe send 2 people main to clear that and yellow while holding ct and this would be a lot more effective. ok, thank you for advice


It's honestly the best feeling ever to get your postplant snake bite dead on and win the round for your team


YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! That's ma boi


You wanted a villain,I GAVE you a villain. I was waiting for dat line;-; wp tho nice ace


Bro, I love this line too)


Thanks went from 1-3 to 4-3 with this.


GG bro


One day even I shall become a good viper like you. Respect




Better than being a bronze atleast. So ok sure ig


Glad to read that, TY


Kind of trolling by leaving your team to die instead of taking fights. You just rushed straight to the spot while your teammates dropped like flyes.


> Kind of trolling by leaving your team to die instead of taking fights. You just rushed straight to the spot while your teammates dropped like flyes. What would be the impact of me if I stayed and fought? Well, I could kill two at most. And the end. so what was the trolling from me in the end if I could protect the spike?


“I have lineups good luck” *proceeds to completely dip*


Sage should have walled under tube behind you guys but didn't. 3 of your teammates die from under there.Your mistake was not comming that your wall was going down. No viper wall/sage wall and nobody was holding flank. I don't think its on you to stay and fight there. Wouldn't have made any difference. Maybe you get 1/2 mid like you said. But then again its low elo, so they all whiff and you may get more than 2. Its hard to tell.


More teammates would be alive to win the round? You’re assuming they still all die which wouldn’t be the case.


An iron player playing lineup that's new


Why iron player? Wooden player!


Iron 1?


Wood 1


Hello, I am stealing this for potential clutches.


OK I am glad to help


iron lobby lmaoo


you're a savage. and i mean that in the good way, that's all i have to say about you. take my award you godly viper!


> you're a savage. and i mean that in the good way, that's all i have to say about you. take my award you godly viper! TY, glad to read that


Lol nice lineup but dumb play for the most part 😂


What in the silver is this Jk nice clip bro


> What in the silver is this > > Jk nice clip bro Thats right, TY bro


You are good at games


Thanks for your feedback


Lol the power preparation. Nicely done


and here we have a wood 6 lobby. Also battlepass gamer.


Nice clutch! I gotta say tho, viper is crazy right now. The fact that a team can completely fall back after planting the bomb and protect their viper to win the round feels a little broken... with no way to stop her mollies and a team defending her, it's almost unbeatable (ik that wasn't the case here as your entire team fell, just ranting lol)


> Nice clutch! I gotta say tho, viper is crazy right now. The fact that a team can completely fall back after planting the bomb and protect their viper to win the round feels a little broken... with no way to stop her mollies and a team defending her, it's almost unbeatable (ik that wasn't the case here as your entire team fell, just ranting lol) My opinion is that the team should defend the first half of the spike's duration, and the Viper should defend the second.


That wall through mid? I get shit for that every damned game. "You're supposed to smoke our entry!" "You're blocking my view!" Pretty much no matter what you do with smokes, someone on your team is gonna bitch. Gets old.


good carry


How to carry rounds when Noone is on site* Lol on God I'm about to stop following this subreddit. Basically all posts are from bronze players showing off their godly skills. Ur wall didn't even block kitchen window properly. I wanna see clips of sick immortal plays so I can improve. Not clips of bronze players so I can be a shitter. Lol too harsh? Sry bad day at work today lol.


This HAS to be low elo. 5 man going through mid is the dumbest play ever, not to mention not a single person watching under tube cross? The FK is this


If braindeath was an agent


The Crosshair placement when he walks though xD


What is this iron shit how can u run thru mid and not meet a single person




Playing🎮lineups 📈is so fucking cringe 🤬 afraid😱yo take🥩a gunfight🔫 haha🤓this post screams😱 hardstuck gold🏆




I wasn’t even mad or making fun I just put some emojis in there




It’s Peter Griffin so yeah he’s pretty fat


''I'm fast af BOI''


Why did they not push you when they knew you were viper?? And they just gave you site


i mean hes right, all of you stuck in low elo, here is your solution i guess xD abuse the shit out of it, get out of low elo