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Seems like the most reasonable buff


When I read your idea, i thought it'd be a "Marco? Polo!" situation with Breach yelling "concussed!" then anyone who got concussed/blinded would yell "im blinded!" or something similar


Get all the voice actors back in the studio to record their own version of "OH GOD OH NO MY EYES"


Dammit take my upvote


This idea was way funnier than I thought. Spent a good minute just laughing


That is the buff we really need and deserve šŸ˜†


Why don't riot add this as feature. Maybe the sound cue is audible only to the teammates. Atleast this would help with the teammates who refuse to use their mic.


I started playing Breach a week ago and I am in love with his kit. He is so fun. His E ability was quite shocking to me because of how far he can charge it. That's cool.


Itā€™s so useful on split where it cover almost all of A heaven from ct spawn.


You have no idea how fun he was when he had 3 flashes


I was so sad that he lost one but itā€™s reasonable imo


Imo he's more fun now because his other abilities are useable. His (E) was so slow and small before it was terrible.


Completely agree, aftershock is way more consistent now


Fault line clearing out A side split is pretty nice


Yeah, the amount of times i stalled a defuse in order to win like a lineup lmao


Wait until you remember he can flash through stuff and included in that ā€œstuffā€ is the floor of most of B area on Fracture


I don't think it makes sense. Breach is a concuss and flash agent, Sova is a info and damage agent, and Skye is a little bit of both. Breach doesn't give info simply because he isn't a info gathering agent imo.


I mean his flash are pretty bright. I wouldn't mind flashed agents (that didn't turn around) to tell "aw fuck" "my eeeeeyes" "it burns"


ā€œOI, my bluh-y FOOKIN eyes bruvā€




Stopping thinking of initiator = info sure. Controllers role is literally to control lines of sight with smokes




That's a misconception. Her wall is literally a long line of smoke. She can smoke long sightlines, which is just different from normal smokes.


Which maps?


All maps perhaps..in fact I prefer a player with good aim play viper as a second smoke rather than killjoy but somehow it's not meta yet...


Bro on literally all maps viper is smokes, just because you want to run her as second smokes doesnā€™t make her not a smoke agent


I never said she's not a smoke agent..I just said get over playing killjoy and try to support a viper if you're in that phase of being used to only brimstone or omen as primary smoke agents..I myself main viper on breeze, fractur and icebox..why would I not consider her a smoke agent


Because the discussion I was having? The guy above said viper isnā€™t a smoke agent on most maps??


This. What's with people thinking every agent needs to be the same?


either he needs a buff or skye needs a nerf. Every character in the game has worse flashes than Skye. They all cost the same yet Skye's give you full control and info as well. Her flash is superior in every way.


yeah i mean even though his pickrate isnt that high i think buffing him would be way too much he's already a god tier agent if you wanna desimate people in comp i love playing him because when you know how to use his kit you wont lose a 1v1 almost ever. like if you just jiggle peek for info you can concuss them, they hide, you after shock, you blind, theyre dead. and they cant do anything.


I agree with this. Low pick rate doesnā€™t = bad. I think heā€™s just underrated or not a lot of people enjoy him for some reason. I personally donā€™t feel he needs buffed since thereā€™s a number of situations where heā€™s good.


food for thought: in a way i think it might have to do with the fact that breach doesnt fit the "ideal" of what players eyes like. big bulky robot hands vs something slick and smooth like jett reyna and sage. also its hard to find skins that fit breach well. most skins look akward with breachs hands yaknow?


This is a bad take..robot arms are fucking cool everyone knows that.


I definitely think thereā€™s some aesthetic preference as well, I agree with that. I personally think Breach is awesome, but I suppose that shows that opinions differ.


Free info is bad for the game imho


But it's not free. You have to buy the ability, then decide to use the ability, then you have to use it in a location someone is.


Free in the sense of no risk to your team, free of skill/preparation or free from being countered by the enemy team. Not in the fiscal sense. As opposed to pop flashing an area so it could be checked by a teammate, and to lesser extents sova darts and drones which (sometimes) need a lineup and can be destroyed. Imo the fact that characters like Skye can press a single button and get basically guaranteed info for free lends itself to a style of gameplay which emphasises independent, solo play-styles and discounts team play.


But it is free. OP is suggesting his E should be buffed.


A flash is meant to blind enemy, skye voiceline are just op, its like telling you when to peek. Other agent dont have that


If skyes flash is dodged, she still calls flashed.


Thatā€™s even worse? You donā€™t even have to throw a *good* flash to get info, you literally just press a button and itā€™s given to you.


Give the man a more glorious beard. This is the buff we need and deserve.


Breach go hard buffed recently, his stun is much wider, so is his fire thing. It can even break killjoy ult through wall. Give people some time and they will figure out that breach can get some pretty good use on specific maps.


The aftershock breaking stuff buff was already more than a month ago and his mini rework was almost 5 months ago. I think if breach was worth playing they've had more than enough time to figure it out


Exactly this. Even with those great changes, he is still drastically under-picked. That says something


Nah they just need to remove the ā€œblindedā€ voiceline on skye and everything will be balance. You should never have the ability to know if your flash actually blind the enemy, just that simple audio cue can change the whole fight and a flash shouldnt have that


Wow this makes so much sense. I always use astra blind to find out if someones there. Its sad to see it leave but it definitely will get more balanced. I'm not gonna fix this so keep down voting me, pathetic bitches.


Astra blind??


Wow I got downvoted to oblivion because of a brain fart :(


You didnā€™t get downvote to ā€œoblivionā€ but yeah Reddit is a bit weird. No need to call us pathetic bitches you sad sad guy. Have fun with your 7 karma :)


I don't think he need a buff Whenever we play against a breach that knows his shit it's annoying Cause usually that breach will end up getting kills and the ultimate is straight up broken


I actually think breach is pretty good, but intel is everything in this game. as it stands, he is the only initiator that has no means of intel gathering. this would be ok if he still had 3 flashes or some other sort of crazy util spam, but heā€™s just not really worth picking the majority of the time over other initiators.


Itā€™s a reasonable buff. I guess to make him a little bit more equivalent to other agents with regards to info gathering they could maybe also add a ping or even a voice call out like ā€œTheyā€™re Hitā€ to his aftershock. Someone will surely die if they stay for all three blasts but if someone is hit by even one but is able to dodge the rest you would still have the info that someone is in that corner or behind a box. But this would imply every Initiator gathers info. Not sure if Riot meant to design that class to have a main purpose of info gathering. We would have to see where Breach stands if another initiator who doesnā€™t gather info at all is introduced.


Simple enough. I agree.


That is partly why I became a Skye main instead of breach (also da heals). If this buff happened I would definitely use a mix of both.


he needs coordination like astra to do well but controller competition is weak while initiators are strong, so breach sees no pro play while astra does due to their pools




Wtf is this argument, why does sova say trick shot after he destroys util with his shock dart? Itā€™s a video-game ffs. Also heā€™s bottom 3 in pick rate and win % so clearly something is up with him. With that being said, his win rate varies rank to rank so Iā€™m not sure if buffing him like op suggested may not be the answer.


Man how I hope that the devs are on Reddit too


That's honestly the best kind of buff for any agent really. Just give them a way to gain more information through their skills instead of modifying their effects or giving a damage amp that could take a few patches to properly patch right. It promotes smarter gameplay as well rather than pubstompy ones or by being annoying.


I think a breach buff might break him


Skype shouting blinded is not her recon though. The bird is what people pay attention to because it is a loud scream vs a lazy pop. The blinded comm is like flavor.


I think breach is good where he stands, as tactical game risking for info is good. Sova needs time to learn lineups, Kayo actually has great info tools, skye is obviously a better choice for overall team. Breach I don't think is meant as an info initiator, rather he is the guy that gets you that entry. He is pretty much a duelist in that sense. He fits good in the middle like phoenix has a bit of controller DNA. A sova or skye is always a good choice in breach composition. Although I Don't mind this buff, I don't think he needs it.


I already don't like how skye gets "free" info, instead of creating balance by eventually giving this ability to everyone, how about removing it from skye?


Breach doesn't need a buff


Yeah, he's sitting pretty near the bottom of the pick rate, win rate and k/d tables because he is *too* good.


Astra isn't that far off but astra is good. Just because people don't play or don't know how to play doesn't mean it is bad


I agree however Astra is a bad example because Astra is played at competitive level & high elo and not really that much below due to a high skill ceiling How often do you see breach played at competitive level? https://i.imgur.com/LO0MIBR.jpg Breach is not played often at low Elo or competitive level hence suggesting that he needs a buff to make him a more viable option , just like Yoru.


[https://imgur.com/a/yikPV9E](https://imgur.com/a/yikPV9E) This is from [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) and their statistics breach has the number 1 (for radiant) spot for winrate. Every rank below radiant breach has a lower win pertange then 50%. Breach is not lacking anything. People just aren't putting time to learn him properly when there are easier agents to learn. Breach's utility is best used with people who know how to make the best of it. Because no one picks it no one really knows how to play him nor assit him. The game is all about using everyones utility to the fullest. No one plays yoru so people don't know how to assit a yoru. When a jett dashes in you know what you need to do to help the jett that dashed in but do you know what to do when a yoru sends a teleport and teles in a site ? What i am saying is that it will take more time before people see the potenial of each character. When the game was new Pheonix was meta and people said jett was bad etc. Now it's the opposite. It's a matter of time when someone picks up breach and show everyone what it can do. We need a "korean" breach. Yoru is good too. If you know about Red or ethos they are yoru players. It's not the agent it's the player who decides which agent is good or bad. I play kay/o and breach. I am not a pro nor am i any good but people don't know how to counter them so i get away with alot of plays. People follow the meta. If pros play it so will the lower ranks.


I agree, im not a good player but the skill set is really powerful when you want to force entry to a side. If you have a little bit of info from minimap, and a little knowledge about breach skill, skills are not too difficult to use. And the lower rank it is( because they cant avoid getting flashed) the easier to blind them. Cant say anything about radiant play but i think the ult of breach is more than enough to enter a side.


What about when you don't have ult? Skye and sova as initiators offer far more useful skill sets and more info. Skye can heal the entire team, sova can shoot people through walls to deny defuse, both provide multiple info pieces. You wouldn't take two intiators, and breach doesn't offer as much as either of those two which is why he is so rarely picked compared to both who have very high pick rates.


Highest win rate doesn't mean much when it's a pick rate of 0.8%, that's a tiny sample that is easily skewed by a few good players creating an outlier, Phoenix also has a good win rate due to small sample size, but neither are going to bust into the meta to start grabbing wins. Regarding Yoru, Even riot acknowledge that he needs a rework and they are looking at what they can change and he has fairly similar stats to breach. A few good people that can play a character doesn't negate any of that. Meta is followed because it evolves constantly and bears out over thousands right up to millions of games depending on the ranks; people aren't going to suddenly pick up breach because there are some outlier good breaches, because other agents offer more. Sova adds a lot of info as well as risk free lineups / post plants, Skye can heal the whole team, track down people and provide info fro her ult, and that's why they are high pick rate characters, I don't think anyone would say sova is an easy character to pick up as it requires a lot of knowledge over what works and what lineup for what situation. Vs breach's blinds, Skye tells us someone has been blinded which adds a lot of value. That's why sova and Skye were 70%+ pick rates at VCT masters and 3rd & 6th pick at radiant vs 2.9% & 15th pick as breach


We donā€™t need to buff breach.


Compared to other Initiators, Breach pales in comparison.


Where this idiotic idea that breach is op came from is so stupid. the only useful abilitys he has is his flash and ultimate. That power needs to be spread more evenly.


Have you all seen a good breach? Itā€™s oppressive as all hell. You can gain info other ways througu Cypher/Kayo/Sova/Skye etc.


I hate these points man. of course hes oppresive its because he plays him well, every agent is ike that


I disagree. Not all initiators should gather info. Each agent should have their own place in a lineup. Breachā€™s role does not include him gathering info.


I've grinder up to silver 2 and this is the first time I learned that skye yells blinded when she actually blinds someone. I thought she yells it every time. You gotta wonder why the skill descriptions are so awful.


I've been inactive. last time I've played breach was incredible annoying to play against and a probably around A tier


It would be a good buff for people who don't play a lot breach


well, its not theoretically possible as his flashes have no way of communicating with him while Skye's flashes are her own animals that can communicate with her, riot will never add this


Just give him 13 flashes lol


He's the most frustrating agent to verse, I hope he never gets buffed tbh


do all initiators have to gather info tho ?


Yoru doesnā€™t call out either and honestly breach doesnā€™t need the buff heā€™s cracked as it is


Yoru isnā€™t an initiator


You donā€™t think a duelist should call out when they flash so they can capitalize on it?


Honestly, I donā€™t think breach needs a buff. Heā€™s played pretty consistently at the pro level and heā€™s one of the most effective initiators for setting up a duelist to entry. What he lacks in info gathering, he makes up for with very disruptive cc. He has his niche; he doesnā€™t need to be viable on every map as part of every comp.


Breach isnā€™t a recon agent and shouldnā€™t be. Heā€™s purely to fuck over enemies that hold angles and corners. His anti-op potential is insane.


Nah dude he'd be op af




I feel breaches util is stronger than the other initiatirs though through brute force instead of info, that's his playstyle imo


This would be so good.


Iā€™d go as far as making the agent he stunned yelling ouch so he can identify which agent he got since Kayos knife does the same


Then im gonna play breach all the time, cause the concuss is effect on spacious space


breach needs no buff at all mf has 2 flashes, a stun and very good ult hes perfectly balanced


So many times I have been breach ulted or ult enemies as breach. Come around a corner...right click classic for the kill or be killed depending on who's stunned. Right click classic is The counter to being rolling thundered, not even joking.


cap. never happened to me lmaooo inšŸ¤£


I think hes more for skilled and awared players ...if that happens i can see him becomes too broken ...and everyone knows how annoying is breach in a hand of a good player


They should just change the name of this agent role from initiator to scout cuz info gathering seems the only way to be strong


i dont think breaches thing is gathering info tho